《Part II》Chapter fifteen
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
July 18th
Caydence walked into the house through the garage door. She quickly closed the door and hurried to turn the alarm off. She didn't want to wake up Kory with her coming in from work. She turned the alarm to stay before walking towards her room.
Upon walking into her room, she smiled a little but also had a confused look on her face seeing Kacey spraying her pillows with his Cologne. "What are you doin'?" She asked, walking inside the room and putting her duffle bag on the floor in front of her bed. "And what I tell you about havin' him on my bed Naiyeir" She fussed, referring to Benji, laying in the middle of the bed.
Kacey sucked his teeth at her fussing already and she hasn't even been in the house for five minutes "He just got a bath today, leave him alone Mami. Please, he got shots today" He frowned, knowing she will throw Benji off of her bed in a hot second. "He's hurting a little" He added.
Caydence just rolled her eyes and stripped from her hoodie, leaving her in the pink lingerie bra top. "I'on care, get him off my bed, Kacey. You buying him a bed for him defeats the whole purpose" She shook her head, walking into her bathroom.
Kacey rolled his eyes, putting her pillow down and putting his cologne bottle on the nightstand. He walked around the bed, going towards the bathroom. He tried to open the door but it was locked making him frown, she never usually locks the door. "Mami! Open this door, right now" He whined a bit, twisting the silver metal doorknob over and over.
"Mami pleasee open the door. I don't like this" He whined before he kicked the door.
A few moments later, the bathroom door swung open with Caydence mugging him and with her breast out "Did you just kick the door?" She asked.
He pushed past her, walking inside the bathroom "You shouldn't have locked the door in the first place" He spoke lowly, leaning on the wall in front where he knew she was standing in front of the mirror.
Caydence shook her head at him and went back to wiping the makeup off her face. "Why were you spraying my pillows with your cologne?" She asked, using the makeup wipe and wiping the soft pink eye shadow off her eyes.
Leaning off the wall, Kacey walked over to her tub, pulling the curtain back some "I have to work in the morning and I know you're off both jobs tomorrow" He turned the water on, letting it get hot to the temperature she likes.
Kacey noticed that Caydence will only sleep/sleep long when she smelt Kacey's scent. He always wore the same cologne so he knew she was cuddling with a pillow she most likely wasn't going to wake up until she was ready. He didn't spray too much but enough.
Caydence hummed in response, finishing taking her makeup off. She threw the dirty wipes in the trash can. She stripped from her jean shorts and lingerie bottoms in one swift motion as the stream started to heat the room.
Kacey slowly licked his lips watching her bend over to pick up her clothes. He could see her second pair of lower lips and how wet she was which Kacey learned is all the time. After she stood up straight and put her clothes in the dirty clothes hamper, she grabbed her shower cap before turning around to look at Kacey. She raised her eyebrow "You aren't gonna get in with me?" She asked, with a small smile.
"Uhh..." Kacey's eyes shamelessly raked around her perfect chocolate-naked body and shook his head no "I'ma go to bed" He spoke lowly, opening the shower curtain all the way for her before he was about to walk past her.
Caydence stepped in front of him before he could walk out " I did something?" She asked, looking up at him and eyeing him.
She didn't care if he didn't want to get in the shower with her, it was just very usual. He barely allowed her to breathe without him around, always in her skin. He's been around her but she could tell something was wrong. It was as if he was pushing her away and she didn't understand it.
It's been happening for a week now.
"No, I'm just tired" He lied. "And I have to work early in the morning, I can't be playing with you tonight" He grabbed her hips and playfully shook her body a little while smiling a little. Kacey didn't have the heart or know how to tell her about him being insecure about being deaf.
He was still looking into getting the implant, he was going to call his doctor about it soon.
He didn't want to tell her because he didn't want her to blame herself. Especially when it was his idea to get it so he could feel better about himself. He knew he should have listened to Dee and Ro when they told him to just talk to Caydence and let her reassure him what was in his head wasn't true.
He just didn't know how. Speaking about his feelings and what bothers him never went too well in his past. He also didn't like the feeling of being insecure when he's never been, especially about him being deaf. All he heard in his head was his mom telling him to fix it or nobody was ever going to truly love him for him. He had the money to get it fixed, it was just a risky procedure.
"You sure? You can tell me if there's something wrong bubba" Caydence said softly, still frowning. She knew he was lying, she just didn't understand why.
"I know," He nodded before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on his lips. "Then why do you keep lying?" She asked. She probably wouldn't be pressing it if the vibe wasn't off with him.
"Can you stop? I'm just tired and have a lot to do at the shop in the morning" He frowned and steam filled more in the bathroom.
Caydence stared at him a little longer before shaking her head "Whatever it is you're lying about, I hope you have a valid reason." She spoke, moving his hands from her and walking past him to go to the shower. She only lied to him once but she had a valid reason because she wasn't ready and didn't trust him at the time.
She just hoped his reason was as valid as hers.
Kacey sighed, running his hands down his face. He hoped continuously lying was valid too.
"I can see you in this one bree" Caydence spoke as she looked at the space of the master bedroom. "But are you sure you want a townhouse and not an apartment, since it's just you and Paris?" She wondered, referring to them viewing a three-bedroom and two-and-a-half-bathroom townhouse.
Caydence didn't have anything else planned today so she decided to come house shopping with Kambree and her sister. It also worked well because Paris and Kory had a sort of friendship even with the two or one-year age difference. Kory was on summer break so she was around everyone more often.
"Right, it won't be as pricey" Mya spoke up and Caydence nodded in agreement.
"I did but I wanted to have a backyard so Paris can play when her friends are over and stuff. And this place is actually closer to my school." Kambree explained while they looked around the master bathroom.
"Oh, we'll girl do this place, don't listen to us" Mya chuckled and started to break dance in the clean and long mirror.
"Trey gonna move in with you so he can get the fuck up outta my and my man's house?" Mya tilted her head with her eyebrow raised. Mya had been complaining to get Trey out of her and Ro's house since he's been staying with them after his house got broken into.
He didn't think it made sense for him to buy an apartment or house with the boys just buying land yesterday for the neighborhood. Trey was rich but he was also a cheap person that's going to save every penny like Mr.Krabs.
Mya was only complaining because she couldn't do her extra activities with Ro at night anymore. It made her feel weird knowing Trey was in the house.
A bitch like Caydence didn't give a fuck. She was going to get down, anywhere and anytime. As long as Kory wasn't in the house. Even then she still wanted to but Kacey always said no.
"I asked him but he wanted to pay all the bills and I wasn't goin' fa' that" Bree shook her head as they walked out of the nice master bathroom.
"Girl if you don't break his pockets! And get him up outta my house." Mya whined as they walked out of the master bedroom and into the front room. "Girlllaa nooo. The only way he is coming in here is if he pays half the bills, not all of them" Kambree chuckled, walking over to the staircase.
Fuck, Ima talk to him 'cause he gotta go before someone gets thrown through the wall for my lack of extra fun time" Mya huffed, folding her arm across her chest with a frown on her face. Caydence just shook her head at her with a small laugh, Mya loved sex. Caydence was surprised she wasn't pregnant.
She wouldn't be surprised if she popped up pregnant within the next few months. But it would work out for Mya and Ro because they're always talking about kids and thinking about what they would look like.
"So you already bought this place? I thought we were looking at other places too?" Caydence wondered, moving a piece of hair out of her face.
"Oh yeah, I just wanted to show y'all" Kambree chuckled. "We're moving in, in like two weeks. Yall gonna help too, thanks so much for asking" She smiled before calling the girls downstairs.
"I hope I'm busy too" Mya flicked her off with her middle finger making Kambree chuckle.
"How did your auntie feel about yall moving?" Caydence asked, leaning against the white wall. Kambree heavily rolled her eyes "She was mad and kicked us out the same day I told her. But we're staying in this nice air bnb right now. And I was already buying little stuff for when we move in for months and putting it in storage." She explained as Kory and Paris finally came downstairs.
"Not she kicked yall out because you told her yall were moving out" Caydence shook her head. She knew all about Kambree's aunt, the only living relative she had half of her parents just passed away in a bad car accident last two years ago.
"Yes, she was so mad but I told her I'm not about to live under a roof with someone that thinks she can be disrespectful because she pays all the bills. She thought I was taking P from her knowing we all she has left from my dad. And I wasn't at first but after she kicked us out, I am." Kambree carelessly shrugged her shoulders.
Mya and Caydence shook their heads, older people always tried to manipulate and control the younger people. When they can't, they are so mad and will do anything to hurt you so you can need them again. Little did they know, a lot of people are getting a bag instead of putting up with bullshit so they can leave.
"Can we go see Kacey sissy?" Kory asked, grabbing Caydence's hand as they were walking out of the townhome. Cay slicking rolled her eyes at her question "He's busy today bookie. We can see him when he gets off" She responded.
That's all Kory did was ask for Kacey all the time if he wasn't around them or at work. It only annoyed Caydence because she felt like Kory didn't want to be around her anymore unless they were with Kacey.
"Can we bring him lunch then? Please ?" She pleaded, sticking her bottom lip out.
Caydence unlocked the doors to her tesla "No," She replied plainly, opening the back seat door and setting back some for it to lift.
Kory frowned, snatching her hand away from Caydence aggressively "Why not?" She asked with an attitude behind her voice. Caydence shook her head at her and pointed inside the car "Get in the car girl" She blankly looked at her.
"NO! Why can't we go bring him lunch?" Kory stomped her tiny foot causing Caydence to mug her and look at her as if she was slow. "Why would we bring him lunch if we made him lunch this morning?" Caydence squinted her eyes at her.
"That's probably not enough sissy," Kory huffed, finally getting inside the car. Caydence shook her head "Well next time make it enough" She rolled her eyes and pressed the button to close the door once Kory was inside.
"I hate you," Kory grumbled, watching the door close.
Caydence chuckled "Trust me, the feeling is mutual" She blew her a kiss then the door fully closed. She knew she didn't get that from anybody but Kacey from him always saying that to Caydence when he doesn't get his way.
They both were spoiled brats and Caydence was barely surviving sometimes.
"Mami" Caydence heard Kacey call out as she sat in his bed, scrolling through different suites in their area. "Yes, baby?" She called back, still focusing on her computer.
If she was being honest, she didn't really know what she was looking for. She was just looking at prices and where the places were. She thought to start off her event planning business, she should get a suite as an office.
She was thinking about going to the suite building where Pri and Mya do their business at but they informed her how it was so unorganized there. And how they were leaving and looking for new suits since they didn't want to work in salons.
Kacey came into the room with his face frowned up. He was trying to eat but he didn't want to. His eating disorder has gotten a lot better since Caydence has been helping him. He just had days where he still didn't have an appetite even with him taking his pills.
That's something else he has to talk to his doctor about. His goal by the end of the year was to have a full appetite as he used to before his eating disorder. Kacey used to eat three plates at a time and he hoped he could get back to that place in his life again.
Caydence looked up after she felt someone's presence in front of her. "What's wrong?" She asked, looking at the plate he had in his hand and then at him. "I'on wanna eat" He spoke, sounding annoyed and sad.
Caydence twisted her lip to the side, she knew he had to eat something especially since he didn't eat the small lunch she made for him for work today. She also didn't want to force him because it never worked out in her favor with him, he just gets upset with her. "Try one of those protein shakes baby. I know you don't want to but you need something," She said.
Kacey started smiling like a little kid "I'll do the protein shake" He happily walked out of the room, he loved the protein shakes. They would be good and better than him having to chew food up.
A few minutes later, Kacey walked back into the room with the protein shake and Benji following behind him. He picked Benji up, putting him on the bed and Caydence mugged both of them. "This is my bed so leave him alone Mami" Kacey chuckled, watching Benji go to Caydence and curl up next to her. Neither of them understood how and why Benji liked her so much when she didn't like him at all.
Kacey didn't understand why not. He knew she didn't like animals but Benji wasn't just some dog. He was a mini-human that fights crime when nobody was looking. At least that's what Kacey believes.
"My fuckin' back hurts," Kacey complained, getting in the bed on the other side of her. Caydence chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist "You kno' when I first thought of you and Ro having an auto shop, I didn't think y'all actually worked in there"
"Why not?" He wondered.
"I thought it was just a cover-up thing for yall other jobs," She said, looking down at him.
"Nah, Ro and I always wanted an auto shop. We love cars and fixing them. Our shop is actually our pops' old shop but he retired and handed the shop down to us. Our mafia isn't like everyone else. We just distribute goods to others like kingpins and shit" He explained, then sipped from his protein shake.
"So who is yall distributor?" She asked.
Kacey looked up at her, raising his eyebrow "You tryna be fed?" He questioned. Caydence sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes making him laugh a little "I usually dont giva' fuck but if you're going to have a security team follow me everywhere I go and be already my little sister for the long run, I at least want to know something" She said.
Kacey instantly popped up "How you kno' about that? I know their asses haven't been trying to follow you. I'll fire everyone in this bitch" He spoke with his voice deeper than usual which surprised Caydence. She only heard him talk like that once, well at least not around her.
"Noo, bubba they didn't try to talk to me" She stopped him from grabbing his phone from the nightstand. "They were jus' doing their job but you can tell them they don't need to follow me while I'm in the store." She stated, taking his phone from him since he wasn't listening.
"They still gettin' fire. You aren't supposed to notice them at all "He shook his head, snatching his phone from her hands.
"Well, your talkin' to someone that notices everything, especially when it comes to her surrounding. They were discreet about everything, they just don't need to come to the places that I'm at." She reasoned and snatched his phone again. "But no one needs to get fired from it. Calm down because at the end of the day, they're protecting me and Kory like yall pay them to. And we both know if you fire them, it's hard to replace and trust new people" She tossed his phone to the side.
Kacey clenched his jaw while his leg slightly bounced up and down. He knew she was right, he was just very annoyed at the thought of his security trying to talk to her. It was his jealousy getting the best of him again.
"How long are yall staying here?" He asked lowly, putting his protein shake down on the nightstand and plugging his phone up on the charger.
Caydence frowned, "What is up with you foreal? You want us to leave or something?" She asked, looking at him funnily at the attitude he now had. She and Kory always stayed at his house for days at a time, just like he does at their house. She was confused why all of a sudden he wanted to ask something now.
Kacey laid back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Caydence closed her computer and put the computer to the side. She started to crawl over to where Kacey was and started to straddle his lap. She put her hands on his bare chest before leaning down to peck his lips "Talk to me before I cut all your hair off in your sleep" She joked.
Kacey squinted his eyes at her "I'ma just cut yours off and put it in my head" He shrugged.
Caydence busted out laughing "You are sick oh my God '' She laughed and he laughed with her while feeling his heart fluttering at the sound of her laugh. He stopped laughing and stared up at her. His hands palmed her ass, he gripped both of her ass cheeks tightly and sighed.
Caydence tilted her head to the side "What's wrong?" She rubbed his face cheek with her thumb, softly. Kacey bit his bottom lip down "I like you Caydence" He finally admitted.
Caydence softly started smiling "I mean, I would hope so. You are gripping all over my ass and be nutting– Mami" He cut her off, shaking his head at her and she just started laughing.
"I'm just saying. But I like you too, Kacey." She spoke honestly, "What's wrong wit' us liking each other?" She asked, not seeing why they would make his vibe start to become off.
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