《The Amber Paladin》Falling apart
You were all flying in your Lions. Keith had planted a tracker on Lotor's ship, and now you were going after him.
"Lotor's cruiser is on the other side of the planet. At our current rate of speed, we'll be within attack range in an hour." Pidge assessed the current situation when you were getting close. "Good. Hold formation." Keith just replied, without even a hint of hesitation. And that just made you feel sad and angry. Your head was full of mixed emotions and you had a hard time concentrating.
You were so frustrated of the whole situation. You knew what Keith tried to do, but you didn't understand him. Why was he going after another fight, even though half of you were in new Lions and not in control of them. Why did he want to deliberately put you in danger?
That's when suddenly the Blue Lion bumped into the Yellow one. "Oh, apologies, Hunk!" Allura quickly said, sounding really worried. "Is attacking right now such a good idea? You know, since not everyone is so great with their Lions?" Hunk then spoke with slight hesitation, addressing Keith. "I agree with Hunk. Half of us are in new Lions, Keith. Even you. Maybe we should just take our time adjusting first." You added to Hunk's worries, trying not to sound irritated.
"You can blame our hot-headed leader for that one." Lance immediately replied with a riled up voice. It was clear that Keith's decision was creating tension within your team. "Well, yeah, if our gracious leader would bother listening to us." You still added, anger audible in your voice already.
"First, you want me to lead, and then you complain about how I do it." Keith answered to your complaints with a low voice, clearly trying to suppress his irritation. But that didn't stop you. "You could at least consider our situation before taking us out into another fight. I don't know which is more stupid, this mission or your attitude." You just blurted out, not minding at all how it might hurt him, or make him feel. There was clearly tension between you.
"Prince Lotor is the heir to the Galra throne. We could end his reign right now." Keith then spoke slowly, emphasizing every word, trying to get it through to you. But that's when you let out a sigh. He wouldn't listen. He was just going after Lotor despite the current situation. He was just going after what he wanted.
Just then Lance lagged a bit behind, flying closer to Allura. "You doing okay in Blue?" He asked concerned, even though you weren't quite sure if it was for Allura or for Blue. "I'm fine. I've been flying the Castle for half my life." Allura started to explain surely, but then she hesitated. "I just need a few ticks to adjust to the Lion."
"Good, because we're going in." Keith then said, cutting out their conversation rudely when the Galra ship came into view. But that just made your blood boiling again, so much that you had to close your eyes for a moment. You knew this was not the time to argue. You were already on your way after Lotor. You just had to try your best for now.
Just then you saw as something emerged from the Galra ship. "I'm detecting movement." Keith immediately warned you. "So much for the element of surprise." Lance just bluntly replied, in a tone that was clearly meant to aggravate Keith. It really seemed that you weren't the only one on the edge because of Keith's choices.
But only one fighter plane emerged from the Galra ship. Just one, not more. And suddenly you had a hunch that something was going on. They had a plan. You were certain of it. Why would they attack you only with one fighter plane when they had dozens of them in the last fight, just moments ago.
"It's just a single fighter. Where's the rest of them?" Hunk asked, also puzzled. "Probably scrambling as we speak. Let's take it out." Keith said determined, immediately flying towards the lone fighter plane, ready to attack without even questioning the situation. He really had a one-track mind at the moment. "Wait, Keith! Something's not right." You tried to say, but he was already going fast ahead.
That's when suddenly Lance speeded up the Red Lion so fast that he accidentally bumped into the Black Lion, sending it flying backwards. "Lance, what are you doing!?" Keith asked with a clearly irritated voice. "Sorry! Red here is a lot faster than I'm used to." Lance hastily explained apologetically.
And just when all of your attention was on Lance, the fighter plane had vanished out of your sight. It was suddenly nowhere to be seen. "Uh, where'd that fighter go?" Lance then asked, noticing the same.
That's when suddenly lasers were shot from behind you, hitting the Black Lion straight at its back. It seemed that the fighter plane had immediately taken advantage of your stumbling, even though the fight had barely started.
Keith quickly flew out of the formation you were flying in, trying to evade the lasers. But as the fighter plane soared after him, it seemed that Keith was immediately in trouble. The pilot in the fighter plane was good, and Keith was still having trouble controlling the Black Lion.
"I can't shake him. Someone get this guy off my tail." Keith ordered you in a commanding tone when it seemed that he couldn't get rid of the fighter plane. Well, at least he had his commanding leader voice under control.
You immediately pushed the handles of your Lion, making her soar after the fighter plane, Hunk, Pidge and Allura after you. "Coming in on your six." Pidge then confirmed that help was on the way.
You all shot lasers at the fighter plane at the same time. But even though there were four of you, it just skillfully twirled around your shots, evading them all, making you look really incompetent. It seemed like the pilot was totally in control of the situation. "They're good..." You mumbled while frowning. Even though they were your enemy, it was still incredible.
But when it seemed that the plane evaded everything, you stopped shooting. Except for Allura, who still tried. She was so focused on the plane that she forgot her surroundings entirely. And the pilot was more cunning than her. "Allura, stop it!" You tried to shout when you saw what was happening, but it was too late. Without realising, Allura shot the Black Lion straight at its back.
"Allura!" Keith shouted angrily after taking the hit. "I'm sorry, Keith!" Allura tried to apologize. And just then the Red Lion flew past you, like it wasn't quite sure of where it was going. Like Lance wasn't in control. "Seriously, does this thing have brakes?" Lance yelled, his voice cracking. And you couldn't help but facepalm as the irritation started to make your blood boiling again. You were such a mess. How could Keith think that you could beat someone at this state?
And just when your attention was on Lance again, the fighter plane shot lasers at the back of the Black Lion, again. And you were sure that the pilot was laughing at you at the moment. They were clearly just toying with you while you were a mess, crashing into each other.
"What's up with this guy? He's playing us against ourselves." Lance then asked a bit baffled. "It's gotta be Lotor." Keith just replied without even a hint of emotion in his voice.
That's when you slightly gasped. Was it really Lotor? But the more you thought about it, the more it made you worried. Keith's decision to go after Lotor when everything was a mess, made you really weak and incapable in his eyes.
"Keith, what should we do?" Pidge asked concerned, worried for your situation. "How about this? Everyone stay out of my way!" Keith just replied harshly. And all you could do was shake your head. Wow. He really didn't realise what an asshole he was being. He didn't see you as a team at all at the moment.
"Great. Great leadership." Lance replied with the most sarcastic voice he could. "Yeah, you clearly got the right idea of what a team should be like." You added, trying to match Lance's sarcasm while you others stayed put.
But Keith didn't mind. He wasn't probably even listening. He just started to chase after the fighter plane, trying to shoot at it, even though it just evaded every one of them, maneuvering around really skillfully. If it really was Lotor, he was one hell of a pilot.
That's when the fighter plane evaded another shot coming from Keith, turned around and started shooting back. And Keith was in trouble again, receiving several hits on the Black Lion. "Okay, this isn't working. We need to form Voltron." He then finally yielded with a heavy sigh. Finally something you agreed on, even though it was kind of embarrassing that you were no match to a single fighter plane.
"Everyone! In formation!" Keith then yelled determined, and you all started to fly in formation. And you flew, but nothing seemed to happen. Nothing that usually happened when you formed Voltron. There wasn't that feeling of magnetism pulling you together. Not this time.
"Guys, I'm not really feeling that Voltron feeling!" Lance was the first one to say what you were also thinking. But Keith just coldly cut him off. "Keep going!" He ordered. And you just kept going, even though nothing was really happening.
That's when the fighter plane flew next to you, like the pilot was inspecting of what you were doing. And you were ready to facepalm again. If that really was Lotor, he was seeing you at your worst.
"It's not happening!" Pidge finally yelled. And you immediately heard Keith's angry growl in response. "What is going on!?" He questioned, clearly irritated. But you had no idea what was happening anymore. Why couldn't you form Voltron?
"Guys! Fighter!" Lance suddenly yelled. And as you looked ahead, you saw that the fighter plane was heading straight at you, starting to fire, making you quickly broke out of formation. It really seemed like Lotor was toying with you, making you more of a mess than you already were.
But just as the fighter plane had gotten you all separated, it suddenly took off. It just left. Just like that, leaving you dumbfounded and embarrassed. He had probably already realised that something was wrong with your team.
As you looked at the fighter plane go, you noticed how tense your body had gotten during the fight. So you tried taking in a deep breath and relax your muscles. "Well, that was embarrassing." Lance then said while letting out an exasperated sigh. "Should we call it quits? Maybe go back, regroup, get a meal?" Hunk tried suggesting that you'd return to the castle, which would really be the best choice at the moment.
"No! I know everyone is struggling, but we can't let Lotor slip away." Keith just calmly replied to Hunk's suggestion. And that just got your blood boiling again in an instant. "What!? Keith, don't be irrational." You immediately raised your voice. "I'm not. This is our chance." Keith just replied to you coldly before flying after the fighter plane again.
Immediately your muscles tensed up again as you looked at the Black Lion go. Then you let out an irritated sigh while pushing the handles of your Lion. You had to follow him even though you didn't agree to his tactics, and that really put you on the edge. You just wished that Keith would see beyond his own obsession.
But you still followed Keith, flying towards an ominous looking planet that had huge spikes emerging from its surface, a thick layer of fog around it and lightning striking here and there.
Just as you were about to cross the thick field of fog outside the planet, a lightning struck near you, making you slightly flinch. And immediately you started to have a really strange feeling in the pit of your stomach. It didn't feel very welcoming.
"Keith, I have a bad feeling about this place..." You then said, still trying to get him to change his mind. "Yeah, we may not want to follow him. We don't know what's in there." Pidge tried to back you up. But Keith just speeded up his Lion, not hearing any of it. And that made you bit your lip hard. You were so fed up with him not listening to anything.
As you flew further into the planet's atmosphere, the fog started to get really dense, affecting visibility, making it hard to see what was in front of you. And since you didn't want to crash into anything, you slowed down your speed.
And just then you heard static noise coming from the intercom. Then the screens and the lights in the Lion flickered on and off until they died out entirely. Everything turned to red, like a warning to you. "What's happening?" You asked your Lion, but she just quietly growled back, not really knowing what was going on.
But when you looked outside, you realised that you only saw the outlines of the other Lions, and you weren't really sure which one was who. The lights in your Lion's eyes helped a bit, but it was still hard to see what was ahead of you. The fog was just too dense. You were really not feeling good about the place at all.
"Guys, we have a problem. My sensors are going crazy." Pidge's faint voice was heard on the intercom, the static interfering with that too. "I think it's due to this planet's atmosphere and what must be strange magnetic poles." She continued, trying to explain what was happening.
"We can't worry about that now. I'm not letting this guy get away." Keith just strictly replied to her, not minding at all about the situation you were in. Not minding about the fact that you couldn't even see clearly ahead of you.
"Keith, without accurate sensors or working equipment, we're not gonna be able to tell what's up or down, where we are, or how to get out. I say we fall back." Pidge still tried to reason with Keith, but he just coldly cut her off. "No, keep going."
"Keith, just listen to Pidge." You said frustrated, but all you got back was static. And just then, a lighting struck close to you, making you again flinch as the Lion slightly shook. It was like turbulence among the thick fog, and you were seriously starting to get worried. "Everything is all right..." You silently said to your Lion, even though you really said it to yourself.
"Guys, I think this gas is messing with our radios. We gotta stay close if we want to be able to communicate." You then heard Hunk's silent voice through the static as you tried following Keith as closely as you could. But the thick fog was making it really hard, obstructing your view. And little by little, Keith started to get ahead of you.
"Allura took a hit. I'm going after her!" Hunk suddenly yelled behind you. And that's when you gasped. You had no idea what was happening, and you only saw the lights from the Lions, nothing more. "Allura, are you all right?" You tried asking, but only got static in return.
"Hunk!" Keith quickly yelled, trying to stop Hunk from leaving. But it was too late. He had already gone to help Allura. "The rest of you, stay on me!" Keith then yelled to you with clear anger in his voice.
So you stayed with Keith, but the fighter plane was going deeper into the planet's atmosphere, making following him so much harder all the time. And Keith was going too fast for you. Hunk and Allura were already left somewhere behind, but he just kept going, not minding about the danger you were facing.
"Keith, please stop!" You raised your voice, trying to make him listen when the Black Lion was starting to get further away from you all. But he didn't answer, he just went after Lotor. "Keith, you're splitting up the team!" Lance yelled too, trying to make him stop. "Keith, do you hear me!? Stop it, please!" You still yelled, your voice full of frustration while seeing him almost disappearing into the fog, out of your sight.
Just then the Black Lion finally started to slow down, eventually stopping. And you let out a relieved sigh. He finally listened to you. "Let's go for Hunk and Allura..." You heard Keith's faint voice on the intercom as he turned around, making his way back to where you came from.
You were relieved that Keith seemed to finally listen to you, even if it took way too long. But while you were looking for Hunk and Allura, you realised that your body was really tense again. You weren't able to relax at all with Keith's mindset the way it was. You were clearly on the edge.
After a moment, you found Hunk and Allura, just floating there, waiting for you. That's when you took your hands off the handles and buried your face in them. You were exhausted, and so tense. "Is everyone okay?" Pidge immediately asked. "I'm sorry that I slowed us down, but the Blue Lion isn't listening to me." Allura explained apologetically, like the whole thing had been her fault. Which wasn't true.
"It's okay. We're a team. We stick together." Lance said, trying to ease Allura's mind. "Isn't that right, Keith?" He still asked emphasized, trying to make Keith see what was important at the moment. But you could have never imagined what Keith would say next.
"It's not about the team. We have a mission that's more important than any one of us." Keith just replied to Lance, his voice cold and sharp. And at that moment, you were really more dumbfounded than ever before. What the hell was he thinking? You were in serious danger and he didn't care? You didn't even know how to react. You were just numb.
"We need to find Lotor and stop him, and I plan on doing that right now." Keith still added before the Black Lion soared away from you again. And that's when you slouched your shoulders, feeling like someone had just stabbed you in your heart. You had already thought that he actually got back to his senses. But no.
"Keith, get you head out of your ass and listen to us!" You immediately said, raising your voice, getting close to your breaking point. But all you got back was nothing, just static and cold shoulder. And as you watched the Black Lion flying further away, you heard Lance's resigned sigh. "Come on, guys. We'd better stick together."
That's when you let out a short scream from the pit of your stomach and clenched your fists hard in anger. You were feeling too frustrated of the whole situation, and you needed to let out some steam.
After that you took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. And it seemed to help a bit, so you put your hands on the Lion's handles again, starting to move forward. You couldn't leave Keith alone, even though you knew he was wrong. You had to follow him, heading back to where you had lost Lotor.
You were now moving more slowly. The static was still interfering with your screens and sensors, so you just had to trust your sight to move ahead. And while you were looking around carefully, everyone was silent, probably trying to concentrate as much as they could on your surroundings. But you were also keeping quiet, since you knew you would just say something bad if you would open your mouth.
But the further you went, the thicker the fog got. "This is crazy! We can't see a thing." Hunk's panicked voice broke the silence. "Stay together. He's around here somewhere. I know it." Keith just replied to him. And just then you saw the fighter plane in the distance, ahead of you.
"There!" Keith quickly yelled as he immediately soared after the plane, you following on his trail. But as quickly as the plane had emerged out of nowhere, as quickly it was gone again. You couldn't see it anywhere anymore.
The Frozen Rose
"You say you cannot trust me, yet you want to befriend me."Red roses symbolize passion, true love, romance and desire. The red rose is a classic "I Love You" rose. A deep red rose can mean that you are ready for commitment, and have a deep passion for that person. When red roses are used for a bridal bouquet, they represent bliss in the marriage as well as true respect and appreciation toward one another. Ultimately, if you want to tell someone you love them, a red rose is the way to go.Elizabeth Brompton, as third child of her parents, has not had an easy life. She is twenty-three now, but does not feel the pressure to marry. In fact, she does not want to marry for her heart has been broken too many times: by her brother, by her father, and by him.William Brown, lord of Hawthorne, must admit that his life has been a bore ever since he left her. For all those years, he has not been able to stop thinking of her, for his best friend - her brother - was a constant reminder of the woman he has lost.But after all those years of running away from the past, their eyes met and they realized that the love was never lost.Victorian Flower Series #1Can be read as a stand-alone book.
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Tên tôi là Abony. Một cô gái yêu tự do và khao khát trở thành họa sĩ. Nhưng cha tôi có một định kiến sâu sắc với các nghệ sĩ. Một hôm, tôi đang tập vẽ ngoài sân. Thật không may, đã nổi giận khi anh ta nhìn thấy hành động của tôi và đốt cháy tất cả các dụng cụ vẽ của tôi. Mẹ tôi đã tặng chúng cho tôi khi tôi còn nhỏ; Tôi nâng niu chúng như báu vật. Cô ấy là một ca sĩ phòng trà. Khi tôi bảy tuổi, gia đình tôi phải chuyển từ thành phố đến thị trấn Wind vì chúng tôi không đủ tiền thuê nhà. Theo đuổi ước mơ trở thành ca sĩ nổi tiếng, mẹ tôi quyết định ra đi.
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Highest rank #1 in Historical He glared at me with irritation. "Come inside!" ...And I did. He pointed to the stack of books on the floor. "Pick them up and arrange them the way they're supposed to."With trembling hands, I did what he asked quickly. Fret in the way I moved, picking up the books into my arms and lap one by one only for them to fall back on the floor over and over. I was a mess, upset, and it was obvious. This wasn't the kind of first meeting I dreamed of.The second prince was mean, and he was irritable. He had no clue who I am which made me resent it even more.He scowled as he watched me made mistakes after mistakes and after a while, he grew frustrated and bent over, picking the books himself."Forgive me, I didn't mean to snarl at you the way I did. I'm not used to being distracted. No one ever walks in my office unless they have my permission. I don't even know how the guardsmen let you in." I wanted to say because unlike you, they recognized who I am. But I kept my mouth shut in fear of aggravating his anger. His voice took a lot gentler tone, I imagined he must've realized how upset I was and felt bad about it.I said nothing.When we're done, I rose up to my feet, couldn't wait to get out of this room. This man was so impolite to me that I couldn't wait to get away from him."I apologize, your highness. I didn't mean to distract you in your private office." I stepped back getting ready to leave when a sliver of sunlight struck highlighting my face. "Wait!" He murmured and I turned back to look at him."You're beautiful." He said breathlessly.I would have blushed, but he was so mean and rude to me that his compliment lost its impact long ago."I need to go," I told him."Wait." A wave of panic rose in the tide of his voice. The prince was afraid to lose me. "What's your name, girl?" He asked quickly. "Jasmine, my name is Jasmine, your highness.""My Jasmine?" He murmured hopeful.
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