《'My Lavender' (On-going)》1⚡


I wanna do it - Michael

No I'm supposed to - Jeffrey

Would you guys shut up - Samuel

Just go! - Ellianna

Last summer looked like another great summer with our grandfather me, my friend and my brothers - Jeffrey started

My brothers, friend and I - Samuel corrected

Whatever - Jeffrey said

We spent most of our time training to be ninja masters at our grandpa's cabin - Jeffrey continued

Yeah some kids are at some stupid camp, my 2 younger brothers, friend and I - Samuel said being a little annoyed at Jeffrey

Studied with our Japanese grandfather - Samuel continued

Most mornings began the same way he'd wake us up with a different test which I was always ready for - colt finished

So was I - Samuel said

So was I - Ellianna agreed

So was I - Michael argued

Yeah right! - the three of them said to the young one

Ellianna's POV

I woke up early so I don't have to go through grandpa's test this morning so I decided to help him wake the boys up we both headed up the mini staircase to the boys' bed.

Oh by the way no, I don't sleep along with the boys anymore since all of us were growing up and y'know (puberty) so grandpa decided that he will create a room for me in one of his storage rooms in the cabin.

For the meanwhile I sleep on the couch which is surprisingly comfortable...

So back to waking up the boys first we woke up Jeffrey as soon as the stick no it was more of a leaf whatever as soon as "that" touched his nose he immediately woke up, impressive *claps*

Next was Samuel OMG he woke up even before the thingy approached him wow.


Ok I have a little secret I've had a crush on Samuel for about 1 year now yeah I don't know what happened I just know that I have a crush on him but I doubt he likes me he probably likes Emily because he always hangs out with her and it's obvious she likes him too but that's about it and no one knows not even my brother yes, I have a little brother his name is Kai and he's sooo annoying I know he's just 7 but he's kind of a tattletale and besides mom likes him more than me so she'll believe him and when that happens that will be the end of me (all jokes).

He'll also just tease me about it and I don't really get along with you if you tease me so yeah and you CANNOT tell ANYONE about this secret EVER ESPECIALLY my annoying little brother okay?


Continuing it was Michael's turn to wake up and obviously he didn't wake up AGAIN but grandpa flipped the leafy stick around and started taking Michael's bag of jelly beans then Michael immediately put his hand to his bag of good ol' jelly beans as if he was protecting it and he gave grandpa a look of 'who dares to take my lovely jelly beans away from me' look.

It was pretty funny so I laughed a bit the boys tilted their heads to look at me confused on why I was awake so early because knowing myself and how the boys knew me I'd probably not wake up as well but the only difference between Michael and I is when I have food and you take it away I will still not wake up *chuckles* as you can tell I'm a very deep sleeper but hey that only happens sometimes most times I sleep lightly "it's because of thinking about Samuel" (shush!)


Good Morning Lia - Samuel said with his morning voice

Good Morning boys - I said

It's training time get up go go go go go up up up up! - I continued

*the boys groan*

Come onnnn don't be silly boys you guys are way too cranky in the morning - I said

Ha. Ha. very funny - Jeffrey said sternly while rubbing his eyes and then yawned

I know I'm hilarious - teasing him which I received a glare that I only smiled at

Samuel just laughed at our childish actions which I found adorable.

I noticed that Michael was half asleep so I shook him to wake him up.

HUH?!? WHAT HAPPENED - he said alarmed and worryingly

The three of us just snickered

Come on we've got training to do - I said

The boys got up and fixed their bed while I help grandpa set up our training area, then the boys came down and we all started to train with Grandpa Morri...

Chapter End~


So that is a wrap from chapter 1 what do you guys think I absolutely can't wait for the next few chapters sorry I haven't been able to post chapter 1 yesterday that's because I was rewatching the whole movie yesterday and studying it just a disclaimer I don't own any of the characters except for ellianna I don't own the story either so please don't sue me I am just a fan of this movie and currently making a fanfiction out of it so that's it my little cupcakez see u in chapter 2 peace out...

885 words~

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