《A Shadow's Kiss ~ A Pitch Black/Rise of the Guardians Fanfiction》Chapter 13 ~ Parisian Lights & Birthday Flights
The weeks following Christmas were relatively uneventful, the slow moving season giving many of us in town the desire to stay locked in our homes. The children were giddy, and I noted the increase of news stories that mentioned strange things happening around town concerning kids and ice or snow. Jack was up to his old tricks again. I even went as far as asking Jamie if he had lost any teeth, though to my surprise he hadn't. Meanwhile, Jade was relatively distracted with her new boyfriend, Eric. We still spent a great deal of time together though. In an intriguing turn of events, Priscilla had also started asking to join us on our excursions to the mall or coffee shop or even our study dates. Now that she wasn't being such an awful person to everyone, the prissy prep could be good company. Jade, Ashlyn, and I teased her every now and then, but we mostly tried to keep the mood light. All of us appreciated Priscilla's efforts to make up for what she had done. Nothing could make it right, and we would never forgive her for all the pain, but we could move past it for now. As for Pitch and I, nothing between us had changed drastically after his cheek kiss under the mistletoe, other than the fact that we had begun to sit physically closer when we saw one another and caught each other staring more than we cared to admit. Neither one of us addressed these matters, content to let things play out as they should. On a different note, Pitch had breezed through the novels I had given him, excitedly giving me his in-depth analysis of each book and the events that inspired those authors. To hear such things from the Boogeyman himself was certainly an experience in and of itself.
Valentine's Day was soon upon us, the stores in town decorated in burgundy and pale pink decorations. Little cupids hung in shop windows, and paper hearts were taped to wooden doors on nearly every street. The holiday was actually rather special for me since my birthday fell on the lovey-dovey occasion. Coincidentally, the only valentine I had ever had for the holiday was when I was in fourth grade and I couldn't even remember his name.
Normally, my mom and I would spend Valentine's Day together eating heart shaped chocolates from little red tins and schedule a ladies day at the salon for manicures and pedicures. We both rarely had a date for the holiday, so we enjoyed the time doing girly things together and celebrating my birthday. Unfortunately, my mother's most recent client requested her presence at a conference in New York immediately. She would be out of town for my birthday. It wasn't much of a big deal, as we were able to partake in our holiday tradition the weekend before Valentine's, but it did mean that I would be alone for the holiday. A week later, I discovered that the saying "Everything happens for a reason," was very true.
Valentine's Day ended up being on a Saturday this year. I went about my day as I usually did; walking Artemis around the block, catching up on homework, straightening up the house, and reading on the sofa while I pet Aphrodite as she purred on my lap. For the occasion, I changed into a sheer topped black dress that had bright ruby roses decorating the fabric. Matching mesh heels and silver stud earrings completed my outfit for the day. My skirt flared out around me as I laid on the couch. Obsidian leapt from chair to chair, keeping herself occupied by teasing Artemis in an unfair game of tag. It was mid-afternoon when I noticed a flicker of movement out of the corner of my eye. I didn't even have to guess who the intruder was at this point. "Hey Pitch!" I greeted my friend. "You're becoming impossible to frighten, you know." The Boogeyman stated pointedly, slinking around the side of the couch to take a seat near my feet. "Sorry," I murmured unapologetically, finishing the last line of my page. "I hope you know that it's very rude to address the Nightmare King in such a way." Pitch poked my shin as if to emphasize his point. "Forgive me, Your Majesty." I playfully retorted, causing the Boogeyman to roll his eyes. "Well, if you are so intent to act so childish, I supposed I will have to wait to give you your birthday present another whole year.." He hummed, scratching his chin while he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. This caused me to sit up in my seat. "You got me something for my birthday? How'd you even kn-?" I began to interrogate him, bewildered that the Nightmare King would remember such an occasion for a simple mortal girl, and that he would go so far as to find me a gift as well. Thinking back on it, I shouldn't have been surprised by this notion.
The Guardian of Fear grinned slyly. "Your birthday is easy to remember given what day it is," He reminded me. Excitement coursed through my veins as I wondered what my gift could be. What did the Nightmare King have up his sleeve this time? "Tend to your pets' needs, my dear. Your gift is far away and we will not be back until nightfall." He explained. I hesitantly turned and slid off the couch, snapping my fingers to call Artemis and Aphrodite into the kitchen with me. The animals stalked behind me, sniffing the air and doing figure eights around my legs. A strong, savory aroma wafted through the small room as I cracked open a can of wet cat food and another of wet dog food. Both pets shoved their faces into the bowls, scarfing down on the meaty cuisine as soon as the sustenance was placed in front of them. Fresh water splashed against my fingers as I refilled their drinking bowls. I stepped into the bathroom, making sure that the litter box was clean and Artemis' "potty pad" was dry. As far as I could tell, they would be set to go for the next few hours.
Pitch was still waiting for me in the living room when I finished caring for my pets. Accompanying him was Onyx, her glowing golden eyes trained on Obsidian as the smaller Nightmare circled her head. "Ready to go, my dear?" The Boogeyman grinned, gesturing to his horse. I smiled back, stepping across the carpet to meet the pair. "Whenever you are," I answered. Pitch placed his hands on my waist again and lifted me up onto Onyx. The Nightmare whinnied gruffly and pawed at the floor, patiently waiting while her master climbed up behind me. "You know where, Onyx..." The Boogeyman murmured once we were settled on the horse's back. Just like the last time we travelled together, I curled my fists into the front of Pitch's robe to hold onto something solid. On the other hand, Pitch held the reins with the fingers on his left hand, while his right arm wound around my body tightly; the movement pulling me even closer to him than I already was. Chills ran along my spine, my heart rate accelerating to the point I feared the Nightmare King may hear it pulsing in my brain.
Abruptly, Onyx trotted into the nearest darkened corner of the room, the nook shaded by the curtains from the glow of the late-winter sun. We sank through the wall like we had all the others, the frigid temperature of the gloomy abyss leaving me shivering and seeking warmth. Pitch seemed to sense my discomfort, or perhaps he heard the slight chatter of my teeth, because in the midst of the icy nothingness a layer of warmth spread over my lap. It took me a moment to register that the source of the heat was sand, the texture soft against the exposed skin on my arms and legs. Since I could not see, I had to assume it was nightmare sand, not that that mattered so much as the fact that Pitch regarded my comfort in this foreign realm.
When we finally emerged from the shadows, my eyes landed on a massive monument erected in the middle of a city. The structure was extremely familiar to me as I had numerous photographs of it in my bedroom, a sort of tribute to what I hoped to be a future vacation spot. Towering an enormous three hundred and twenty four meters tall, the Eiffel Tower stood proudly against the faded colors of a Parisian dusk, shining gold in the twilight hours. Shades of periwinkle grey, cerise pink, imperial purple, and cornflower blue spread across the sky; the blended hues forming a perfect canvas for the twinkling lights that danced across the face of the illuminated structure. The lights of the city skated over the basin of water beneath the tower, the fountains of the Jardins du Trocadéro creating a mesmerizing ripple effect throughout the otherwise calm pool. The gardens surrounding the reflection were serene and uninhabited at this hour of the evening, most tourists and locals already long gone. On the terraces that lined the garden, an array of bronze and stone statues overlooked the fountains below. A fresh breeze blew my hair away from my face, carrying the savory scents of the nearby bistros and the floral aroma of French wine on the wind.
My mouth fell open in a silent gasp, my mind trying to process the reality of our present location. "You...brought me...to Paris?" I spoke slowly as I leaned my head back to look up at the Nightmare King, truly hoping this wasn't some kind of dream. Pitch nodded proudly, urging Onyx onward and higher into the air. "Yes, dear Anara. This is the place you wished to visit, I hope?" He glanced down at me. "Yes, I've wanted to come here my entire life. France always looked like such a beautiful country. The architecture, the people, the language, the history...it's all so fascinating. And Paris is the city of love, as they say..." I tried to verbally convey all the reasons why I wanted to come here. Onyx flew higher and higher, the Nightmare practically scaling the metal work that made up the skeleton of the Eiffel Tower. She circled the top balcony of the tower thrice before her hooves touched the floor and she came to a graceful stop. Pitch dismounted the steed and came to my aid, helping me off of her again. Together we approached the railing and peeked over the bars, looking down at the shimmering city below. It was truly a grand sight, breathtaking to say the least. With the sun continuing to set on the horizon, the scene was even more stunning. I crossed my arms and leaned forward a bit, taking in as much of Paris as I could. Pitch stood at my side, one of his hands resting on the small of my back. We were quiet for a time, enjoying the peace that came with being here alone.
Without thinking, I started to recall an idea I had kept to myself for a few years. "I always wondered if-" I cut myself off, stopping the words before they could come out. My thought had been rather embarrassing, something I didn't really want to say in front of the Boogeyman. Pitch nudged me gently. He was silently prompting me to continue, and I knew he probably wouldn't let it go. Sighing, I turned my gaze straight ahead. "I always wondered...if maybe...Paris would be the place where I found true love..." I whispered the last part of the sentence. Pitch was silent for a long moment, making me wonder if he was trying not to laugh at my expense. I broke the silence, faking a chuckle myself. "I know. Pretty cheesy, huh?" I saw the Boogeyman shake his head out of the corner of my eye. "Usually, I would say yes. But...no, I don't think that is too far fetched of a thought, not for you..." He murmured. A faint blush crawled up my neck again and I returned my gaze to the view before me.
The Nightmare King and I stood on the isolated balcony for a rather long time, overlooking the bustling city in the distance. The entire time, the palm of Pitch's hand never left the small of my back. Admittedly, I rather enjoyed the comfort the simple gesture gave me, the world seemingly at peace. "I can see why you wished to visit this place. Though I must say, you should have seen it a few hundred years ago. The quaint villages, the terrified people, the fear...it was a nightmare come true." The Boogeyman sounded dramatically wistful. "I'm sure it was a scream." I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, smirking at his expression when he caught my pun. The Nightmare King's eyes were wide and his lips were spread in a delighted smile. "That it was, my dear!" He retorted. I shook my head, chuckling in response to the conversation.
Manny had risen high into the sky by the time that Pitch held out his hand and beckoned Onyx over to us. "Ready to leave, darling?" He asked me quietly. "I suppose we should be leaving, else I may decide to stay here." I looked longingly at the gardens as I spoke. "Thank you so much, Pitch. This place is indescribable! I can't even begin to tell you how much this means to me." I slowly turned and hugged Pitch again, and the spirit embraced me back with open arms. "You are very welcome, Anara. Happy Birthday, my dear." The Nightmare King's hug was full of surprising warmth this time. "We could visit again sometime soon, if you wish." Pitch offered a few moments later, carefully unwinding his arms from around me. With Onyx in front of us, Pitch helped me onto the Nightmare's back again. My gaze was hopeful as I met the Boogeyman's eyes. "Really?" He nodded, climbing up behind me. "That would be brilliant, Pitch." I told him, smiling in contentment. This was legitimately one of the best birthday presents ever.
Onyx leapt into the open air once more, swirling sand sparkling all around us. Noticing that the Nightmare was not deliberately drifting toward the darkness or dissolving into the depths of a dim corner, I curiously looked at Pitch over my shoulder. "Why aren't we passing into the shadow realm?" Pitch chuckled, "We are taking the scenic route, my nightflower." The Nightmare King urged Onyx onward, guiding her through a misty cloud bank that hid her flight over the city. The midnight steed kicked at the breeze, sailing high above the Parisian nightlife. Soundless hooves shimmered in the glare of a nearby street light; while Onyx's flowing mane left whispy streams of sand trailing behind her.
Vast areas of urban life dotted the landscape below us, though the array of historical monuments far overshadowed the apartment complexes and town below. Towers and palaces stood proudly against the starlit backdrop, looking like a scene from a French film. Mentally, I took notes of the places I wished to return to, feeling a yearning for further exploration pulling inside of me.
Sometime later, Onyx drifted a bit lower to the ground. A lush garden appeared to awaken beneath us. Leaves rustled and bushes quaked with the rush of the wind. Flowers of all varieties fell from their stems and floated in the breeze, circling each other in little loops. Incidentally, a scarlet rose in full bloom landed in the center of my lap, its blood red petals soft against my hands. I lifted it to my nose, the fragrant, sweet scent filling my lungs as I breathed deeply. A set of charcoal fingers plucked the delicate flower from my grasp, swirling black dust settling upon the bright layers. Pitch placed the rose in the small section of hair that draped over my left ear. Another faint blush crawled up my chest and neck, but I tried to hide it by leaning against the Nightmare King's chest. The arm around my waist tightened a little bit, holding me more securely. Even though we were gaining altitude again, I felt safe with Pitch and Onyx. I would've been happy to stay there with the pair forever, gliding over Paris.
I wrapped my own arm around Pitch's torso again, allowing myself to relax against him entirely. "Thank you, Pitch. Truly. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday gift." I whispered. I felt his chuckle more than I heard it. "Of course, my dear. It was my pleasure." I placed my hand over the one he had pressed against my side. "Happy Valentine's Day, Pitch." My words seemed to hang in the air for a moment before Pitch replied. "Happy Birthday, Anara..."
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