《The Hazards of Skinny Dipping》Chapter Eleven


Tuesday was pretty boring. I did some reading for class and went to a meeting at the house. I was surprised to get a text from Dylan right before heading back to my dorm. Stop by my house tonight?

I texted him back. No easy feat while walking. You're back?

Yeah. When can you come over?

I'm just leaving the house.

See you in a minute.

"Dylan wants me to stop by. I'll see you girls later."

"Ohhh, don't do anything we wouldn't do." Mallory laughed.

"I guess you'd do almost anything." I grinned.

"Night, Juliet."

I headed to the Phi Omega house. A few guys were hanging out on the porch when I got there, so I went ahead and walked in.

Dylan was talking to some guys around the pool table. I hesitated for a moment before walking over, suddenly nervous. Before I could make myself move toward him, Dylan looked up and saw me. I expected him to smile, but his expression was stony.

"Let's go upstairs." He grabbed my hand and towed me behind him.

"Hey. Easy there. Your hand is digging into my wrist."

"Sorry." He loosened his hold but didn't let go until we were in his room with the door closed.

"How's your dad?" I asked.

"Fine. This isn't his first scare."

"Oh. That's good. I mean that he's okay."

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Dylan glared at me.

"What do you mean?" I crossed my arms nervously over my chest. His gaze was intimidating.

"Do anything fun this weekend?"

"I don't know... it was okay."

"Stop playing dumb, Juliet. What the hell was that about?"


"You thought I wouldn't find out that you went on the float with my brothers?"

"Oh. You care?" I knew he wouldn't be thrilled, but he was fuming.

He laughed dryly. "Do I care? Hmm, let's try this a different way. How would you feel if you left town to see your dad who was in the hospital and found out I spent the weekend with your sisters while practically naked."


"Oh. I didn't think about it that way. Kyle invited me, and I didn't realize it was a frat thing. Once I did, it was too late."

His expression darkened further. "You were okay going alone with Kyle?"

"No. My roommate was with me."

"That makes it better? How do you think it felt to come back and hear every fucking guy in this house talking about your rack?"

"They've been talking about me?"

"Yes. Yes they have."

"Look. I'm sorry. Trust me. If I could do it again, I wouldn't have gone. But if it makes you feel any better, I spent the whole time talking to Ryan about you."

Dylan finally smiled. "That's what he said."

"Are you really mad?"

He moved toward me. "I was."

I looked up at him, feeling guilty as hell, even though I didn't actually do anything. I kept picturing him flirting with Amanda in a bikini. "But not anymore?"

"It's too hard to stay mad at you when you look like that."

"Like what?" I looked down at my t-shirt and jean skirt.

"Like this..." He put his arms around my waist. "Besides, those guys might have gotten to look at you this weekend, but I'm the only one who gets to touch you." He cupped my breast through the t-shirt. "Or taste you." His lips crushed against mine, as he used his free hand to cradle my head. We'd had frenzied kisses before, but this one was more intense, and god, Dylan could kiss.

I barely realized we were moving, but somehow I ended up on his bed.

"I need you, baby. I've been going crazy." He pulled my t-shirt over my head, quickly unclasping my bra and tossing it. He pulled off his own shirt before moving his mouth to my breast. At the same time, he unzipped my skirt and tried to pull it off. It got stuck on my hips, so I moved to help him.


"No." He moved his mouth. "I get to undress you."

There was something almost frightening about the way he said it. I shrugged it off. Dylan wasn't scary. I nodded and let him take off my skirt and panties before taking off his shorts and boxers.

"Tell me you're mine."

"Hmm?" I tried to speak, but his hand had moved between my legs, distracting me.

"Tell. Me. You're. Mine." He looked right at me.

I felt so good. I would have said anything in that moment. Maybe if I distracted him, he'd finish this time. "I'm yours."

"Say it again."

"I'm yours."

Within seconds, he moved his hand and thrust into me. He had been so close. I grabbed his hand, placing it where I wanted it, but he moved it away. I closed my eyes, knowing how quickly it would be over.


I actually enjoyed spending the night with Dylan. He was an excellent cuddler. He held me all night, and barely let me go when I had to leave to get ready for class.

I got back to my dorm in time for a quick shower before my writing class. I still didn't know what book to write about. I'd have to figure it out at work that night. When I took the same seat in history, I was glad when Reed sat next to me. I'd never really had a guy friend before—unless you counted elementary school.

"How's life treating you?" His face was cleanly shaven, and he smelled faintly of some sort of aftershave.

"You know. It's life."

"I'm starting to think you have multiple personalities."

"Why's that?"

"I can't shut you up at work, but in class, you won't even answer a question."

I opened a Word document for the day's notes. "What's the major difference between the two occasions?"

He set up his laptop. "You're not a morning person, are you?"

"Not at all." I put my head in my hand. "I'm guessing from your chipper mood, you are a morning person."

"I like morning and night."

"Aren't you special," I grumbled.

He laughed. "Do you drink coffee? Maybe that would help."

"Yes. I didn't get home—I didn't get a chance to get some this morning."

"Oh no. I caught that. You didn't get home in time to get one. Were you with Dylan?"

"That's none of your business."

"Maybe not, but for curiosity sake, how are things going?"

"They're going well." There was no reason to say anything else.

"Yeah? Did he take you somewhere nice last night?"

"Why does that matter?"

"He didn't, did he? I thought we've gone over this..."

"It just happened. He was pissed at me when he got back in town—" I glanced down at my book, wanting to look anywhere but Reed's face.

"Why was he pissed? What could you have possibly done?"

I was spared having to answer when the professor walked in. I sat back in the uncomfortable desk chair and waited for the professor to start his lecture about the home front during World War I. I glanced around the room. Almost everyone zoned out, but I was actually enjoying it. Reed was as well. At least, he listened and took notes. That was more than the majority of the class did.

The professor finished right on time at ten fifty.

Reed packed up his stuff. "I need to run somewhere at four. If I give you the keys, can you open up tonight?"

"Seriously? What happened to not trusting me?"

"I'll make an exception this time."

"Okay. I'll do it."

"Great. Here." He took a ring of keys from a larger keychain.

"Okay... but what time will you be back?"

"I'm not sure, but in time to get stuff ready for the actual customers."

"All right, boss."

"Thanks, Annie. See ya." He waved before walking away.

I couldn't help wondering what he had to do instead of work, but I lost my opportunity to ask.

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