《Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)》Let the Quest Begin



A shriek rang out and pierced our ears. A black ashen skull came flying down at our battalion. Soldiers and dukes climbed over one another to get out of the way.

This isn't working!

I scanned the soldiers left. Five down, blown into meat chunks. The dukes were better trained, none had fallen but one was badly wounded.

George did not strive to win. He was one of the few. He grabbed the fallen soldiers and pulled them into the one of the boarded up rooms in the nether fortress.

Sapnap leapt up, while Dream used his broad shoulders to jump over the floating ashed skeleton. The Wither.

Think you weasel! What would Da do?

I rolled to the left as another ashen skull exploded next to me.

There were too many enemies, unknown amongst the men in front of me to properly focus on the beast.

"Remember Little Rockstar, you must always use the information you have. It's why we use spies."

That's right!

I waited till the monster turned away from me. I sprinted down the fortress. A skeleton crackled behind me as it followed.


Sapnap shouted taunting me.

I twisted and sent an arrow straight into the skeleton's knee joint. It wobbled and fell into the lava below.

Now...where was that thing?

The fighting became distant.

Herrreee little lankies.

A blue vine curled around the first blue warped tree. I climbed up its slimy covering to the top.

Dream would not kill the monster. Nor would he allow anyone else kill it.

"He's going to kill you."

He needed me dead first.

I dived left on instinct as a sharp iron star snapped past me.

I picked it up and rolled it carefully through my fingers.


"Not bad. But your street talents are circus tricks compared to me."

A male voice said.

I looked and sure enough there were two soldiers who had followed me.

"So you're in charge of showing me to my grave. I must admit...I thought you'd be taller."

I mocked.

The one with ash blonde hair, the male, pulled more of his stars out. The lady next to him, brown hair tied with roses in them, drew her battle axe.

I took the metal star in hand and launched it at the blonde. He dodged it with ease.

"My own blades won't betray me fool."

Oh I'm the fool?

I cupped my hand and launched again. He moved to dodge it again. But this time when he looked back, I was gone.

I crashed down into him and pulled an arrow from my quiver. I slashed both his calves. He hissed out. His friend smashed her axe down, I barely jumped out it's way in time.

She swung again. Instead of avoiding the blow I came to meet it. Just before it could bash my brains I ducked. I grabbed the handle and pulled. The axe went sideways and swung the woman in a circle.

The ash blonde crept up. I didn't hear as he stabbed down. I moved but he managed to slice through my arm.

"Shoot. That stung asshat!"

I hissed.

This is going to be a tough one.

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