《Typhoon & Tempest》Chapter Twenty One
Lily was staring at her breakfast, a weird realisation hitting her as she picked up her spoon. This was the last time she'd have breakfast like this before school.
Today was her official last day.
Her aunt hadn't been too happy Lily was suspended, regardless of the fact it was completely out of Lily's control. She was pleased Lily's grades were high enough that she could graduate early.
Lily scooped up some of her porridge as her aunt slid down the banister in her fluffy pyjamas, Disney's Aristocats themed. It put a small smile to her face.
"What's the schedule today, Scooby Doo?" Ollie beamed, grabbing a spoon and eating some of Lily's porridge.
"It's just, hey! That's a lot of my breakfast!" Lily laughed. Her aunt just shrugged, helping herself to more.
"You won't finish it in three minutes, I'm just helping you!" Ollie dipped her chin to Lily's notebook on the table, and took a guess. "English?"
Lily nodded. "Then History, Fairy Health, and then Witch Agriculture to finish my last ever day of school."
Ollie's smile softened. "It's not the end of everything. You'll still see all your friends after, and you'll still learn more outside of school than you will in its walls. All school does is give you a basic taste, a sample, of life out there - the samples are gone now, so which dish are you going to go after?"
Lily blinked. "What?"
"It's a metaphor. You'll learn about it in English."
"It's too early for metaphors."
"It's too early for any philosophical conversation with you." Ollie smirked as she pulled Lily's porridge closer to her. "You've got seconds to leave the house if you're going to be at school on time!"
Lily quickly shoved her notebook in her bag and ran to the door. Ollie perked up. "Run, Forrest, run!" She shouted after her and Lily left the house laughing.
Her mood dimmed as she walked her way to school. She wasn't that upset it was her last day. She was just sad she didn't get to spend the rest of it with her new friends; Ollie was right. She'd see Jack, Claire, and Karen. Ryan too - Lily hoped he hadn't forgotten his promise of letting her visit the packhouse that afternoon to see the library.
If there was anything to help her control her dangerous creature, it'd be in those books.
As Lily glimpsed the gates at the end of her walk, she tucked the loose strands of her renegade hair behind her ears. She'd settled for a normal plait down her back and almost tripped over her feet when she saw the ring she'd put on her finger.
It was a simple gold ring with a small sapphire resting in an entanglement of gold leaves.
Lily always liked to carry a part of her family with her. For a long time it was Delta's leather bracelet. It was thin and wouldn't catch on her clothes, wasn't decorated with any gems of any kind. For wanting to blend in and be invisible, Delta's bracelet was the perfect thing to wear.
But for her last day, she didn't want to be invisible.
So on her right hand, middle finger, lay her sister Rio's favourite ring. Lily could almost picture Rio reacting to her jewellery choice.
Oh you're going out with a bang are you Lilsey? You're wearing my 'gonna-invoke-some-envy' ring! Who are you going to punch this time? Remember to tuck your thumb against your fist!
Lily fidgeted as she crossed Nova High's gates, the ring rough in her fingers. She wasn't used to it but she wanted to be more like Rio today. She didn't want to let her last day just slip by, not really.
She spotted Jack already near the doors, looking horrified as Claire was shoving her phone in her face, no doubt showing more pictures for the end of year prom. Karen was looking through her books and ignoring Jack's plea for help.
"- But the other dresses arrived, I couldn't cancel them in time, so I have seven options for the formal," Claire explained while swiping through her phone. "So do I go for the puffy pink? 'Cause I have earrings for that one, and I have these high nude heels that will go with it, but then those shoes can also go with the white shimmery one? Or I can wear the blue knee-length one but blue doesn't look that good on me, but then purple doesn't normally but the purple halterneck is actually stunning? Or do I wear the one shoulder red-"
"Lily!" Jack shouted when she spotted her. Her eyes were wide in fear and she tried to smile in relief but it was more of a grimace. "Thank goodness you're here, Claire was just about to tell you all about her dresses... Karen do you have the answer to question 19 in that maths homework?"
"We didn't have a nineteenth question-"
Jack shushed her and pretended to look over Karen's shoulder at her notebook as Claire swung to look at Lily, beaming.
"Lily!" Claire was bouncing on her heels, her ringlets twirling around her face. "Okay, so I have all these options, right, 'cause the other dresses arrived before I could cancel but now I don't know what to do."
"You liked the pink one, right?" Lily re-tucked a rebellious strand of hair. "Stick with that one. The colour really suits you, but pair it with nude shoes 'cause you don't want to take away from the dress."
Claire blinked. "Yeah, yeah! That sounds amazing, thank you Lily! You're right, I think I just needed someone to remind me, I always second guess when it comes to fashion."
"Jack said your mum's a fashion designer?"
"Yeah, she always looks beautiful." Claire's eyes dimmed as she looked at the seven pictures of the dresses. "I want to live up to that, you know?"
Lily understood the feeling of wanting to impress a parent - it was harder when they weren't around anymore, where you'd never hear their praise or applause. Stroking Rio's ring, Lily smiled at Claire.
"My mum always told me to not try and fill someone else's shoes, but to wear my own better." Lily gulped as a well of emotions rose when she spoke about her dear mother. "I guess a little advice for you Claire? Forget what your mum looks like, will you be happy with what you look like in the pink dress?"
A wave of understanding dawned on Claire, a light bulb moment as what Lily said hit home. "Yes, I'll be so happy in the pink dress."
"Then you have your answer."
"Thanks Lily." Claire smiled gratefully and put her phone away. She turned to look at Karen and Jack, see what they were up to, and Karen was trying to explain some homework to Jack, who just looked very confused.
"I don't get it." Jack huffed, and did a double take when she realised Claire wasn't holding her phone anymore. "You decided on a dress?!"
"Yep." Claire grinned. "Pink dress all the way!"
"That's great!" Jack said in relief, grateful she didn't have to look at another photo of a dress.
"Jack you can help me pick out the earrings now!" Claire teased, and both she and Lily laughed when Jack's face fell.
"Ha-ha-ha! That's hilarious..." Jack drew out and grabbed her bags. "Ready to go in, you nutters?"
"Actually," Lily held up a hand. "I have something to tell you guys."
They all paused, Karen cocking her head to the side, Claire frowning, and Jack narrowing her eyes. "If you say you're sitting next to Ryan in History I'm gonna kick your ass."
"No, not exactly." Lily took a breath, fiddling with Rio's old ring, finding strength thinking of her fearless sister. She explained to them the repercussions of her accident yesterday in meditation, how she was suspended until her creature was under control, effective from this afternoon.
Karen's eyes widened. "I'm so sorry Lily, maybe if I hadn't broken the door down, reacted so badly they wouldn't have suspended you-"
"It wasn't your fault at all Karen, don't blame yourself." Lily assured, but Claire shook her head.
"That's so unfair. You had no control, it was an accident! No one was hurt, everyone's fine." Claire shook her head. "I'm having a word with my dad, surely he wouldn't approve of this."
Jack was still, watching Lily carefully. "How are you feeling about it?" She asked.
"I'm... I dunno. It hasn't quite hit me yet." Lily admitted. "I think it'll hit me when I'm apologising to everyone, and when I leave."
"You don't have to apologise to anyone." Jack said sternly. Lily glimpsed her rings flashing, her witch power coiling around the gemstones and metals.
"I do, and I'm sorry to you and Karen. I didn't mean to hurt you guys and-"
"Is that why you didn't take my offer of a lift yesterday?" Jack's eyes widened in realisation. "I thought you wanted to have the backseat with Croft!"
"What!" Claire blurted. "You and Croft are together?!"
"No!" Lily's cheeks flamed. "I just was so guilty about what I did to you Jack, I couldn't look at you."
"Please, I'm fine! There's nothing to apologise for!"
"I almost hospitalised you!"
"I was sweating! I know I don't exercise and it's a rare thing for me to be out of breath but I'm not gonna be hospitalised because it's a little steamy." Jack flicked some of her hair away.
Claire laughed at Jack's stubbornness and Karen shyly looked at Lily. "Apology accepted Lily. It wasn't your fault."
She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks Karen, could you pass it onto Thalia and Hope too? I don't know if I'll see them today."
"Don't worry, I'll let them know."
Lily turned to Claire, mouth open ready to ask but Claire already had her phone in her hand, fingers furiously typing away. "I'll pass on your apologies to Belissa, she's off sick today."
"Thank you."
"Come on, enough of this sappy stuff." Jack joked. "You know what will cheer us up? English!"
"You hate English." Claire deadpanned.
"Doth thou not know thy love doth thy sonnets and doth thee bards tongue?" Jack slurred.
"That made literally no sense."
"Well, thy tried." Jack grinned, waving them all into school. "Venture thou way, Lady of Morgan clan! Let us celebrate thy farewell doth thou best day thy ever thee!"
Karen shook her head as Lily laughed. "She's gonna do this all day!" Claire groaned but they all followed the witch into class, Lily couldn't help but remember how this was her last ever morning at the school with them. It was a weight in her belly.
English passed quicker than Lily thought it would. She had heard people talk about their last day of school, how the day was eerily long and each minute felt like an hour. But listening to her teacher go over paragraph structure again Lily was only reminded that she knew all this. She studied ahead, she knew all the text books back to front.
Karen had her lips pulled tight as she wrote down the sentence structure and whispered to Lily; "It's Point, Example, Technique, Analysis, and Link, right?"
"More like, Please End This Annoying Lesson." Lily muttered, and Karen laughed trying to smother her hiccup-like giggle with a hand. Their teacher narrowed her eyes but Karen quickly ducked her head to avoid any confrontation. Lily smiled, all to aware of how much she'd miss having classes with Karen.
As they were leaving for their next class, she spotted Poppy quickly running out the door. Lily had her mouth open to shout for her, to say sorry for what happened yesterday, but she'd already rounded the corner. Lily told herself she'd apologise to her later. Maybe she'd see her at the pack house tonight?
Her companions changed from Karen to Jack as they walked into History. It was then that she asked Jack if she was free that evening to go to the pack house with her.
"Me?" Jack blinked.
"Yeah? I don't know another Jacinta."
"I'll go if you never call me Jacinta again." Jack ordered with a playful smile on her face.
"Can't promise that." Lily grinned.
"Don't you have an embarrassing middle name I can use against you?" Jack scowled. "I'll go anyway, wouldn't miss an opportunity to snoop."
"Nerida." Lily opened up her notebooks. "After my grandmother."
Jack frowned. "Damn I can't use that, that's cool."
"What's your middle name?"
"Ha! Nice try, you're not holding another thing over me." Jack scoffed, running her ring-clad hand through her hair.
Lily laughed as Mr Booth called the class to silence, opening up a powerpoint presentation. Lily frowned as Ryan arrived a few minutes in with Laura hot on his heels.
"Ryan, Laura," Mr Booth nodded to them, frowning. "You're both late."
"I was in a meeting about the prom, sir." She explained, flicking her newly cut fringe out of her eyes. "I'm the head of the committee."
Mr Booth paused, before nodding and letting them sit down. Ryan scanned the room with concern, searching, easing when he settled on Lily. He sent a small smile her way, before sitting up the back of the room next to Laura. Lily frowned a little as Laura took a notebook out and was muttering quietly into Ryan's ear. He sent a few glances Lily's way before Jack nudged her.
"Stop staring you perv'." She had a wicked grin on her face. "You're so whipped."
"Shut up Jack." Lily blushed, keeping her nose in her books.
"As I was saying, let's learn about the Supernovas' again. Last time we spoke about Illya, the Russian alpha who ruled during the 1800's." Mr Booth slapped a pen onto the board where he'd written up one name in capitals.
"Now let's talk about the next Supernova, Witch of the Night, who reigned from 1907 to 1983." Mr Booth said, tapping his computer as an image of her came up on the screen.
Silence fell over the class as they beheld the picture; a laughing woman was standing in a cemetery surrounded by collapsing tombstones as the dead clawed their way through the earth. Her hair was raven black, skin white like bones, and her eyes were glowing parakeet green. Her magic wove through her hair and down her arms like vines, pouring into the ground where the dead lay. Faces and wide eyes were painted between the forest behind her, skeletal limbs outstretched, pleading an end to her madness, but she kept laughing, her magic still piercing the dying ground.
I can see where she got the title Witch of the Night. Lily thought, a chill echoing in her bones as she stared longer into the eyes of the old supernova. Jack was scowling at the picture Mr Booth had shown, crossing her arms tightly as she listened to him ramble.
"Andromeda was born here, actually. Nova High didn't exist in her time, and thank goodness it didn't. She was described as ruthless and power-hungry. Her witch magic was the strongest seen at the time - she could grow forests with the snap of her fingers, and she decided to test how far her powers could go.
"As you can see from the picture, she pushed her magic into a graveyard, seeing what her growing magic would do to bones. No one knows how, not really, but the dead around her rose with a craving for blood, feeling starved. She created vampires in that instant, and also ended her life.
"The villagers, as you can see behind her, took her away when they saw the vampires born. Andromeda was sentenced to death but she escaped before her sentence could be carried out, breaking a wall down and leaving a vine on the ceiling with deep indigo petals." Mr Booth tapped at his computer and showed a picture of the wrecked cell with the remnants of a vine on the roof, and Lily frowned as she looked at the flower. It looked familiar but the slide changed again before she could examine it further.
"Andromeda was the most powerful rebel of the 1900's. She evaded capture for years, but eventually came forward randomly in 1983 and was executed shortly after. It was reported that she was tired of running, but there were some rumours of her having a relationship with a male witch." Mr Booth looked at the new picture on the screen. It showed Andromeda in shackle but she didn't have a broken expression on her face. Her head was held high and her eyes bright with power despite her older age. Lily's eyes were drawn to the chains on her wrists, narrowed onto Andromeda's rings, one on every finger.
"The rumours turned out to be true when the next Supernova was found - her daughter, Freida." Mr Booth said, and Lily's jaw dropped. "She was the Supernova for her abilities as a powerful psychic, but a new Supernova took over in 2011 - a male that refuses to appear in any pictures, in history, apparently."
Lily's head snapped to Jack. She was still fiercely tucking her arms, her eyes staring forward at the picture on the screen. Lily knew that on Jack's hands there would be an identical set of rings to Andromeda's.
Lily remembered Freida's tan lines on her fingers, ten bands. She remembered waking up to Freida chanting, prophecising, and a green vine above her head with a white lily at the end.
It suddenly occurred to her what Mrs Khan said yesterday during her meeting with the principal.
We've only had one other student with your level of power - but she's in complete control of her abilities thanks to steps her family has taken, and she knows what kind of creature she is.
Jack nervously looked at Lily, trying to gauge her reaction. Her olive green eyes were unapologetic, confirming her thoughts. Lily kept staring at Jack as the pieces finally clicked together.
Jack was the granddaughter of Andromeda. She was the daughter of Freida, the last Supernova. Her rings were an heirloom to what kind of power laced through her veins, a reminder to everyone of what she was capable of.
And that meant she was most powerful student in the school.
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