《His Love》BOOK 2: Chapter 11
The morning of Merlin and Arthur's wedding came about very quickly. Preperations had been swift as Uther did not see any sense in waiting, and Merlin and Arthuer were so keen to be wed they had no objections. Merlin was in his old chambers with Gaius. Since their engagment the pair had shared Arthur's room unofficially, and against Uther's wishes, but it was a the worst kept secret in Camelot's castle.
"Gius this has shrunk" Said Merlin spinning around to try and inspect every angle of his outfit.
"Don't be ridiculous Merlin, it can't have shrunk" Gaius said with his eyebrow raised in disparagment.
"Magic?" joked Merlin with a cheeky grin. Gaius let out a long suffering sigh.
"I think it's rather you that have grown." he said, looking at Merlin's small bump on his stomach in the rich blue tabbard.
"Arthur like's to make sure I'm fed" Merlin said defensively pouting. Merlin frowned again. No matter what he did lately, he seemed to be losing the litheness of his form. He blamed it on all the rich feasts Arthur insisted he attend as an honoured guest rather than a serving boy. His servant body wasn't used to such richness.
"I can't have you breaking on me Merlin" Arthur's voice boomed from behind him, startling Merlin and Gaius.
"Arthur!" Cried Merlin pulling Gaius in front of him and trying to hide. Gaius stumbled, startled.
"Arthur!! We're not meat to see one other!" he called from his hiding place behind his friend and mentor, peeping out from behind him. Arthur rolled his eyes. He hadn't finished getting dressed yet, clothed only in his lose shirt and tight brown breaches, soft new leather doots hugging his calves. He still looked radient thought in the early morning sunlight that streamed into the room. Merlin's heart flipped over in his chest. At the sight. Arthur responded with cock grin and stepped around Gaius who stepped out of the way and into Merlin's space.
"I had to see you before to bring you your gift" He said smiling. Merlin blinked owlishly.
"Gift? But I didn't get-" He began but Arthur cut him off.
"I know. I wanted to get you something" Just then, Merlin noticed a badly wrapped parcel in his hands.
"I wrapped it myself" Atrhur said with pride and rocked forward on his toe.
"I can tell" replied Merlin with a grin.
"Open it!" Arthur said and nodded towards the present he pushed into Merlin's hands. With a bemused grin he turned the package over and began to unpick it gentley.
"Merlin. Stop being to picky." Merlin grinned in Arthur's face and Arthur gave hima wrye grin. He wretched at the wrappings away to reveal a wooden box. It was a nice box engraved with not patterns and a metal latch.
"It's very nice Arthur..." Merlin said with a slight froown and Arthur snorted.
"Open it, Merlin" Merlin's face cleared and he flipped the latch open and opened to box to show a metal disk. He took it out. Aurthuer took the box from him. It was heavy. He turned it over and saw an owl engraved upon it with a banner and the motto of the Pendragon family house. In it's talons it clunthed a brack of some leaves.
"It's a seal!" Merlin said and looking into Arthirs smiling face.
"It's YOU'RE seal Merlin. I had it made for you" Merlin said nothing ahast at the thought that Arthur had shown and his consideration. Tears bagan to well up in his eyes threatening to spill donw his smooth pale cheeks. Arthur began to look worried thinkgin he had done something wrong and somehow offended his love on this special day. He could not live with himself if he now ruined the strenght of there relationship.
"Don't you like it? i thought because you like owls they remind me of you, they're a symbol of wisdom and knowledge and you like books and thing sand the branch is because off your medicine training with gaisu and the herbs-" He was cut off by Merlin's mouth on his and his arms flung around his neck.
"Arther I love it!" He said when they broke apart thand they both smiled at each other, and Merlin's face wet from his tears of joy. Arthur reached up a hand to wipe them away.
"Well I must go now. I'll see you later...husband" With a chaste kiss Arthur swept out of the room leaving train of freshly washed scent and a smiten husband-to-be behind him.
It was a sunny autumal day. The birds were outside in the trees, leaves bright hues of red and gold, singing. The air smelled crisp with excitement. The hall had been filled with flowers and ornements, banners and streamers in celebration of the crown prince's wedding day to his former menservant. The hall was full of their guests, friends, courtiers, everyone was there. The front rows were taken up by Merlin's mother Hunith, Gaius, Morgana, Gwen who had been invited as a guest rather than a servent. Behind, the knight, all of whom were present, including Lancalot and Gwaine with Lucy the barmaid, and Sir Leon, and Eylan and Percival, Gerain't an Galahad and Kay, Bohrs, and Sir Owaine. Uther sat on his thrown not with the other guest but as king he said in front with the ceremony.
Uther sat on his thrown, his legs as far apart as his rich leather breachs would allow, his elbow poised on the arm rest of the throne, and his face rested on his upturned hand: although it was his most loved son's special day, he was still the king, and he still had to show his power, and it oozed from him. Arthur and Merliln stood facing oneanother before Geoffry of Monmoth who would declare them wed.
"Geofferey, I have written my own vows" Arthur cut Geoffrey off before he could confirm their binding together. Athur cleared his throat to have the complete attention of everyone in the room.
"Merlin I love you. Since we met you have done nothing but insult me, challenge me, question me, disobey me, and, frankly be the worst manservant a pince could have. But I find it enchanting. From the start you have been the only one to treat me as a person first and crown royalty second. When I needed somone most, magically, there you were, being what I needed most, who I needed most, and the idea that I get to spend the rest of my life ith you... it's... the thought of our future... it's spellbing. I am bewitched by you, today and for the rest of our lives, so, never stop not obeying my stupid whims, because I love you..." he trailed off, lost. He had so many more feelings for Merlin, but he didn't know how to put it into all words. A Love like theirs could not be put into.
Merlin was looking at him in awe, tears in his eyes, and running down his cheeks, but face lit up by the largest grin that Arthur had ever seen, at some point he had taken his hand and enterwoven their fingers. Arthur was unsure how he hadn't noticed that small gesture previously, but it made it sure that he'd said good things two Merlin.
"Oh Arthur!" Merlin said and his voice cracked on a sob. He felt as thought all the love he heal in his heart for this man, his love, was bubbling up and chocking him and he couldn't breath past it. He thouht to die like this would be the best death, with Arthur's face looking at him with such love and so surrounded by everyone he cared for.
"A-Arthu-ur...I love y-you..." Merlin managed to say but he couldn't get any further.
"Your tears say more than words ever could" Arthur said an reached a hand up to gentlely wipe the slick salty wetness from Merlin's cheeks. The entire throne room was affected by Arthur's words. Tears rolled down the cheeks of Geroffy of Monmouth. The ladies were sobbing subtly into delicate handerchiefs. There was a distinct glint in Percival's eye of tears uncried. Even Gwaine was not unaffected, his usual smirk wiped away for an expression of jovial seriousness. There was a profound moment of still silence where everyone composed themselves. Then Geofery continued:
"I now pronounce you Prince and Prince's husband. You may kiss." He looked a touch embarrassed at this last bit. The needed little encouragement and, at Geoferey's words, stepped into one another fully, kissing a kiss that was both tender and passionate in it's furosity. It, for them, was as if the world completly had disappeared, and all that existed in that moment was the two of them, holding onto one another against all the tribulations of life that may come. The enitre hall burst into rapturous applause loud as thunder and their bubble was burst with a bang. Both grinned sheepishly as they pulled away from each other and faced their audience.
They left the hall on a cloud so happy at their official union. Merlin couldn't stop grinining though he blushed at the attention being lavished upoon him by those present. Arthur was in his element of course, but glowing with happiness and pride. They feasted well on roast chicken with rosemary and potatoes, a whole boar was set before them an all the produce the kitchen garden's of Camlot could offer. They drank much wine until Merlin started tugging at Arthur's s arm.
"Arthur come and dance with your husband!" He cried over the music grinning at Arthur's face. Arthur couldn't help but smile, Merlin was so enchanted at being able to call him 'husband' that was all he had been doing. Arthur rolled his eyes dramatic.
"Fine, Merlin, we'll dance" he said but smiled at the pale man as he did. The chance to hold Merlin close before all thoe present was a dream he'd had for a long time and the change to do so would not be passed up. He let Merlin drag him to the arear of the floor that had been claered for just this purpose and pulled him close with a hand around his wasite. He leaned down to whisper in Merlin' ear.
"I love you" He felt Merlin smile against his face but then he gasped, like a long drawn out sigh and suddenly became a heavy weight in Arthur's arms. Arthur gripped him tight as Merlin's legs crumbled beneath him and he sagged.
"Gaius!" Arthur cried as Artur acted on instinct and before he could even hit thr floor Merlin was swept into his arms, unconcious. Gaius was at Arthur's side almost immediately, abandoning the slice of spiced weeding cake he was about to dig into. He touched Merlin's face frowning in concern. Everyone had stopped to look at the couple and the mucis had stopped as everyone looked on in concern.
"Come to my chambers sire." He said and he and Arthur swept out of the hall, Arthur carrying a still unoconsious Merlin in the bridal style between his arms. He had hoped to enter their shared chambers like this that night but was now more worried about Merlin to think about it. Carefully, Merlin was laid down on the narrow cot by Arthur, who was growing increasingly concerned as Merlons unconsciousness showed no sign of ending. Gaius immediately starts working on Merlin with herbs.
"What's wrong with him?" esked Arthur. Concern was dripping in his voice like spilled wine. Could it be, he thought with a painful pang, that Merline was sick, that the life he had tied himself to short hours ago could soon be over? The thought made him nauseous.
"It seems Merllin has fainted, sire" Gaius said stepping back from the bed still frowning in concern.
"Why did that happen? Will he be okay?" Arthur asked and ran ahand across Merlin's fore head and down his cheek feelish the flush of his skin. Merlin'ss eyes fluttered open slowly and he blinked in confusion and looked at Arthur trying to focus on his face.
"Arthur? I fainted" He said and raised a hand to wave at Arthur until it connected with his husbands hand which he grasbed weakly.
"Merlin! You did. You gave me quite a scare! Are you okay?" Arthur's face broke into a smile of releif at Merlin's awakening and squeezed his hand gently in response. He felt his terror ebb away from where it had been clamped around his heart in a vice, a bear trap of fear which he would have raised Camelot itself to ruins to escape if it ensured Merlin's life.
"He will be fine, he just needs to rest and take care of himelf. There are other concernes to be had now" Said Gais looking at the pointfully, but Arthur was unsure why. Both he and Merlin looked confused at Gaius.
"What do you mean?" Said Merlin frowning.
"You're pregnant, Merlin" Gaius said.
"P-pregnant?" Merlin stammered; gobsmacked.
"With a baby?" asked Arthur dumbly.
"Yes sire. Pregnant with a baby." Gaius replied and raised that eyebrow in an expression of fatherly mocking and joy.
Merlin bust into tears again.
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