《New Roommate》Part 10



I ignored the girls texts and didn't wanna believe it was true. Yeah i was sitting next to him but i doubt that he would be that kind to let me lay my head on his shoulder.

I looked up to see Jake running to Colby's room yelling and laughing. I got up to see what was happening. I saw Colby covered in crickets and Jake filiming him.

"AYYYEE Y/N!" Jake yelled out as he pointed his camera towards me

Jake started speaking towards the camera, "Hey guys, this is my roomie if you didn't know. She lives next to Colby"

I smiled and waved. I then left cause i didn't wanna be invloded in a cricket video, if that is what they were doing.


I haven't gone out all day, it's 5pm. I've just been in bed this whole time doing nothing. I heard a knock on my door and i saw Colby pop his head in.

"Wanna go get some CFA with me?" He asked me

"Did you just wake up?" I asked as he rubbed his sleepy eyes and messed with his messy hair

"Yeah actually, and i'm really hungry"

"Alright, let's go then"

I put on my shoes and followed him downstairs.


As we got to CFA, we ordered and we went to go sit. I took a picture of Colby and posted it on my snapchat.

"I don't think i have you on snap" Colby said.

He gave me his phone and i typed in my user.

"I saw you have crickets on you" i said as he looked up at me

"Yeah, Jake wanted to surprise me so it was crickets" He said shaking his head

I don't know why, but this felt like a date??? He didn't say it was a date, but if it REALLY was, i wouldn't mind. He's so cute


Our food came and we started eating.

"When you fell asleep last night, i gently moved your head to my shoulder so your neck wouldn't hurt" I heard Colby say

"Oh wow, the girls told me but i thought they were lying" I said, realizing that the girls were right


After eating at CFA, we decided to walk home since we took an uber here. It was just a 10min walk. I can get to know her more, which was great.

"So... Tell me what you're into? Like you're fav song, movie, candy, all of that" I said as she put her phone away

"Fav song... I don't know honestly, i like them all equally. My fav movie has to be Sixteen Candles and i like the nerds rope" She said with a huge smile on her face

I laughed and nodded

"How old are you again?"

"20" she replied

"I'm 23"

"Tell me about you Colby" she said focusing her attention on me.

'I really think you're pretty' No, i can't say that. Don't get me wrong, she's so pretty but not yet.

"I like dying my hair, exploring, my fav color is black, i also love wearing black clothes, and that's all i can think of" i laughed

"Black is my color too!!! I love wearing all black, even if i'm not wearing it right now" She exclaimed

Wow, i think i like her even more.


As we got home, all our friends were there. Either filming or making tik toks.

"Thanks for inviting me to eat with you" Y/N said

"Yeah no problem" I gave her a smile and she went upstairs to her room


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