《-Perfectly Imperfect-》Two.



I woke up seeing Mason with his back towards me. I slowly got out of bed walking to the bathroom. After handling my hygiene I walked out.

"Everybody stayed the night so make extra breakfast"Mason mumbled turning the other way

I walked downstairs seeing plates and stuff everywhere. I started cooking a big breakfast and after I was done I cleaned up their mess. Finishing I heard a knock on the door.

"Heyy"I opened it seeing his momma

"Heyy JayBaby"His momma said looking at my face closely

"Hey mommas baby"I cooed at my 2 year son

"He's so fussy when your not around"She laughed

"He's a momma's boy"I cooed tickling him

"Where's my son again?"She said making me laugh

"It's okay, if you hit him he's gonna hit me harder then you hit him just because he's mad"I laughed at her while allowing her in

"Girl leave his ass"She said walking in

"I wish I could but who could I run too?"We sat on the couch

"Us"Truth, Santana, Ice, and Ace walked downstairs

"Heyy my babies"She hugged them

"Hey"They said back

They don't like her fake ass💀

"Say hey to your uncles"I cooed making Jessiah laugh

"Im not his uncle"Truth said picked him up

"Then what are you?"I rolled my eyes

"His stepdad"He winked at me making me blush

"Awwww yall are so cute"Mama cooed at us

"Stoppppp"I covered my face

"The foods in the kitchen"I said making them walk in the kitchen with Jessiah still in Truths arms

"Soo you and Truth"She smiled at me

"It's nothing"I looked down

"If you ever do leave my son that's who you should be with"She kissed my check

More dudes walked down the stairs and into the kitchen some saying hey. Mason better hurry up and come down cause im not cooking shit else.


"Jabrea bitch you better have no hoe in my house"Mason came to the top of the stairs rubbing his eye

"Oh imma hoe now?"His mama got up and made her way up the stairs

"Jabrea come feed him"Truth called out

I got up and grabbed him out his lap while he sat at the table with the rest. I went inside the kitchen sitting him in the high chair and I sat on the counter and fed him some apple sauce.

"Mmm papa it's good?"I cooed while he sucked the spoon with a smack

"Damn girl you looking fine up there"Sed smirked making me look back at my baby

"You can't talk?"He walked towards me making me get down

"Nawl get back up there"He grabbed my legs and sat me on the counter spreading em

"Move"I tried to push him remind you I had on T-shirt and shorts

"Shut up"He reaches for my private area

"Stop o-or I'll scream"I tried to grab his hands

"Scream bitch"He stuck his hands in my shorts making me scream and him slap me and cover my mouth while punching him back cause the fuck

Everybody ran in the kitchen seeing what was going on. Santana looked at Seds hands before attacking. I grabbed Jessiah wrapping my arms secured around him and walked up stairs passing Mason and his momma.

"What wrong?"She asked but I kept walking

"Didn't she just ask you a question?"Mason grabbed my arm

"MOVE! HES YOUR FRIEND!"I screamed walking in my separate room with the baby crib in it

I'm to much of a real nigga for this shit

I layed down in bed with Jessiah beside me cooing. My fucking face hurt.

"If you wasn't here with me Siah I would've been gone"I smiled pulled him close curling in a ball


"JayyBabyy I'm sorry I left you"His momma came and got behind me

"It's okay it's not your fault"I turned towards her with Siah on my chest

"I wish I could take you for the day but he won't even allow me to take you"

"It's okay cause one day im leaving and never coming back"I laughed before hearing Jessiahs light snores

"I love you but I have to go im so sorry I can't stay"She hugged me

"I love you too mama"

She's the closest thing I have to a momma being mines left me years ago. Only reason she left me was because I chose Mason over her. I was just 16 fooling with a 21 year old. I'm now 19 with a 2 year old and the abuse hasn't changed. Masons momma doesn't put effort like she should to protect me from her son but she's still like a mom.

"Jabrea"Truth said silently walking in the room


"You okay?"He layed behind me grabbing my waist

"Yeahh im just tired of it"

"Im patiently waiting for you"He put his head in my neck before placing soft kisses on it

"What made you start liking me?"I asked grabbing his hand to play with it

"Your different and I can see that your damaged and I can't help but feel the need to repair you"

"But your so mean to everyone why be nice to me?"

"Because they ain't who I want and who I want is you"

"Do you think we'll work I ever give you a chance?"

"Of course"

"What if he comes for me?"

"Look im the boss... I'm the king and he's just the worker he know what's up"I looked at him before moving under him and kissing his lips

We couldn't get much done because of the sleeping baby on my chest. After a while I got up and put him in the crib. Before climbing in the bed kissing and sitting on him.

"Truth lets hea-"I jumped back and saw Ace looking shocked

"I'm all here for it"He started dancing in the door making me giggle and move

"I'll see you whenever I can see you"Truth stood up and kissed me

"But what if im desperate to see or talk to you?"I pouted

"Here, I'll beat his he touch my phone and don't answer for nobody but me"He passed me a iPhone XR after adding his other phone number

"What if you need this phone?"

"Only number in this phone is Ace, Ice, and Santanas"He said kissing my forehead and walking out leaving me in my room

Jessiahs here so that means I don't have to sleep in Masons room tonight. And I was more than happy about that.

I think im in love foreal this time...

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