《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Forty Six


It's two orgasms later when Jos practically collapses on my face and rolls over to lay down out of exhaustion. I grab the comforter and slide it up her body to cover her slightly still shaking body and she hums softly in appreciation.

 I get up from my spot on the bed and grab a towel and wet it with warm water and slip under the covers to clean her off. I lean in closer and gently start wiping away. She slips a hand down to grab mine to stop me because of how sensitive she is.

"Baby, I know but I promise you will sleep better when clean. I would suggest a shower but you seem a bit tired."

"That's your fault." She mumbles back at me.

"What? Are you saying you didn't enjoy my acts of devotion to you?" I ask in a sarcastic tone and it's enough to get her to slap my arm.

"Don't you dare even say that." She says as I retreat from under the covers with a laugh in my throat and move back to the sink to wash my face.

I move back over to the bed and slip under the covers and Josie immediately curls into my side and opens her eyes just enough to start trailing her nails over the vines on my body glowing in the black light.

"I didn't get to pay you back" She says with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"Nope. None of that. You said it before we have forever. You'll get your moment."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Good." She says as she lays her head down on my bare chest and gives my sternum an innocent appreciative kiss.

"I adore you, Cypress."

"I adore you, Jos. Goodnight."


"Goodnight." She mumbles with her eyes already closed and her breaths already evening in the way where everything feels perfect and I have never felt more at ease in my life.

Josie just does that to me, and it is amazing. I have never felt more comfort from a single person in my life. It feels like I am relearning how to live but it is amazing.

I get up semi early the next morning at 8am. I let Jos sleep in as I get everything ready for our hike.

Then I go out to take a shower and contemplate what I should make for breakfast.

I get back to the bus and go to work making blueberry pancakes with fruit on the side and when that is put on plates, I go outside to get Maz in her harness before sending her in to wake sleeping beauty.

Maz is all too happy to jump on the bed and lay right on top of Josie making her grunt and slowly come to reality while simultaneously petting Maz to give her the attention she craves.

"Good morning, beautiful." I say as I walk over to her and kiss her forehead lightly. One thing I have learned lately is that when Josie just wakes up, she doesn't talk. She mumbles sentences and I just have to do my best to try to decipher what on earth her mumbles could mean, but it's adorable nonetheless.

She grabs my arm to pull me down to sit on the bed as she rests her head on my lap. I stay there with her for a little stroking my hand through her hair before I hear her stomach growl.

"What is that amazing smell Cypress?"

"Some breakfast." I say as I slide out from the bed and I watch her sit up. "I hope pancakes sound good right now."


"Pancakes always sound good." She says as I give her the plate that was on the counter. "With blueberries?"

"Of course."

"God, you're amazing."

"I am glad you think so." I say as I hand her the honey because I know she likes honey instead of syrup on her pancakes.

I watch as she digs in and I can see Maz trying to give her the best puppy eyes in the world to get some food right now. So instead, because it looks like Josie would fight someone over those pancakes right now, I call Maz over to me and feed her breakfast with some blueberries.

We finish our breakfast and Josie goes to take a quick shower. I use the time given to put Maz's harness on and it's the one with the bags on the side of it. It gives her a job to carry her own things and it should also teach her better balance, but we will see how it goes.

I kneel down by Maze and she puts her head against my chest as I rub around her ears.

"I would really love it if you could carry this for now?" I say gently as I bring out the ring case that my dad gave me not too long ago.

I know Maz really doesn't know what it is but by the way that her tail wags and she does excited circles, I can't keep the smile off my face. She leans against my legs as I put it in the small waterproof pocket that is probably for phones. 

As soon as I stand up I hear Josie approaching the door. She is in a towel and she looks great and I can't keep my eyes off of her.

"It's such a beautiful day out, I am really excited." She says as she enters. Her mouth drops. "Mazey, you look so cute. Look at your little backpack."

Because of the attention she is receiving Maz starts to get really hyped up and starts jumping up and down, and with Josie being Josie, she starts jumping with her.

I roll my eyes but grab my phone quickly to take a video of how cute they are. I am about to send it to my mom before she stops me.

"Don't send that to anyone." 

"What why?"

"Cypress, I am in a towel."

"Oh." I say as I realize what I was about to do. "Shit, sorry."

"It's okay baby. Let me just get dressed and then we can go." She says as she wraps her hand around my shoulder and pulls me in to give me a sweet kiss.

I can't help but stare until Maz comes up and bops me with her nose. I put the rest of the things we might need in mine and Maz's backpacks and Josie decides that she wants to bring the camera so she takes the bag for the camera.

"Are you ready my love?" I say as my eyes open wide because of what I just said. It slipped out of my mouth and I couldn't stop it. But Josie just looks at me with a wide smile before bringing me into a kiss.

"Yes, I am ready. Let's go." She says as she walks out of the bus and I lock the door behind us before we get to hiking.


I wanted to provide something just in case some readers wanted to skip the last chapter. Sorry it's short.

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