《3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)》Ch.1



Colt: We spent last summer like every summer, training at our grandfathers cabin.

Rocky: But this summer, Grandpa wanted to give us the ultimate test]

Blaze was walking slowly in the woods seeing Colt not too far away from her in the distance.

[Tum Tum: We just got too good for him

Blaze: Don't be so cocky

Tum Tum: I'm not being cocky at all!

Blaze: Yes you were-

Tum Tum: Whatever you say mom!]

[Colt: Guys shh- we got good. Your level is still Ninja Daycare

Tum Tum: No yours is!

Blaze: Look who's being childish now

Rocky: Grow up you three. Grandpa said we still have lots to learn]

Rocky yells in the distance on a tree while Grandpa turns around. He swung on the rope trying to kick Grandpa but missed landing on the ground.

He went to attack Grandpa again. Blaze was now in the tree watching the scene she almost lost her balance but caught herself sighing quietly. That is one thing she's struggling with.... balance. It was Colts turn and she kept waiting for hers.

Grandpa walked further and she yells jumping on his back holding on tightly as he swung her around.

She wrapped her legs around his neck and went to flip him over but she ended up getting flipped on the ground hard instead with him laughing "Told you balance is the key!" He mentions and left.

Rocky and Colt came over helping her up from being in pain "You alright?" Rocky asks "Yeah" Colt scoffs slightly but she was able to hear it. They haven't been on speaking terms since she was with Rocky even though he said he was fine that they dated which didn't make sense at all.

They all followed Grandpa quickly and Colt swung in the air at him. Grandpa rolled on the ground away but Rocky came out then Blaze.


Blaze used her staff trying to attack but Grandpa hit her staff back blocking her.

The four went to attack when Grandpa used the smoke bomb disappearing. "Come on!" "Again?" She questions annoyed.

"Why did you get in my way, Colt? I had him!" Tum Tum yells showing his face.

"You didn't even get near him, Tum Tum" Colt replied with his mask now up.

Blaze puts her up with a annoyed face expression "I did, too. Didn't I, Rocky?" Tum Tum asks.

Rocky puts his up staring at Blaze smiling slightly. "Looks like Grandpa wins again" he said trying not to sound annoyed.

She looks up seeing Grandpa take his mask off smirking.

Grandpa pulls out a Hira shuriken from the target on the tree that was in the bullseye. "Keep your eyes on the target"

"Wipe all thoughts from your mind, and keep your energy focused on the target." He speaks going in front of Colt. "When the bullseye grow in front of your eyes." Colt looks over at Blaze confused she just shrugs.

"And when it gets as big as a melon" Grandpa threw the Hira shuriken which hit the bullseye.

"Wow" they both said amazed.

"I want you to look within yourself" Grandpa orders the four when the dummy was placed in front of them.

"And remember, all Ninjas" Grandpa motions Tum Tum to go and he ran kicking the dummy.

"Heart" he shouts. Rocky goes next kicking the dummy. "Mind and body!" He yells. She kicked the dummy after he said 'body' "And spirit" Colt said going forward then kicking next.

"Now, I've taught you all I know and it's time for you to go and study, with a teacher far greater than myself" "Japan! Japan! Japan!" Tum Tum chanted. "We get to go to Japan?" Rocky asks shocked. "Quiet, quit,quiet!" Grandpa orders. Blaze sat down.


"I must go next week, to my home town in Koga." He opened a secret little door taking out a dagger. "And I had arranged for you to come with me to study, with the Grand Master!" "All right! Grand Master!" Tum Tum cheers. Blaze sits down next to Rocky. "I never knew that was there" Rocky states. "That's just the point."

"Fifty years ago, I was just about your age." "I fought for the honor of receiving this dagger." "There was a legend about the dagger and a samurai sword." "They could open the door to a cave of gold, laden with riches!" "Like a key?" Tum Tum asks. "Ooh! Exactly." "The old master told me the whole legend"

"When the dagger was passed along. Many believed the story. Koga, the boy who I defeated. Was one of them. When he lost he tried to steal the dagger from me." "What happened to that kid the one who tried to steal your dagger?" Rocky asks.

"Oh, who knows? Just little boys playing a long time ago. But now, I must take this dagger and present it to the winner of the Ninja Tournament." "What about the cave of gold, Grandpa?" Tum Tum asks.

"Can we visit it? When we go to Japan?" "Weren't you listening, Twerp? You need the sword to get in, too." Blaze rolls her eyes "Bigger twerp" "Biggest!" Blaze cut them both off her kicking Colt under the table. "OW-" Colt shouted in pain. "Kids- kids-" Grandpa orders. Rocky tried not to laugh at the move she made.

"It's just a legend" "No cave of gold?" "There is no cave of gold." He said putting the dagger away in its secret place. "And the sword. Who knows where it is?"

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