《Typhoon & Tempest》Chapter Six


Lily couldn't wait until the end of the day - the weekend would begin, and she wouldn't be at school for two whole days. It was a beautiful time in her week because she could finally breathe and relax, not worry about Isaac and his friends, and the others who looked at her like she, ironically, wasn't normal.

Friday's were her favourite day of the week but they always started horribly. Today was no exception.

As Lily shifted her bag on her shoulder, low music in one ear as she held the other ear bud, she kept her head down. Maybe today would be the day that Isaac left her alone?

"Hey Morgan!"

Maybe not.

Lily kept walking, pushing through the main doors of the school leading to the central corridor as she heard a lot of footsteps approaching behind her. She couldn't go any further when two vampires stepped into her path, smirking.

So she stopped, gripping her bag tightly, and turned to face Isaac behind her with a smile.

"Hey freak, you ignoring me?" He spat, looking down at her with dark, soulless eyes.

Lily looked around her, seeing the vampires almost circle her and the other students just pay no attention, either walking by or staring at their phones.

"Sorry, thought you were talking to one of your friends," Lily shrugged, wishing she was better at washing back her anger. "What'd you want?"

Isaac scowled. "You're the only freak here."

Lily had heard the term before, it didn't hurt as much as it did the first time, but she sighed either way. "Are you going to insult me Isaac? Push me around? What's it gonna be today?"

Isaac grinned, his fangs gleaming. "How about we take turns biting you?" His friends smiled behind him, baring their wicked canines too. Lily's blood ran cold, though it had to be a bluff - would they actually harm her on school grounds? This threat was new.

"How about you pick on someone who can actually bite back?" Someone shouted from behind her. The vampires all shifted their ground as Lily slowly turned her head to see three werewolves step into the ring. Laura, the blonde wolf from the locker yesterday, and Tricia, with another werewolf girl. Laura stood next to Lily, the other two on either side of her.

"You got bodyguards now freak?" Isaac laughed, clapping his hands together, rubbing them with glee. Lily spotted the wary gleam in his eyes; this wasn't part of his plan. Had it actually been to bite me?

Laura's eyes flashed feral gold. "Her name is Lily and you can back off. She's not a freak."

His eyes burned red, his fury curling his face into a snarl. Lily slowly stepped behind Laura while Isaac was focused on the werewolf. She'd been proven wrong - today was the day he would leave her alone.

Laura motioned with her hand to Lily as she stepped back, staring the vampire down. "Alpha's orders, you leave her alone."

Isaac laughed as his eyes morphed back into their normal brown. "He can't order me, he's not my alpha."

The vampire stepped forward, eyeing Laura's glare first, and then looking over her shoulder at Lily. "I'll be back soon freak." He hissed, before slamming Laura's shoulder and walking around them all.

Lily was frowning at the vampires as they left, the crowd dispersing now the promise of a fight was over. She glanced back at Laura, who was watching Isaac with her still-glowing eyes, and quickly walked towards the bathrooms down the corridor on the right.


Lily heaved the door out of the way and splayed her hands on the sink. Her hands were shaking as they rested against the still-wet porcelain, knuckles white with anxiety. She couldn't see anyone in the bathroom so Lily breathed deeply, staring at her brown eyes in the mirror. Her deep red hair was curling out of its braid, her freckles standing out more as her skin was still white in shock.

She jumped when the door to the bathroom opened and Laura walked in with her two friends.

"Hey," Lily choked. "Thank you for standing up to them-"

"Let's get one thing straight, Morgan." Laura held up a hand while interrupting. "We didn't do it for you."

Lily scowled. "Then why'd you do it?"

"Alpha's orders." Tricia said coldly, watching her with suspiciously.

"I don't understand?"

Laura shrugged. "Neither do we - we were just ordered to keep an eye on you because of what you did for Alice."

Lily was glad she was holding the sink because she would have fallen to her knees. "W-What?"

Laura narrowed her eyes. "You saved Alice, so Andrew's in your debt. He's enlisted the whole pack to support you - I took that to mean standing up to Isaac for you."

The brunette on the right stepped forward, her eyes dark and accusing. "Isaac's right about you being a freak around here though; how'd you save Alice if you're nothing?"

Lily didn't move, didn't speak, just looked at the three of them in the eye. Her churning stomach settled almost instantly as cold fury laced her veins. Nothing? I'm not nothing. I'm something alright, something that can kick your arse.

Lily was going to give Croft an earful when she next saw him, and the alpha too, but first she had to stand up to these three. She raised an eyebrow at them, and shrugged.

"You don't need to know that, it's none of your business." Lily didn't recognise her sharp voice, the confident and pissed off tone of it. "You just need to abide by your alpha's order - what will his reaction be to you calling me a freak?"

The werewolves drew back a little, and the brunette's smile wobbled. "He wouldn't believe you over his pack, he won't even listen to you."

Lily glared at her. "I saved his little sister, your alpha owes me, and that gives me a bigger voice than you."

Laura held a hand out as the brunette snarled with golden eyes, drawing her back. Lily adjusted her shoulder bag one more time, grinning at the three of them. "I look forward to seeing you at the next confrontation, should be around lunch time."

She walked past the werewolves, careful not to shove her bag against them, and left the bathroom with a rush of emotions curdling in her stomach; pride standing out the most.

Lily wiped her hands on her jeans, still a little wet from holding onto the sink, and went into her first class of Friday, thinking about how much she wished for it to be the weekend already.

Her first class though, was History. Again.

As she stepped through the door, she got a guarded glare from Mr Booth as she went to take her seat at her empty table. Lily knew, as she nodded to him in greeting, that she would be saying absolutely nothing in this class to provoke him. She tried to ignore the glares she got from Isaac and his crew as they walked in after her.


She could almost feel all the glares from the wolves - they had orders to protect her, didn't mean that they liked it. The vampires, too, were quietly hissing as she put her notebook on the table.

Her heart cramped in frustration while Lily felt alone; she just had to get through the day and then Lily could visit her family over the weekend. Those were her days.

Maybe Lily was annoyed at the looks she was getting from everyone; she was used to the fearful glares because they didn't know what she was, but the new ones of doubt? Of respect? How did she react to those?

How did she react to Isaac possibly wanting to harm her, or the werewolves being forced to protect her?

Was she right to be angry? 'Cause she was also scared.

Lily pushed it aside for now and opened her notebook, looking up at Mr Booth as he went in to explain the reign of the supernova; from Andromeda's brutal and deadly 76 years, to a fairy supernova's five-day-ruling that was cut short because someone destroyed her beloved gardens and she had died from heartbreak.

Lily knew all this history. She had heard every topic, every story, anything she could get her hands on at the school's library. Lily just wanted to hear about another supernatural creature, she was bored of hearing about the same werewolves, fairies, witches, and vampires.

She spent a majority of the lesson jotting down more songs and artists she could listen to, songs she needed to hear again, or ones she'd forgotten to add to her playlists; Eskimo Joe? Lily had forgotten them, and started to jot down some Queen songs, as well as Twenty One Pilots. AC/DC and Imagine Dragons also made the list before Mr Booth's class ended.

It was always songs with atmosphere, with a pull she couldn't describe, a hypnotic tango of instruments and voices that helped you escape from the real world.

She finished writing the final song name down before Lily packed up her notebook, looking at the clock. 10:00am - five hours to go, but only three hours until lunchtime. Almost there.

Lily had fifteen minutes to waste before she had her next class - Biology - so she grabbed an apple from her locker and walked up to the library. Ms Li, the librarian, was a fierce fairy known for keeping the forest of the supernatural safe.

By forest, she meant the books they had in the school library.

If you bent a page, creased the spine, or tore a page in half, Ms Li would ensure that you wouldn't heal for weeks from the bruise she'd inflict when she hit that book over your head.

Ms Li had a 'wanted' list behind the counter in the library of all the people that had damaged her beloved books, but Lily was never one of them. Lily was in her good books; because she never damaged them, and she was the most frequent visitor to Ms Li and her forest.

When Lily walked in, she spotted the large smile on the librarian, and knew it was because Lily was her favourite student and someone she highly respected. The fairy librarian nodded to her before glaring at her computer at whatever emails had appeared in her inbox.

Tucking a stray lock of red hair behind her ear, Lily sat down at the bench, getting out her notepad and glaring once again at those four crossed out words on the first page.






She sighed, tossing it aside as she brought out the homework she'd been assigned in one of her classes earlier in the week and got started with a click of her pen and an ear-bud in her ear, some of Lorde's songs playing low in her ear.

The library was her safe zone. Isaac and his crew were too proud to walk in here, the werewolves like Croft, Laura, and their friends were in the same boat. She only ever saw a few fairies and witches coming in here for barely ten minutes to gather some books on healing and nature.

Lily had her place in the school; surrounded by knowledge that was ironically useless to her.

Biology went by in a blur, and Lily swore English went by slowly; the last thing she wanted to learn about was the P.E.T.A.L. Method to write an essay.

Lunch was a breath of fresh air for her. Tucking that pesky red strand behind her ear again, Lily walked into the cafeteria, with its abundance of seating, and looked around for a table out of the way. She just wanted to eat her lunch in peace and watch her fellow classmates bicker at one another, and silently place a bet on who would start a fight with someone today.

As she took a step towards the hidden table in the corner, the one no one was going to because it was too hot to sit in the sun, she heard someone call her name out in front of her.

Lily was gobsmacked when she beheld Jack, waving her over to a table with two other girls. She froze for a moment, before slowly making her way over to them, hoping she hadn't been waving to someone behind her and she wasn't about to be humiliated.

A few people started looking their way, but Jack kept watching Lily and smiling as she got to their table.

"Hey Lily, this is Karen," Jack pointed at the vampire with a soft smile, "and this is Claire." Jack said, nudging an elbow into the side of the fairy, with a grin a tad too large for her face. "Guys, meet Lily."

"Hey." They said in unison, and Lily quietly said hello, not quite sure whether she was meant to sit down or not. When Karen moved over though, Lily took the hint, quietly smiling at her in thanks, and realising this was the weirdest day of her life.

"Jack was telling us how you stood up for her yesterday?" Claire leaned forward, eyes bright, like she was eager for the news.

Lily drew back a little. "Yeah, Isaac was..."

"Being Isaac?" Jack filled in.

"Yeah." Lily shrugged, picking at her food slowly.

Karen sighed. "He's so mean, I don't understand it." Her eyes almost deflated at the news of him being mean.

"He's always been mean Karen." Jack scolded. "That's not going to change."

"I know, but it would be nice to see him...be nice, you know?" Karen sipped on her water bottle. "I'm sure he's capable."

Lily pondered the kind-hearted vampire next to her as Claire scoffed, Jack waving her suggestion aside with a hand decorated with rings. Lily spotted the touch of magic that bounced off the shiny surfaces.

"This is Isaac Munford we're talking about right?" Claire shook her head, a blonde ringlet falling out of the high bun she wore. "He and 'nice' don't belong in the same sentence."

Jack laughed, her choppy black hair falling in front of her face again, and Karen just sighed at Claire before softly smiling. The fairy looked back at Lily, who had just started biting into her sandwich when she leaned onto the table, eyes alight but narrowed.

"Is it true that Croft sat next to you yesterday in History?" Lily paused at the question.

"Yes?" Lily frowned, looking between Jack and Claire, glimpsing Karen's slight blush on her face. "Why?"

Claire grinned. "No reason - he doesn't sit next to just anyone is all."

Before the words hit Lily too hard, Jack spoke up. "Not that you're not anyone Lily, you've become quite the sensation overnight."

Lily set down her sandwich slowly, briefly shutting her eyes at the anger racing through her body. She focused on breathing, the rain pouring heavier outside, and finally looked back up at the girls. "Unfortunately."

Karen's eyes widened. "You don't like attention either?"

Lily shook her head. "I'm used to being invisible."

Jack narrowed her eyes, pointing a finger at her. "You're not invisible Lily. You might as well embrace the spotlight while it's on you."

Lily stilled at the finger pointing at her face, looking back up at Jack when she saw her green magic spinning around her rings. Just as Claire was about to make another comment, no doubt about some gossip to break the tension between her and the witch, the cafeteria doors opened.

Croft stood in the doorway with some other werewolves. She noticed Isaac and his friends quieten down at Laura's presence, Claire and Karen watching the newcomers carefully, and Jack lean back in her seat as though she was about to witnesses the worst food fight known to the supernatural.

Lily's fury returned. Lightning flashed outside followed by a crack of thunder as Lily set her hands on the table, slightly spread to try and stop the fist she wanted to make.

He ignored her request to remain invisible. It was thanks to him she was now the target of threats about biting from Isaac, and the new onset of glares from his fellow werewolves.

When his sky-like eyes landed on her, she swore steam was coming out of her ears. She didn't bother to hide the anger in her expression.

His werewolves moved to an empty table, away from Isaac, but Ryan Croft walked over to her table. He had the guts to smile as he approached.

Lily mentally placed a bet on herself, on her little cafeteria tradition.

First fight; Lily vs. Croft - in less than 5 minutes.

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