《nocturne》pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky
* LONG chapter*
* quite a few POV shifts.*
Chans POV:
I stared at the door that slammed shut.
After a moment of eiery silence, i let out my fustration.
"FUCK!" i yelled, throwing an innocent vase to its death.
Liquid dripped from the now shattered object, the previously dead flowers laying pathetically on the floor.
How could i have done something like this?
How did i loose control?!
He was my fucking student. I should've just left it at that.
You're a fucking idiot Chris. A bloody fool.
I ran my hands through my hair as i walked away from the wet scene, this wasn't my fault.
It couldn't be. It was his fault for being so enticing. Nobody should be that beautiful. It all his fau-
What the fuck are you saying Chris? He cant control that shit, unlike you who had to control your fucking hormones. What are you, a teenager?!
Letting out another frustrated groan, i threw myself down on the sofa. At this point the only logical thing to do, is to stay away from him. and pray he would forget the advances i made on him.
Hyunjins POV:
The morning after, i decided to confront Mr. Bang after the chaos that endured last night. I needed to clear things up with him.
After much thought, i concluded that i was extremely attracted to Mr. Bang. That was a given. But what i didn't expect was the boner i carried all night, just at the thought of Mr. Bangs angry gaze and strong grip, the moment i closed my eye's.
It seemed permanent. No matter what i did, i couldn't rid myself of the forbidden tingle that blossomed at the mere thought of him.
I didn't know what, but i knew i wanted him to do something to me. Something carnal, something brutal, something that brought back that viscous gaze that had me shaking.
I craved it. Even more so this morning as i stared at my stupid reflection in the bathroom mirror.
His hand would lock its self in my hair, yanking my head back as he devoured my neck.
I unconsciously brought my hand to my hair, then, gently and ever so hesitantly, pulled.
A sharp intake of air resulted, with the rush of blood to my member. The desperate feeling of need began building up, a sense of need that was so desired that i would loose my dignity and pride. Just to relive it.
I jumped, the noise yanking me out of the lusted trance.
Reality hit like a truck. What the fuck are you doing?
Staring at my reflection once more, i gave the other a disgusted glare, the expression glaring back at me.
Nails scratched the door as Kkami barked at the bathroom.
"Im coming! I'm coming!"
Holding the door handle i took a deep breath, "The moment you open this door, whatever you felt, whatever you wanted, goes deep beneath. like it didn't exist. Focus on school Hyunjin." i spoke to myself, before opening the door to move on with the day.
"Good Moring Class!" his husky voice commanded over the mindless chatter, causing everyone to grow quiet.
I was seated in between Jeongin and Changbin once again, the events that occurred a secret between Mr. Bang and i only.
"Today, we will start our course with the overview of diminished chords and augmented chords. You already know these. I know you do. But that doesn't mean you stop paying attention." He took a deep breath and faced the class, a bored look on his face, "You all are stupid. So refrain from letting your ego hold you back from this class-"
Mr. Bangs lecturing droned on, as his voice faded in and out, while i sat spacing out. I wonder what he thought about last night. Today he treated me as if i was any other student. As if he wasn't pulling my hair and choking me in his foyer yesterday.
"Hey beautiful?"
A soft pressure on my thigh brought me out of my bored trance.
"C-changbin hyung."
The said male laughed, "Class just ended but you were just staring at the wall, are you ok? "
I smiled sheepishly, "I'm fine! just tired i guess."
Changbin returned the expression, ruffling my hair before helping stand up.
"You wanna come over to Innie and i's place tonight? i don't know if Innies told you, but Lix is throwing a party at his condo..." he trailed off, looking at me expectantly.
To be honest, I've never been to a party. A not because i didn't like them, it was just, i had no friends to come with or invite me. Others were too intimidated by me, thinking i was a stuck up person who had no time for leisure.
What would he think if i told him I've never been to one? would he laugh at me? What type of party is it? what do i wear???
Sucking in my doubts, i stated my reply, "I-ive never been to a party...But.. i would like to." i said, mumbling the last part.
Changbin beamed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walked out the lecturing hall,
"Well i'll be glad to be your first. Just come over to my place and I'll help you get ready beautiful."
Blushing, i nodded, following him out the door.
Chans POV:
"Well I'll be glad to be your first, just come over to my place..."
My head whipped in the direction of those words, catching the lucky bastard placing an arm around Hyunjin.
He'll be his first?... That couldn't mean..
I looked at the pair, my eye's widening. Changbin being Hyunjins first?!
Grinding my molars, i looked away, a dark feeling nipping at the ounce of control i had.
Its not my business. Hyunjin can fuck who ever he wants. i shouldn't care.
As the last student left, i furiously graded papers, the red tip of the marker, growing blunt with the force inserted.
F, F, C, B, D, D,... A.
I glanced at the perfect paper.
Hwang Hyunjin.
His handwriting was a mixture of cursive and pure messiness. I was able to read his work, but from first glance, the paper looked like it was written in the 1800's.
I chuckled to myself, imagining his brows furrowed and lips in a pout as he stared frustrated at a question.
Did he even think about yesterday? It seemed like what i had wished for worked perfectly. He regarded me with the same blank stare and shyness as he did the first day he met me.
This was a good thing.
Or so i thought.
Yet couldn't rid the feeling of his warm silky skin under my palms.
The aroused look on his innocent face, too naïve to understand how irresistible he was.
The soft whimpers and strained whines he let out, while i choked him, watching the pretty face turn red with shame and lust.
Good god Christopher. i inwardly groaned as i eyed the sudden pain in my groin.
This was wrong. Very wrong.
... But ever so tempting.
I shut and locked the door to my lecture hall, turning of the lights and shutting the blinds, as if i had left .
In complete darkness, i leaned back in my chair, loosening the suffocating collar and rolling my sleeves up.
'Mr. B-bang..'
His pale skin flushed as he lay naked and vulnerable in my bed.
The soft mewls that left at the slightest touch.
Tears staining the porcelain face as i broke him.
I groaned in pleasure as i palmed myself at the thought of his utter submission to me.
Hyunjins POV:
"Oooooh THIS ONES BETTER!" Innie cried, throwing a short white tennis skirt at me.
"But Innie... " i whined, "It looks to thin, what if i get cold?"
Jeongin frowned. "Hoes don't get cold. "
Rolling my eye's, i let the younger dress me as if i was his Barbie doll.
30 minutes later, i stood staring at the tight white sleeveless crop top, exposing my lean stomach and waist, paired with a thin white tennis skirt. (pictured up top)
White on white.
"Inn-" I started to complain.
"If you get cold here," he snapped, tossing me a large black leather jacket.
I smiled, thanking as i slid that over the revealing outfit.
As we piled in Changbins Mercedes, nerves began to overtake the fun atmosphere.
What if people didn't like me? Am i dressed weird? I'm showing too much skin, im ugly. Im-
"Jinnie. Calm down baby. You're hot. You're talented. You're sexy. Be confident love." Innie whispered in my ear.
The words of affirmation calming myself. Hes right. Who cares what other think.
"We're here boys . Beautiful, prepare for the night of your life. " Binnie smiled, before leading us out to the thumping bass ahead.
I clung by Binnie's side like a koala, the noise, activities and atmosphere overwhelming me.
"Jinnie calm down. i'm not going anywhere, Here." he handed me a red solo cup. "Drinking will help you relax. You need to enjoy yourself love." He explained, looking at me with pity.
With hesitancy but also eagerness, i downed the vile liquid in the cup, resisting the urge to gag at the horrid taste.
"Atta boy." Changbin chuckled, patting my back.
Chans POV:
I dug threw my satchel to find my damn keys. The said item buried deep beneath test papers and my laptop.
Earlier, i finished my 'business' in class and locked up, one more, before deciding to forget anything and everything that commenced.
"Hey chan!"
a light pressure landed on my shoulder.
"Ah! Dahyun, what's up?" i asked, the woman looking oddly guilty.
"Well you see, um, Minhyuk let me know that the Sophomores are throwing a party, and wanted me to be on watch, but i have a previous commitment... i was wondering if you could go ... instead?"
A party huh? it's been awhile since any of the students threw one. As teachers our sole job was to make sure no students actions could reflect poorly on the name of Juilliard.
Which meant, patrolling the area, and keeping an eye on the growing magnitude of the party.
Sighing i replied, "Sure, have a great night!"
"You too Chan! Also- um- if you don't mind, we should think about getting drinks together again.?"
I laughed at her shyness, "Yeah of course! Bye!"
There goes my calm evening.
Hyunjins POV:
I threw my head back as i screamed with joy, the raw bass shaking windows and hyping the crowd up.
It was one drink, im sure. Or maybe 3? i don't remember, and it doesn't matter.
"DAMN JINNIE YOU THROWIN IT BACK!" Felix screamed, watching as i was caught in a twerk line.
Now if you asked sober me, whether they'd think they'd be in drunk off their ass in the middle of second term, at 2:00 am, in a twerk line.... Id look at you as if you had told me you killed my dog.
As the beat changed, i felt someone pull me out of the chaos.
Giggling i followed them.
"Jinnie! Are you drunk!!!" a concerned Jeongin screamed over the music.
Giving him a loopy smile i responded, "yeahh.. your wery pwetty jeonginnie."
"Good god. I thought i told Changbin to watch over you. Where is he?"
I pointed to the said male passed out on the pool table, "Binnie hyung take a sleep."
Sighing, Jeongin guided me outside towards fresh air, the cool night breeze making me laugh as it tickled my skin.
This felt good, i felt free. Like i was flying.
"Stay right here. Ok? im gonna go get you some water." the younger commanded.
I pouted, "Innie don't leave Jinnie. Please."
"it'll be second. Just stay here ok?"
"ok meanie."
Jeongin ran off to get water, as i sat down, too lazy to keep standing.
The sky was pretty. The stars were pretty.... Was i pretty?
"Nooo!" I giggled to myself, "Jinnie's not pretty."
a moment later, i repeated the same words, "Jinnie's not pretty?"
Why is Jinnie not pretty?
I feel bad for Jinnie....
Whose Jinnie?
"You're Jinnie."
a voice caught my attention.
Straining my neck, i peered at the person.
"Mr.Banggg" i cried, reaching towards him.
The older sat down next to me.
"Why are you drunk Hyunjin."
I frowned, retracting my hands from his shoulders, "I'm Jinnie. Not Hyunjin."
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You probably wont understand, but you're setting a bad example for yourself. And for the other students. As one of the most successful students at Juilliard you should have some respect for yourself. Instead of partying until daybreak, in barley any clothes, and drunk off your ass-"
"Stop." i muttered. Attempting to glare at him through hazy vision.
"You-" i thrusted a index finger hard against his chest, "won't understand what it's like to be 'perfect'."
"you-" (another finger thrust) "- won't understand how exhausting it is to keep up this act."
"You-" (a slap against his hard chest) "- don't have any business getting involved with m-"
Chan grabbed my jaw, yanking me close to his face. The near proximity driving me crazy.
"Watch it Hwang." he growled against my lips, his eyes a ablaze with hidden anger.
I gulped. The foreign feeling from this morning starting it's blossom in my gut.
No no no no. Stop it. What's wrong with you bitch! Get it together. You're angry. Remember that. You're frustrated.
I yanked my face away, "Stop doing that. Just... leave me alone."
I turned away from him, making sure my face was not visible to hide the blush that began to form.
"Hyunjin. Look at me."
"No. Leave."
"I cant leave you here. Your drunk."
"No shit. what's it to you anyways."
He sighed, getting frustrated, "I don't want your pathetic ass hurt and making excuses as to why you can perform your best. So get up. We're leaving."
Of course that's why. He gets paid for how well i do. Fucking bitch.
"You don't need to take me home. I'm sleeping over at Binnie's so i'm not going home."
Mr. Bang went silent.
"Your sleeping over at whose ?"
"Binnie Hyungs." i muttered absentmindedly, picking at the grass near my feet.
A moment of eerie silence passed, before i felt Mr. Bangs hand grab my arm.
"your not sleeping over at anyone's house." he sneered, dragging me towards his car.
"Wha- Stop it! Let me go!!" i yelled, attempting to rip my arm out of his strong grasp.
"Get in." he gestured to the open car door.
"No let me go you bitch!" i squealed, shoving him.
His face grew stern, a glare so bone chilling it could freeze you.
He let go my arm, trapping me against the car,
"I said. Get in. The car."
The urge to disobey him was beyond enticing. Just to see how far i could push him.
I stared up into his livid eyes, before smiling.
"No. ❤️"
A/N: well then. Sorry for the infrequent updates!
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