《Greenwood Knight》Chapter 19
"I never thought you would like it much, being a husband...let alone a father."
"It is an idea that has been circling my heart for some time...the husband part. I did not know at that time that Robin and Sofi were orphaned but if Gwyndolyn has taken them into her heart, I can do no less."
"Very noble of you."
"I am not so noble. Hugh the Great did something the like of it for me when my father was taken from this earth. And Lord Brecken as well."
"He loved you as a son. He still holds a special place in his heart for you. And the Lady Alexandi..."
"She was rather fond of me as a little lad."
"Fond? She absolutely doted upon you! It is some wonder to me that you are not spoiled quite rotten."
"Do you think I should be the ruin of Robin?"
"I can see already that you have a soft spot for him but it is not in you to spoil. You will be strict in your rearing of him, but you will be fair as well. It is your way."
"I think that was a compliment?"
"Most of the time."
"And there is the rest of it!" Erec laughed.
"Erec?" Drew cleared his throat and grew serious. "Do you mean to do it then?"
"I must. You heard what Robin said. They were not at the farm for provisions or even for lust. They were looking for her. They called her the key to their treasure."
"Meaning she was the key to getting whatever reward awaits them for killing you."
"That is what I took it to mean also, but I did not wish to say so in front of Robin."
"I meant what I said about Greenwood."
"Aye. I know that you did. I know our brothers would answer the call, only I hesitate."
"Hugh might claim that they deserted the king's service..."
"He could. It would remove me from the protection of his father's decree and give him a valid reason to mark me publicly as his enemy. Such actions would be tantamount to treason."
"If we make it known you are to take a bride, it would be only natural for you to get Greenwood ready to receive her. In that instance, you could hardly be faulted for sending me there to restore the castle and if they should stay on to protect it in your absence...?"
"It is a sound idea." Erec nodded. "It would provide for those who were dismissed, but also...yes, we should speak of this again at a later date. I need to find his lordship and ask a boon of him."
"He will not grant your boon. He loves you as a son. Your trothed shall be loved as a daughter. He will take nothing from you in return for her protection."
"You are probably right, but I shall ask it of him just the same." Erec nodded to Drew as he turned to go.
He was surprised at how light his steps felt. His attachment to Gwyndolyn was sincere.
He would enjoy retiring to home and hearth if she were lady to his lord.
He sighed as the reality settled like a raincloud over his sunny daydream. A dead man could not take a wife. And there was his oath.
...oaths he corrected.
Hugh II might allow him to retire, but what of his oath to Hugh I? It is all borrowed trouble best left for another day. His smile returned as he recalled Gwyndolyn's gentle scolding:
One thing at a time.
Erec's good intentions were only that. In the great hall, he found not the baron, but Sir Robert and his men. Gil and Dermot were there, as were John and Thomas. They begged him to join their number, and while Sir Robert scowled at him, he could not refuse in good grace. He would speak to the Baron later, then.
Except that later, Erec was several cups deep in his drink and decided he had best retire. He had only just rid himself of the headache from his last indulgence and had no wish to replace it with another.
A nap would do the trick.
He would be sober upon waking, and then he could speak to the Baron.
Erec sat up suddenly, dagger in on hand and his other clamped tightly on his attacker's throat.
Gwyndolyn let out a soft gurgle as the dagger came entirely too close to her person. Erec's eyes flew open and he instantly let her go. Sitting back, she took several deep breaths as she absently rubbed her throat.
"I should have remembered to wake you more cautiously, my lord." She offered a shaky smile.
Though she seemed to find humor in the situation, he felt only shame.
How many times had he inflicted harm upon this woman? What sort of man—
Gwyndolyn's laughter interrupted his thoughts. He waited through another moment or two of unrepentant mirth at his expense then cleared his throat and watched as she attempted to choke back her laughter.
Would he never understand her?
"Surely being strangled at knife point is not nearly so humorous as that."
"My fear of the blade or the bruises on my throat are not what humors me so, milord." She snorted, and clamped her hand over her mouth. He waited warily as she struggled a moment to catch her breath before going on "It was your face."
Erec's brow contorted in confusion and she started into another fit of laughter. Finally, she drew a deep breath, swiped the tears from her eyes, and shook her head with a final chuckle that was more of a deeply contented sigh.
"I am sorry, milord. I am not normally given to fits of laugher. In truth it has been a long time since I laughed thusly. But that face you made...it looked as though you just stepped barefoot into a warm pile of horse sh—"
"And how exactly would you would know how one looks when one steps in a warm pile...?" he raised a brow in challenge and ignored the mirth building within his breast. Whether it was a reaction to her laughter, or merely because she made him happy, he could not say with any certainty
...although he suspected it was the latter for at the moment he found the former slightly irritating.
"I have three elder brothers, milord, and they were not always kind. Wil was the one what stepped in the—er—" she waved a hand as if erasing the word from the air. "But he got Jordan back by rubbing his undershorts in poisoned oak. Poor Jordan..." Her voice trailed off on a sigh.
As her words sank in, a smile tugged his lips. He marveled at how often he found himself wanting to smile whilst in her presence. He must have made another face as he was thinking, because she giggled and then snorted like a little piglet.
She seemed embarrassed by her outburst, but he rather thought the sound was adorable.
Suddenly her face contorted in the strangest way and he could bear it no longer. His head tipped back as his laughter burst forth. Almost at once, she joined in the laughter and he thought how nice it might be to retire to home and hearth...
with her beside him as wife...
As he entered the great hall for the evening feast on the fourth day, Erec was determined to finally speak with the Baron. As host to so many, he was understandably preoccupied and there was some correspondence he was dealing with as well. Erec frowned as he remembered the messenger that arrived this morn.
The Baron sent for the messenger at once, and they were behind closed doors until well after the midday meal. The messenger departed, but the Baron remained locked away. Perhaps Gwyndolyn might know something about it.
...or more probably, he should ask Robin.
The boy was invisible to most everyone else in the castle and he had taken to heart Erec's words about being a scout. Naturally curious, he was also very smart and managed to see and hear things that were meant to be kept secret with none the wiser. His memory was impressive as were his impersonations when he repeated entire conversations nearly verbatim.
It was just as well that he should ask Robin, because he not yet spoken to Gwyndolyn about his plans for their future betrothal.
He knew most of his hesitancy stemmed from his woeful inadequacy with honeyed words. From his years among the nobles and in the King's court, he knew that the ladies liked sweet words. He also knew that his own attempts would go horribly awry...and Gwyndolyn deserved to be treated as a lady would.
On a sigh, he decided that his consolation in the matter of his neglect, was that there quite truthfully was no time for them to steal away for a moment alone. His time had been taken up by the soldiers, and by his lordship and the baroness.
And to occupy her time, there was an epidemic in stupidity that increased proportionately with the volume of wine that flowed each eve. Stupidity that leads to pointless brawls, clumsy falls, and all manner of health complaints.
He thought about overindulging again, just for an excuse to have her to himself for a few moments whilst she cared for him...but he was convinced that path led to certain disaster.
Either he would fall into a drunken stupor and forget to tell her his plans...else he would fall into a drunken stupor and blurt out his plans in some ridiculous or course manner that would leave her loathing the sight of him for the remainder of his days.
No, it was best that he count his cups as he and Drew discussed. It was no small miracle that he and his men survived that first drunken night. As the festivities went on day after day, the men were more and more informal, and opportunities for attack spread like the mist over the moors.
They were quite determined that they would not to let their guard slip again. Nay, they could not, else they would be dead before sunrise.
Erec caught the baron as he was entering the hall.
"My lord, a word?"
"Speak freely."
"Aye." He turned to his wife, "Milady, it seems you must start without me this eve, but I shall join you soon as ever I am able. Do save me something?"
"I shall try. But when the wine is flowing, the men are more ravenous than winter wolves and I will not risk losing a finger or two fending off the fangs."
"I could not wish it, my lady." The Baron leaned down and placed a kiss upon her cheek and his wife smiled sweetly at him before he turned his attention to Erec. "Shall we?"
And Erec followed the Baron to the very same room the messenger was taken too. Erec was surprised to see it was a cozy place. Scrolls and books were stacked neatly on the shelves and the table was strewn with correspondence and writing supplies. Judging from the short candle and the mound of drip around it, the Baron spent many hours in here.
"I have not forgotten my promise." The baron said as he crossed to the table and began shuffling the papers around. Finding the one he wanted, he snatched it up and held it out to Erec. "The draft of the letter to the king..."
Erec took it, and held it at his side, turning as the baron pointed over his shoulder.
"Milords." A servant said, "Her ladyship sent me with a tray and wine."
The baron pushed papers out of the way to make room for the tray. When the servant left, Erec closed the door. Erec was so distracted with his thoughts of Gwyndolyn that he made two grievous errors: firstly, he turned his back to an open door, and secondly, he did not hear the servant until the man spoke.
He needed to be more careful else he would be very dead.
"That is the letter." The baron pointed to the parchment in Erec's hand, "and there," he pointed to a small chest, "is the gift."
Erec looked at the ornately carved box, set with jewels and overlaid with gold-leaf. It was impressive alone, but no doubt it held some more impressive treasure within the little chest.
Locked chest, Erec amended as the baron pulled a key from under his surcoat.
"And here is the key." The baron said as he lifted the leather string over his head. "I am entrusting you with the key to the box. I hold the key to this room and it is locked when I am not here. On the day you depart, I shall entrust the box to you as well."
"As you wish, my lord." Erec replied as he accepted the key and slipped it over his head, tucking it behind his surcoat as the baron had done. When he looked up, the baron was looking at him strangely.
"My lord?"
"My lord, indeed." The baron smiled.
Nay, the baron smirked!
"What is it that humors you thusly, my lord?"
"You, Lord Erec. humor me thusly."
Erec's brows rose in surprise, and the baron laughed aloud.
He seemed to inspire that reaction a lot lately, He thought sourly.
"I have known you for how long?"
"Since his majesty the king sent me to begin my training. Twas shortly after my father passed. I was but a wee lad, a little younger than Robin."
"Aye. Since you were a wee lad of eight years." The baron was distracted for a moment, then added: "You were a bold one even then."
"Aye." Erec puzzled over how this could be humorous to the baron. "I remember Father said so many a time ere he bent me over the rail. And there was no end of the woes I gave poor Molly over my boldness."
The baron nodded. "In all those years since, I have never seen you enamored of a woman."
"I beg your pardon my lord?"
Erec was still trying to see how their conversation was humorous. It seemed rather mundane to be considering the old history they both well knew already. The baron studied Erec's face and Erec suddenly felt like that wee lad again. The baron was rather intimidating, even when he did not make an effort to be so...
"My healer," The baron said suddenly. Erec frowned and the baron added. "The lady Gwyndolyn, my boy. Unless I am mistaken, you are quite taken with her."
"Come. Do not deny it." Erec was momentarily speechless and the baron went on: "Obviously, your acquaintance with the lady precedes her service here at the hall."
"Indeed, it does, but not so long prior. I met the lady first on my march to Far North. Her father has...had" he corrected, "a farm about two days ride south of here. It is not far from the road through the pass."
"And you have affection for the lady." It was not a question.
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