《Typhoon & Tempest》Chapter Fourteen
Aunt Ollie had been called by the time Lily arrived home. She had three packed emergency duffle bags out already and was just getting her personal bag sorted when the door opened to Lily, wrapped up in drenched gauze and soaked clothes with Jack. Lily barely had time to shower and change into something more comfortable before they all cleared out with everything they needed.
In Jack's car over, they left Ollie's car behind, her aunt was happily chatting to her new school friend, getting to know the exhausted witch.
Despite the bags under her eyes Jack kept up the conversation. She was driving slowly, at least 5km under the limit, so Lily was relaxed in the back seat. While Ollie and Jack were talking to each other Lily looked at the gauze falling off her arm.
The tissue was damp, the tape losing its stick, so it came away easily in Lily's fingers. The scratches from the glass and bark under the bandage had healed almost within the hour, only a pale line remained on her flesh.
Lily gulped, pressing the weak gauze over her non-existent wound. The chatter faded to the background as Lily trembled; she'd never seen healing like this before. It had only been an hour since she flew through the window and was attacked by the familiar rogue.
Yuric's been after something like you for a long time, little river.
The rogue's words were now coming back to her. What did he mean? Who was Yuric? Was he behind the attack on the wolves' packhouse only last week? And what did he want with her?
Lily sighed, staring out the window as the neighbourhood shifted from smooth-stoned two-story homes to rusted, crumbling bungalows with graffiti scattered along the fences. Lily frowned at the change in scene as she glimpsed kids playing football on the streets, families lounging in deck chairs with cigarettes, and large dogs barking as they drove past.
She looked to Jack, seeing her reaction to this neighbourhood. Her knuckles were a little white as she turned down a side street that was, for a lack of a better word, more wild than the rest. Trees lined the crumbling road, potholes housed wild plants that had grown despite no clear dirt underneath, and strangler vines gripped fences so tightly they were almost horizontal, like nature was slowly bringing the neighbourhood to its knees.
Jack pulled into the dirt driveway at the end of the street, Ollie gasping at the sight. It was a bungalow like all the others but had significantly more land. It was barely visible with the dozens of trees in the front garden alone, the only colour Lily could see was the small flowers that littered the ground; it was like someone had build their home around the wild, rather than remove any plant or tree. In fact, it looked like they'd added more.
"Oh it's beautiful!" Ollie beamed. "It's so lush I love it."
Jack clenched her jaw a little as she turned off the car. "It's definitely something." She agreed, opening the door. "Come on, I'll help you with your things."
"Oh you're too kind!" Ollie said, but turned back to Lily when Jack was out the car. "You holding up okay Lils'?"
Lily forced a smile. "Fine, thank you."
Ollie returned the grin before coaxing her out Jack's car. The witch was already unloading the duffle bags and her own school bag by the time they'd got to the boot. When they grabbed their bags, Jack held up a hesitant hand.
"I feel like I have to give a warning, um, for my mother." Jack scratched the back of her head.
"Oh I'm sure she'll be fine." Ollie beamed. "We'll have to thank her for opening up your home to us."
"No, that's not what I mean." Jack wiped her sweaty hands on her trousers. "Mama's a witch like me, but she's also a seer. She says a lot of crazy things and, well, it can be a lot to take in at first."
Jack shut her car boot, not looking Lily in the eye. "She means well, don't get me wrong, but just be prepared for her to read your life story instantly."
Lily stomach churned at the idea of someone peering into her soul and seeing her life - both the trauma that had occurred and whatever else was going to happen later - but Ollie took the reigns with a big smile.
"Well I've always wanted my future read," Ollie said gently. "She sounds lovely."
Jack relaxed at Ollie's words and at Lily's nod of assurance, before they walked up the pebble path lined with daisies and wild lavender. Bees danced around their ankles as they went through the large wooden door. Wind chimes rustled as they entered Jack's home. They were greeted by the large smell of moss and ginger. Herbs hung from the ceiling as they removed their shoes, Lily's toes were treading lightly on the wooden floors which were surprisingly warm.
"Mama?" Jack called as she dumped her bag by a side table with crystals and a vase of flowers. She went off into the house, walking through a curtain of rattling reeds painted every colour known, leaving Ollie and Lily by the door.
"Sorry for making you pack last minute." Lily said into the silence. "And for scaring you, again."
Ollie smiled. "Lily, these bags were packed years ago. They're emergency bags, you didn't rush me into doing anything."
Lily frowned. "Why do we have emergency bags?"
Ollie's eyes glazed, lips pursed in mild confusion. "I...I don't have them, they're your emergency bags. I quickly packed my own when you called - I don't remember when I packed yours, years ago I think? It's been a long time."
Lily's frown was still stuck in place. "Why didn't you pack yours at the same time?"
Her aunt hesitated, the sounds of the wind chimes and the clock at the end of the hall the only noise heard, but Ollie just grinned and waved her off. "Doesn't matter now, we have them, right? And we're safe."
Lily let her aunt's weird mood slide, she didn't have the energy to deal with any interrogations. Her eyes wondered around Jack's home again, taking in the wonky picture frames filled with old black and white pictures and a one of a little baby with vivid green eyes. Lily snapped her head to the corner of the room when her instinct spiked.
The woman hiding in the shadows smiled when she realised she'd been spotted. "Marco..." She sung. "Polo...."
Instinct swam through Lily's blood, her skin prickling as the woman's eyes roamed over her body. She didn't bat an eye at Ollie, clearly interested in the unknown supernatural that had stepped into her den. Lily's feet were planted, still, even when the woman walked into the light.
Her hair was down to her waist in a mane of fuzzy waves, flecks of herbs and crumbs stuck in the fly-aways shooting from her hairline. Her eyes were the same bright green as Jack's, the same shade of deep earthy tanned skin, but this woman had a glisten of madness in her smile. She had rings of pale skin around her fingers, tan lines, but freckled, wrinkled skin fell around her bones when she stretched out her hands to the house around her - yellow and broken nails scraped the crystals on the shelf, the leaves of the plant that suddenly brightened in health.
Her long dark skirt swayed as Jack's mother approached Lily and her aunt with a mad shimmer to her vivid eyes. "Hello, friends." She hissed, lips parting to reveal crooked and stained teeth.
Ollie moved around Lily to stretch out a hand to Jack's mother. "Hello!" She said cheerily. "Thank you for letting us stay, our home isn't quite liveable at the moment but I'm sure Jack's filled you in."
Her mother gripped Ollie's outstretched hand like she'd handed her a life line. Her nails dug into her knuckles as she turned her hand over to read her palm, feel her pulsing veins. "Oh, oh..." Jack's mother scowled. "Tell me, how is Jacob?"
Ollie frowned. "Jacob? I don't know a Jacob..."
"Hmm." The witch dropped her hand, bored. "Your body knows a Jacob - your mind is failing you."
Ollie blinked, that cheery and warm personality suddenly sapped with the witch's touch. Her hand was shaking slightly, trembling. She was blinking rapidly.
The witch then set her eyes on Lily, who still hadn't moved. "And you?" She snatched up Lily's hand before she had the chance to react, her body tensed for any threat Jack's mother might be.
She scowled as she stared into Lily's palm, a rough finger stroking the scar from when she'd sliced her hand open in science. The witch's expression suddenly softened.
"You..." Her eyes were clear from madness as she drank in Lily's skin. "You."
Lily snatched her hand back, cradling it, as Jack rounded the corner. "Mama!" She yelled. "Leave them alone, they're guests."
Her mother huffed, madness crinkling her eyes again. "I know, I know, but it's nice having new friends."
Jack sighed. "Miss Haphern, Lily, this is my mother Frieda. Mama, this is my friend Lily and her aunt, please be normal and nice."
Frieda clasped her hands together, rocking back on her heels. "I'm normal, I don't know what rumours you're spreading about me Jacinta."
Jack pinched her nose hearing her full name. "I regret everything." She murmured. Her mother cackled, sweeping an arm to the room around her.
"Welcome to my home!" Frieda greeted, a full grin displaying her antique set of teeth. "Woman of Jacob, you can stay in the guest room. Jacinta, you can share with your friend. I've just finished cooking dinner, if you're hungry?"
Ollie gulped at Frieda's nickname for her, nodding politely. "Dinner would be lovely, thank you Frieda."
Frieda turned her gaze to Lily. "And you, little river? I have made ginger and cabbage soup."
Lily's heart stopped. "That's what the rogues called me."
Frieda raised an eyebrow. "Did they? Indeed..." She walked away, humming to herself but Lily could pick up the words 'little river' being sung quietly, haunting her ears.
Jack helplessly looked at the two of them. "Again, I'm so sorry for her. She's...strange."
Ollie shook off whatever effect Frieda had on her. "It's alright Jack, it's nice of her to cook for us, I hope we're not too much of a burden for you both."
Jack smiled lightly. "Mama's going to your room Ms Haphern, if you want to follow her? Lily I can show you ours."
Lily nodded, gripping her bag while Jack grabbed another. "So," she began. "Jacinta?"
"If you tell anyone you'll wake up with a mattress of stinging nettles." Jack narrowed her eyes. Lily let out a chuckle, still shaking off the effect Frieda had on her. Her heart was pounding in her chest.
"It'll be our little secret Jacinta." Lily grinned.
Jack tipped her head back with a groan. "Why did I offer to keep you safe..." She muttered.
Lily followed Jack into their room - it was similar to the rest of the house, except there was a single bed in a wooden frame, with a spare mattress lying on the floor with a dozen handmade blankets dumped in a cozy pile. Unlit candles lined the window, dream catchers hung from random points on the ceiling, Jack's pressed flowers hung in frames and old family pictures loomed over their heads like gargoyles.
"Thank you, again, for letting us stay." Lily said as they dumped their bags on the spare mattress.
Jack shrugged, looking around her home. "My home's not the nicest - Claire has a three-story house that looks like a glorified bunker filled with modern toys and spas and a tennis court. Karen and her dad have their flat together - she has a king bed, you know? But they're homes that, despite having a tonne of wealth built into the damn walls, don't have any supernatural protection.
"This? This house has been in the family for generations. This neighbourhood used to be an old town back in the 1800's, with as many trees as people. Typical place with all the crazy superstitions - but my family's had, well, a fair amount of defences placed as protection on this house so they were fine."
Jack sat down on her bed, Lily sitting on her mattress as she listened to Jack's story. "I get that Claire's mansion could be safe - but these rogues probably could break in through one of the twelve spare rooms. Karen's flat would be safer, you actually would have two vampires protecting you except they wouldn't hurt a fly and these rogues would probably kill their way through the building until they got to you."
Jack took in Lily's slightly sick expression. "The wolf packhouse would have worked - if they hadn't been attacked last week and had half their security broken. This place? A rogue could only step on our land if we wanted them to."
Lily looked up at Jack. The young witch was watching her carefully, gauging her reaction. She had never invited someone back to her place before. Jack was a little conscious of the fact her little shanty of a home was nothing like the modern mansions with their marble counter tops and glass railings. Her home smelled like damp earth and roasted seasonings thanks to her mother's magic. It wasn't modern, it wasn't trending, but it was home.
She looked around Jack's room with a soft smile and an ancient gaze. "Then thank you, all the same, for letting us in your home. It's...what's the word; unique, actually has character and personality, you know?"
Jack let out the breath she'd been holding. "Yeah, I know." She followed her gaze, trying to see her home for the first time. It was strange - almost every day her mother changed a room or a hanging or a wall colour. It was never the same each time she came home from school. Today, her mother had added a vase of water filled with white and pink lilies by the front door. Their smell didn't debunk the powerful aroma of ginger and moss, but it was a soft sight in the chaos of their household.
Lily cocked her head to the side. "How'd you find me, by the way?" She asked, her mind still replaying the lock down.
Jack scoffed. "I saw those werewolves follow you in the bathroom. When they came out and you didn't, and I didn't see you with the rest of us, I took a guess."
Lily raised an eyebrow. "It was a lucky guess."
Jack shrugged. "I'm a lucky person."
"No, not at all - I'd be passing maths if I was!" They laughed, clutching their bellies, and when the laughter died down they left the room to have dinner with Frieda and Ollie.
Later, lying in bed, Lily stared above her. Jack, or maybe her mother, had dotted the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark paint to form a serene night sky blooming with constellations. Jack was snoring lightly in her bed but Lily couldn't sleep yet. The stars blinked at her as her mind was a tornado of thoughts. She kept wringing her hands together, breathing heavily through her mouth.
What has my life turned to? It had only been a week since her life had turned chaotic, all because she stepped in to save Alice's life. She was closer now to discovering her supernatural side than ever before but she'd also felt the furthest away from everyone.
A lone tear rolled down her cheek. Lily wanted to know what she was, of course, but she never wanted anyone to be hurt in the process. Now she was a burden of Jack and her mother, Ollie had to move out of her home for a few days too.
Why did she have emergency bags packed for Lily from years ago? Her mind was turning over each piece of information, constantly, flashing each memory in her mind like a movie.
Her phone buzzed from beside her head. Lily frowned, grabbing the scratched thing to see she'd received a text message.
Hey. I grabbed your number from the office, sorry.
Wanted to make sure you were okay though - ryan
Lily's heart thudded seeing his text. She could overlook the office excuse, she wasn't worried. Her heart warmed at how Ryan cared enough to reach out.
Glad to hear it. Can you stop by the packhouse tomorrow?
Andrew wants to talk to you about today. The witch too,
if she's free. - ryan
Her body froze over, heart dropping. Oh. She thought dismally. That's why he messaged, to get a report of her attack, Jack's report too.
Yeah, sure. - L
Thanks Lily, see you tomorrow :) - ryan
Lily didn't bother to reply, throwing her phone back by her bag. Her mind was more rattled than it was before. She glared at the painted stars above her for being so bright when she was feeling so disappointed.
She heard Jack's bed groan, glimpsing the witch raise her head. Her hair was spiked from her constant moving around in the sheets. She looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.
"Ev'rythin' okay?" She grumbled into the pillow.
Lily rolled over to get comfortable, adjusting one of the many blankets on her body. "Ryan wants us at the packhouse tomorrow, apparently Andrew wants a report on today."
Jack was quiet for a while but Lily heard her flop back onto her bed begrudgingly. "What time?"
"Didn't say."
"Afternoon it is." Jack decided, slamming her face into the multiple pillows on her bed. "G'night Lily."
Lily let out a quiet chuckle. "Good night Jacinta."
Jack threw a pillow at Lily's face. She let out a full laugh, clutching her pillow.
"Shut up." Jack grumbled and she stretched out her ring-clad hand. "Gimme that, I need it."
She wordlessly handed her pillow back and the two went to sleep, Lily considerably happier than she was moments before. Her dreams were filled with menacing rogues, mad witches, and a gust of wind blowing the dark clouds away to reveal a sea of glistening stars in the sky.
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