《I Hate Loving You / Quinn Fabray X Reader》5 . I'm Pregnant



I went running to the bathroom so see if Quinn needed something. I opened the door seeing her holding a plastic stick, it looked like a pregnancy test. 

"Hey, i just wanted to see if you needed something" I said and Quinn quickly hide the plastic thing behind her "What are you doing here?! Leave me alone!" Quinn started crying harder and she fell to the floor hugging herself.

I couldn't see her like that, she looked so hurt and i felt the necessity to go and sit next to her, i didn't care if she screamed at me, i was not going to leave her alone.

Quinn raised her head seeing me sitting next to her "I told you to leave me alone" She said with a lower voice. "I know that you don't know me and i don't know you either but i will not leave you here crying alone, aslo is better to talk with a stranger" I stood up and i grabbed a piece of tissue "Here" i handed it to Quinn "I don't need your pity" Quinn took the tissue from my hand, she started to wipe her tears from her face. "Okay sorry" I grabbed my backpack and opened the door to leave but then Quinn spoke out "Im pregnant" I closed the door slowly turning to see her. "I'm such an idiot, im 16 and i got pregnant" She kept talking. "You are not an idiot, there are many girls your age who get pregnant" I didn't really know what to say to her but that came out of my mouth, i just wanted to make her feel better. "So it's your boyfriends?" I asked her "That the worst part, i cheated on Finn with Puck" Quinn told me running her hands through her hair. I was speechless and i stood there quiet for a few seconds until i heard someone opening the door. "There you are!" Brittany and Santana rushed to Quinn who was still on the floor. "I will go" I said "Thank you" Quinn added and i rushed out from the bathroom.


I arrived to the exit where my mom was waiting for me.

"What happened, what took you so long?" She said as i opened the car door "Sorry i dropped my books and i picked them up" I said making up and excuse.


The next day i was walking in the hallway when i saw Quinn talking to Finn, she was crying so i thought that she was telling him that she was pregnant, I came closer to hear what they were talking about. "Mine?" Finn asked

"Yes you, who else's would it be" Quinn answered him and then i knew that she wasn't going to tell him about Puck so i kept walking.

"Hey Y/N" I heard someone saying my name and i turned around. "Hi Rachel" I said with a kind smile "I just wanted to tell you that i'm sorry if i was ever mean to you in any kind of way or form, that not the way i behave" Rachel said and we started walking together "It's fine" I responded trying to cut the conversation but she kept going "If anyone tells you that i'm a bad person they are lying to you okay?" I stop rachel "Rachel its cool, i dont have anything against you, and sorry im being late for my class" I kept walking but now faster so Rachel could not say another word to me, she really is annoying but i can't deny that she is kinda hot, i mean not like Quinn or Santana or even Brittany but she is hot on her way.


We were at the auditorium, actually everyone in the school where there, it was our time to do the assembly performance. We talked about it and decided that we were going to do Push it from Salt n Pepa without telling Mr shue, we kept it a secret until today.


 I was wearing a blue shirt with some jeans because i was not going to where a skirt, never! We stood up on the stage and we started to dance. I saw everyone's faces blowing up, they were excited or i should say..... horny, this performance was very sexy.

After we finished the song everyone stood up clapping their hands, they were really hyped up.

"That was hot" I said and we hugged each other.

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