《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Forty Two


I wake up the next morning at 8:30 and hear my dad working in the workshop. I get up and Maz gets up with me, she must have been exhausted from the day she had yesterday.

I walk to the front door to let her outside as she goes running off into the woods. I am not really worried about her going very far because one, I am a vampire and I could catch her easily. Two, she doesn't seem like she is too comfortable being more than 100 feet away from me.

I walk around to the back and see my dad. I walk up to him and he has this big smile on his face.

"What's that face for?"

"I might have done a thing." He says as he holds up the leather collar that now has the family wolf burnt into it. He looks so proud of himself I cant help the smile that comes on my face.

 "Where is she?"

"Somewhere in the woods." I let out a long whistle and I hear her paws quickly approaching. "She's on her way."

"How did you teach her that so fast?"

"I don't know, I think she knew it before." Just then I watch as she practically takes out his legs with her tail whipping around.

"Hey sweet girl, did you sleep well?" He asks in a babying voice.

"Wow, so the dog gets a good sleep question and I don't. I see where your priorities lie." I say with a bit of a pout on my lips.

"She's the new baby, but mom's in the kitchen with coffee for you if that makes it better."

"Yep, all better." I say as I speed walk back into the house.

"Good morning Ro." She says as she pours me a mug.


"Good morning." 

"I see your father is all too happy about a grandchild."

"Yeah, you're telling me."

"Are you going to tell me what you were working on last night?" She brings her mug to her lips as she looks over the rim at me with eyebrows raised.

"I'm going to ask Josie to be my girlfriend."

"I thought you two were already official."

"That's true, but I kinda just want to make a grand gesture and since it's now been two weeks, as of yesterday, after we kissed I thought it would be a good time."

"Aww, young love is adorable." As she makes her way to me with arms open wide.

"Stop mom." She wraps her arms around me and plants kisses on my head.

"Can you blame me? I'm just happy you're happy."

"Me too." I say with a content smile on my face.

The next hour and a half I spent with my parents and my dog, just talking as we ate breakfast. Before I knew it I had to go pick Josie up.

I get Maz in the car with me and drive closer to the school till I am about a block away. I get out and put Maz on a leash and get the rest of the things out.

I told Josie to wait at the gates for me to pick her up and just as I get close enough to see her, I took off Maz's leash and tape the note on her collar.

"Go say hi." I say as I push her butt in Josie's direction.

I watch as Josie's eyes soften at Maz's appearance.

"Hey gorgeous, what are you doing all the way out here?" She asks as she squats down to her level. Maz seems to like her immediately because she goes to sit between her legs to get love.


"Aw you're just a big baby aren't you, who do you belong to?" She asks as she moves Maz's collar to get to the tag. Her eyes narrow at the family symbol and she starts to look around for me.

"Cypress, is this your doing?" she says as she pucks the note from the collar.

She continues petting Maz as she reads:

Dear, Josette Olivia Lucas Saltzman,

Every second I have spent with you, I finally understand how 

someone can see their future with another person. 

I love learning new things about you, and I love the fact 

that you like listening to all the stupid and random things

in my brain. I love teaching you about stars and the fact 

that you are willing to drop everything to come travel with

 me even when you don't have all the details. You put blind 

faith into me and I want to do the same for you. Always. 

You're the most amazing person I have ever gotten

 the pleasure of knowing, and I will forever want to keep

 learning. I also hope that you will let Maz get to know you as well, 

because I think she'll love you.

Look up baby.

Her eyes are watering as she looks up, I am now standing a few meters away right in front of her. I am holding a sign that says: Will you give me the honor of being my girlfriend, with the rose bush at my feet and the sour patch watermelon next to them.

She makes eye contact with me as she nods and runs into my arms. I drop the sign and wrap my arms around her waist and spin her around.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, of course it's a yes." She says as she brings me into a loving kiss. It's messy because we're smiling in between kisses and laughing a bit but it's everything I could have ever wanted. Put her down and I feel a body get in between us as Maz jumps on me and leans her head back and gives Josie a kiss as well, she lets out a cute little giggle.

"Yes, I knew you would be the best wingman."

"Who is this?" Jos asks while she pets her head.

"This is Mazikeen, I found her yesterday and I was hoping you would be willing to have an extra traveling partner."

"Absolutely, do you see this face?" She says as she squishes Maz's face.

"Good, because she loves you already." I say and even though I said Maz did, I might have been projecting a bit. My eyes 1000% give that away.

I look away quickly as I feel the tears in my eyes.

"Are you okay, Cypress?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just think there's some pollen or something in my eye."

"Here, let me blow on it."

"What?" I say with an abnormally confused expression on my face. No one has ever said that sentence to me before.

"Just stand still." She walks up to me and places each of her hands on my cheeks. "Open your eye wider for me."

I do as I am told and she gets in close before she blows straight into my eye. My eyes roll back and I close my eye and throw my head back trying to rapidly escape from one of the strangest feelings I have ever felt.

"What the hell was that?"

"Don't be a baby, it got the thing out of your eye right?" 

I realize that this is all because I didn't want to show her something. "Right." I say even though I am thinking about the other things I don't want her to know.

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