《A Shadow's Kiss ~ A Pitch Black/Rise of the Guardians Fanfiction》Chapter 24 ~ Familial Bonds
When Pitch and I finally parted once more, we both turned and faced our fellow Guardians. I felt much the same as I had before my death, only now there was a tingling sensation throughout my skin, my new powers flowing through my soul. The Guardians all turned to look at me, large smiles gracing their features now. Jack took a step forward, as if he wanted to hug me, but Pitch intercepted his movement and let out a low protective growl. "Pitch, it's okay. It was an accident..." I whispered, placing a hand on his back gently. "Please let him pass." Pitch glanced at me wearily, then dipped his head and allowed Jack to approach me. "Anara! I-I am so sorry! I didn't realize that you would step in the way. I should've been more careful! Can you ever forgive me?" The Guardian of Fun hugged me tightly, and cool tears of remorse dropped onto my shoulder. "I already forgave you Jack. It was not your fault this happened, it was fate. Now I can be with Pitch forever. Thank you though." I rubbed his back soothingly before we both pulled away.
The other Guardians also murmured apologies for the argument that caused my temporary demise. Though I felt they were unnecessary, I appreciated the comments. Pitch circled his arms around my waist, holding me securely from behind. "We never should've tried to keep you apart. We should've known Manny had a plan for you all along. I suppose we were simply blind to it. Can you forgive us for our rashness as well?" North gestured to himself, Bunny, Tooth, and Sandy. I nodded adamantly at them. "Of course!" I replied.
An hour passed by rather quickly, our group discussing all that had transpired the past year, particularly pertaining to my relationship with the Nightmare King. Pitch was polite, but there was still resentment in his eyes about my accident. Out of nowhere a soft green glitter appeared in front of our group, distracting us from the discussion at hand. The glowing shimmer began to form into a figure, a thin framed and tall woman, with dark black hair that fell to her waist. My eyes widened as the emerald sparkles materialized into a chiffon dress that dragged across the grass below the woman as she strode toward our group. She was young, possibly a little bit younger than me, and her eyes were two toned, gold and green. Flowers of all sorts sprung from the ground beneath her feet after each step she took. "Mother Nature..." North whispered, bowing in respect. The others quickly followed suit, so I did as well, eyes glued to the other fairytale woman.
Pitch, however, remained standing. He let out the surprised breath he was holding, uttering one simple word. "Emily..." The woman gave a kind hearted smile. "Hello, Father," She greeted the dark man softly, her voice as smooth as honey and soft as rose petals. My heart stopped. I had forgotten that Mother Nature was Pitch's long lost daughter. Wow, as if this isn't already complicated. "What are you doing here? The last time we spoke, you said you never wished to see me again." Pitch tried to sound gruff, but I could hear the sadness resonating deep from within his heart. Mother Nature stepped closer to him, stroking her hand along his cheek. "I only said such words because you were acting so wretched, Father. That doesn't mean I don't love you, or that I ever stopped." She told him.
Then her gaze fell on the rest of us. "Please, stand." She offered. We did as asked, and I continued to stare at the father and daughter's exchange. The girl opened her arms to Pitch, and he cautiously let his guard down, wrapping his arms around his child as if she were still a young girl. Surprisingly, she sunk into his embrace, holding him tightly. "I love you too, Emily." Pitch whispered, a tear sliding down his face and falling onto the girl's bare shoulder. She pulled away, still smiling at him, before turning her warm gaze on me. "You are the new guardian, aren't you? The one that the Man in the Moon told me about...the one who is destined for my Father." I swallowed thickly, nodding and stepping forward. She held her hand out to me, and so I placed my palm within hers.
The girl pulled me closer, taking my hand and her father's and placing them together over her own. "You ask why I am here now, Father. This-" She gestured to our joined hands then. "This is the reason. I am here to bless your union." She murmured. As she spoke, a deep scarlet rose appeared around our hands, the thornless stem twisting around our wrists like vines. Pitch looked to me in disbelief, before turning his attention to his daughter. "You aren't angry?" He asked. Emily frowned. "As much as I miss my mother, she will never be replaced. I understand that you feel the same in your heart. But there is no rule that says you must only love one person in your life. Mother loved you with her entire being, but nothing can bring her back. Though I can visit her, she will never live again, and we are immortal. It is time to move on, never forget, never stop loving, but move on. You love this girl, and I know she loves you just the same. Therefore, I support this union." She smiled sweetly at the two of us.
Thus began my first week of being the Guardian of Love. Pitch hardly ever parted from me, still shaken up after the ordeal with the Guardians. He was scared that despite my new powers and immortality, somehow I would get hurt again. On the seventh day of my Guardianship, I awoke later in the afternoon. My mother had been home from her trip for five days, and though I worried about her reaction to all of the changes in my life, I felt I had to tell her. We were always honest with each other. The only secret I had kept from her was Pitch, for obvious reasons. But even that needed to change now.
Striding across my bedroom, I stood in front of my looking glass. Pitch sat up in bed, his gaze worried as he watched me examining my form. I sighed, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes glinted with pink flecks of color, and burgundy streaks separated the natural brown shades of my hair. Meanwhile, numerous tattoos stained my skin. I actually quite liked my new appearance, though to humans I would still look the same I always did. Unlike the other Guardians, most people would be able to see me, especially if they knew me before all this happened. My situation was an unusual one at best, though I certainly wasn't complaining.
Swallowing hard, I glanced back at the Nightmare King. "How on earth am I going to explain this to my mother? Are you sure this is a good idea, Pitch?" I murmured. Pitch moved to his feet and stepped behind me, placing his hands on each of my shoulders. "Perhaps you don't have to explain the whole situation..." He whispered. I gazed at him quizzically. "All you must do is show her your newfound power and explain the story of the Guardians to her. Though I would not tell her how you gained your gift, I would tell her that the Man in the Moon blessed you with powers to bring balance to the chaotic world mortals currently live in. Then, if you wish, you may tell her about me." "She'll think I'm crazy." I retorted stubbornly. "Not if she sees it with her own eyes. I remember your mother as a child. Like you, she believed in us for a very long time. Convincing her of the reality of the situation may not be as difficult as it may seem." He pointed out. "And how do I explain our relationship? After all, it may seem creepy that you watched over me while I slept for months before we confessed our feelings." I retorted. "My love, you forget that I used to bring your mother nightmares too. I have no doubt she will understand that was my job. We will simply say we started to get to know one another, then slowly fell in love..." He whispered, kissing my ear lightly. "Aw, my Nightmare King is a secret softie." I teased, causing Pitch to snort disapprovingly. "Very well. Let's get this over with then..." I muttered, taking his hand and leading him down to the living room.
My mother was sitting in a chair beside the window, flipping through the pages of a vibrant magazine, no doubt looking for some new sets of work clothes. "Hey Mom, can I talk to you for a second?" I greeted her, sitting down on the couch adjacent to her. Pitch settled himself beside me, though she did not see him. "Of course! What is it?" The older woman prompted me with a smile. Sighing, I clasped my hands together nervously. Where to begin??? I thought anxiously. Nodding to reassure myself, I made my decision to start from the beginning of the story. Before anything else, she needed to remember the existence of the Guardians. "Mom, have you ever heard of the Guardians of Childhood?" I inquired, watching a flicker of familiarity cross her expression. "Anara, you mean...Santa and the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy and Sandman?" Curiosity filled her eyes, accompanied by interest.
Her immediate understanding took me off Guard. "Yes! Wait? How did you know who they are?" I asked. She shook her head slowly. "I-I had a dream last night...images of childhood figures I once believed in with all my heart. Although it was strange...it did not feel like a dream. It felt real...though that is impossible." She explained, casting her eyes downward. Pitch was right. Despite her words otherwise, my mother's eyes betrayed the fact that deep down, her dream had stirred something within her. "Mother, the Guardians of Childhood are real. I have met them." I spoke softly, as I would to a frightened kitten, unsure of how she'd react. When she met my eyes, I could see her confusion and disbelief. "Anara, you know that they are imaginary, don't you? They don't exist. You can't have met them, it is simply not possible!" She frowned. I shook my head at her, keeping my voice level as I responded. "Yes, they are real, Mom. I know part of you still feels it inside of you. That wonder and joy of childhood that the Guardians instilled in you. I have seen it many times, and now you dreamt of them for the first time in how long? You recognized them, knew them somehow, didn't you?" I pressed, trying to make her remember.
She was silent for a short time, her fingers tapping together thoughtfully. When she finally spoke again, her gaze was weary. "Suppose you are right...how can I be sure? I believed in them for a very long time, with very little proof. All I have now are emotions and memories that don't make a lot of sense." She said, carefully studying me. My eyebrows rose, unsure of how to respond. "Tell her something only I would know about her. Tell her that her childhood dreams were of running with packs of wolves, free in the forest, though I would corrupt them and transform the dreams to nightmares of zombie wolves hunting her." Pitch offered some knowledge quickly, something I could give her as an example of proof.
Nodding once to acknowledge his help, I repeated his words to her. Her deep blue eyes widened to the point that they resembled small lakes sitting upon her face. "H-how did you know that? I never spoke to anyone of those dreams." She questioned. "One of the Guardians told me." I answered honestly. She placed her magazine on the table, shaking her head slowly from side to side. "But...why?" Her simple inquiry escaped her lips. "Well, it is a very long story, but I guess the best way to explain is to show you first..." I trailed off, getting to my feet.
Closing my eyes and breathing deeply, I concentrated on the love we had between mother and daughter. We were so alike in so many ways. I loved her deeply and knew she felt the same. A warm tingling began in my chest, flowing down to my fingertips. I opened my eyes and lifted an open palm, drawing the energy into a puff of magenta smoke. My mother gasped loudly, her hand moving to cover her mouth in surprise. "I guess you could say I am friends with the Guardians, particularly Jack Frost. And the being that blessed them with their powers decided that for whatever unknown reason, I should be a Guardian of Childhood as well. I am now the Guardian of Love..." I felt like the explanation came out in one go, one breath even. She stared at me for a long time, before getting to her feet and reaching out to stroke my face.
She gazed deeply into my multicolored eyes and ran her fingers over the tattoo on my inner arm. She could see the new me now. "I-I don't understand. How did you meet the Guardians? Why are you the Guardian of Love?" She whispered. There was no anger in her tone, only concern laced with hidden intrigue. "An even longer story I am afraid. But before I go further, you should know that there was one Guardian who started this whole process. And I know you have met him before..." I murmured. She tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows. I took her hands within my own. "Do you remember the creature that brought you those bad dreams, the one lurking in the shadows? The Boogeyman?" I asked softly. Her eyes flashed as her foggy memories seemed to clear up a bit. She nodded an affirmative. "Well...You weren't delusional Mom. I think it is time that you formally met the Guardian of Fear." I turned toward Pitch's direction, offering a hand to him.
Pitch stood briskly and my mother followed my gesture, an unfamiliar sound coming from her throat as she finally saw my boyfriend. He was visible to her now because I had reminded her of her belief in him. My mother's eyes widened as she took in Pitch's lanky form, seeing him for the first time in the daylight, her mouth gaped open in surprise. "You...I haven't seen you in over twenty years...The Boogeyman." She mumbled, looking uneasily between him and I. "Hello Lilian...it is good to see you again... " He smiled cheerfully, bowing at the waist in a gesture of respect. "What do you want?" My mother inquired as she swallowed thickly. Pitch and I exchanged a glance. "I want nothing from either one of you..." Pitch whispered, finally accepting my hand. "This is the last big thing you should know Mom. This is Pitch Black. I met him a year ago and we became very close friends. A few months ago, he asked to court me and I said yes. I am in love with the Guardian of Fear." I met her eyes, feeling the Nightmare King squeeze my hand reassuringly.
I threaded my fingers through Pitch's and leaned against his side, "I love this marvelous young woman right here as well. And I must warn you, Lilian, that while I do wish to officially have your permission to court Anara, I will be content to do so without it. I have loved Anara for some time, and I will love her until the end of days. And, I'd like to believe she feels the same." He explained, rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand. I smiled up at my lover. "There is so much more I must tell you, but you need to know that I wish to be with him, forever. I know you may not love the idea, but this is my choice. He is my choice. Besides, Tsar Lunar the Man in the Moon, the being that made me what I am now said that this is our fate. Us, together." I spoke confidently.
My mother frowned, gazing at Pitch suspiciously. She seemed to have gotten over most of her shock for the time being, accepting that what had unfolded in front of her was real. "Well, it's clear nothing I say will change your minds. I know nothing will stop my daughter once she has made a decision. You have my permission, Mister ...?" "Kozmotis Pitchiner." "Mister Pitchiner...although I must say I am certainly not fond of the idea." She whispered, glancing at me. "I need some time Anara. I am not angry, but I need time to process all you have told me. After all, it is not every day that a grown woman realizes all fairy tales really exist and that now her own daughter has transformed into a mythical being too. I will be back later," She continued, walking toward the front door.
Breathing deeply, I turned back to Pitch and leaned my head on his chest. "That went better than expected..." I muttered. Pitch stroked a hand through my hair, "Give her some time, my love. She will be alright. Come, why don't we go to my lair and work on your powers? We have yet to see exactly what you can do as the Guardian of Love," He reminded me. "That sounds wonderful. Let's go." I responded, pulling him toward the door excitedly.
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⚠️ Published version Available in Paperback & E-Book through Amazon!This WattPad version is a well-loved rough draft, enjoy it! But be warned it's the unedited, raw version of the book. •••Even when it seems that all hope is lost, is it truly lost forever? The continuation of Aiden. ♥️♠️-------**Mature Romance****Mature Audience 18+****Strong Language****Sexual Content**
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