《Falling in love with my bully....》I had to do it.....


Its Monday morning and Colby and I got ready for school. We took his car today and we went to go get some breakfast.

I bushed so hard and smiled at him. We got our food and stated eating, we lost track of time and headed to school. We made it to half of econ class and Colby and I sat down and started doing our work. The teacher came up to our table and started talking to us both.

I looked at Colby and smiled. I really am helping this kid pass his classes. I'm glad I could help him, he needs the help either way. I also feel like I'm changing him to be a better person but that's probably just me.....

The bell rang and Colby and I went our ways to our next class. I walked into class and this is the class that I always have a sub in. The sub never really made us do any work.... So I basically left and roamed around the school. I also took the pass from the classroom so the teachers wouldn't think I was awol. I literally walked around for an hour untl the bell rang for lunch.

I made my way to the cafeteria and saw Colby from far away. He was with a few friends i never seen before. I tugged on his shirt and he turned around and smiled.

Did he really just say I'm his friend and not his girlfriend.....

I was trying so hard to keep it together. I saw Colby staring at me and just waited for what he needed to say.

My heart shattered... I left the cafeteria and ran down the hallways, I went outside to my car but I realized that we took Colby's car and not mine.

My house is a 25 min walk, i took the walk home and i didn't care if i missed my other classes. I hear someone screaming "get out of my way" and i turned around to see it was Colby. I turned back around and walked faster.


I ignored him and started running. I took a different path and i didn't even know where it would take me. I just kept running to see if i lost him. I ran out of breath and took a break. Thank god i had water in my bag. I saw a bus sign ahead and sat down on the ground until the next bus came. I looked up and saw Colby from far away, down the sidewalk looking for me. I also saw the bus coming. Colby then saw me and started running trying to beat the bus before i would get on. I stood up when the bus came to a stop. The doors opened and I looked at Colby who was still far from me, in tears i yelled at him.

I flicked him off and got in the bus. I sat down in the back and saw that he stopped running. I didn't even know where this bus was heading to. I just wanna be by myself. I had money on me and my phone was fully charged which was super great.

It was literally an hour bus ride and i noticed i'm in the city. I'm very far away from home. I never been here... I hopped off the bus and went to go eat at taco bell. After that, i saw a museum of arr across the street and decided to go. I love going to them, it distracts me. They're just amazing and peaceful to me. My phone kept ringing and it was Colby. I blocked his number and continued my day at the museum. Who knew coming to a museum would actually distract you from everything. All the pretty art, sculptures and weird looking things made me forget about what happened earlier today.

My mom called me but i didn't answer her. I just didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. Plus, it probably was an accident cause she knows it's school hours right now. But i hope she doesn't know i'm not at school.


I ran after Lydia but couldn't catch up to her. She went on a bus and yelled at me.

She had tears in her eyes, she flicked me off and left. I walked back to school and drove to her house hoping her mom was there. I knocked and she answered.

I ran back to my car and drove to the city where there's loads of art museums. Driving to the city is an hour away, let's hope when i get there, she will still be there.

After stopping at a few red lights, i parked on the street and started walking around. I was speed walking and looking back and forth so see if i could find her. I stopped walking and looked across the street to see her standing in front of the art museum. She had her back facing the street so she couldn't see me. i made my way towards her and once i got there, i turned her around fast and held her. She buried her face into my chest and started crying. I held her tight so she wouldn't let go of me.

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