《Typhoon & Tempest》Chapter Eleven
History was a slow lesson. Lily swore the second hand went backwards on the loud clock, but Jack made the lesson entertaining. Between her curious questions and rapid notes, Jack used her magic to write with her pen and flick hair out of her face. Lily frowned at her rings - they glowed with magic every so often, like it was being trapped inside the jewels and steel.
When the class ended and Croft stormed past before the two of them could put their books away, Jack frowned.
"Jeez, I really pissed him off, didn't I?" The witch scowled, tapping her fingers on the desk restlessly.
"Seems so." Lily muttered, remembering she was about to spend an evening with him and his alpha. Dread sank in her belly.
Jack looked back over, her green eyes assessing Lily's downcast mood. She didn't push on it, but instead looked at her notebook as it went finally in her bag.
"You draw?"
Jack rested her elbow on the table, smirking. "You drew some things on the edges of the page - you draw?"
Lily paused and shrugged it off. "Not really. I just get bored listening to the same lessons." She stood with her bag, waiting for Jack to stand as well so she could walk out into the aisle and both leave.
Jack stood as well, carelessly throwing her bag over her shoulder. "You knew the lesson already?"
"I only had three classes before this week, so I spent a lot of time in the library researching." Lily admitted. "I've read all the history texts."
Jack cocked her head to the side, her short hair falling everywhere. "How many times did you read them?" She said, and Lily blushed.
"...A few?"
"A few?" Jack raised an eyebrow.
"A lot..." Lily fiddled with her hands, going to play with her sister's bracelet, forgetting it wasn't on her wrist anymore. "There's a lot on witches, wolves, fairies and vampires."
Jack nodded slowly in understanding. "Not on anything else?"
"Not in this library." Lily said as they pushed open the school doors, joining the hoard of students who were heading to their cars or buses to go home. "I haven't gone through all the books yet, so their might still be something."
Jack pursed her lips. "That's a lot to read, sounds exhausting."
"Sometimes..." Lily stopped when she spotted Croft leaning against his car, arms crossed and following her every move. Jack frowned when she saw where Lily was looking.
"Man, is he gonna look that moody the whole week?" Jack groaned. "What's he waiting for anyway?"
Lily breathed deeply, calmly. "Me."
Jack snapped her head to her. "What? If he's gonna give you crap for me sitting in 'his' seat then I'm gonna-"
"No, no, no!" Lily put her hands up defensively. "His alpha wants to see me, a-about Alice."
"Oh!" Jack grinned. "Well that sounds fun. Dinner with the alpha? Try not to punch him too, okay?"
Lily chuckled, twiddling her fingers. "Yeah, I'll try." Her heart hammered in her chest, grateful Jack didn't make a big deal out of it. She'd had enough attention for today - with the accident in science this morning, and the punch last Friday, Lily was just hoping for a quiet day tomorrow.
As Lily walked away, Jack called out to her again. "See you tomorrow, Lily!" The feisty witch waved at her, Lily shyly waving back as she made her way over to Croft. He was scowling, his lips pulled down a little as he watched her approach.
Lily paused when she finally stood in front of him, holding her fingers as her nerves bounced around her stomach. "Are we waiting for anyone else?" Lily asked.
Croft was still frowning, but it eased slightly when he looked into her dark eyes. "No." He grumbled and got into his car. Lily slowly walked around and got into the passenger seat, the faux leather making her slide around as she got comfortable. She fastened her seat belt as he eased out of the car park, careful not to hit any of their classmates. Lily pursed her lips as he only put on his seat belt when they got onto the main road, unease settling in her stomach.
She hated driving. She hated cars. Lily hated it even more when people didn't use their seat belts, but she wasn't driving, Lily didn't know how Croft would react if she asked him to put on his seat belt immediately - and besides, it wasn't like she was ever going to be in his car regularly.
They drove in silence as Croft threw the car forward, racing down roads Lily couldn't identify, signs passing in a blur.
Lily's heart rate shot up, her anxiety eating at her stomach and crawling up her throat. Croft was driving emotionally. Jack must have really riled him up in history.
"Croft?" Lily whispered, making the wolf frown.
"Can you slow down?"
Croft frowned but slowed down to the limit. As soon as they were under the limit Lily could finally breathe, drowning in her anxiety. She took long deep breaths, trying to clear her head.
"You okay?" He asked, fingers drumming on the wheel.
"Yeah." Lily swallowed. "I just don't like reckless driving."
Croft adjusted his seat. "It's not reckless. My reaction time is faster so I can get out of a crash faster. It's the perk of driving with a supernatural at the wheel." He smiled at her, trying to lighten the mood.
Lily stared him down, gobsmacked a little. Her throat burned. Her gut churned with anger at how careless he was but she clenched her jaw, holding that tide of horrible words back. Her family were supernatural and it didn't help, she wanted to spit, they couldn't control the car or the driver's that collided with them.
"Please, just drive safely."
Croft looked over, his icy blue eyes running over her rigid posture and how she was staring out the window watching the world go by. His heart cramped a little, the hairs on the back of his neck raising as he looked at Lily's dark red hair, the doe eyes and the little pout of her fine lips she did when she was upset. Croft shook it off, bristling slightly at the order she'd quietly given, but obeyed.
They drove in silence for the rest of the way. Lily saw the other cars behind them, more wolves she guessed, heading home.
And what a home it was - the sleek steel gates swung open when they sensed Croft's car. The rough driveway led them through the forest to a large wooden mansion. There were several small cottages lining the driveway, almost like a road for their pack community, but towards the end of the driveway was a three-story cabin with balcony's and large windows - the curtains were drawn up though.
The other cars behind them pulled into their own cottages but Croft parked right in front of the mansion. As Lily got out, taking her bag with her, she spotted the scaffolding around the side and burn marks that licked the walls.
Frowning, she looked to Croft who was already watching her. "It was from the attack last week." He cleared his throat. "We're still repairing the damage."
Lily didn't respond yet a shiver went down her spine. Andrew's father died here, and they had to live under the same roof as that?
"Shall we?" Croft stretched an arm to the door, letting her go first. A little surprised, Lily walked up the steps to the deck and pausing only for a moment before walking into the house.
It smelled stale, like they hadn't opened the windows up. Dust licked the cupboards and tables, the sofas smoothed over with no print of someone sitting there. Croft watched her reaction to their alpha's home, but a sadness was in her eyes.
Lily was familiar with this state of mind when mourning.
"Where is your alpha?" Lily said quietly, like she didn't want to disturb the dust around them.
Croft's blue eyes dimmed slightly but he led her through an archway, up some beautifully sculpted wooden stairs, and to a door on the right. He knocked first. A quick 'come in' sounded from the other side and Croft entered with a grim smile.
Lily followed as she took in the sight and gasped. They were in the library, but before Lily could stare too long at the book titles the figure by the large desk moved, dragging her eye.
She recognised Andrew immediately. She'd seen him at school multiple times, but he'd never seen her. Lily wasn't wolf, why would he? But when Andrew strode over, his plain blue shirt making his light brown skin stand out, and his piercing blue eyes glow, Lily understood what people meant when they said he was intimidating.
He was her height, and she was taller than average. He looked her dead in the eye, scanning them for any semblance of the creature which gave one of his wolves an incurable black eye, but found only a teenager like him staring back.
Andrew stuck out a hand. "You must be Lily." He smiled softly.
Lily shook his hand. "You must be Andrew." She saw the shadows in his eyes. "How are you?"
Andrew stiffened a little at the question, not because of what she'd asked, but how she'd asked it. Like she knew the pain he was going through. He frowned a little, trying to remember what he knew about the mysterious Lily Morgan, but not much came to mind.
Lily saw the confusion in his eyes. "I lost my father a few years ago." Lily swallowed her emotion back. "I know what you're going through."
Andrew bristled a little but let her hand go. Lily Morgan was definitely a mystery. "Don't suppose you have advice on how to deal with it? You'd be the hundredth person to suggest something."
Lily ignored his snarly taunts. "Open up the curtains." She suggested, looking over the dusty room with a soft smile. "You'd be surprised what a little light can do."
Andrew leaned against his father's desk, assessing his fellow student before him. She didn't seem like the fighter type but her eyes spoke of a long life; a hard life. Lily Morgan was exactly like Croft described - her scent was slightly alluring, crisp, and she kept to herself.
Andrew nodded his head to her suggestion; it was the only one he'd never heard before. "Thank you - and thank you again for saving Alice."
Lily wrung her fingers, hand immediately going to the bracelet she knew wouldn't be there. "Anyone would have done the same in my position," she blushed, "how is Alice?"
Andrew took a shuddering breath, looking at his watch to meet her eye. "She won't leave her room." He admitted. Croft snapped his head to his alpha - he hadn't told anyone that.
Lily frowned but some flicker of understanding crossed her expression. "May I talk to her?" She asked. She had no idea where this boldness was coming from, asking an alpha wolf these questions like she had the right to an answer.
Surprise flickered over Andrew's face as he pondered, before nodding. "She has been asking about you, maybe you can coax her out of her room."
Lily smiled softly. She wasn't going to make any promises she couldn't keep but she knew exactly what Alice was going through. There were times when she was younger when she wouldn't leave her room - only Ollie's supportive nature coaxed her out, gradually.
Andrew and Croft shared a look, the latter dropping his bag, as the alpha led them out of the library and along the second floor, heading to the other staircase up to the third. Must be the bedrooms. Lily thought, as Andrew stopped before a wooden door painted with lovely pink flowers, and someone had painted Alice's name in a beautiful cursive.
Andrew knocked softly. "Alice?"
Lily heard a ruffle of bed covers - like Alice rolled over and ignored her brother. Andrew scrunched up his nose, eyes flashing black as night for a moment, disapproving of a pack member ignoring their alpha.
Lily stepped forward, knocking softly. "Alice?" She called. "It's Lily, I...I brought you home last week?"
They all heard Alice's sharp intake of breath and the frantic scrambling of bed covers being thrown off. Lily took a breath as she heard little Alice run to the door and swing it open.
Alice blinked at the light from the hallway, her room was sealed in darkness from the closed blinds, and stared at Lily. Kept staring.
"Hey Alice." Lily spoke softly, crouching to her level so she could look her in the eye. "Can I come in?"
Alice looked so much like her brother. The same light cocoa skin, although Alice had deep brown eyes, they both carried the same shadows under them. Alice's cheeks were stained with tears, her loose black hair knotted.
But she beamed when Lily spoke to her. She nodded rapidly, curls flying over her face, and Lily slowly walked in. Alice held the door open for her with both her hands, watching as Lily took in her very pink room.
"Leave the door open Alice, okay?" Andrew said sternly.
"No thanks." Alice blurted out and shut the door in her brother's face.
Lily jumped when the door slammed. The two girls heard Andrew snarl behind the door, Alice stiffening only for a moment before Lily's smile brought her out of her memories.
Lily sat down on her fluffy pink carpet. "I like your room," she said, watching Alice. Her eyes were shadowed, Andrew's snarl bringing up the memory of her kidnapping. She had screamed for her brother, for her pack, but they didn't arrive in time. When she thought all hope was lost, and those three rogue werewolves stalked towards her to kill her, a red-haired girl stepped out the forest and saved her.
That same girl was sitting on her carpet. Lily watched as Alice wrung her hands and sat down on the carpet with her. The little alpha was staring at her like she was her saving grace.
"Thanks." Alice picked at the light pink carpet. "It's my favourite colour."
Lily smiled. "Mine's blue."
Alice scowled. "I don't like blue."
"It was my sister's favourite colour." Lily watched Alice carefully, minding her words. "She's not around anymore."
Alice stared at her. "Is she with my daddy?"
Lily nodded slowly. "Your daddy's hanging out with my family." She smiled a little, pushing back the choking feeling locking around her throat. "He's probably telling them pink is a much better colour than blue."
Alice's chin wobbled slightly. "They said daddy was brave." Tears leaked out of Alice's eyes as her heart cried. Lily quickly shuffled forward and scooped her into a hug, Alice crying into her shoulder.
"He was very brave." Lily hushed, pushing her own tears back, remembering what her Aunt Ollie told her when she was crying, mourning her family when they'd only just been lost. "You have to be brave too, okay? Your daddy is so proud of you."
They hugged each other for a while, remembering the families they held so dear to them. When Alice's tears had finally dried up she showed Lily her dolls. Her old drawings - her mother was an artist, and Alice drew to remember her. They were scribbles and stick figures, but the one that made Lily hold her breath was the one Alice drew of her.
She was standing in the forest, in a puddle of water with rain pouring down around them. Alice had used her old crayons to draw her red hair, cream skin, and her soaked clothes. There were three werewolves on the ground with birds flying above their heads, but it was how Alice drew her eyes that captured her gaze.
Her eyes weren't her normal dark brown. Alice had given her grey eyes.
"I want you to have it." Alice pushed the drawing in her hand. The little girl was more relaxed now, like a weight had been lifted in seeing Lily.
Lily couldn't speak so she just nodded, tucking the picture safely in one of her books. They continued talking softly - not daring to talk about the attack last week. They spoke about Alice's love of pink, and Lily's 'cool and awesome' friends at school; Jack, Karen, and Claire.
Time flew past before there was a knock on the door. It swung open to reveal Andrew, his sorrowful eyes watching his little sister carefully. "Dinner's ready, if you want to come down?" He asked.
Alice scowled, her brows battling on her face, disgusted over the idea of dinner with her brother. She didn't want to leave her room.
Lily stretched out a hand to her. "We'll go down together?" She asked.
Alice's face smoothed over and she smiled up at her, grasping her hand tightly. "Okay!" She squeaked and let Lily guide her to the kitchen. Andrew led the way so Lily knew where she was going, but also so they didn't see the tears in his eyes.
Croft had cooked a steak and oven-baked some chips, some poorly sliced carrots on the side. The four of them ate in silence though. Alice was happily munching away on the chips and scowled at how crunchy the carrots were, but she cleaned up her plate first.
"I'm going to Mum's room." Alice chirped, slipping out her chair, and looked expectantly at Lily. Before she could say anything Andrew spoke up.
"Actually Alice, Ryan and I need to talk to Lily." He said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "She can join you some other time."
Alice's shoulders dropped and Lily spotted her fists at her side. Andrew's dismissal didn't stop the little light that was in Alice's eyes. She stormed out the dining room with determination in every stomp of her feet.
Lily turned to Andrew disapprovingly but he was busy finishing his steak. "Mum's room is the studio." He explained roughly. "Mum was an artist, died giving birth to Alice. My father taught her to draw and paint... I don't know how you got her out her room, but thank you."
Lily paused, setting aside the words she was going to yell at him. "I was only twelve when I lost my family." She admitted. "I'm glad I helped, even a little bit."
Andrew looked up at her with surprise, and new-found respect. Croft was staring at Lily with a kind expression on his face and smiled at his alpha like he'd just proven a point.
Andrew leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at her. "You truly don't know what creature you are?"
Lily shook her head. "No."
"But you're strong enough to fracture his cheekbone?" Andrew stared at Croft's yellow-bruised eye. Lily flushed in embarrassment.
"He broke my bracelet." Lily set aside her plate. "It meant a lot to me."
Croft frowned at the admission but Andrew leaned forward in his seat and stared her down with a fierce look. "What happened last week then?" He demanded. "How'd you save Alice?"
Lily's anxiety was quickly washed away with anger at his order. She glared at him, hating his accusations, but Lily had no choice but to explain what happened.
When she finished explaining the night she saved Alice, both Andrew and Croft had pushed their plates aside, their appetite gone. They'd gone pale in shock.
"You took out two werewolves?" Andrew clarified.
"Without breaking a sweat?"
"...Yeah?" Lily squeaked.
Andrew whistled, eyebrows high in shock. They were staring at her like she was alien. "No wonder Alice never shut up about you - if I'd seen you take out two rogues like that I'd be talking about you all year!"
Lily shuffled in her seat, uncomfortable with the attention. Croft frowned at her as he read her posture.
"You said you took out two?" Croft said, and after Lily nodded he continued. "But there were three of them that took Alice?"
Lily sighed. "I caught the third rogue in the jaw, but when I was dealing with the other two he ran off."
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