《Jealousy》Coming out


Colby's POV

I was having a small talk with the roomies and i knew today i had to come out of the closet today "Hey guys?" i said shyly i was ready to get judged but Jake was Bi so he would understand i also have a gay friend uh boyfriend Brennen. they all sat staring at me "Yes Colby?" Jake said "I am B-Bi sexual" i said stuttering. They looked at me and Smiled " Colby you know you don't need to be nervous i accept it" Jake said "Yeah.:)" they all said. i sat there with a smile i got up to go get a drink of water i got to the kitchen i decided i was tired so i went upstairs and laid down i heard a small knock on my door i said "You can come in" it was Jake i simply smiled

I saw Colby Run Upstairs i told the guys i was tired and wanted to sleep i went upstairs and knocked on Colbys Door he said "you can come in" i opened his door he smiled i secretly liked him 🙃 His smile is perfect his Eyes i can get lost in them his lips are the perfect size shape and shade ugh i can't stop thinking about him . i said "Hey Colby" "Hi Jake" "You know i'm here if you need to get stuff of your Chest or if your confused i went through it it's pretty tough 🙂" "Yeah thanks" "ye" he cut me off "can i tell you something but i want to keep it a secret for now..." "Yeah" "The reason i came out was Because i have a.. a Boyfriend" he shuddered out my heart stoped my heartBroke ☹️ i was speechless i stayed quiet for a couple Seconds then is said "Really that's great Colby" i said in a Happy tone i tried to not be sad . he said "yeah" i asked "so what's his name" "Brennen" "you guys should meet since you're like my best friend" "Yeah" i said yawning "i think i'm gonna go to sleep i'm getting tiered" "You can tell me more about him In the Morning ok" "ok Good night Jake" "good night Colby see ya tomorrow" after i close his door i ran to my room shut the door and locked it i was Jealous and angry for feeling that way


i should be happy for him i sat in the corner of my room Crying quietly so none of the roommates would hear me why am i so jealous I went to stand up and go to my bathroom i had a razor there i was sill crying i Cut My wrist I winced in pain but it felt like a weight off my shoulders i cut once again this time deeper Then i went down my arm with the razor blood dripping i bandaged My arm And went to bed


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