《| Limerence | (Yandere Slashers X Reader)》Ch. 17
Then I heard a thud from the next room over. Aw shit. They might of knocked something over! No that's ridiculous Adam and Becky just walked inside they're downstairs right now. So then what was- "The fuck are you doing up?" I turn around to see Otis sitting up in bed. "J-just couldn't sleep, y'know with everything that's going on it's hard to get a good night's sleep." Otis sighs. He walks over to me and picks me up bridal style. "What the fuck are you doing?!" "Taking you to bed. I'm not dealing with you being tired tomorrow." He carries me to bed and lays down just holding me so I can't leave. This is a problem.
We both armed ourselves with random weapons that were just lying around. Becky has a wooden baseball bat and I have a small gun in my pocket and a large hunting knife in my hand. We slowly walk up the stairs and into a hallway with six doors. "Great! Now how are we gonna know which room she's in?" I whisper shout in an annoyed tone. Becky rolls her eyes and puts her ear next the first door (Baby's door). Suddenly a door further down the hall bursts open (Chop Top's door) and a very 70's'ish guy steps out of the room holding a bloodied sledgehammer. (Chop Top) A:"Oh shit." Then he yells "INTRUDERS! INTRUDERS!" Suddenly all the doors open at once.
All the doors open at the same time, one hitting Becky in the face, but they all get stuck on each other. Becky: "Ow! Fuck!" (Baby):"Who the FUCK thought this was a good floorplan?! (Spaulding):"This is what happens when you take shortcuts when building a house COOK!" (Cook):"IF IT SAVES US A FEW DOLLARS IT'S WORTH IT!!!"
(Adam):"We should probably go." I turn around to leave but Becky grabs my sleeve. "You're just gonna leave (Y/n) here with those maniacs?!" "If we go downstairs they'll follow us, you'll make a distraction and I'll go get (Y/n) to safety." "No, I'll get (Y/n). I'm stealthier than you and you can run faster and longer for a longer distraction. Running from me all those years really payed off huh?" "Fine you'll get (Y/n) and I'll distract the Slashers." We both walk downstairs, walking because they're very stuck so we don't need to run just yet.
(Chop Top): "They're getting away!!! Baby close your door so Spaulding can get out!" (Baby): "I'm not listening to you, you rat-faced bitch!" "Ugh!" I slam my door shut so Leatherface can open his door and break down everyone else's with his chainsaw. *Chainsaw starts* (Baby):"Hey! You better back off man!"
Did I just hear a chainsaw?!?! Adam and Becky have really angered them now! Wait, Adam wouldn't let himself or Becky do something that stupid without a plan. One of them is going to make a distraction while the other saves me. Perfect! Wait they don't know Otis is still here. Y'know what?! For once this Princess Peach is going to help take down Bowser! Mario and Luigi can't do it all by themselves.
"Hey Otis?" "Yeah?" "Is everyone gonna be okay?" "Yeah. Some random kids aren't gonna take them down without a fight." I turn around in his arms to face him with watery eyes. "Are we gonna be okay?" ... "I've liked you ever since we first met earlier today... I love you Otis Driftwo-" Before I could finish my lie Otis smashes his lips into mine.
'THIS IS FINE! JUST GO WITH IT!' Reluctantly I kiss back while internally SCREAMING!
Wait that crumbled up picture of the Skeleton girl fell out of his pocket.
While he wasn't looking I grab the top half of the picture. I don't know why but it seems important.
Otis pulls away and says through gasps "You have no idea what you do to me. It's unbearable, like a slow death but I'm not dying!" "... I- Uhh-" There is literally no good response to that.
Suddenly the door is kicked open! We both turn our heads to see Becky standing in the doorway with a bat! O:"Who the fuck are you?" B:"(Y/n)'s friend, bitch." Then Becky hits Otis in the head with said bat, effectively knocking him out. Becky drops the bat on the ground and hugs me, then looks at my face checking if I'm okay. "Are you okay? He didn't try anything funny right?" "Nope." 'I kinda lied but I don't want anyone worrying more than they have to about me.' "Good," Becky grabs her bat off the ground. "Now let's get out of here." Becky holds her hand out to me and I take it and follow her out of Otis' room.
All the doors in the hallway except Otis and Chop Top's doors are destroyed. Me and Becky walk through the trashed hallway but I stop just before Chop Top's door. There laying in the piles of broken wood is the picture of the skeleton girl.
I kneel down and pick up the bottom half of the picture.
Autumn Leafs
I continue walking but my shoe laces get caught on a door knob causing me to stumble but not fall over. "Becky, my shoe lace is stuck on a piece of door." "I got it." Becky kneels down to help get my foot unstuck but then Chop Top's door swings open and hits her square in the face. "AGAIN!? SERIOUSLY?!" Chop Top picks me up, in so getting my foot unstuck, and starts smothering my face with sloppy kisses mostly aiming for my mouth but I turn my head to avoid his kisses. "We don't need anyone else to be happy! YOU don't need anyone else to be happy! Heh! We could live far away and never leave each other's sight!" I struggle even more to get away from him but he holds me tighter. "I promise I'll be gentle with you! Much more gentle than Otis could ever be! I PROMISE! PLEASE LET ME LOVE YOU!!!" Chop Top grabs my face and makes me look him straight in the eyes. "I need you." He leans in and gently kisses my lips then pulls away. "please (y/n), i love you." He lovingly stares into my eyes hoping I'd say yes...
(That ending isn't an option.)
I don't love him. None of them. "I don't love you back." Chop Top's eyes go wide and start to get watery. He pulls me close in a tight embrace and starts to cry. I look over at the side for Becky but she already has her bat about to swing. I mouth the word 'no' and point at him trying to tell her he's at a low point and needs to be comforted. Becky rolls her eyes and points to the stairs then at an invisible watch.
"Um Chop Top? Could you let me go? You know the saying, 'If you love something let it go' y'know?" Chop Top stops crying and there's a small moment of silence. "You didn't say please." "Please?" "No. Our plan could still work! We could move far away where no one would recognize us! Someplace TROPICAL! It doesn't matter if you don't love me! I'll make sure I'm the only person in your life, then you'll HAVE to love me! You'll have to! Becky hits him in the head with the bat but instead of hearing a crack we heard a sound like Becky just hit a hollow metal box or something. His body falls to the ground and his hair falls off! He was wearing a wig the whole time and had a metal plate in his head! Becky:"That explains a lot." (Y/n):"We should probably get going." Becky:"Yeah."
We both quietly start going down the stairs but Becky stops all of a sudden. "Becky, you okay?" "Yeah, I was just thinking, if you ended up alone and your family was gone and me and Adam were gone would you let them take care of you? Y'know the Slashers or whatever?" "I don't know." "I mean they love you so much I don't think they could ever hate you and you straight up rejected that guy and he still loves you, I mean if he's still alive. Do you think you'd be happy with them?" "I-... I don't think that's something we need to worry about right now." "Right sorry."
We get to the bottom of the stairs and peek around the corner to see if anyone's still here. Becky:"Looks like everyone's gone. Adam must have got them to chase him outside." "Good now let's get out of here." We both go to sneak out the back door but that's where the Firefly and Sawyers are so we sneak out the front door instead.
As I walk down the steps I say "We don't really give Adam any credit do we? I mean he told us about the Slashers and some of their weaknesses and is literally distracting serial killers right now! We need to buy him a cake after all this is over!" "Yeah, as long as Adam's paying." I laugh at Becky's joke and go to open the back door of Adam's van but Michael hiding inside the van opens it before me.
(Y/n):"Michael?!" Becky steps in front of me holding her bat ready to defend me. "Hey sweetheart~" I crane my neck to see around Becky and sitting in the driver's seat is Billy (In the Ghostface outfit) and Stu (in normal clothes) in the passenger seat. "Well damn, looks like our kidnapping plan failed." Stu:"Hey (Y/n)! Long time no see!" (Y/n):"How did you guys find me?!" "You didn't turn your phone's location off." Stu:"Yeah, after driving for a while we found Michael and let him tag along." Becky: "Well you better back off cuz (Y/n)'s my friend and I won't let you take her!"
Just them I hear footsteps, I turn around to see Jason carrying Chucky and Norman on his shoulders as he walks down the driveway towards me and Becky.
"Uhmm, Becky, we might have a problem." Then I hear a chainsaw start! "(Y/n)!" I turn back to the house to see...!
two minutes ago
'I've been so lonely since (Y/n) left me to go hang out with her 'friends'. Those fuckin-!' Just then another person enters the dream world. It's Otis. Oh great, this old bitch. Wasn't he dead already or something? "Shut up you fried cocksucker and just wake me up already." Otis rolls his eyes as I continue talking anyway. My description of (Y/n) seems to catch his attention. He better not be interested! "Did you say (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes?" "Lemme guess her name is (Y/n)?" "Actually I just gave her some sleep suppressant pills before her friend knocked me out. Seems like she's trying everything to avoid you because your such an unlikeable perv." "Well guess what?" "She volunteerily kissed me and told me she loves me!" I uproariously laugh. "You son of a-!" Otis runs at me and tackles me to the ground. Otis starts strangling me but I wake him up and everything slowly fades back to reality.
Otis continues strangling me not even noticing we're now in his room in the real world. I easily kick him off of me and bolt for the door. I run down the stairs already smelling my lovely (Y/n)! I throw open the front door and happily yell "(Y/N)!"
Chop Top: "They're getting away!!! Baby close your door so Spaulding can get out!" Baby: "I'm not listening to you you rat-faced bitch!" 'Why can't we all just get along for once?' Chop Top rolls his eyes at Baby's reply and slams his door shut. I start up my chainsaw that's already in hand.
"Hey! You better back off man!" Baby retaliates but I just ignore her and start sawing her and Spaulding's doors into tiny chips.
After a minute or so their doors are completely trashed. I step over all the broken wood and rush downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs is a teenage boy with brownish orange hair and glasses, he tauntingly yells "Bet you can't catch me!" I chase after him with Baby, Spaulding and Cook following close behind.
We chase him down the stairs, through the living room and kitchen and out the back door into the large backyard. "Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the ginger haired boy-man!" He just keeps running in circles around us. Spaulding: "Is it just me or is he trying to distract us from something else going on?" Yeah... "Michael?!" Michael?! Where?! Wait that's (Y/n)'s voice! I start up my chainsaw and go to the front of the house. "(Y/n)!" Freddy's here?! Everyone's here! What?!
"Becky, we might have a problem..." Becky looks to the dirt driveway where Jason is but her fierce stance never falters. "(Y/n)!" I turn back to the house to see Freddy standing in doorway of the front door. "YOU!" Just as Freddy was about to say something ,probably perverted, Candyman pushes Freddy out of the way, runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug.
"(Y/n)! I haven't seen you since chapter eleven!" "What?" "Well more accurately you haven't seen me since chapter three." "What are you talking about?" I pull myself away from his hug and take a step back from him. "Oh, it's that part of the story." Candyman puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me with remorse in his eyes. "I'm sorry Freddy was so ignorant as to lead this to happen." Freddy marches up to Candyman and says "Hey, what did I do that was so 'Ignorant' Mister Bees?!" Candyman just glares at him.
"(Y/n) I think we should leave." Candyman says still glaring at Freddy. "No, what was so ignorant of me, huh?" "What?! You caused all of this! You were the first to go after (Y/n) with your creepy letters!" "First of all-!" Suddenly Spaulding chimes in, "Ya know this girl really must be something if you learned how to write for her!" Freddy: "That's it clown you're toast!" Chucky says "He's toast you're burnt bacon!" "I could kill you all right now!" Billy gets out of the van and says "That's exactly what we need! A battle, whoever wins gets (Y/n)!" (Y/n):"What!?" "I'LL WATCH (Y/N) WHILE YOU ALL FIGHT!" Norman eagerly volunteers hopping down from Jason's shoulder. He grabs my wrist and pulls me over to an old bench swing and pulls me down to sit with him. Becky sits down on my other side and glares at Norman while he cutely hugs my arm.
Without hesitation Freddy charges at Jason and tries to slash him with his finger knives but Jason blocks Freddy's attack with his machete. The swift action makes Chucky fall off Jason's shoulder. "OW! Bitch! Watch what you're doing!" "It's a battle Chuck, you're supposed to get hurt! It's the literal purpose of a battle!" Just then Chop Top stumbles out of the house without his wig on. "(Y/n). Where's (Y/n)? I'm not mad you rejected me or hit me in the head. I swear! (Y/n)?!" His eyes land on me and he smiles and starts running toward me. "(Y/n)! WeCanGoFarAwayAndLiveHappilyEverAfterTogether!" "I think not." Adam runs up behind Chop Top with a shovel and puts the shovel under his chin. Like so.
Adam cocks the small hand gun and shoots Stu. Adam let's go of Chop Top by accident and says "Damnit, I was aiming for Michael." Chop Top runs over to me climbs on top of me and starts kissing my face again like before. Norman looks at Chop Top very surprised and angry. Norman pushes Chop Top off of me and onto the ground and starts punching him in the face. I stand up and grab Becky's hand and start sneaking away.
Stu's eyes go wide and he looks down at the injury in shock. he falls backwards against the van door smearing the blood from his back on the door as he falls. Billy runs over to Stu screaming his name. "Stu! Stu!" Adam sneaks his way over to us and we all start sneaking away but Jason grabs me by the arm and pulls me away from my friends. "Hey-!" Candyman puts his hook to my mouth and shushes me. "Shh~ We're doing this for you." "No you're not! You're doing this because you're selfish murders who can't get a girl!" Everyone stops what they're doing and stares at me.
(Y/n): "It's not my fault Freddy's such a perv, or that Chop Top's just a creepy guy." Freddy: "Is this just a thing you guys do for fun? 'Let's degrade Freddy's mental health!'" Everyone: "Yeah, kinda." (Y/n): "It's not my fault Jason is so much better than all of you!" Everyone turns their stares to Jason behind me. "JASON!?!?" Freddy roars. "Hockey, fuckin, puck!?" Jason hands me to Candyman already knowing where this is going. "Let's fucking go Hockey Puck!" Freddy swipes at Jason but he dodges perfectly everytime which really gets on Freddy's nerves! Freddy pulls his arm back ready to stab Jason right through the chest but Jason moves to the left and instead of hitting Jason Freddy stabs...
"BECKY!!!" Unfortunately Becky was standing behind Jason when Freddy tried to attack him. So instead of hitting Jason Freddy stabbed Becky through the chest. Becky's eyes go wide as she looks down at the inreversible damage delt to her body. Freddy pulls his gloved hand out of Becky and looks at the blood on his knifes for a moment.
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