《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Twenty Five


"Cy don't you dare hang up on me to make out with my ex."

I think about it for a second to bring myself back to reality before realizing Pen has a point.

"Fine." I let out in a frustrated huff.

I walk over to my bed and jump into it out of anger, like a little kid. Josie walks over and grabs my jaw. She gives me a quick peck and I hear Pen say ew in the back.

"Don't pout. Can you light that for us or will I have to do that too?"

I have to take a dry swallow, that was a lot more attractive than it needed to be.

"I can do it."

I take out my lighter and put the blunt in her mouth before lighting it for her. She takes a puff before handing it back to me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I say with a gross smitten smile on my face.

"Since when do you smoke Jo?" Pen cuts in.

"Well I used to every now and then at parties but Cypress seems to have it at all times, so since then."

"So Cy is already corrupting you?"

"You could say that. She's doing it in more ways than one." She says with a suggestive smirk.

"Okay on that note I am going to go because you are both horny. Love you bye!"

She hangs up so fast I can't even say it back. But I can't think about that for too long because Josie's crawling up the bed to me.

"You know I couldn't tell you this before but weed does work me up."

"Really? Then it's good we're on the same page Jos."

As she moves to lay on me I flip us over so that I am laying on her.

"You know it's incredibly attractive when you do that?"

"Why are we still talking?"

"Because a certain someone isn't kissing me."

"She should get on that."


"She really should."

I lean in with a smile on my face and connect our lips. You know Josie Saltzman's lips are everything I could hope for and more.

They are soft and full and ours fit so well together. I could literally kiss her forever.

But we're interrupted.

"Would yo– OH MY GOD. EW. I will never be able to wash that image out of my mind. Fucking hell Cy."

"Well maybe this wouldn't be happening if you would, I don't know, knock on my door. I would be like to be able to worship your sister in the privacy of my own room."

She gags at that and I can't hide the smirk on my lips from the fact that I got to her. She's still covering her eyes with her hands.

"I came here to say that you should stop dog knapping my sister so I can spend time with her."

"Then I will be happy to inform you that Jos actually invited me back to my room."

"You're a traitor Josette. Is that weed that I smell?" She says quickly getting distracted and comically sniffing the air.

"Yes it is, if you would like to come in and partake you are more than welcome to." I offer with a soft smile thinking I have teased her enough.

"Really?" She asks tentatively.

"Of course Lizzie. You are always welcome, even if Jos isn't here."

She points her finger at Josie. "You know this one is making it hard for me to not like her."

"You know, I was having that same problem." Josie says through an airy laugh.

"Good to know I have that effect. How about a marvel movie?" I say as I pass the blunt to Lizzie.

"Yes, can we watch black widow. I love Florence."

"Absolutely we can, please tell me you know like a projection spell so we don't have to watch it on my phone."

She smiles evilly and I know I already have my answer before her mouth drops.


"You have a phone? What the fuck Cy."

"Yes, we'll talk about it later, do your thing."

She mutters a spell under her breath and it is the one time my empty wall comes in handy because now there's a big projection across it.

I move closer to the side of the bed and Josie follows, I pat the empty space beside Josie inviting Lizzie on the bed with us.

She jumps into the bed so I am on one end, Lizzie is on the other, and Jo's in the middle.

As the intro is playing Josie siphons some power from me to turn the lights off and shut the curtains so it's extremely dark.

She leans in closer to my side and I start lightly scratching her back. She brings her mouth to my ear.

"Thank you for doing this Cypress, no one really includes Liz."

"She's your twin, she's important to you so she's important to me. I meant it when I said she'll always be welcome."

I see a slight glossiness in her eyes as she leans in and presses a sweet kiss to my right cheek, and grabs my hand in appreciation.

I squeeze it lightly in response.

When the movie is over all you can hear in my room is the soft snoring of Lizzie, who now has a blanket covering her because Josie had to make sure she was warm.

But it's only 8pm, so Jos and I are still awake.

Something catches her eye on my desk while I am reading a book softly out loud. She gently moves to grab the folder of papers.

"What's this?" I see her hold up a paper of measurements and design ideas.

"Oh uh, it's traveling plans of sorts."

"On a bus?"

"Yeah. I already have the bus at my house. Most of the things are done I just really need to decorate at this point and put in countertops. I grew up in Europe so I really didn't get to see all the states."

"Cypress, this is so cool."

"You think?"

"Yeah, but I thought you were gonna go to college."

"It was supposed to be for summer breaks, but now with the new development of living for a long time it might be used for more than that."

"You know if you need an interior decorator I would be more than happy to help."

"Yes, please. But we have to make sure it's dog safe decorations."

"You want a dog?" She asks with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah, I have wanted one ever since I was like five. You know if you don't mind dog hair I would love for you to join one summer, if you can."

"I love dogs and that sounds amazing. I would love to."

"You know for a while I also thought I wanted a van conversion, so I bought an older van when I was 16. It's all cleared out and there's a new engine in it if Lizzie would like to join she could take that and make it her own."

"No Cy, that's too much really."

"No it's not, it will go to no good use if Lizzie doesn't use it. I will probably just have to sell it again."

"I appreciate that, more than you know. I will talk to her about it, okay?"


"I think it would be really nice for us to get away from this life just for a little."

"I agree wholeheartedly."

I turn my head slightly hearing someone walking down the hallway quietly. Usually I wouldn't be alarmed by footsteps seeing we live in a school but these ones are trying to be extremely quiet.

"What's wrong?"

"I hear footsteps, lock the door."

She doesn't make me ask twice and she lightly draws some power from my arm and says a quiet spell under her breath.

I keep listening until I know they are right outside my door. I hear a slight huff of frustration.

"Josette open this door right now."


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