《Part II》Chapter eight
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
March 16th
"M-Man I-I'm sorry! Ple—" The crying and begged man stopped after Dee shot him right in the middle of his head. The now dead and bloody man fell back onto the ground with blood on the clear plastic they put down so blood wouldn't stain the walls or floor.
"Next motha' fucka got enough balls ta' steal our product, let dis be y'all reminder!" Dee's voice boomed throughout the warehouse. Scaring the other works and making everyone jump except for Ro, Trey, and Kacey.
They were used to this by now.
"Now clean dis shit up!" He snapped, giving someone else the gun so they could dispose of it along with the dead body. Kacey shook his head looking around at the people running around to do as told.
He reached up to his ear to turn on his hearing aid since he turned it off before.
"How much money are we missin'?" Dee asked, taking the bloody what used to be a white t-shirt off.
Kacey shook his head again, still mad about the situation "30K and wit' the shit he stole, probably more" He huffed "Ima change our system and accounts again. We can't trust nobody wit' it no more" He spoke, typing away at his MacBook.
"I already did. I emailed it to you" Trey spoke, sounding more irritated than Kacey. "He's been an opp dis whole time bro. Been doing' sneak shit right under our noses and we ain' catch it" Trey shook his head.
"We jus' gotta do the product and money handling from now on," Ro stated, changing out his bloody clothes from him beating the man black and blue.
"I bet his mama rollin' in her grave from his bitch ass lyin' "Trey chuckled. Kacey tried to hold in his laugh but failed because what he said was true.
They had honestly trusted the man to be their accountant. He handled all the money distribution. Even making sure their workers got paid. They have known him for years because he's always been doing it.
That was until Kacey was checking out the accounts just because he had been having a weird vibe from the dude lately.
Kacey always went with his intuition about things. He always had to because it wasn't going to stop in his brain. After he checked the accounts and inventory of the latest guns they had made. He noticed it was some missing, which raised a red flag in his head. He told the rest of the boys and people in the warehouse.
The guy told them that he took the money because his mom was sick. The boys weren't that careless, you had to have a valid reason mainly being family issues for them not to kill you after stealing from them.
They were still going to beat your ass because you stole but they weren't going to kill you. They were going to let you work on what you stole.
But that doesn't mean they were going to believe you off ripe. Kacey and Trey could hack into anything to get information, even change information around. Kacey looked up the dude's mom's hospital records, and it turns out she died 2 years ago and the dude was just being greedy and buying jewelry with the money he stole.
Lying and being stolen from were stuff they didn't tolerate at all. Especially being they weren't people you had to lie to.
"Did he even sell yet?" Dee asked, annoyed.
Kacey shook his head no "He doesn't get any new transactions in his account. Maybe he hasn't found a buyer yet" He shrugged, looking up more accounts he thought the man would be able to have.
Kacey could admit, the dude was smart but he wasn't smarter than him.
"Dumb ass" Ro grumbled, sitting in the seat next to Trey. "When are renovations for the basement in the club gon' be done?" Ro asked Trey as he laced his shoelaces to his black and red high-top Jordan 1's.
Trey sucked his teeth "Probably the end of the month. I had to change sum shit around upstairs so it wouldn't drive any suspicion on why nothin' look different. I'm still payin' everyone tho, I kno' they need the money"
Ro and Dee chuckled "You one nice ass boss. How much are you payin'?"
Trey shrugged "$500 a piece every week. It's a lot of them motha' fucks so that's all they gettin' from me. And all my employees got my respect. I'on wanna see em on the street cus me" He stated, closing his laptop.
One thing about Trey, he had a big heart as long as you don't cross him. He could be one evil nigga and make your life completely hell.
Even though people still crossed him, he didn't let that affect how he is with other people. You would think like most men that Trey would turn heartless because of how many women cheated on him or took his love for granted but he wasn't. He was still loving and big-hearted. He had his issues but he never projected them on others.
Kacey admires that a lot about Trey. He wished he could go into life not judging other people because of his past.
It was hard but he was working on it in his therapy session with Ms. Mary.
"Aight, let's go befo' Kapri piss me off" Dee huffed, typing his thumbs fast on his thumb.
"You comin'?" Ro asked as Kacey made sure he clicked out everything on his computer first before shutting it down. Kacey furrowed his eyebrows "Come whea'?" He questioned after closing his computer and putting it in his book bag.
"This new hookah and daiquiri lounge dat jus' opened up. Trey and Mya wanted ta' check it out since it's been on Instagram" He explained, helping Kacey put the rest of his equipment up.
Kacey thought about it, looking at his apple watch before shaking his head no "Nah, Ima go chill wit' Benji." He spoke, zipping up the last bag. "Preciate it" He mumbled, putting his book bag on his shoulder.
"Y'all ready? Pri jus' got thea' " Trey asked.
"He said he ain' comin', " Ro told him as they walked to the exit door to leave.
Trey chuckled "Yes he is" He shrugged. Kacey frowned, looking at him funnily. He could have sworn he just said he wasn't going. He didn't feel like being around a lot of people tonight. Plus he and Benji gotta finish an episode of Stranger things.
He treated Benji like he was his actual son at times. Getting him was one of the best ideas he thought of.
"Cay gon' be thea' " Trey smirked.
Butterflies started building up in Kacey's stomach at the mention of Caydence. Besides Kory, she was his favorite person. "I'm comin. I'll meet y'all thea' " He mumbled and they laughed at him.
🎶Poppin' shit but only 'cause you know you're poppin', yeah
You got it, girl, you got it (ayy)
You got it, girl, you got it🎶
No guidance by Chris Brown blasted throughout the speaker when Kacey, Dee, Ro, and Trey stepped into the lounge bar. Kacey looked around, taking in his surroundings.
Different color lights flashed everywhere, it was mostly tables around and people in their individual sessions.
It was people up dancing but not too many. There weren't too many people either, just the way Kacey liked it. He could say it was a little vibe but he didn't want to give too much credit yet.
He followed behind the rest of the boys, passing people on the dance floor. He ignored the stares of females, he knew he only caught their attention because of his height.
He didn't come there from them either. He came for one person and one person only.
They finally made it to a session with two long white couches facing each other and a glass table in the middle. There were bottles and a big hookah in the middle of the table.
"Heeeyy" Mya smiled, practically running into Kyro's arms. Kacey still couldn't believe they were a dating thing now and not just hunching. He was happy as long as they both were happy and didn't hurt each other.
His eyes immediately fell onto Caydence sitting on the far in of the couch on the right. She was wearing a black leather cut-out, twist-front cami dress with black heels to match. Her hair was styled in down with a side part. Her right leg was crossed over the left one, she had her phone in one hand, looking down at it, and a frozen drink in the other.
Kacey's face started to heat up, not even greeting Pri and Mya. He just wanted Caydence mainly because they haven't seen each other in two days since he's been busy.
He sat down next to her. She looked up with a mug but it soon fell to a smile once she saw it was Kacey "Hiii Caydence" He spoke shyly making her chuckle a little. "Hii Kacey," She said in the same tone as him.
She opened her arms after she put her phone down on her lap. He smile, wrapping his arms around her body "I thought you don't come out?" He questioned after they pulled back.
She shrugged "I don't but Kory is at my granny's and I had nothing else to do" She signed before reaching over to his ear. The loud music he once heard started to gradually get lower and lower but he could still kinda hear out his left ear.
The small gesture made his heart swell up. It was things like this that showed how attentive she was around him. Sometimes being in loud spaces did hurt his ear but only because he wasn't used to the new hearing aid he just got.
"Who bought you a drink?" He signed, watching her take a sip of the light color pink frozen drink.
She shrugged again "This man when I was at the bar. I was going to get just regular juice but he asked if he could buy me a drink" She signed.
Kacey just stared at her. He wanted to slap the drink out of her hand so bad. The thought of another man even speaking to her had him wanting to flip the whole place upside down.
They weren't a couple, they were just friends. But he was growing this attachment to Caydence which he tried hard not to.
He wasn't ready for any real relationship with anybody but he was feeling territorial over Caydence.
Caydence frowned when she noticed his mood change "You wanna go get a drink? I'll come with you" She signed, grabbing her phone from her lap. Kacey shook his head, sitting back onto the seat now with a full-blown attitude.
Mya came over to hug him before grabbing Caydence's hand. "Come on girl, come shake some ass!" She creepily wiggled her eyebrows.
"Can you hold this please?" Caydence asked, referring to her small hand purse. Kacey nodded before she put her purse and phone in his lap. She stood up, his eyes fell to her ass as she pulled her dress down slightly.
🎶 You're my little secret (little secret)
That's how we should keep it (how we should keep it)🎶
Secret by 21 savage played inside the lounge.
Kacey watched with low red eyes, Caydence blew the smoke out her mouth after taking a long pull from the hookah. He didn't know if it was the weed but she was so sexy.
Usually, some men didn't like seeing women smoke for some odd reason but Kacey was enjoying every second of this. He always did when they had smoke sessions together. Sometimes he would have her roll up just because of how good she looked doing it.
"Yeah... Ima start doin' this all the time" She giggled causing his heart to flutter. "I got a headache now tho" She chuckled, putting it down and sitting back.
"You feel it?" Kacey chuckled. She lazily nodded, putting her head on his shoulder. She had put Hennessy in the bottom of the hookah mixed with the water. She wanted to see if the theory was true.
She had 3 daiquiris and was smoking hookah. Kacey knew she was feeling good right now, she could barely keep her eyes open. He was glad she was having fun though, she really didn't get out or do stuff like this.
But she seems to hold her liquor well.
"I'm so hungry but I'on want nothin' here. You kno' they messed up my mozzarella sticks?" She frowned. Kacey couldn't help but laugh, she sounded so disappointed. "I really wanted those mozzarella sticks. How they jus' gonna burn them. I was nice" She continued while rubbing her eye with her hand.
"Whatcha want Mami? We can go get it" He asked, pulling her into his chest since he now looked upset the more she stared at the burnt mozzarella sticks on the table. That they still haven't come back to get.
She shrugged "I didn't drive. We took Uber"
"I drove. I'll take you." He looked down at her. "Uhh..." She lifted up from his chest and looked around the session first. She nodded "Okay. Can we get cookout?" She asked.
He nodded, putting his drink on the table before standing up. She grabbed her purse and phone and then grabbed his hand when he held it out to help her stand up.
"Wait, let me tell my cousin first" She held his head, walking them over to where Dee and Pri were sitting in the corner. "I'm about to leave, you good?" Caydence asked while Kacey held her hand tighter so she wouldn't fall.
Pri jerked her head back "Leave? Cay sit yo' ass down" She frowned.
Cay playfully rolled her eyes "I've been here long enough and I want Cookout, so he's goin' ta' take me" She explained, pointing to Kacey who had a blank expression on his face.
Pri suspiciously looked at Kacey then back at Caydence. "Your drunk babe, I'on kno' about allat. I'll come wit' you" She said.
Caydence shook her head "No it's fine. I kno' you want to stay, it's still early" She said, referring to it only being 11:36 PM.
Pri shook her head "It's cool I— She'll be okay bae. Ace ain' goin' hurt her or do anything stupid" Dee cut her off, holding her down in his lap when she tried to get up.
"I understand but— Ima be fine Pri. Don't let me ruin your fun. I'll see you later and text you every 10 minutes" Cay cut her off.
Pri sighed and nodded "Okay, be safe and love you" She stood up and hugged her. "You too and love you too. Bye Dee" Caydence leaned down to hug him quickly.
"Don't do nothin' stupid, I gotta tracker on her" Pri warned Kacey before side-hugging her.
Kacey chuckled and nodded understanding "I won't. We jus' goin' to get some food for her '' He assured her. He understood where she was coming from, especially with Caydence being drunk. He would be the same way if it was one of the other boys, people were crazy.
Not crazier than him but they did get crazy
They said bye to Trey, Mya, and Ro before Kacey kept a tight grip on her hand and watched their every move as they walked through the lounge to leave. Once getting to the parking lot, Kacey led the way to his 2022 blackout Ford Mustang GT.
"Kacey, why do you change out your cars so much? I could have sworn you had Jaguar" Caydence frowned, allowing him to walk her over to the passenger side after he unlocked the doors.
He chuckled, opening the door for her "I have two cars, Mami." He helped her inside first. He made sure she was in safely before closing her door and walking to the driver's side.
He looked around at his surroundings first and spotted his secret security team before getting into the car.
All the boys always had a secret security team following them around, no matter where they went. Of course, they could take care of themselves but in their line of work and people wanted them dead. It would be stupid not to have more pairs of eyes watching their surroundings.
He locked the door before pressing his foot on the brakes and pressing the start button. He looked over at Caydence seeing her taking her heels off and frowning. "What's wrong Mami?" He asked, concerned.
She shook her head "Nothin'. I'm fine" She mumbled, getting comfortable in the seat.
He eyed her first, then reached over to turn her head to face him "What's wrong?" He asked again. He wasn't taking her anything as an answer. He could tell something was bothering her but she didn't want to speak about it.
"I'm sleepy but I kno' I'm only goin' to go to sleep for an hour. I just wish I could sleep longer sometimes" She sighed and moved his hand from her chin.
"We can go get you some melatonin." He suggested. He wondered how she could only get one hour of sleep and still function throughout the day.
Kacey knew how grumpy he got when he was asleep and didn't get enough sleep.
But everything he asked, she got quiet or dismissed the subject. He had his fair share of things he wasn't ready to speak on but he felt like Caydence had a closet full.
He wanted to know who hurt her. He could see it in her eyes when he was able to hold eye contact with her.
She shook her head no "I'm fine, thank you tho" She mumbled, putting her on the window.
She always said that when he could see she wasn't.
"Kacey. Where are we?" Caydence frowned with a french fry from cookout in her mouth. Looking at the black garage of the one-story home they just pulled up to.
"My house. Dats cool?" He asked, cutting the engine and deciding to part his car in the garage tomorrow. "No I'm not tryna fuck you Mami" He spoke up as if he knew what she was thinking.
He was physically attracted to her a lot but he refrained from anything sexual for one, she was a virgin which still shocked him. Her sex appeal had him thinking she was fucking but she wasn't. Haven't even kissed anybody. He couldn't lie, he thought she did with her being a stripper and all. She was around men 24/7, and still never did anything with anyone besides give a dance.
For two, he felt like she always thought men wanted nothing from her but sex and a dance. Which in other men's cases was true but not in Kacey's. He wanted to get to know who Caydence was not.
Not having fun with Coco.
But he did think some dick was what she needed to get some sleep but he wasn't going to speak much on that.
"You want me to spend a night? I don't have clothes" She tilted her to the side. He avoided eye contact with her, she could snatch his soul just from her eyes and he didn't like that.
"I do want you to. And I got some stuff you can where" He said honestly. Ever since the last time he went to her house, he accidentally spent a night and fell asleep on her chest while they were on her couch. He slept so well that night and wanted it to happen again.
"You're not gonna give me another girl's clothes are you?" She joked, taking her seat belt off.
Kacey licked his lips "Maybe" He smirked and shrugged.
Caydence scrunched up her face in disgust "Yeahh... gon' head take me, home twin. I'on even get down like that. " She shook her head and started to put back on her seatbelt while he was laughing.
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