《nocturne》frédéric chopin
*long chapter*
Hwang Hyunjin was a prodigious musician.
A pianist who shined in the light compared to his youth. Many have heard of the talented boy, they envied him, idolized him and some even hated him.
But Hyunjin wasn't bothered, he was a soft soul, who radiated an aura of sophistication and immense beauty. In fact, apart from his soul touching talent, his beauty was one to reckon with. It was said that this angel fell straight from heaven to this miserable earth.
The son of Apollo they said.
Soft sunlight filtered through the wispy curtains of my apartment, making it bright and lively as opposed to last nights darkness.
A rough tongue slid up my bare thigh.
"Aagh! Kkami!?" i cried, kicking the messy sheets away as i woke up.
The accused smiled up at me from between my thighs, tongue hanging out and small pants leaving the chihuahua.
gross. but anyways..
"Good Morning Kkami!" i cooed, gesturing for the dog to come closer, "thanks for waking me up bubba."
Kkami barked, backing away from my attacks of affection.
well then.
Getting up, i made my way to the bathroom, ready to tackle the first day of sophomore year with more social interactions than I've probably ever encountered. It wasn't my fault i kept to myself.
I guess people tend to think i'm very stuck up or snobby since i got into Juilliard on a full ride for just playing the piano, but i don't think i'm stuck up, or snobby. In fact its the complete opposite, when i decided to move to the city for college, i wanted to disappear in the crowd, to be a nameless face that no one knew. Those hopes were crushed as my spring audition tape was released and everyone marveled in my apparent talent.
To be honest, i never thought i was better than everyone else, i still don't think I'm better than everyone else cause i believe that in music, there is no being better since everything you create or play is a form of your interpretation, 'better' is a term for whether society as a whole prefers your music. This concept was the sole driving force that kept me tendered to music.
I pulled on plain khaki chinos paired with a large white button up and a sleveless beige sweater. (pictured ⬆️ ) Pairing the fit with basic low cut doc martens, i left the steamy bathroom to feed kkami and myself.
"Kkami!" i yelled, hoping the dog would arrive.
He didn't.
Sighing, i placed his bowl in front of the lazy chihuahua, and returned to the task of making a breakfast.
30 minutes later, i was out the door, avocado toast well digested and tote bag hanging from my shoulders.
The bustling city of new york wasn't exactly where i had wished to spend my future, but it's was the only place with a reputable school for the career i pursued. This was only achieved after a useless fight with my parents on how my career was my choice. To say they were disappointed in my choice was an understatement. We didn't even talk anymore.
But i took care of my self; from getting a job at a small bookstore, adopting kkami, paying rent and even buying a petite grand for the small apartment i lived in.
(petite grand: a much smaller version of a grand piano, also known as baby grand)
I was pretty much dependent on nobody but my self and i planned to keep it that way. Especially regarding school. Being used one too many times assisted me in understanding that not all students wish to simply learn from another, there was always a hidden competitive drive that fought to ruin friendly relationships and destroy thoughts of normalcy.
Given that lesson, i pushed the door of the giant lecture hall as i sat in my first class of the year; music theory II. It was said to be one of the more difficult classes to take as a music major, usually most students take music theory I and move on to their specified instruments. But i opted to choose this class because i had little knowledge on the works of other instruments in lieu of written and transposed music.
"Excuse me, may i sit here?" a soft voice whispered in the hushed silence.
I looked up to see a young boy with dark raven hair and narrow eyes, his face seemed as though there was a perpetual smile frozen.
I nodded giving him a small smile.
"I'm Jeongin, i play flute! what's your name?" he asked giddily as he squirmed in his seat.
He's adorable .
"i'm Hyunjin, piano."
His mouth fell open, "Wait... You're Hyunjin?!? THE Hwang Hyunjin?!!" he silently shouted.
Oh no. here comes another friendship down the drain.
Swallowing my sigh, i nodded once more, hoping he would drop the topic and we could continue conversing about meaningless things.
" Ohmygosh! i look up to you! you're like a celebrity!" he squealed, grabbing my resting hand.
I looked at him startled, "You look up to me? we don't even play the same instruments."
"Oh don't be silly Jinnie! I can still look up to you, i guess you don't realize how well you play."
I blushed at the nickname, "I guess i don't..."
"Well guess what Jinnie," he smiled, wrapping his long arms across my shoulders, "I'm gonna show you how well you play, just you wait. ALSO! i think we'd make great friends."
Simply adorable.
"okay." i mumbled, playing with the loose strands of hair that fell out of the ponytail.
Jeongin giggled, "your cute Jinnie, you don't talk much do you."
Heat erupted across my cheeks. first day in a new class and this was how i got treated? what was i, royalty?
"Are you a Junior?" Jeongin asked, breaking the small silence.
i shook my head, " im a sophomore, what about you?"
Nodding i looked away from him and towards the now full class. I never rally paid attention to the people in my class let alone who taught the course. Yet from the excessive giggles from girls heard around the classroom concluded that Mr. Professor was probably quite young.
Maybe i should pay attention this time. Making friends won't be all that bad either, look at Jeongin, you met him all but 20 minutes ago yet you feel happy around him.
A sudden hushed silence interrupted my thoughts as the door creaked open.
The man who walked in was attractive to say the least. Blonde hair that lay in a curly mess above a strikingly handsome face. Dark brown eyes that seemed to read your deepest secrets, plump full lips that probably felt like clouds and the razor sharp jawline that seemed as though they would cut diamonds-
He dropped the stack of books he was carrying on the desk, resulting in a startling thud.
"My name, is Professor Bang. You may call me Mr. Bang, Professor Bang or Dr. Bang."
-And a voice that sounded like sex on legs.
I could see why the gender ratio for this class nearly doubled the female attendance.
"Holy shit." i heard Jeongin mutter under his breath.
'Holy shit' indeed Jeongin.
"Welcome to Music Theory II. Before i get into the syllabus, let me clarify this fact: This class is only for those who wish to seriously pursue music or have the will power to dedicated their time, money and tears for this course. If you are not willing to give up these things, please do yourself a favor and get out." he spoke, his voice hard and whiplike as he pointed a long finger towards the door.
Nobody dared move a muscle, as the silent ticking of the clock hammered against the quiet auditorium.
Something about him made me uneasy; either the steely glare that stared unwaveringly or the permanent scowl adoring the chiseled features.
Mr. Bang was quite obviously built, the dark suit hugging the bulging muscles and the broad shoulders that threaten to burst at small movements.
He should get a bigger suit, i thought.
"He should get a what?" Jeongin whispered.
I froze, shit i said that out loud.
"N-nothing, i was just talking to myself."
"Oh ok, be careful, Mr. Bang doesn't seem like a very nice person." Jeongin warned, chewing on his lip.
I could tell Jeongin.
"Now while my TA passes out the syllabus, i'd like to get to know this class better. You students will be stuck with me for the entirety of this year, which includes overseas trips and competitions, therefore, being acquainted might help you and i maintain a positive relationship. We will start by this young lady here," gesturing to a freshmen sitting right in front, "Stand up, tell us your name, age, and preferred instrument."
The girl stood up, her face turning red,
"Hi, my names Yuna, i'm 18 and i play the viola."
Mr. Bang gave her a sharp nod, "Next." he commanded.
As the line continued, i began to grow nervous as it inches closer to me. Social anxiety crept up my back, as the fear of speaking in front of people suffocated me.
Jeongin must've noticed my clammy hands and sweaty face, as he grabbed my thigh, forcing me stop bouncing.
"It's ok, your ok. Just say your name age and what you play and be done with it. i'm right here." he soothed.
I smiled up at him as he stood up preparing to introduce himself, "Hi everyone! my names Jeongin, i'm 18 and i play flute! i hope we have a great year together!" he cheered , seeming completely confident.
Mr. Bang regarded him with a blank stare, "Next."
I smiled weakly at Jeongin before standing up, grabbing the end of my sweater, forcing myself to stop shaking. Pulling my head up, i made eye contact with him, he's dark eyes sharp and guarded.
" H- Hello, I'm Hyunjin, i'm 19 and i play piano."
I cursed myself for stuttering.
Suddenly, whispers erupted across the room.
" No way."
"Hwang Hyunjin?!"
"That's him??"
"He looks like a fag"
" No he's kinda cute."
" Holy fuc-"
"Everyone!" Mr.Bangs whiplike voice silenced the room.
He stared at me for a minute. A intense minute where it seemed as though he'd gutted me completely and left the insides out.
I felt naked.
"Take a seat."
I squirmed as i sat back in relief. Thank god he'd didn't say anything else. This man scared me.
" Are you ok, Jinnie?" Jeongin sweet voice whispered.
Looking at him, i smiled and ruffled his hair, "I'm fine... Innie, thank you."
A mega watt smile beamed across his face.
"You called me Innie!! Now we have to be best friends cause we have nicknames."
i giggled as he attempted to hug me.
"Next." Mr. Bangs voice broke us out of our world.
"Sup, i'm Changbin, i'm 20, i play contrabass." The raspy tone that left the man startled me.
"Oh! that's Binnie! my roommate!" Jeongin whispered.
"He's your roommate?"
"mhm, your gonna meet all my friends after class today!"
"Innie i don't think i ca-" i started.
"You can and you will." he stated, giving me an albeit cute glare.
"Mr. Bang, why don't you take a turn?" Changbin added.
The room went silent, looking anxiously for their professors reply.
"Alright. My full name's Christopher Bang, I'm 26, and i am a cellist."
Woah. I could already tell seeing him play the cello would be if not one, the most, attractive thing to mankind. His hands were wide and veiny, the finger pads seemed rough but long and slender at the same time.
He might make a good pianist i thought.
"I've graduated from Kings College in London with a masters degree in organic chemistry, and a doctorate in Musical Arts."
"Organic Chemistry?" Jeongin voiced.
Mr. Bangs attention snapped towards our direction.
" Yes Mr. ..." he trailed off, looking at Jeongin expectantly.
"Yang. Yang Jeongin." The brunette replied.
" Those are two different ends of the spectrum, why would you teach music at Juilliard if you could have a better career in science?" Jeongin brazenly asked.
For the first time, a small smirk slivered its way into Mr. Bangs scowl, " Because i had given up all hope in actual musicians, until, i heard about someone who had potential in Juilliard. I'm hear to guide them, as well as attempt to put knowledge into your heads but i don't know how well that would work." he finished, giving a sarcastic chuckle.
" Who is that person?" Yuna asked.
"I wouldn't know." he retorted, staring straight in my direction.
I froze like a deer in headlights. Surely he didn't mean me, definitely not. It had to have been a coincidence.
Silently i broke eye contact and buried myself in my arms, pretending to fall asleep.
After ten minutes, i heard class begin to wrap up, as the noise of papers and zippers increased.
A hands slowly pulled it's way through my strands.
I shot up.
"Woah, calm down, it's just me Jinnie." Jeongin laughed.
"You feel asleep and class was ending so i wanted to wake you up. Also, how is your hair so silky!!" he gushed.
Sighing, i rubbed my eyes, "i don't know, rice water and aloe vera?"
"Well-" Innie started,
A large figure loomed over me.
Turning, i faced the glacial eyes of my professor.
"M-Mr. Bang!" i squeaked, surprised at his silent presence.
"I would like to see you after class." he demanded, tapping his finger on my desk, before waking away.
"oh o-ok." i answered a minute after he left.
Jeongin shot me a worried glance, " do you want me to stay with you or wait for you."
"No nono, it's fine Innie, you can head home, I'll give you my number okay."
He nodded vigorously.
As he left, i stayed in my seat, waiting until the other students left.
I was playing with the rings on my fingers when i heard his voice,
"You can come down here now, or would you rather i meet you up there."
" Oh uh no, it's fine i can come down." i muttered, rushing to put my stuff in the tote bag and rushing down the stairs.
I was now right in front of his desk. My hands grew clammy once again and i began to rock back and forth on my heels.
Mr. Bang, looked up from his computer, kicking his feet atop the desk as he leaned back in his chair.
"What's your name."
A/N: FIRST CHAP DONE WHOO. that's was long asf. Thank you for reading this ❤️❤️
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