《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Fourteen


I wake up in a bed with sage green sheets. Well at least I am home.

My throat feels so dry and I see a glass of water on my bedside table. I grab it and drink it faster than I ever have before, but it doesn't help the Sahara desert that is my throat right now.

Everything flushes into my memories. I died, I'm dead and in transition.

Just as I am about to get myself out of bed my door opens. I expect to see my mom or even my dad but instead it's Josie.

"Are you okay, nothing happened to you right?" I ask in a frantic manner.

"How are you asking me that when I found you dead in the town square? What were you even doing there Cypress?"

"I didn't want to ruin your plan by doing something stupid, are you okay?" I ask a lot more pressingly.

"Yes I am fine, Hope just put me into a sleeping spell, how are you?"


"I thought so."

She pulls out a blood bag before sitting next to me on my bed.

"Do I have to?" I ask in a whine.

"You better, especially after we made that deal, don't make me bring up the begging part." She says with a smirk.

"You just did."

"Yeah you're probably not going to live that down for a long time."

"Good to know that I get to look forward to that." I say rolling my eyes.

She hands me the blood bag. I feel the warmth in my hand. Did she warm this up for me? The thought of the blood in my hand is making my mouth water.


I open the tip of it and take a small sip. It's not enough. I feel my eyes start to pulsate and fangs slip through my gums.


I turn away from Josie's view, not wanting her to see my hunger getting the better of me, but she grabs my jaw gently to make me face her again.

"This isn't the first time I've seen this, you know."

"I know, but it's the first time with me."

I can't keep eye contact with her, my eyes slip to her neck. The pulses under my eyes are starting to match the one I can see thudding against her neck.

"I don't think you should be here right now, Josie, you need to leave. I can hear your heartbeat."

"Oh right, I was just here to bring the blood over, your parents are pretty cool by the way."

She drops her hand from my jaw and walks out the door.

It's a couple blood bags later when the hunger finally starts to die down, and with the more that I drank the intense emotions became easier to keep at bay.

I walk outside to see my parents waiting for me.

"How are you feeling?" My dad asks as he walks up to me. He pulls me into his chest and brings my head down to rest on it.

"I'm okay now, I think the worst should be over now."

It sounds weird and even though I can hear my fathers heartbeat ramming into my ears, I don't want to hurt him.

He used to do this with me since I was a baby, this heartbeat has put me to sleep more times than I can count and something about it is comforting, causing me to break and melt into the emotions I have been pushing off, with the comforting sturdiness of the body I am leaning on.

I start quietly crying, shaking in my dad's arms like I am back at the age 7 again.

"Hey honey what's wrong?" my mom says as I can feel her join the hug.


"I didn't think that I would be able to be with you guys without losing control. I'm just grateful I guess, and I'm glad you guys aren't treating me differently."

"You should have known we wouldn't do that since we didn't when you came out." My dad says all too smugly, see, resulting to humor in intense situations is a family trait.

"Speaking of, why was that pretty girl so interested in how you were doing Ro?" My mom says joining in on the fun.

"HA HA" I say with a straight face and now we're all laughing. Maybe things won't change as much as I was worried they would.

"You think I can get your Jeep now that you won't need it?" my mom asks.

"You're funny, you think I'm giving up Grayson just to find out a month later you named her something like Bug, I think not, but nice try."

"Ouch you would think you would have better faith in my naming skills since you're Cypress Rowan."

"I love my name but you seem to have a different criteria for a car mother, I won't let you forget about the white Porsche you have that you named Boo because she apparently reminded you of a ghost."

"She's got a point babe." my father chimes in.

"What is this, gang up on mom day?"

"You started this and you both always tell me to finish what other people start."

"Okay smartass don't make me kick you out."

"No need I gotta get back, LOVE YOU!" I yell as I'm walking out the door.

"Love you too!" they say in unison. Time to test out these new abilities.

It takes maybe 2 minutes to get there, which is insane but I feel the toll it took on my body.

I immediately make my way to the kitchen to get more blood when I hear the most peculiar thing through the thin walls this school so classily provide us with.

"Well seeing as Jed is hurt and we don't have the 2nd in command here I think that it's best that the next closest person to Jed gets the position and since we have gotten pretty close it should be me. Anyone have any objections?"

You have to be joking, I barely have time to even think about the fact I am now a hybrid without that pesky bird jumping in to interrupt my peace.

So I do what anyone would do in that position, I vamp into the gym and lean against the doorframe before anyone else has the time to speak up.

"I'm here, awww Finch I'm glad you missed me." I say with a smirk plastered across my face.

"Definitely wouldn't use the word missed."

"But you noticed I was gone, or was that just a play to try to wiggle your way into the pack's top position. No wait don't tell me, you really thought no one here would object to the claim that you're closest to Jed. Heads up princess, he's a good guy and I love him to death but he was being nice after you gave him an out not to kick your ass, but nice speech, really, it was touching."

I don't know what came over me I usually keep those Penelope influenced thoughts to myself but right now I cant give a single fuck on why I should be holding them in.


So I changed the story so Josie doesn't go into the therapy box bc that's what I am avoiding :) 

So Hope just put her into a sleeping spell, hope that makes sense.

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