《A Shadow's Kiss ~ A Pitch Black/Rise of the Guardians Fanfiction》Chapter 28 ~ Uniting Light and Dark
The sky above was darkening, the golden sun setting on the horizon and coloring the clouds in shades of pastel periwinkle and rose. I could feel my heart racing as the hours until my wedding ticked on slowly. Pitch and I had decided that we could hold the wedding in the magnificent ballroom chamber of his palace, especially since it was one of our favorite spots in the entire world. That ballroom meant a great deal to both of us, given that it was the location of our first kiss and several other romantic moments since. Fully restored to its former glory, it was a beautiful location we knew would be perfect for our special day.
My mother, Jade, Ashlyn, Toothania, and I stood in one of the chamber rooms of Pitch's palace, a large mirror on one wall revealing my current state of appearance. Nervous excitement filled the air as the women around me helped fix my hair and makeup for the occasion. I smiled happily as my mother carefully used a curling iron to create soft waves in my dark hair, before she began to pull sections of my hair back so that she could craft a pretty design with them. She had always been amazing at styling hair. Jade and Ashlyn were focused on doing my makeup, covering my eyelids with a rose gold to smoke eyeshadow look, and painting my lips in shade of silky magenta lipstick. Meanwhile, Toothania fluttered from corner to corner, busying herself with finishing the last touches on my bouquet and the flowers for my bridesmaids.
Once my face and hair was complete, I slid into my wedding gown, admiring the chiffon and lace under my fingertips. The dress was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, with a skirt that flared out at the hips, transforming it into a princess styled gown. It was a soft pale pink color, with black lace covering the bodice and the lower portion of the skirt and the train. Though pink wasn't my favorite color, it was one of the shades that represented my powers and the onyx reminded me of my soon-to-be husband. I slipped my feet into a set of opaque black lace heels with sparkling white pearls along the pointed toes. I stared at my reflection, breathing deeply as I collected my thoughts. In less than an hour, I would be getting married. "Now, for the finishing touch," Tooth grinned, holding up a gleaming golden tiara with tear drop shaped onyx, pink diamonds, and round pearls inlaid throughout the design.
She shot over to me, delicately placing the crown upon my head and helping my mother secure it in place atop the chiffon pink veil. "Perfect. An outfit fit for a Queen..." My mother hummed, smiling at me when she noticed I had caught her statement. She had heard Pitch call me his Nightmare Queen, so apparently it was rubbing off on her now as well. I giggled, turning around and moving to hug the woman who had given me life. "I love you so much, Mom. Thank you for everything..." I whispered as she sunk into my embrace, the two of us practically glued together in our mother-daughter moment. "I love you too, my darling. I know he makes you happy. I am so proud of all that you are and all you have done. I couldn't have raised a better daughter. And I am proud to have Pitch as my son in law, even if he is much older than me!" She teased me, both of us knowing Pitch was many years my senior. Still, we laughed together for a moment before my best friends and Tooth decided to join in on the hug and try to crush us.
When we all pried away from each other, I sighed and gathered my thoughts. My mother grasped my hand, leading me to the chamber door. "Come on Anara. I believe it is time. Are you ready?" She whispered, squeezing my hand reassuringly. I smiled at her with a confident nod. "More than ready. Let's go." I replied.
My mother and I slowly made our way through the winding tunnels of Pitch's palace until we reached the tall ebony doors that led to the ballroom. They were already open, revealing the elaborately decorated room. The candles were lit all around the chamber, little flames dancing over the gleaming marble floor, giving the room a soft romantic glow. Iron chairs with cream cushions of satin filled with thick down were placed in rows of four on each side of the room, though admittedly we did not need much seating. Our wedding was decisively a quiet affair, with only those closest to us in attendance. A tall altar had been erected in the center of the room, elegantly twisted pieces of antiqued black iron made up the beams and connecting arch above where Pitch and I would be standing together in only a few short moments. White calla lilies and pale pink roses wrapped around the altar, perfectly matching the fragrant bouquet I was holding in my hands. Leftover petals dusted the floor before me, marking a visual path to my fiancé.
Yet, all of the beauty and magnificence before me paled in comparison to my future husband from the moment I saw him. Kozmotis Pitchiner was already staring at me with a look of pure devotion, a full, toothy smile gracing his lips. His hair was slicked back, per usual, but rather than his normal velveteen robes, he was dressed in a traditional white shirt coupled with a black jacket and breeches and tall leather boots that shined like molten darkness. Two rows of small golden buttons glinted from his neck down to his abdomen, connected by bright yellow threads of embroidery across his lean chest and around his neck. A set of braided epaulettes were displayed brightly upon his shoulders, representing his former life as General Pitchiner. He stood proudly in front of the altar, meeting my gaze with his shining metallic eyes. I beamed at him brightly, having to suppress a giggle of happiness.
Everyone in the room seemed to notice Pitch staring at me, because they all began to follow his gaze as a gentle piano version of "Once Upon a December" began to fill the air. I hated the traditional wedding march song, and once more, this one had meaning for Pitch and I. It was only fitting that I walked down to my future while the familiar melody played in the background.
Sighing contentedly, I exchanged a glance with my mother, then together we began to stride into the room. As I walked along the set path to my fiancé, I could feel my heartbeat practically ripping through my chest in excitement. Every moment, every footfall, felt like it's own eternity. Practicing self-restraint, I kept to the slow gait of what was considered normal pacing for a bride. Still, it wasn't until the moment came for my mother to place my hand in Pitch's that my heart rate lowered and I felt an indescribable calm wash over my soul. I kissed my mother on the cheek and gave her a silent look of thanks before turning to Pitch and feeling his fingers grasp mine tightly within his own. He gently brought me closer to him, his own hand shaking just slightly. I couldn't help but find his nervousness cute and ironic, considering the fact that he was the Guardian of Fear. "You look very dashing, my love." I whispered to Pitch, causing his cheeks to darken just slightly. "You are too kind, my pretty nightflower. But I must say you look rather alluring yourself." He replied, gathering both my hands in his and pulling them up to his lips. His breath ghosted over my skin as he brushed his mouth over my knuckles in a sweet gesture of adoration. It was my turn to blush, though I didn't have time to reply.
To my left, a somewhat familiar man materialized in a silver ray of light. Tsar Lunar, the Man in the Moon. Though not often involved in the happenings on Earth, Manny had visited Pitch and I just a few weeks before our wedding, offering to officiate the occasion. After all, a wedding between two Guardians had never happened before. Pitch and I had accepted without a second thought. Glancing at Manny, Pitch and I straightened up, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Manny smiled cheerily at the both of us, before turning his gaze on the rest of the room. The Guardians of Childhood were all sitting on Pitch's side of the room, with Jamie Bennett beside Jack, and Sophie sat in Bunny's lap.
Emily sat in the chair closest to Pitch, giving me an encouraging smile. My mother and friends sat in the chairs closest to me, watching the Guardians and my fiancé and I with fascination. Manny cleared his throat, summoning a silver bank of clouds to stand on so that he could be seen as he spoke. "Hello all! Humans and Guardians, welcome to this joyous occasion. Never before have we seen the union of two beings so powerful, two Guardians of Childhood who at first glance seem to be polar opposites. Yet, today we are here to celebrate the love between Miss Anara Rose, The Guardian of Love, and General Kozmotis Pitchiner, the Guardian of Fear. So, without further ado, I ask that you direct your attention to this glorious couple before you." Manny finished, gesturing at Pitch to begin his vows.
Pitch breathed deeply before speaking, clearly gathering his thoughts. "Anara...where do I even begin? You are everything I never knew I wanted. The soulmate I never knew existed. You are the most magnificent woman I have ever laid eyes on. Strong, passionate, loving, and absolutely breath-taking in every way imaginable. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love you, or how my heart has grown since you walked into my life, or how you have changed me into a better man than I believed I could be. You made me believe in something again, and you are the only person I could imagine giving my heart to. I know that I am not worthy of you, but I swear that I will fight to be worthy of you until my very last breath. You are everything to me, and for the first time in a very long time, I know where I belong. I belong at your side, until the end of days if you will have me." He spoke with a confident tone, not one trace of doubt in his voice or in his eyes. His words warmed my heart to the point that if I could've melted into a puddle at his feet, I would have.
Holding back tears of happiness, I grinned and paused to make sure Pitch was done before beginning my own proclamation. Squeezing his long fingers tightly, I opened my mouth to speak. "Kozmotis Pitchiner, there is no way for me to measure how much I love I have for you. They say there is a difference between living and surviving. Before I met you, I was simply surviving. I was happy, yes, but there was a void within me that nothing seemed to fill. But ever since our first meeting, you've made me feel alive. You were what I was missing. The world is brighter for me because I have you, and you are everything I ever hoped I would have in a lover or husband. You are so compassionate, fierce, funny, and devilishly handsome, and sometimes I can't believe you are actually mine. I can't describe how excited I am to have a future with you, knowing that every day for the rest of our lives I will be waking up beside you. You are not my nightmare. You are my best dream, one I never want to wake from. I love you more than you could imagine and I always will. You are the home of my heart." I spoke clearly, wanting everyone to know exactly how I felt at that moment. Pitch's expression had softened even more, his eyes clouding with emotion. I knew I looked much the same. "Now, you may exchange your rings..." Manny announced, while a dozen or so tooth fairies presented my fiance and I with our wedding bands.
Biting my lip with anticipation, I carefully accepted the thick metal band crafted for my husband from the fairies nearest to me, reaching forward to grasp Pitch's left hand within my right. Staring into his eyes, I slid the black iron wedding ring onto the correct finger, happy to see the symbol of our love glinting proudly upon the Nightmare King's hand. Pitch repeated my actions, accepting my full wedding set from the fairies beside him and taking his time to slip each ring onto my left ring finger. The beautiful diamonds glittered romantically in the candlelight.
With our rings correctly placed, Pitch and I held onto one another hands, waiting for Manny to say the words we were so desperately yearning to hear. "General Kozmotis Pitchiner, do you willfully take this young woman, Anara Rose, to be your wife, from today until the end of time?" The bald man questioned excitedly. Pitch straightened his shoulders once more, dipping his head in affirmative. "Of course I do." He responded, barely suppressing a satisfied grin. "And do you, Anara Rose, willfully accept this gentleman, Kozmotis Pitchiner, as your husband, from today until the end of time?" Manny turned his attention on me. It took every ounce of my strength not to scream my reply. "I do!" I nearly chirped, causing my friends and the Guardians to chuckle softly in amusement. Pitch snorted quietly, also humored by my excitement. "Very well. Then by the powers bestowed upon me by, well...myself...I now pronounce you Nightmare King and Queen. You may kiss the bride." Manny announced, clapping his hands together giddily. Pitch and I both smiled widely at one another, my husband reaching forward to cup my cheek and place a long kiss to my lips, sealing our marriage. I kissed him back, stepping forward to place my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. I couldn't believe it. Pitch was my husband now. We were married. I was officially his Queen.
When we finally broke for air, my husband grinned at me with a mixture of endearment and elation. The chorus of clapping and cheers around us seemed to fade into nothingness as we focused on one another for a brief moment. "My glorious young wife, my nightflower...my Anara..." He murmured, pressing his forehead against mine. I breathed deeply and stroked my fingers through his hair. "My husband...mon amour...my Pitch." I replied, feeling my racing heart begin to steady as Pitch held me close to him.
After our guests approached us and said congratulations, the reception festivities started in full swing. Music echoed through the elegant ballroom as our family and friends feasted on various meats and side dishes from around the world, and plentiful desserts piled high at a table in the back of the room. Pitch and I cut our wedding cake with joined hands, the serving knife splitting through layers of marbled chocolate and yellow cake with a french buttercream filling. It was only a couple feet tall, covered in black fondant and decorated with several golden fleur de lis made of frosting along the sides of the cake. A golden chocolate eiffel tower topped the first tier, representing the location of our upcoming honeymoon.
Once we had finished dining, Pitch got to his feet and held his hand out to me. I cocked my head and glanced at him in curiosity. "Come, my wife. It is time for our first dance as a married couple." He explained, his jagged teeth exposed in a heartfelt smile. I grinned and reached up to accept his hand, slowly standing up and following him around the table to the clear space in the middle of the room. We stepped lightly over the tile, just like the very first night we danced together after prom. Pitch and I turned to one another, my husband bowing at the waist in a show of true chivalry. I curtsied to him in return, my gown flowing outward over the marble floor. Pitch offered me his hand once more, helping me to straighten up and step closer to him. Soft piano music began to echo through the massive chamber and Pitch wrapped a lean arm around my waist while I rested my head against his chest. I was surprised to find his heart racing just as rapidly as mine was. He squeezed my hand tighter and hugged me closer, slowly beginning to sway with me in his embrace.
I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes, listening to the sweet lyrics of our chosen first dance song. "Wise men say, 'Only fools rush in...'" To my astonishment and delight, I heard Pitch's accented voice murmuring the words to the song against my hair. "But I can't help falling in love with you...". I carefully lifted my head to meet his eyes, continuing the next lines myself. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you..." We smiled at each other, and Pitch stepped away from me so that he could twirl me as the tempo increased just slightly. "Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be." I spun back into his arms, my back pressed against his chest and his hands moving to rest on my stomach gently.
He bent his head down to press a kiss to my cheek, then enveloped one of my hands within his own and carefully turned me around to face him once more. "So take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you...I'm falling in love!" There was a break in the music, and when the lyrics began once again, Pitch took the opportunity to lift me up and spin me around, causing our family and friends to cheer loudly before he placed me lightly back on my feet. I laughed, reaching up to stroke his cheek lovingly. "Some things are meant to be! Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you..." We resumed our earlier swaying movement for a moment before Pitch dipped me backward, his strong arms keeping me safe from falling. The music started to slow down and my husband brought me back to my feet, pulling my body into his embrace again. "For I can't help falling in love with you..." I hugged him back just as tightly, standing on my toes to kiss him fully on the lips. He chuckled in his throat in response to my eagerness, but returned the gesture with just as much enthusiasm. In his arms, on this night, I was happier than I had ever been. This evening could not possibly get any better...
A few hours later, Pitch and I retired from the celebration, bidding our guests good evening. Whoops and hollers followed us as we exited the ballroom hand in hand. Pitch pulled on my hand as he began to quicken his pace to a run. I giggled and held on tight, amused by his youthful excitement. "Someone is in a hurry," I remarked jokingly, matching his stride as we made our way through the newly restored halls of his palace. He winked back at me, "Forgive me love, but it has been centuries since I have been married or enjoyed a wedding night. Perhaps you could indulge in my anticipation?" He teased. I rolled my eyes playfully, though my cheeks had darkened as realization dawned on me.
Within moments we found ourselves standing in front of the doors to his bedchamber. I suddenly felt Pitch's arms sweep underneath my legs and back, lifting me up bridal style and holding me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled once again. "What?" My husband smirked at me as he moved to turn the door handle and push it open. "You are just so much of a gentleman." I smiled and reached up to stroke the side of his narrow face. He chuckled deep in his throat, carrying me into his bedroom. It dawned on me that it was now our personal chambers. The room was dimly lit by candles that lined the walls, and in the center of the room was a large canopy bed with a silky deep purple duvet and sheer jet black curtains. Even before Pitch carried me across the floor, I could see the room was luxurious, fit for royalty. I wondered if it had always been like this, or if Pitch had changed it while planning the upcoming wedding. This was the only part of his palace I had never seen, so I took my time to look around and take in my surroundings.
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