《The Hazards of Skinny Dipping》Chapter Twenty-Two


Reed kissed me goodbye when he dropped me off in front of my dorm. Other than that, it could have been like any night after work. That was one of the best parts of our relationship: how seamlessly we'd moved from friends to more than friends. It didn't stop there either.

We fell into an easy routine during the last few weeks of classes and exams. We already worked together three nights a week, and I usually ended up spending those nights at his place. One side benefit was that I saw Cara tons more. She spent almost every night with Aaron. Mallory joked that we needed to find her another Kappa, but I think she enjoyed the single life.

I'd managed to avoid Dylan so far, but he still left me weekly voicemails to "check in." I told Reed about them, just to keep everything in the open. He offered to talk to Dylan for me, but I was afraid talking might involve a fist, and the calls weren't that bad. I assured him it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Have you figured out your winter break plans yet?" Reed moved behind me on his bed, giving me a shoulder rub. I needed it. Putting off my biology studying was turning out to be a huge mistake.

"My brother, Brandon, is supposed to pick me up after my last exam, and my dad is going to bring me back."

"Any chance you'd come back early for New Year's?"

"Won't the dorms be closed?"

He pulled me back against him. "This house won't be."

"My dad would have a heart attack."

"Can't he drop you off at the Delta Mu house?"

"Reed Bryce, are you suggesting I lie to my father about my sleeping arrangements?"

He took one of my hands in his. "You're already doing it. I doubt they know how often you stay here."

"True." I definitely hadn't mentioned that to my parents when I'd told them about my new boyfriend. "All right. I'll come back early."

"Good. I want to spend New Year's together."

"Me too." I turned around and got in his lap.


"Before I get too distracted, I have another idea."

"Yeah?" I asked impatiently. I really wanted him to kiss me.

"I can drive you home and save your brother the trip."

"But then you'd have to drive back."

"So? I have nothing planned." He stretched out his legs. We'd been sitting for way too long. I was so sick of studying for finals it wasn't funny.

"You really don't mind?"

"Nope. The question is, are you ready to introduce me to your family?"

"My parents are going to be in Vermont visiting my dad's sister, so it will just be my brothers."

"Should I worry about meeting them?"

"Probably a little. They're kind of protective."

He leaned his head closer to mine. "I bet I can handle them."

"I bet you can, but let's stop talking about my brothers."

"I like that idea." He pulled my face to his and helped me forget about studying biology.


"Are you ready for the ultimate road trip?" Reed stowed the last of my bags.

"We have snacks and music. I think we can handle it." I got into the passenger side, still not sure how I felt about going home for break.

"It's only eight hours." Reed must have mapped out our trip up to Maryland.

"I can't believe you plan to turn around and head back in two days."

"What's the problem? You don't think that's enough time to show me around?"

"It's a lot of driving."

"I appreciate your concern for my well-being." He pulled onto the interstate, and I felt a mix of emotions. I missed my family, but I wasn't looking forward to spending even a few days without Reed.

We spent the trip singing along to bad pop songs and trying to come up with New Year's plans. An eight-hour drive had never gone by so fast. We only stopped twice for gas and food, and before I knew it, we were at my house.

"Nick? Brandon?" I knew my brothers were both around because their cars were in the driveway.

"Up here," Nick called down. It sounded like he was in the attic.


I walked up to the second floor and called up the attic stairs. "What are you guys doing?"

Reed followed me up the attic stairs.

"Looking for Dad's old records."

"Because that's not weird."

"You're weird. They're for a friend." Brandon finally noticed Reed. "Oh, hi."

"Hey, I'm Reed."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Brandon, and this is Nick." He pointed at his twin. They weren't identical, but people usually thought they were.

"Great to finally meet you. I've heard all about you." Reed seemed so comfortable. I'd have been nervous if I was him.

"Only good things, I hope." Nick nudged me in the side. He always did that.

"Of course. Would you really think otherwise?"

"Yes," both my brothers said at once.

I sneezed from the dust. "Can we please get out of the attic?"

"Yes, Princess," Nick mocked.

I didn't respond. Instead, I headed downstairs, pulling Reed with me. I didn't stop till we were in the den.

We sat on the couch, and my brothers each took chairs.

"We're probably supposed to grill you or something, but anyone willing to put up with our sister can't be that bad."

I stuck my tongue out at Nick.

"But seriously, it's cool you drove Juliet up." Brandon was probably glad he didn't have to make the trip.

"Not a problem. I don't have much going on, and I wanted to meet some of her family."

"Our parents wanted to meet you. You'll have to come back some other time." It was weird hearing Brandon talk like Reed and I were going to be together long-term. I guessed that was the assumption when I brought someone home.


"Was that Al?" I waited for Reed to hang up his phone. I'd just come back down after taking a shower.

"Yeah. He says my parents are coming for New Year's instead of Christmas this year."

"Oh. Are you going to see them?"

"You really want me to, don't you?"

"You already know that answer. They're your parents, Reed."

"I'm only going to do it if you're with me. I can't trust myself to not go off on them otherwise."

"I'll be there." I sat down next to him on the pull-out couch he was sleeping on. I'd offered him my room, but he'd refused.

"I don't want to leave tomorrow." Two days had moved far too quickly. I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet.

"You don't have to."

"Yeah, I do. I have to work Wednesday." Reed didn't get a week and a half off the way I did.

"Fine. At least I'll see you next week."

"Uh huh, it's just a few days." He leaned over and kissed me.

I broke the kiss fairly quickly. "My brothers are still up."

"I know, and I'm not going to cross them."

I laughed. "They can't scare you."

"They don't, but I respect them. They gave me the talk, by the way."

"The talk?"

"The 'you'd better not hurt our sister' talk. It was a good one, and I understand it."

I leaned my head on his chest. "I bet you were an awesome brother."

"I was younger, so Shannon probably thought I was annoying most of the time."

"My brothers are annoying, but they're still great."

"It's fun to watch you guys together."

"Yeah? I feel like I revert to a kid around them."

He played with a strand of my hair. "It's cute. You seem younger, but not in a bad way."

I pecked him on the lips. "I should let you get some sleep if you're going to leave early."

"Probably. I'll miss you, though."

"Me too. Sleep well." I leaned to kiss him again, but he pulled me onto his lap.

"What was that about respecting my brothers?"

"I do respect them, which is why I haven't been sneaking into your room, but that doesn't mean I can't hold you a little."

"I'd like that."

He kissed me, and I enjoyed it, not letting myself worry about the door flying open. My brothers would have to deal with the fact that I'd grown up.

I broke the kiss reluctantly, moving my hand from where it had woven its way under Reed's white t-shirt. "Good night."

"Sweet dreams."

I got up before I could change my mind.

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