《Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)》Tailor


Of all the ways to celebrate, he chose a ball. I could imagine the smirk on his lips as he convinced Dream to host a ball due to my success in the quest. Needless to say masses of people aren't my thing.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I remember what it looked like as a child. Mini versions of weapons on the one wall, green plants covering the other, a massive bed and finally a flawless window with a window seat and built in bookshelves.

Now the plants were just a few that George had given me. I was not allowed weapons in the room. Instead a painting of black and white stood menacingly on the wall.

It freaked me out.

The window still sat with its seat but the books were destroyed, torn away from their spots. All I had was a pen and journals.

Something sat on the large bed. Three different letters.

The first was from the Northern Region.

"Dear Lady Y/N,

We are so grateful for your return to your place as a ruler of the SMP.

We understand that you are busy at the moment with initiation and royal matters. We do however ask that you make your way home as soon as possible, your people are eager to celebrate your return.


The North."


I sat at the window seat and gazed out at the castle grounds. Further to the towns that lay beyond. Further to the fields and forests. Till my eyes hit the horizon where the distant mountains signaled the start of the North.

I have no home.

I absentmindedly tore the next letter open. It was from...Sapnap?

" Y/N,

For the ball you are required to wear formal attire. Make your way to the tailor's suite on the ground floor to be fitted.



I found myself admiring his handwriting. Slanted. Print.

After reading the final letter I marched down to the tailor.

"Darling! It's been so long no?"

A tall woman with purple hair and bold eyeliner exclaimed happily in her thick accent. I nodded.

"Now what is the colour that you would like? I think this silver and white looks good yes? But we could try a pale pink if I can find the right dye!"

She scrambled around me. Pulling out all sorts of different fabrics.

"I actually like this one."

I pointed and she nodded.

"Yes...this one will definitely get their attention."

I dropped a paper onto the floor and the tailor picked it up. She slipped it into the pocket of her coat. I leaned down to her ear.

"You know the real one isn't half as nice."

She rolled her eyes and quickly dashed out the back door.

The actual tailor walked in with her chin held high, her hair styled even higher.

"Goodness these servants must be ex circus acts with this mess."

She hissed with a stern posh accent. I stood still.

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