《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Forty Four


We arrive at the spot at about 10 at night even though we left at 11 in the morning. It's okay though she calmed me down and we stopped when we saw specific things, including a place to eat at.

I learned that Josie is not completely a vegetarian but is more of an environmentally and morally conscious eater. Meaning anything that has been mass produced or wrongly treated, she stays far, far away from.

I love that those are her views and to be honest, she made really good points and I am more than willing to try to adopt that diet as well, but I refuse to be held responsible for what my wolf decides to do when it is tapped in.

When we got to Burgess Falls State Park, I am happy to see that the reviews weren't lying when they said they had showers and bathrooms.

For me, not having those things wouldn't be a problem. Josie though, she said she hasn't camped that much so I want to ease her into this. Slowly.

The view of the waterfall should make up for community bathrooms, at least that is what I am hoping for. The pictures of this place are absolutely beautiful, and I cannot wait to share this adventure with Jos.

I know she is going to be in custody of my phone for the time being because she is already taking a bunch of photos and sending them to my mom.

"Cypress, you didn't send the picture of Mazey and I sleeping to your mother." 

"Of course, I did. It was adorable and she thought so too."

"That's so embarrassing."

"No, it's not. I was really worried you wouldn't be on board with bringing her, and my parents knew that. They are just happy that you like her too."

"How could I not? She's a cutie, just like her owner." She says as she walks up to me and plants a sweet kiss on my cheek. "Can I text my mom off your phone to send her the pictures."


"Of course, you can. You dont have to ask and you know my password." I say as I watch her walk back over to my bed and smile at the phone while she starts picking pictures to send to her mom.

I stand by the window, watching as Maz wanders around sniffing all the new scents on the ground below her.

We both took a shower earlier at different times just to keep an eye on Maz.

It became very clear very quickly that if the bus was not moving Maz would rather be outside, so we attached a lead to the bus. I had a single-person tent that was in the storage part of the bus, but that is pretty much unusable now because I am on a trip with Josie.

So, we found a use for in anyways and put Maz's bed on the inside of it just if she wanted a comfortable place to lay down, though, it seems like she would much rather lay on the cold damp ground.


So, she is outside enjoying the beautiful weather while Jos and I are preparing to watch a movie. Just to wind down from all the driving done and to settle in, it's now 11:20pm.

I grab a small bowl and pull out the treasured jar and hold them up while raising my eyebrows in a silent question.

"Pack it." Is the response I get and she twirls her finger in a circle signaling I should get to it.

"Yes ma'am." I say as I do what I am told.

We step out of the bus to smoke it and hang out with Maz for a little, she knows that when she wants to come in all she has to do is scratch at the door.

We are both now sufficiently high as we step onto the bus, I can tell because we both have smiles on our faces even when we're just sitting there. I take this time to turn off the lights and turn on the black light I put in just for a color other than cool white to light up the room.


"What would you like to watch?" I ask as we lay down.

"A comedy." I giggle at that.

"How about booksmart?"

"That sounds boring."

"Babe, I promise you it's not. The last time I watched it was so long ago I don't remember the plot but I remember how much I was laughing."

"Okay fine, but okay because you want to watch it so bad and I have a hard time denying you good things." She says with a bit of a pout.

"You're the most amazing girlfriend ever you know that." I say as I peck her lips. "But I'm almost positive you remember what I said about you pouting."

"Oh, I do."

"Good." I lean over and grab her jaw to bring her into a kiss. "Because I mean it when I say," Another kiss "that you're the best," another one "and you're my favorite person in the world." a kiss again.

"You know, this is really working for my praise kink." She mutters onto my lips.

I pull back with a big smile on my face because I am almost positive, she didn't actually mean to say that. By the blush on her cheeks and the hand over her mouth, I can definitely tell it was accidental.

We both just sit there for a moment staring at one another. Blinking. Honestly, I feel like the only noise is the blinks were making at each other. 

"Did you even mean to say that?" I ask with my eyebrows raised in a bit of disbelief as I break the silence.

"Nope, that was one thousand percent an inside thought. Is this new weed? I feel like I don't like it."

"Really because I'm coming to love it," I lean in back until my lips brush hers "and also because you're perfect and there is nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone loves a bit of praise."

She breaks the distance and crashes her lips against mine, before I dip down and focus in on her neck.

"Did I tell you that when I kiss you when I am high, I don't know how to explain it but it's different." She says in a bit of a breathy manner.

"A good different?" I pull back slightly, not wanting to continue if she isn't enjoying herself.

She immediately wraps her arms around my neck to put me back where I was before. "Trust me when I say it's amazing, it feels like I can feel everything."

"That's because you can, it affects all parts of the body as well." I say with a smirk as I try to make the mark on her neck more visible without irritating it.

"Why don't we test it?" She says through an exhale of breath.

That causes me to pull away again to look into her eyes. "Are you sure because we both just smoked and weed makes you horny."

She grabs both sides of my face. "That is true but I am almost always horny, a little bit of weed is not going to change the fact that I want this. I want you."

"I want you too, but I don't want you to make a quick decision under the influence."

"I am perfectly conscious of my decision, and I have been waiting to jump your bones for over a week. If you don't do something I will, without your help." I watch as she whispers a silencing spell. Damn, she's dead serious about this.

"I would love to watch later, but right now, I want to give you everything you could ever want." I say as I lean back in for a kiss with a smile on my face.

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