《'My Lavender' (On-going)》8⚡(Pt. 1)



Suddenly the buzzer went off...

As the buzzer keeps making noise

Grandpa who is that?- Tum-tum asked

Stay here and eat! - Grandpa ordered

Outside morri's cabin...

A black limousine pulls up at the driveway

Grandpa? wait what's going on? - Rocky asked

Rocky! Let me see! - Colt said to his older brother

Get off! - Rocky replied

SHUT UP! act like ninjas, not little babies! - grandpa scolded the two and pushed Tum-tum into Lavender

SHUT UP! act like ninjas, not little babies - I heard grandpa say as he pushed Tum-tum into me

What did I do?! - I hear Tum-tum complain

Just leave him be - I said to the boys

I felt colt pushing rocky into me

Why does everybody keep bumping into me?! Colt! didn't you hear what grandpa said? - I said a little annoyed

Sorry.. - both the older Douglas brothers said to me

I just sighed as a response

Just then we see some black dressed men moving towards grandpa and they started to circle around him.

We all looked confused on who they were and why are they here..

Who's that? - Colt asked

No idea - Rocky replied

What do you think they're doing here? are they friends with grandpa? - I asked

Lav it doesn't look like they're friends based on what their doing right now - Colt replied to my question

We gasped when suddenly they start to wave their swords near grandpa.

We took our fighting stances.

Do they look like they're showing off or what? - I commented

No one answered me

Then this white raddish lookin' dude comes out of the limousine

When do you think they're gonna take a hit looking at them makes me wanna fight! - Colt said getting impatient


Calm down Colt, be steady. - Rocky said to ease his brothers' nerves in punching someone

I can't take this anymore! let's go! - I heard Tum-tum say

HAH! - he yelled

All of us followed his footsteps running towards the black pepper lookin' guys.

Ugh! - we heard one of the guys say because tum-tum snuck his giant fork up this guys' butt

I glared at him trying to look fierce while not knowing what to do on the inside..

AYA!!! he said

We ran away screaming...

As the kids run away one of the ninja dudes ran towards grandpa attacking him yet grandpa has a fast reflex so he punched the guy and kicked the other till they've fallen down.

The guy caught up to us and we turned around and started fighting him.

I sent Rocky a look for him and Colt to go the other way while Tum-tum and I take on the dude

He nodded and grabbed Colt to the side just as another one of those blackheads show up.

I punched the dude with a plant pot that is in Grandpa's garden

He stumbled but he stood up straight and started slashing his sword

Tum-tum replaced me while I moved away so I could kick him in the back.

AYA! - I said and kicked him again but in the face this time

I keep fighting on this black masked ninja while Colt's dealing with two of them.

I rolled over to the other side of the table and motioning him over to the other side.

He moved over to where I was, but I transferred over to where I was moments before.

This continued for four times it was pretty funny but now is not the right time to laugh.

I see Tum-tum moving towards me and hit the guys' foot really hard.

He bumped his head in the tree not noticing it was there.

I took the chance to grab one of the plant pots and hit his other foot really hard

He bumped his head again and I kicked him on the foot I just smashed to make him lie down.

Once I did, I kicked him over to Tum-tum's side and he dealt with him while I help Colt.

To be continued...


755 words~

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