《Talk About the Direct Approach...》Chapter Sixteen: Naked men and the Mafia
Don't run, don't scream, don't trip, and don't touch anything that looks potentially poisonous, I chant in my head, as I scan the area and try to find which way I came from. All that I can see is trees, and they all look the same, therefore not helpful in my quest to find my way back.
The fact that what little light the sun had been casting is now stifled by the dark clouds isn't helping either.
I consider starting a fire to signal someone, but rubbing two sticks together never worked when I was little, so I doubt it would work now. I settle for wandering aimlessly around in the opposite direction I had been going, hoping that the few turns I took before won't be too much of an obstacle.
That tree looks familiar, I think.
Yea, so does every other tree you've passed, my never-present logical side shoots back.
After closely examining a rock I thought I passed before, the snap of a branch calls my attention. After a pause to see if I'm hearing things or not, I risk speaking.
"Hello?" No response. "Cayton?"
I go as stiff as a stick when there isn't a response, but another snap sound. "Cayton, seriously, I-if it's you, I'm going to kick you in the balls," I threaten, although it doesn't carry much power with my shaky voice. This time, someone steps out of the trees.
I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding when I find it isn't some wild animal. However, I stop breathing once again when a random man comes out, wearing nothing but a smirk. I kid you not when I say a butt-naked man just stepped out of the woods.
"Sorry, no Cayton here," Mr. Guy says.
"Uh..." Brilliant Macy. Seriously, award winning response there, I say sardonically in my head.
"What, never seen a naked man before?" Mr. Guy teases.
"Actually, I haven't... Well, uh, I think I'm going to leave now..." I start to turn to walk away.
"Hold on," he says, holding up his hand to stop me. For some reason, I stop moving, though I make sure to look anywhere but him. This definitely makes the top five most awkward moments in my life. "Are you with Alpha Cayton?" he asks.
"Who?" I ask. What does Cayton have to do with anything? And where have I heard Alpha before? While I'm trying to recollect the memory, Mr. Guy steps closer to me and... Sniffs me? Yes, I'm pretty sure he just sniffed me.
"Dude, what the hell?!" I scream, backing away from him. That just doubled the awkwardness.
"You are with him. But, you're only human. So the Alpha is having a fling, huh?"
"Ok, first, you're weird and I don't feel comfortable around you. Second, yes, I'm human. So are you. And that's a tree," I say, pointing to the tree to my right. "And lastly, I don't know what an 'alpha' is, although I'm pretty sure you're referring to a letter. And if you're implying that I'm having a fling with Cayton, then you're wrong."
Is whatever has happened between Cayton and I a fling? No, a fling is a one-night stand kind of thing, right? Hell, I know nothing about that kind of stuff. What if that's all I am, some fling?
I mean, Cayton admitted to things like that. Well, he didn't say it exactly, it was implied, but when I asked him about him and other girls while we were in the tree house. Who knows, I might just possibly be some fling.
However, unless he was so desperate for a random fling that he kidnapped me, I don't think that's the case.
"So, you aren't some fling? Are you Alpha Cayton's mate?" Mr. Guy asks, bringing my attention back to the situation at hand.
"I don't know what any of that means!" I say exasperatedly. Had I known my cool down time would lead me to having an argument with a naked stranger, I would have just locked myself in my room.
"Wait, so you..." Mr. Guy trails off, before breaking out into a creepy grin. "This is too good."
"Riiight. Tell me, have you been inhaling any household cleaners?" I ask.
"So you don't know about werewolves?" Mr. Guy asks, ignoring my question.
"What? You mean the whole 'change during the full moon' hairy dudes? How is any of this relevant?" I ask, clutching my forehead in my hand. Really, this is all confusing the noodles out of me. Not to mention making me incredibly uncomfortable, since he seems to not have any shame that he's in his birthday suit in front of a complete stranger. He chuckles before clapping his hands together once.
"Ok, so obviously none of this makes sense to you, but I-" someone calling my name cuts off Mr. Guy. Hallelujah!
"Over here! I would recommend shielding your eyes before you come!" I shout back to Cayton. Finally I get the sense to block the guy from view, watching for Cayton to come and get me away from this creepy person. At that time, another guy emerges from the trees behind Mr. Guy, and everything about him says danger. I just thank my lucky stars he's clothed.
"Macy, you can't just run out of the house like that!" I hear Cayton say angrily, before he comes out of the trees. Before he can scold any further, he finally realizes we're not alone.
I almost suffer from whiplash at the speed that Cayton grabs me and yanks me behind his back.
"What are you doing here?" Cayton asks, his voice so deadly I fight the urge to cringe away.
"Alpha Cayton, what a pleasure to run into you," Guy #2 says. Something in his voice sends chills down my spine, and not the good kind.
I crane my neck around Cayton's side to get a look at Guy #2. He's about the same height as Cayton, maybe an inch or two taller, with jet-black hair that's slicked back, and disturbing green eyes. I couldn't explain it exactly, but his eyes alone screamed secrets and danger. And it's highly unsettling when they land on me.
I shift my gaze away from his, and examine Mr. Guy, who has gone deadly serious, standing behind Guy #2 with his arms crossed over his chest.
"This isn't your territory Joshua," Cayton says.
"Well, it wasn't all that hard to get into it," Guy #2, who I assume is Joshua, says casually.
"I'll give you two options. Leave willingly, or I'll force you," Cayton says. Joshua chuckles darkly, before taking a step closer. A threatening, inhuman growl roars out from Cayton, quite loudly might I add. Joshua smirks, before raising his hands in a surrendering fashion.
"Now now, can't I pay a visit to you without all this hostility?"
"You need to leave, before-" Cayton starts, but cuts off as he looks back at me. "Just. Leave," he says back to Joshua.
"Or what?" Joshua taunts. "Tell me; is this girl your mate?"
There we go with the 'mate' word again. If I wasn't so utterly confused at the moment, I might have asked what it meant. Well, what any of this meant.
Why is Cayton having a face off with a creeper and a naked man?
Why does Mr. Guy keep calling Cayton Alpha?
And what in the Sam Hill is a mate?
"No," Cayton says.
"Really? Then would you mind if I had a word with her?" Joshua steps closer, and Cayton keeps his arm over me protectively.
"Don't touch her," he growls. Joshua chuckles once again, before having the good sense to take some steps back. I've seen Cayton break down a door, and destroy a glass table with his bare hands, who knows what he could do to a person?
"I'll take that as a no."
"She doesn't know," Mr. Guy chimes in.
"I heard," Joshua says amusedly. "Interesting, how long did you plan to keep this from your mate?"
"That's none of your business," Cayton says.
"That may be true, but I think your mate should have a right to know who you are... or what you are."
I tug on Cayton's shirt to get his attention.
"What is going on here?" I ask, whispering.
"Nothing," he says back, keeping his eyes on Joshua and Mr. Guy.
"Oh yes, this is obviously nothing. Are you in trouble or something? Do you owe some guys some money?"
"I promise, it's nothing. Carter will be here any second to take you back to the house."
"I promise everything is fine," he assures me. I don't like the fact that he is obviously lying to my face, when I can clearly see the truth. You don't have a random run-in like this when everything's all fine and dandy.
As the men in front of me have some sort of glare-off, I try piecing together what I know so far. Two dangerous guys, in the woods, apparently in Cayton's 'territory'. Some stuff about 'Alphas' and 'mates', and the round of threats that have been said.
Only one conclusion pops in my mind. I silently pray right then and there that it isn't true, that Cayton isn't what I think he is.
This is definitely not how I wanted to tell her I'm a werewolf. In addition, it isn't exactly on my to-do list to have a confrontation with Joshua, especially with Macy present. With the grudge he has against our pack, I'm surprised he didn't attack Macy as soon as he saw her.
Now my main concern is getting her out of here before she saw something I don't think would thrill her too much.
Carter finally steps out, wearing a pair of the basketball shorts we keep in the trees.
"Get her out of here," I order. He nods, and I let go of Macy for him to take her, but she grabs my arm and clings to me.
"You're not staying here, are you?" she asks.
"Yes. I need to deal with our visitors." I nod to Carter for him to grab her, but she stubbornly holds on.
"I'm staying with you if you're not coming with me," she says firmly.
"Princess, now is not the time for your stubbornness," I say.
"I am not stubborn!" she says incredulously, crossing her arms over her chest. Carter takes the opportunity to grab her. In one quick motion, she's over his shoulder.
"Argh! I hate when you guys do this!" she complains.
'You're going to have a lot of explaining to do,' Carter says.
'I'll cross that bridge later. Right now, focus on getting her home,' I say back. I have to fight the urge to rip his arms off for touching her, but I remind myself that he's only doing his job.
I watch as he carries her away, her muttering something along the lines of 'unfair advantages'.
"This has been quite a trip," Joshua says.
"Why are you here?" I ask angrily, my fists clenched tightly at my side as I fight my wolf from taking control.
"Simple. I'm looking for someone," he says casually.
"Who?" I demand.
"Now what fun would it be if I told you?" he chuckles. "Besides, I'm getting closer to finding her."
"If you even think you will get your hands on her, you're dead wrong," I growl.
"How can you be so sure? Do you even know who I'm looking for?" he asks.
"I can take a pretty good guess."
"Maybe you can. But then again, maybe not," he shrugs. He turns to his Beta, Roy, and says, "I think we've overstayed our welcome."
As easy as it would be to rip out both their throats, I know I have a worried mate to attend to.
"I agree," I say. "I'll let you go, this one time. Next time, I will not think twice about killing you." Normally, I wouldn't let it go this easy. Unfortuantely, and as much as I dislike it, I couldn't take on both Joshua and his Beta at once, no matter how pissed off they made me. They've been around longer than I have, so their skills probably exceed mine.
Plus, if I was going to explain things to Macy, I rather not do it all banged up and healing from a fight.
"Until then," he says, before going into the trees. I know I have to follow to make sure they leave, and then go back home and try to clean up this mess.
Oh god, what type of people have I gotten involved with?
Everything makes sense now. It all seems to fit together like a puzzle. Well, not all of it. There are a few things I have to confront Cayton about to fill in the remaining gaps. As soon as he gets back, I'm going to ask him. Carefully, because if my assumption is correct, then he is dangerous.
I supposed I should have guessed sooner, although I did I have my suspicions. Ok, maybe not. However, it isn't a conclusion someone usually jumps to first.
I flop down on my bed and take a deep breath, as Carter sits casually on the foot of the bed.
"Are you going to explain to me what that was?" I ask.
"I could, but I won't," he shrugs.
"Just tell me one thing; now that I know your guy's secret, are you going to kill me?"
He laughs for a second, before he stops abruptly and asks, "Wait, you already know?"
"I'm smarter than you think. Somewhere between the confrontation with Joshua and Mr. Guy-"
"Wait, who?"
"Nameless naked dude," I say matter-of-factly. "As I was saying, somewhere between then and you carrying me home, I figured it out."
"And you're not freaking out?" he asks, the disbelief obvious by his tone.
"Not yet at least."
"For what it's worth, he had good intentions," he says after a moment of silence.
"I'm still a little confused about those intentions," I say. Before Carter has time to respond, Cayton comes in the room. It's silent for a moment, before Carter checks the non-existent watch on his wrist and walks out.
"So..." he starts.
"Care to explain?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the headboard. He sighs and sits on the foot of the bed, his back to me, shoulders hunched as he rests his elbows on his knees.
"I don't know how," he says.
"Would it help if I said that I already know?" He straightens up and turns his head over his shoulder, with the same disbelief Carter had on his face.
"Did Carter tell you?" I shake my head.
"I figured it out myself. I should have guessed sooner though. I mean the big, expensive house, the dangerous guys we just happened to run into, the fact that people seem to have a lot of respect for you."
"And you're ok with it?"
"Actually, not really. I think it's really dangerous and to be quite honest, I'm disappointed in you."
"Disappointed? Why?"
"Because, I expect more from you," I chastise.
"Expect more from me? It's not as if I had a choice, I was born into it! And if I do say so myself, I'm doing a very good job," he defends.
"This isn't something to be proud of! You're risking your life here!"
"Risking my life? What..." he trails off, his face forming into a confused scowl.
"Yes, I've seen those gang wars or whatever they are on TV. If not that, then you could end up in prison! Or people like Joshua-"
"Joshua isn't a problem," he says seriously. "And wait, prison? Where did that come from?"
"Last time I checked, this is all illegal."
He studies me for a moment, before running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Why do I feel like we're not on the same page?"
"Cayton, all I'm saying is you're leading a dangerous lifestyle." He shakes his head in disbelief for a second, before standing up and turning to face me fully.
"What lifestyle do you think I'm leading exactly?" he asks.
"Does it really matter, the point is-"
"Just, say it," he demands.
"Fine. Cayton, I know that you're some Mafia leader," I conclude. Now that I've said it aloud, I half expect him to grab me and tie me up. Isn't the motto 'if I tell you, then I have to kill you'? So what, I'm going to die now because I'm smart enough to figure it out? That's fair.
"That's righ- Wait, Mafia leader?"
"Yes. And I swear, if you don't kill me, I'll never tell anyone! I pinkie swear!" I bargain, holding out my pinkie.
"Macy, I'm not a Mafia leader," he says, suddenly sounding nervous.
"What do you mean? Then what are you? Some renounced jewel thief?" He takes a deep breath with his eyes closed, running his fingers through his medium brown hair once more.
"No," he pauses, like trying to think of the best way to word his next statement. He must not come up with anything good, because he huffs and says, "I'm a werewolf."
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