《Greenwood Knight》Chapter 4
There were four souls inside, frozen in place as two fierce knights barged in with a roar.
Erec's fists balled at his sides. Reining in his rage, he took in the scene before him. One man sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. He was pale with pain as he tried to stem the flow of blood from a wound in his leg.
Recognizing at once the fighting stance of the other two men, Erec pulled a dagger from his belt and Drew did the same.
The lass was hardly more than a child at first glance. Backed into a corner, out-numbered three-to-one, she defended her person with nothing but courage and a pitchfork. Her body was tense, her features taught with fear and resolve. Though Erec admired her courage, he was outraged by the brutish attack on one of the king's subjects.
...and a girl, a child no less!
"Stand down or die." Erec growled, dividing their attention between her pitchfork and the daggers that he and Drew held. As the two men exchanged a look, Erec sensed their desperation. Too often, knights engaged in deplorable acts of brutality in times of war. But this woman--
For he could see clearly now that this was child...
This woman was an enemy and they were currently at war.
"Do you choose death then?" Erec sneered, shifting his dagger menacingly in his hand.
The men moved warily and exchanged several looks. Erec glanced at Drew who gave a barely perceptible nod. Drew and Erec moved apart, dividing the enemy's attention. As Drew lunged, Erec forced himself between the knights and the woman. They exchanged another look and Erec tensed, expecting the attack.
He and Drew shared a cautious look as weapons flew to the ground. Hands flew up, palms out as they stepped back. Erec tensed, expecting a trick. He stretched his arm out protectively toward the woman, but a quick glance confirmed that she remained in her corner poised to fight.
John and Thomas arrived and blocked the doorway, the others waited at the ready behind them as they arrived.
"Milord?" Drew tipped his head toward the door, "Shall we have these three chained?"
"We have a right to plunder." One of the men growled standing taller and stepping forward.
Erec answered the challenge with a roar and a snap of his wrist. The man screamed and grabbed where Erec's blade sank deeply into his shoulder.
"Sergeant!" Drew called.
"Aye." One of the men stepped forward.
"Chains. And pass the word that after we have supped, we shall convene a Knights Council."
"Aye, sir."
Erec held his arm out protectively as the offenders were roughly taken from the barn. They would find no sympathy among the knights, for a knight's reputation depended a large part upon his honor. The punishment for breaking the code of chivalry was public humiliation and loss of knighthood.
"It is safe now, lass." Drew announced as he passed Erec his blade.
"Aye." Erec agreed as he slowly turned around, "Milady?" His voice was low and pitched to soothe the woman still clutching a bloodied fork that was aimed at his chest, "You can put down the fork."
"Oh!" she exclaimed. The fork few from her fingers as though it burned. "I—"
She clasped her hands tightly, but not before Erec noticed the tremble. Forcing his features into what he hoped was a gentle expression, he held out his hand.
"Come, milady." He invited softly, "Let me take you to your father."
Erec followed the lass inside where she disappeared behind the only door. The farmer sent the boy after his sister and turned, but Erec held up a hand to stay the farmer's words.
"You had best all bed down in one room tonight. Bar the windows and keep the door locked. I will have loyal men watching outside and I shall be watching from here." Erec ended, pointing toward the hearth.
"Thank you, milord." The farmer bowed. "Can I fetch you anything else? I have no blankets to spare, but I have a pillow to give... And I could make some eggs if you are hungry."
"I require nothing." Erec smiled, "Rest peacefully. You are safe tonight."
"Thank you, milord. God bless you, milord..." The farmer added two more blessings and another measure of gratitude as he backed across the small room and disappeared after his children.
Once more alone with Drew, Erec settled to the floor before the hearth and sighed.
"At least the floor is earth." Drew's chuckle disappeared into a yawn.
"Aye. And we shall not be rained upon or wet by the morning dew." Erec added.
The game was a familiar one when they found themselves far from home or a warm bed, which was often enough since Hugh II was crowned. They took turns finding something to be positive about. Often, they digressed into the ridiculous, so Erec was not surprised by Drew's next words.
"And there will be eggs in the morning, served by a young lass with a pretty smile."
"You saw her smile, did you?" Erec frowned.
If Drew played upon her affections while she was so unnerved by the unfortunate encounter in the barn, Erec would hang his hide from the side of said barn...
"Nay. I did not." Drew quickly assured, and Erec loosed some of the tension from his shoulders as Drew went on. "But... her father swears she is a beauty, the likes of her mother at that age. How could such a lovely lass notbestow a smile of gratitude upon her saviors?"
Erec shook his head and smiled, much against his better judgment. Drew always knew what to say to bring Erec's temper around. Drew's particular brand of ridiculous was always just the right cure for whatever ailed. It kept them sane even on the coldest, dreariest, and most dreadful of days.
"Drew, you should have been a bard the way you weave such tales from nothing at all."
"Mayhap I shall become a bard when I am retired from the king's army." Drew paused thoughtfully before adding "If the past two seasons are the pattern, then it follows that we shall also be dismissed upon our return."
"If we return." Erec grumbled.
"Aye." Drew murmured settling against a wall and stretching his long legs out before him. "If we return."
Before either of them could relax the tension from their limbs, there was a soft knock upon the door.
With a resigned sigh Erec got once more to his feet, frowning as Drew started to do the same.
"Nay." Erec waved Drew back, "Stay and keep watch. I doubt there will be more trouble, but I have given my word to our host."
Drew nodded and offered a cocky smile as he made an exaggerated stretch. Erec waved off Drew as he answered the door.
"Milord, the counsel is ready."
"Aye." Erec gave a parting nod to Drew and left the little house to join the counsel gathered around the largest fire in the camp.
Gwyndolyn closed the door behind her and resisted the urge to lean upon it. If she did, she felt that her knees would stop working entirely and she would not be able to move again.
Nay, that would not do at all.
Forcing her wobbly legs forward, she kept her trembling hands clasped tightly as she made her way to the bed. She could allow herself a few moments of weakness before...
"Sissy?" Her brother spoke low, but his voice was eager as any lad of ten might to hear a tale of adventure. "What happened? Did Sir Champion—"
"Robin, love, I promise that I shall tell you everything... but not tonight. I need to—"
Robin launched himself at her, hugging her about the waist. Completely unprepared for his attack, she stumbled back and might have tumbled to the floor had he not let go and grabbed her skirts, pulling to keep her from falling.
"Robin!" she began to scold, stopping as the door opened again and her father entered.
"Sir Erec and his man are sleeping near the hearth. Two others will stay near the house. We three are asked to sleep in here tonight."
"Of course." Gwyndolyn's heart sank as her father looked at her, worry and pity marking his gaze. "Let me fetch fresh water then before I settle in." she offered, desperate to avoid the questions she knew she must answer...but not so soon. Not until she had time to come to terms with what happened herself. She slipped around him and reached for the door.
"But Sir Erec said—"
"I shall stay near the house, and only go the well and back again. Did you not say that two of his men would be near? I will be safe. And I always fill the Ewers and the water pail before I retire..." She slipped out before he could protest further.
"Milady?" Drew climbed to his feet as she closed the door behind her.
"Please, do not disturb yourself. I need to fetch water..."
"I have already filled the water pail. Let me fill your Ewer for you."
"No! That is, I mean, I..." her voice trailed off as she struggled to find an excuse. She had not thought to be thus challenged.
"I am not to leave my post here in the house," Drew frowned, "But neither can I let you wander without escort."
Gwyndolyn's face fell and she tried to offer him a smile. It was not much of a smile but it grew as he went on nervously.
"Do not look so disheartened, milady." Drew smiled gently. "I only said that I cannot accompany you. Come." He held out a hand and when she took it, he led her to the door.
As soon as he opened the door, two knights emerged from the darkness and stepped into the dim light thrown out through the open door.
Though she knew they were near, she was startled at the swiftness with which they appeared, both looking fierce and ready for anything.
"Gil, this gentle lady needs to fetch some water. You will accompany her."
"But—" she started to protest, wishing for nothing but a moment to herself.
"At a distance, of course." Drew added.
"As you wish." The one called Gil answered before he stepped back from the light and seemed to melt into the darkness.
Gwyndolyn blinked, unsure if she had actually seen a man there but a moment ago. She shrugged it off as a side effect to her fatigue and stepped out of the light as she made her way slowly toward the well. Pausing, she closed her eyes for a moment or two before opening them slowly again so that her eyes would adjust to the night.
Now she was able to see by the faint starlight, although the world was little more than variations of black and gray in the shadows of night. Feeling much more at ease, she let out a breath and made her way toward the well. She should probably at least fill her ewer, since that was her excuse for leaving the house.
After dropping the bucket and drawing up water, she filled the Ewer and sighed. That was entirely too simple and did not take nearly as much time as she needed. Casting her eyes about she could not see the knight called Gil. Perhaps he would not be able to see her so well either.
Feeling somewhat comforted that she could wallow in her emotions in some privacy, she sank to the ground, resting her back against the cold stones of the well and drew her knees to her chest. Thus, supported from behind and guarded from the front, she let out a sigh and tipped her head toward the heavens.
The Lord would not let more befall her than she was able to endure. Truly, the Lord must think her made of much sterner stuff than she was.
If not for Robin, she would have hurled herself across the small bed and wept. If not for her father, already shaken to his core by the forceful removal of his sons—another recent memory she shuddered to recall...
Slamming her eyes shut, she forced those thoughts aside and focused instead upon this day's events inside their small barn. The Lord knew that she felt as though she aged years since she reached for the fork, but in truth it was mere hours since. Opening her eyes with a long sigh, she rested her cheek upon her knees as she hugged them tighter to herself.
As if by making herself smaller, she could hide from all the--
...what? Pain? Remorse? Maybe. Anger? Definitely, as well as FEAR she admitted. Though in truth, the feeling was more akin to TERROR.
In those first moments she thought of her father and little Robin. She wondered how many more soldiers there might be and what they would do when they learned there were no supplies here...
The mean one lunged at her and caught her sleeve. She twisted to the side and managed to tear herself free as she dove for the fork and rolled to her feet. Backing herself into the corner, she used the fork to jab at them as they advanced upon her, but was careful not to give them opportunity to seize the fork away from her.
She had not meant to hurt anyone, only to keep them away from her. But when he lunged again, she just reacted. Her stomach turned as she recalled the sound of his scream, first when she struck him, and again when she wrenched the fork out of his leg in a panic as another lunged at her.
She turned the fork on the second but he skittered to a stop and skipped back out of the way. Her eyes fluttered between the three of them like a hummingbird- barely lighting on any one of them before moving to the next.
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