《| Limerence | (Yandere Slashers X Reader)》7. Stuck Forever Pt.2
"FINE! I'll shut my yap. What are y'all still standin' up fer'? It's dinner time ain't it?!" Everyone quickly scrambles to their seats at either table.
Billy and Stu sit to my left and right and Candyman and Norman across from me. Everyone gets served their vegetable soup and eats in awkward silence.
"Hey Stu," Billy says breaking the silence. "I heard that someone here hurt (Y/n)'s feelings." "Really? Who would do such an awful thing?" Stu responds. "I don't know. There name was so forgettable. Something starting with an 'F' I think?" "Okay!" Freddy says pushing his plate away. He stands up and walks up stairs without even a goodbye. "The jerk has left the table! Your welcome (Y/n)." Stu says proudly. "Ugh!" I stand up from the table and leave the same as Freddy. "Good going Stu-pid!" Billy says to Stu as I walk away. "Hey you started it!" Ugh, they think they're helping but they're really not.
"(Y/n) wait!" Baby says grabbing my hand. "I'm going to bed, you'll see me eventually." I say coldly as I pull my hand out of her's. With that I walk up to my room.
I close the door, lock it and sit against the door. I sigh thinking about my two amazing friends. I only knew them for a short while but I miss them so much.
Adam and his comic books. No matter how much he was bullied for it he never stopped loving what he loved.
Becky with her tough exterior, never letting us see who she truly was until her final moments.
I just wish I had more time. "Psst!" I lift my head up to see who it was. It wasn't from outside my room, it was definitely from in here. "Who's there?" "It's me!" I hear someone whisper shout as an orange blur moves past my window. "Adam!" It says again and I see that the orange blur is actually Adam's fluffy orange hair peeking up at my window. "Adam!" I say rushing over to my window. "Shh! You'll blow my cover! Now talk quietly, we don't want them to here us." "Okay." I whisper.
"I think I can help you out of here. I have a plan!-" Suddenly there's a knock at my door. "Go away!" I shout at whoever's at my door. "Is that really how you answer your door?" Adam says resting his arms on my window sill. "Yeah, they're killers, they don't care, they've taken worst." "Hmmm... Yeah, that's true." "Open up it's Spaulding!" "Fuck, I actually have to open the door for him. You better hide." "What? Of all the scary killers you have to open the door for him? He doesn't even have a cool backstory!" "Shh! Hide!" I close my window with him outside then open it again. "No, you can't hide out there someone might see you!" I help Adam though my window and look around my room for somewhere he can hide. "Open up!" "In a minute! I'm talking to my therapist Mr Bear!" I yell at the clown outside my door. "Quick in the closet!" I say shoving Adam in my closet.
I speed over to my bedroom door and open it. "What?" "A teddy bear therapist?" "Yeah so? It's better than talking to you guys." Spaulding walks past me into my room and sits on my bed. "Unlike you he doesn't kill my friends." I say sitting down next to him, picking up Mr Bear and harshly poking the stuffed animal in the chest like how Freddy killed Becky. "Or have an unhealthy obsession or will to live." I mutter to myself. "Well Mr Bear," Spaulding says taking the bear out of my hands. "Me and (Y/n) need to talk privately." He puts the bear up to his ear and says "Okay, he says it's okay." "I'm not a child." I cross my arms. "Well if you're gonna act like a child I'm gonna treat you like a child. What was that about at dinner?" "Billy and Stu weren't helping by shaming Freddy away, if anything they were being just like him, selfish. Why do you care so much anyway?" "Daniel said I should go talk to you, something about the story, stronger bonds, yadda yadda and I wanted to know what all the fuse was about." "About what?" "About you! Haven't you noticed?! Those fools worship the ground you walk on! It's like your a goddess to them or something. Honestly I don't see it but they sure as hell do."
"I mean so what? Your friend died but now you have twenty eager boyfriends to take her place! Not a bad trade, I'd take that deal if I was gay or if it was twenty eager girls up for anything." "Okay! It was a good speech before your mouth ruined it. Out." I stand up and start shooing him out of my room. "I didn't help did I?" "Nope, out, out." I push him out of my room and close my door making sure to lock it too.
"Whew." I walk over to my closet and open it to see Adam holding a red and green striped sweater with 'Freddy's' written on the back in sparkly pink cursive. "Never thought I'd see this ugly thing again. Tell me he's insecure without telling me he's insecure." Adam says walking out of the closet. He throws the sweater in the garbage can where it belongs. "I don't know he really seems to care about that sweater. Everytime I move it it reappears in the front of my closet. Better not invoke the power of the short Freddy of Krueger-s!"
Freddy's reading a book titled 'How to be Good Enough.' in a lazy chair in the living room. He stops and looks around. "Why do I feel like someone just disrespected the sweater?" ... "Probably nothing." He shrugs.
"So what's the plan?" Me and Adam sit on my bed as he explains the plan.
"I'll see you at twelve when everyone's asleep." "Okay, see you then." Adam says climbing out of my window. I close the window and watch as he climbs down to the ground and hurries away. 'I really hope this plan works. Who am I kidding, Adam is the smartest of us three. Well two now...
This has got to work.'
It's 8:15 right now so I think I'll pack some stuff for when I leave, I'm going to have to travel light though. I walk over to my closet and empty out my backpack. I grab a hoodie, a shirt, a sweater (not the Freddy one.), a pair of pants, socks, underwear and my hair brush of course and stuff them in my backpack.
I kneel down next to my bed and reach behind the bedframe were I hide my switchblade. How did I come in possession of this weapon? Well...
About a week ago I found a switchblade poking out of the ground in the backyard. It had dried blood and dirt on it so I had to clean it off. Jason almost caught me washing it in the bathroom sink. I was so startled by him I accidentally cut my hand. Everyone kept asking how it happened they thought I was tring to end it when Jason walked by.
I told them I cut my hand on a piece of glass outside and I came in to wash my injury. Either way none of them were taking any chances. Everyone searched the house top to bottom looking for anything sharp. They locked up everything dangerous they could find. Luckily while everyone was searching I hid the knife in the only place I could think of, under the house.
The back porch steps have a loose board so I pulled the board out, put the switchblade in the space below the porch and put the board back in it's spot. No one found it. Once it was dark and everyone was asleep I snuck into the backyard, got my knife and hid it behind my bedframe in my room.
I put the knife in my pocket and look around my room for anything else I might want to take with me. Not much of anything here has any sentimental value. All of my things are still at home so everything here is from them. Most of my clothes are from Norman so I have a lot of sweaters. Billy and Stu got the stuffed animals. Baby and Spaulding did all the furniture shopping and decorated most of my room. Chop Top and Otis got me paper, pens, notebooks and pencils, everyone figured 'It's the least dangerous task, they probably can't kill each other with these things.' They tried to but paper cuts aren't very lethal. That's how Otis and Chop Top got kicked out of IKEA.
Freddy, Chucky, Micheal, Jason, Candyman and Leatherface couldn't go shopping because they're the most recognizable of the group but Micheal got me a cool Sub Urban T-shirt online. Now that I think of it that is a really cool shirt. I go to my closet and take out the shirt, I put it in my bag with my other things. Well I'm all packed up so all I have to do is wait. I guess I could take a nap while I wait.
I sit down on my bed and grab my pill bottle. Damnit, I'm down to my last four pills. When I get out of here I can get more, it might take a while though. Maybe I should just save my pills and power through it this time. I put the pill bottle in my backpack without taking any. I kick my backpack under my bed in case anyone walks in. My door is locked but Candyman can still walk through mirrors and I have a full length mirror that he could easily walk through. I pick up my radio alarm and set my it for midnight.
I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. At least I have a knife to defend myself against Freddy I think drifting off to sleep.
I wake to my radio alarm playing Daisy Belle. I look at my radio, it's 12:01. That's odd, no Freddy dream. Oh well, at least he wasn't a hassle. I climb out of bed and put my shoes on. I walk over to my door, unlock it and walk out into the hallway.
No one's here good. I quietly sneak down the stairs. I stop when I see a light on in the kitchen. Oh no, why aren't they asleep? "(Y/n)?" Stu says from the kitchen. I walk down the last few steps and walk into the kitchen.
Stu's just standing there in front of the cutting board with a knife in his hand faced away from me. Not the knife he wields when he's Ghostface just a small curated kitchen knife. "Yes Stu?" "What are doing up?" "I was just getting a glass of water." "Why are you wearing your shoes?" Stu tilts his head left as he speaks. He turns around and holds his arms out like a child asking for a hug. "Why don't you love us?" I gasp at his face. His eyes are completely gone, he gouged them out with the kitchen knife. Blood streams from where his eyes once were.
I take a frightened step back only to bump into someone. They put their bloodied hands on my shoulders leaving bloody handprints on my shirt. I look up to see Billy with his eyes gone too. "Why are you running away?" As he speaks blood drips from his mouth onto my head. "Get away!" I scream easily struggling out of his grip and running out the front door.
Outside the sky is red with a pitch black moon. The sky flashes with lightning and loud alarms echo almost sounding as if they're in my head. I run a few feet from the house and the noise lessens.
"(Y/n)!" I hear a familiar voice yell out my name. Down the road in front of me is Adam waving his arms in the air. "Adam!" I yell back relieved to see him. Suddenly I hear loud inhuman shrieks coming from inside the house. My killer captors run out of the house and immediately spot me. They all inhumanly shriek in outrage. All of their eyes are bleeding like Billy and Stu. Everyone's there except for Freddy.
"RUN!" Adam yells. I turn around and run toward Adam. Everything feels like it's slowed down. Adam runs into some tall corn and waves for me to follow him. I run into the corn and feel someone grab my hand. I can only trust that it's Adam. They pull me through the corn and make random sharp turns. They're dragging me so fast I fumble over my feet trying to keep up with them.
They pull me out of the corn only for me to realize we're back where we started on the road in front of the house. I notice a trail of blood in the road so my eyes follow it to it's source. There in the middle of the road is my last friend laying dead with his eyes gouged out. He has a knife stabbed in his chest. His blood stains his perfect white collar shirt. "No." I whisper to myself. Wait if he's here then... I look to my right to see who's hand was guiding me but they're gone. I didn't even feel them leave. I look back at the body to find my friend is gone. Adam appears in front of me floating with his eyes missing from their sockets. "Why did you let me die? You let them. You killed me.
I shoot awake from my bed. I look around my room making sure this is real. I notice the night sky outside my window is normal. My radio clock goes off and starts playing Daisy Belle. I rip the plug out of the wall terrified of my dream coming true. I break down and start crying. I try to stay quiet so no one can hear me. After crying for a few minutes I wipe my eyes. 'We need to keep going for Becky. Her death will not be in vain!'
Determined to escape I grab my bag from under my bed, put on my shoes and walk over to my door. I listen for anyone in the hallway, I peek my head out to double check. Yep no one here. I quickly and quietly tiptoe out of my room and down the stairs. I stop a few steps from the floor and listen for anyone. Again not a soul so I sneak past the kitchen to the front door. I was about to put my hand on the door knob when someone places a hand on my shoulder. I freeze up at the sudden contact. "(Y/n), it's me, Adam. Are you okay?" "Yeah just had a bad dream is all." "It's just Freddy. Don't let him mess with your head, okay?" I nod in understanding.
"That door's locked but..." Adam walks me over to a broken window. "This isn't. Well technically it is but we can get out this way." Adam shrugs and climbs out the window. I throw my bag down to him and climb out after him. Unfortunately a shard of broken glass cuts my upper arm. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, it's just a cut." I say trying to ignore the pain.
Adam hands me my bag and I put it over my shoulder. "So where's the van." I look around but I can't find it. "I had to park somewhere they couldn't see it. So on the other side of the corn field." I tense up at the words 'corn field'. "If we cut through the corn field we can get there faster." Adam grabs my hand and walks across the eerily empty road. "Can't we just walk around?" "I know classic horror movie chase scenario but if it's ducking for cover in a corn field or walking all the way around like sitting ducks out in the open corn field's the best option. Just don't get split up." I hesitantly nod. I just hope this doesn't end up like my dream.
"(Y/n)?" I hear Stu say from behind me. I turn around to see Billy and Stu on the front porch. They look as though their hearts had been absolutely shattered. 'No no nooo! Why is everything from my dream coming true?!'
My eyes conect with Billy's for a moment. He didn't want to rat me out because I'd hate him forever but if he didn't I'd be gone. His eyes show how conflicted he is on the inside. "(Y/n)'s escaping!" Billy yells. We can hear everyone start panicking inside. All their bedroom lights click on. "Not again." I whisper to myself. "I won't let this happen again." I hold Adam's hand tighter and drag him into the corn field.
Adam runs in front of me and takes the lead, he knows where the van is after all. "(Y/n)! Where are you?" Adam yells somewhere behind me. This isn't Adam's hand! I let go of whoever's hand I'm holding and run in the opposite direction toward the real Adam's voice. "(Y/n)?!" Adam yells again more concerned. "I'm over here!" I yell back. Suddenly I hear Adam let out a blood curdling scream. I run even faster hoping it isn't what I think it is.
I finally run out of the corn back at the road where I started. Adam stands in front of me with his back turned. He turns around to face me. A knife is sticking out of his chest, his mouth drips blood as he smiles. "Should've known. Platonic nerdy comic book kid, I had it coming from the start. Heh he." I cover my mouth as tears prick at my eyes. My legs feel weak and shaky like a wobbly treehouse. My only friends are dead. "Good job Micheal!" Baby says sarcastically while harshly elbowing Micheal in the gut. It didn't seem to affect him though. Everyone is here just like Becky's death, he was trying to help me like she was. I blink in shock at how easily my only friends were ended. I will not die like them!
I turn around and start running into the corn field again. "(Y/n)! Split up!" Candyman yells to the rest of the killers. As I'm running a hand grabs my right hand and pulls me forward making me stumble a bit. They drag me through the field, I just hope it's not one of them. I run out of the corn and see the van parked right in front of me. I look around to see who was guiding me but they're gone. I run up to the van and try to open the door but I don't have the keys. 'No! I got so close. NOO!!' "No no NOOO!" I yell pulling on the handle nearly breaking it off. "OPEN!" Freddy and Otis walk out of the corn to see me violently assaulting a van. "LET ME IN!" They both pry me away from the van and start dragging me back through the corn field. "LET ME GO!" I kept yelling and kicking and screaming but they held me tight and wouldn't let go no matter what.
"Oh my god." Otis mutters to himself. He pulls a rag out of his pocket and cover my mouth and nose with it. In a matter of seconds I pass right out.
I groggily wake up. I go to wipe my eyes when I hear a rattle. I look down to find my wrist is chained to a wall. I stand up and look around. This room has no windows, it's very dark and has no actual floor just dirt so it must be a basement. "Hello?" There's no response, I'm all alone down here. There's a set of wooden stairs going up I try to walk over to it but my chain's too short. "This is it." I freeze when I hear another voice. I thought I was the only one down here. I turn toward the voice to find Freddy standing in the middle of the basement. "Where the hell am I?" "Our basement. This is it. Are you satisfied?" I look at Freddy with a confused expression. "What?" "This is your ending. All that work just to end up here. Seems unfair huh? Oh well, there's always next time. Who knows maybe I can redeem myself in the next ending... Doubt it."
"Okay, I get it, this ending sucks but maybe it won't all be for nothing. In the next ending come down here and find the book it'll make things a lot more interesting." And with that he disappears leaving me all alone in this dark basement. I don't even understand what he was talking about. I hug my knees to my chest and start crying. 'I failed them.'
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Kingdom Hearts X Reader
••• REQUESTS CLOSED••• I do not own Kingdom hearts, Square Enix or any of the characters in the game. Nor do I own you. Only yours and the characters actions in the book! Feel free to request ideas __ Y/n- your nameL/n- last nameE/c- eye colorH/c- hair colorS/t- skin tone-Enjoy this book of Kingdom Hearts X ReaderAnd if you want go ahead and read some of my other books as well. You might like them
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