《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Twenty Seven


I must have really been out because I woke up to Josie shaking me lightly. I groan and roll over.

"Well good morning to you too baby."

All of a sudden I am awake at the sound of the nickname. I give her a questioning look through my half asleep face.

"What, you don't like it?"

I grab her to make her lay down with me.

"No, I love it."

She tries to kiss me but I push her back lightly.

"I have morning breath."

"I don't care." She says as she leans in again.

"I do." I say as I get up quickly and run to the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I walk back in I walk in and give her the kiss she wanted so badly.

"Good morning babe." I say in between kisses. I pull away.

"I actually had something to ask you." I say with a shy smile.

"Go on, I'm intrigued."

"I want to take you out on a date. Is there a day that would work for you?"

"Wow, you are serious about this."

"Seeing I have never asked someone out before, yes."

"Okay well not today we have plans."

"We do?"

"Yes. My mother would like to properly meet your parents over lunch, before she takes us, MG and Lizzie out to a fancy dinner that's like an hour away. If that's okay?"

"Of course it is. Lizzie should come too. I would like my parents to meet her."

There's a big smile that erupts onto her face and she leans in to kiss me with the smile still in place.

"I think she would love that. Let me go ask. We'll probably be ready to leave at 12. Sound good?"

"Yeah I'll have to call my parents but they love hosting."

"I'll be here at 12 Cypress, you better be ready."

"I will." I say as I watch her walk out of the door.

I grab my phone and see that it's 10:19. I am almost positive though my parents already had lunch plans so it should be okay to invite 3 more.

I call my mom and she picks up on the first ring as usual.


"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm good and you?"

"We're good, your father and I are just deciding what to have for lunch."

"Perfect, so do you remember that girl you were teasing me about."

"Yes, the beautiful brunette right?"

"Yes, her name is Josie. I would like to date her, like seriously date, and her mom and sister would like to meet you guys over lunch if that's okay?"

"Ro, you do realize that you have never brought anyone home before right?"

"I do, but she's different. I really like her mom."

"Well then of course they can come. What time were you thinking?"

"Well we're supposed to leave at 12, but knowing Lizzie, be prepared for food at 1 probably."

"That sounds great. We can't wait to meet them."

"I can't wait for you to meet them either. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye bye.


When I hang up I have the biggest smile on my face. I can't help it. I haven't felt this happy in a long time.

I get up and shower, without washing my hair because I definitely don't want to damage that hoe. It's my most defining attribute and my mother would murder me for it.

It is now 11. So I have to pick out an outfit.

I put on some looser fitting black jeans with my Chicago Jordan ones. Superior color way idc. I put a white button up before tucking it in, and put a maroon crewneck over it. I pop out the collar and honestly this is a go to outfit for me when I don't know the vibe of something.

I don't do my hair, letting my natural waves come through.

I put on the necklace Josie spelled and put on three rings.

It took me a god awful amount of time to decide on something so it makes sense when I hear the knock on my door.

"One sec." I say as I spray on my perfume.

I open the door to see Josie in a blue flowy romper jumpsuit type beat. I know nothing about fashion but I don't have to, to understand she looks beautiful.

"You look gorgeous."


"You don't look too bad yourself." She says with a smirk. "You ready?"

"Yeah, give me a second."

I slip back into my room and grab a plain black jean jacket before coming back out.

"Cypress, it's not that cold, you don't need three layers."

I take my jacket and put it over her shoulders.

"You're right but we're still in spring, you should at least have two."

"Who knew under that tough shell was a sensitive and caring person."

"Shhh only you know that." I say as I pull her into my side by her waist and plant a kiss on her head.

We exit out of the front door to Ms. Forbes standing beside a beautiful late 60's white convertible Shelby mustang.

My mouth drops. Josie laughs at the sight.

"My mom is gonna love you Ms. Forbes."

"Does she like cars?"

"Yeah. This one in particular. She might get drool on it."

"Well I can't wait to show her. Jo, where's your sister she's supposed to be here?"

"I'm right here."

I turn my head to see Lizzie walking slowly down the hallway to the entrance.

"I got shotgun." She says.

"Figured." I say through a laugh.

When we are approaching the house I tell Ms. Forbes to turn right so we can get into the property.

"How do your parents know Tyler?"

"Um I think they ran into each other at some point, but I don't really know how. Do you know him?"

"Mother here used to have a thing for bad boys. Tyler being one of them." Lizzie cuts in.

"Yes, we dated when we were in high school."

"I am sure my parents would love to hear about that." I say as we pull up to the cabin.

"Cy your parents house is adorable."

"Thank you." I hear my mother say as she exits the house with my father. "Ro, why don't you set the table as we go through introductions?"

"Of course mom." I walk past them and kiss their cheeks in a greeting before heading inside.

I smell the risotto as soon as I walk in. God I love this dish.

I walk over to the stove to see two pots. One is with fish and I can tell it's the way that we usually make it. The other looks like a vegetarian option. Of course my mom would do that without anyone asking her, and thankfully she did because I am almost positive Josie's vegetarian.

I walk over to my cabinet and grab the plates before setting them out. I grab 3 wine glasses for the adults and regular glasses for us. My parents let me drink but I don't want to make any assumptions.

I grab the utensils and order them in the way my previous job taught me to.

I walk out to find my mom talking to Caroline about the car, as I assumed it would go, but I can't find my dad or the twins.

"The table is set Mom."

"Thank you Ro. They're around the back by the way."

"Thank you!"

I walk around to the back to see them in front of the half garage we have built for the bus and the van.

I hear my dad proudly saying that I built the things inside.

"Hey, Ro, come on join us." My dad says waving his hand to motion me forward.

"This is really cool Cy."

"Thank you Lizzie."

"But why the van? It doesn't look done."

"You know I can't find a use for that. If Josie and I travel during summer you are more than welcome to make it your own so you can join. I could help you with it."

"No Cy. That's too much to ask for."

"Well then it's a good thing she's offering, I could also help build while you guys are at school." My dad says with a grin on his face.


"Yes really. It would be a great time with you, please take the offer."

"Okay yeah, that sounds amazing. Thank you Cy, and thank you Mr. Merrick."

"Of course. What do you say to some food? It's waiting inside."

"Thank god, I am starving." Lizzie says as she hooks her arm into Josie's and drags her in the direction of the door. My dad and I follow behind.

"I like them."

"I'm glad you do, but you wouldn't have had a choice." I say poking his side making him jump.

"Yeah whatever." he says as he pulls me roughly into a side hug.

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