《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Two


On the plane ride over I was riddled with anxiety.

First I absolutely despise planes, they're flying metal objects they make no sense. Second, school starts in a week and I have to move into the school in 2 days.

Pen notices my bouncing leg and puts her hand on it softly.

"Calm down Cy, we're almost there plus you have me." She says, giving me a cheesy smile.

"You're right, just the nerves you know."

"Yeah, I hope the people are nicer there."

"Me too Pen, me too."

When we landed my Dad took everyone's bags since we all only brought one, thanks to my mother who said we'll buy what we need when we get there.

We got into the Escalade that was there waiting for us. The driver of the car introduces himself as Charlie and proceeds to turn on LED lights in the back. I smile at my parents because I can see how excited they are for this.

Then car slows down in front of a big property.

"It's called the Lockwood property, a dear friend has no use for it anymore and was more than happy to help us out." My dad says proudly.

"Park's, the original Mansion is yours, and there's a smaller cabin deeper into the woods that we will be living in on the other side of the property."

My parents don't like extravagant homes, they say it's worse to clean, and they will not let others do that work for them. I think it's because they don't want to run out of chores to give me.

When we get to the cabin it's charming, it has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It's nice and cozy just the way they like it, and honestly it sucks a little that I won't be able to live here.


When they point me in the direction of my room I head towards it because I honestly just want to lay down after that flight.

When I open the door I see a large room with gray walls and a queen bed with a sage green bedspread, and some of my favorite photos are already taped to the wall.

They know what I like, that's for sure, and I completely intend to inhabit this room as much as I can on visits.

Pen and I move into our separate rooms at the school. Yes I said separate because although I love her to death sharing a room is a bit much, don't judge me.

Seeing were from more financially wealthy families Dr. Saltzman arranged for our own bathrooms, which I am beyond grateful for.

I am still unpacking when I find my wolf ring my family wears. Tacky and chucky, yes, but it also has the family last name on the band. Merrick drilled precisely in cursive on the bottom. As soon as I slip the silver ring on my right pointer finger I hear a knock at my door.

I open it to find Mr. Saltzman standing there with two girls at his side. One with dark hair and dark features and the other the opposite with bright blonde hair, then I spot Pen cowering in the back looking already like she wants to run.

"Hello Ms. Merrick, my girls are here to give you two the school tour."

"Righttttt." I say as I walk out to join the group.

"Hi, I'm Lizzie," the blonde says. "And I'm Josie," "Sisters," "Twins," "Fraternal obvs."

Now I understand the appearance of the witch beside me, and taking into account that she's the smallest one here she's probably a bit overwhelmed.


I walk over to her and lean in close by her ear.

"Are you ready for this?"

"I wouldn't say I am."

"Well that sucks." I say as I punch her shoulder.

Somewhat into the tour I'm getting annoyed.

Josie and Pen are arguing over most things either of them say. I huff letting out some of my annoyance.

"Jo, why don't you go show her the witchy things and I'll lead Clifford to the backyard."

Josie gives her sister a pointed look as a warning before turning away and leading Pen in the other direction. Then Lizzie leads me the opposite direction, hooking her arm into mine like it's so I can't run. Smart girl.

"Why didn't you get mad when I called you a dog, most werewolves at least shoot me a glare."

"Frankly, Pen is my best friend so I have heard worse. Secondly it was a clever insult, calling me Clifford because of the red hair and the fact that I am about your height. Third, I'm guessing you deal with mostly newly transitioned wolves that let their anger get the best of them sometimes, let's just say I am a bit past that step."

She looks like she wants to ask another question but from the smell that is flooding my nostrils my guess is that we've made it to our destination.

"Oh right, this is usually where the pack hangs out and this is the part where I get to leave you, and you get to mingle. See ya!"

I look behind me to follow where she's going but she's already gone. When I look back at the gym I see all the wolves' eyes on me. Fuck.

A taller older boy looks at me with curious eyes. I raise my eyebrows but I say nothing and he walks over to me.

"A little young aren't you?" He asks.

"That's a subjective question." He seems surprised by my answer but he smirks.

"I'm Theo."

"I'm Cypress, but people call me Cy."

"Nice to meet you Cy, welcome to the Salvator boarding school, this is my pack." The word my doesn't fly over my head. I wave and he pulls me into the hallway.

"If you want to join you have to tell me how you triggered the curse, but you're too young for me to let everyone hear that. Are you even old enough to be in high school?"

"I'm thirteen but I turned when I was 6," He genuinely looks gutted by my admission. "It was an accident, I told her to do a backflip and when she did she landed on her head, breaking her neck."

"Alright, you're sticking by me in this pack, got that?"

I nod in agreement.

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