《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》07


Lila pov

When we got to the library we split up looking through and reading the books to try and find things that could help but nothing

Li: did you guys find anything?

D: nope


B: this is a waste of time lets just go back

Li: agreed

D: ok

S: oh once we get back then can I show you something once we get back?

Li: of course you can

We left to go back to the house

Five pov

She has been gone for way to long

J: hey kid you ok? You look concerned

K: yeah I agre- wait please don't tell its because you are worried because she isn't back

F: no not true

J: oh come on admit it you finally have love at first sight

F: ok can we get back to reading books

J: oh he's not denying it

K: don't worry we won't tell her

I just rolled my eyes a them even tho I know it's true but I didn't eat to show it

K: whispers to jayme* lets tell everyone but yn ok

J: don't worry I will

Yn pov

Once me and wanda finished and said our goodbyes strange did the sparkly thing and once stepped through I was greeted with a hug from five

Y: oh hello it's nice to see you too

F: oh um hey well we didn't find anything

Y: yea-

St: clears throat* yn there is actually one more thing I needed to tell you

Y: ok I'll be right back

I walked through

Y: what up?

W: we can't tell them yet

Y: why?

St: because we don't know how they would react and we don't want them to run away because of it

Y: oh ok don't worry I won't since It worries you guys so much


St: thank you

he did the sparkly thing again and I walked through and seen everyone still reading and so I decided to play along and go back to reading the book I was reading

J: did you guys find anything?

K: nope

F&Y: nothing

We look at each other and back at Jayme and Klaus

Y: since we can find anything wanna go back upstairs?

F: sure

We go back upstairs seeing everyone talking and laughing

A: oh hey you guys really got invested

Y: yeah

V: well we go him speak and listen to this

Viktor plays the auto as we are listening

Y: I think there might be a place but I don't know it might be a waste of time

F: well lets try it because I- we can't lose you

It goes silent for a bit as everyone process what five has said

Y: anyways strange can you double check you're library to see if there is anything there?

St: um yeah I can come on wong

He did his sparkly thing and left

Y: it's getting kinda late and I am getting tired

S: what? But the last time you used you power was- did you use you're powers again?

Y: yes but it was for a good cause

A: well I gotta get home Claire and Ray

Li: yeah well me and diego have to get home to and pick up our kid too

548 words

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