《Breaking Friend Zone》Chapter 2: Breaking Up
"Like some wines, our love could neither mature nor travel." ― Graham Greene
"Don't pull this shit out on me, Claire! I know where you have been!" I gritted out. My eyes twitched with anger, and I forced to keep a tight reign of my temper. My hands balled into tight fists inside my pockets as I stared at her darkly.
"What are you talking about, babe?" Claire let out an apprehensive chuckle as she looked down from her balcony. Then she looked up, watching the clear sky.
The city buzzed like bees from the top of the building.
She was undeniable. She thinks she could play me with her palm, then she never knew me at all. I'm not a Demakis for nothing.
My eyes twitched as I spoke in a hard tone. "A month in Hawaii with Mr. Rene Albino, a month in Las Vegas with the same man, and a month cruising with another guy," I stated with disgust. "Desmond Nava? Does it ring a bell?" I sneered. "He seemed very attentive to you when you two shared a bottle of Vodka on his private yacht." I let out a mocking chuckle.
Guilt crossed her face but promptly vanished. "Oh," she turned and face me. Her face softened as she closed our gap.
I clenched my jaw as I watched her raised her palm and ran it along with my right cheek to my jawline, her eyes following her palm's trail. "Are you jealous, babe?" she grinned.
Her confidence is beyond me. She thinks I was all over her, she was wrong.
She had changed a lot. As soon as the media assumed we are dating, modeling agencies fought over her. Her name became bigger because of me. And as she grew big in the modeling industry, her head grew bigger too. And the neckline of her clothing significantly got bigger, perhaps to fit that big head of hers.
I casually curled my hands around her wrist, then pulled it gently down to her side. "I'm not jealous, Claire. I am clearing up things between us," I said, my jaws clenching occasionally.
I felt nothing for her. I thought I did at first, but I realized now that I was just trying to prove it to her that I'm not like my father.
Her mom and my dad had some history. Bad according to my dad. I gave her the opportunity, agreed with the relationship she started.
To be quite honest, she offered me her virginity, and I took it without thinking she would trap me into a relationship.
She was innocent but wild in the bed. And perhaps that's the reason why I agreed, tried a relationship with her, but she changed.
And she proves me that she's worst than her mother.
She stepped back. She looked mortified but promptly vanished.
She turned her back to me and walked towards the steel railings. She rested her palms on the fence, her head hung low as she let out a sharp lungful of air, then breathed in sharply. I casually walked closer to her, my hands tucked inside my pockets.
I stood next to her, facing the dark horizon.
"We both know that this relationship is going nowhere, and you know I'm fucking other girls," I started. Wanting to end this with no hard feelings.
She snorted, and it annoyed me. "You are fucking every filthy rich guy just so you can afford this penthouse," I gritted out, letting out a humorless chuckle.
She hastily snapped her head to me. "I wasn't!" the sternness in her voice is not convincing. "I was with Mr. Albino for the contract. He wanted to show me where the photoshoot will be. In Las Vegas, I met some friends and coincidentally, I saw him there. I can't ignore him, he's going to be my next boss!" she stressed firmly.
She swirled and face me with that soft eyes she thinks will work on me.
She's a good actress. The sudden changing of emotions in her eyes, her face is beyond me.
I gave a half- hearted chuckle but died down promptly, and pinned her with my sharp eyes. "Claire, Claire, Claire," shaking my head slowly. "You are talking to me," I gave her a pointed look. "Do you realize that there's nothing I can't do? That you can't hide things from me?" I asked, my sarcastic tone dropping to a dangerous level.
She looked appalled as she stepped back, all the while her eyes were locked on mine with weary. "I wasn't born yesterday, Claire. I know what are you doing, and I won't let someone laughed at my back, especially not you!" with my index finger pointing at her. "You honestly think you could fool me?" I scowled.
"Alex," she gulped as she searched something in my eyes. Then, she scoffed. "You love her, do you?" her voice quivering as she met my eyes, though her face is as hard as a stone.
I never felt one.
"Love?" I let out a loud chuckle devoid of emotion as I shook my head. "It doesn't exist, Claire!" still shaking my head as I turned to look at the night sky. It was like a black dome.
"I saw how you stare at her," she gritted out in contempt.
"Like what, Claire?" I dared as I turned again to meet her gaze. She let out a half smile, a mocking one.
She lifted her shoulder in a half shrug. "Like you adore her?" more like a statement than a question. "You never look at me that way," she added, her tone filled with bitterness.
I snorted. "You are blinded by these silly ideas about love, Claire. Clara Bell is the daughter of my parent's friend. I had to be polite to her, but we hated each other's gut since diapers!" I shook my head.
But she wasn't convinced. "I don't see hate, Alex," she gritted out. "You never look at me in that way, Alex. Never once!" her voice rising an octave as she balled her hands into fists.
I scowled at her.
"I will destroy you, Alex if you choose her over me. I don't care if you find someone else, but not her! She's my best friend for Pete's sake!" she spat furiously. Her eyes darkening with hatred.
I clenched my jaw as stood upright. All my muscles tensed up. Anger boiling, almost blinding me. I forced to keep my temper at bay.
Stepping forward, I loomed over her. She stepped back, her eyes flickering terror, but she tried to mask it as she puts a tough facade, but her eyes couldn't hide the intimidation.
"So you're threatening me?" I asked in a very low tone. My voice getting deeper as it toned down an octave, sounding ominous and more dangerous. She just stared at me with those dull gray eyes that held fear in its depth. "You know I can ruin your name in just one call, can't I?"
She held her chin up. She wasn't ready to back down. "Drag me down, and I will bring you with me, Alex. Together with the people you love!" with that, she spun on her heel and walked away with a strut.
Scowling darkly at her back, I watched her disappeared into the doorway.
I shook my head and decided to get back inside and perhaps celebrate. Finally, this relationship is over.
I roamed my eyes through the crowd. There was no sign of her. My shoulders sagged in disappointment.
I know she's determined to avoid me after that kiss. That kiss that turned my peaceful life upside down. Haunted me at night and had increased my bills in electricity and hydro, not that I know. My secretary had it all done for me.
Blue balls was never a problem to me, but after that kiss, it always ended me to the shower room.
I've been dying to touch her again, to taste her lips, and not letting her go, until my craving for her satiated.
You're insane, Alex.
"Hi, handsome!" a sweet, flirtatious purr dragged me out of my carnal thoughts.
Reynalyn Ambrosio, a Victoria Secret top model, with a super hot body that every man would die for to touch, but it did nothing to me.
She hooked her arm around the crook of my inner elbow.
"Hello, Reyna," I smiled as I placed my palm over her hand, that was linked on mine, patting it softly twice then pull it off gently away, then casually stepped back, trying to put some safe distance between us.
She looked around us before settling her gaze on me. "Claire is busy, I'm sure she won't mind me giving you company?" her blue orbs inviting, hinting mischievousness.
I stopped the waiter that was about to pass us and grabbed two flutes of Champagne. I gave the waitress an appreciative nod before turning my attention back to Reyna. "Here," as I handed her one flute. "This can accompany for now," I smiled sweetly. "I apologize but I need to see someone," and without waiting for her response, I pushed myself through the throngs of guest, docking few more clingy models and looked for GP.
As I looked for Giovanni Piere, I spotted Clara Bell. I felt rooted to the ground. I watched her for a moment, conversing animatedly with the group.
She looked like an angel in her white dress. She was always classy and regal. A royal that she is.
She's the kind of girl that anyone would be proud to be on their side all the time.
I sipped my champagne as I tucked my free hand in my pocket. My gaze glued to her, watching her feminine gestures, her smiles that seem to brighten the room, and I can't help myself but getting affected at her bright smile.
Something in her that makes my heart warm.
I noticed the guy beside her. He was leaning closer to her, whispering something and their shoulders occasionally touching.
My blood boiled in rage. Suddenly, the light that just lit up around my head vanished, causing my mood to turn into 180 degrees. Red swirled around my orbs as I glowered at his back.
I strode purposefully towards them, but I was stopped by a hand hooked onto my inner elbow. I snapped my head to my side about to explode when I saw it was Claire. Holding my temper, I leveled her a glowering look.
She gave me a sweet smile, ignoring my displeasure like nothing happened. "Just for tonight, Alex." She murmured as she glanced around and smiled at them, sending them a different meaning of our ended relationship. "It's my birthday. Just be mine tonight," Claire added, almost begging. Though her face still held confidence, nobody would think that she's faking it.
I didn't agree nor deny it as she led me to another direction, and introduced me to some of her friends. I forced a smile giving in to her whims. Just for tonight.
I may be heartless, but to a birthday girl, I can give an exception.
I'm starting to get bored. All they talk about was the new fashion that's coming, blah, blah, blah. I tried to engage in their conversation, but I am not interested in runway, the new fashion trends, and so on.
Finally, Claire's phone rang. She checked the screen, then she snapped her head to me, a little apprehensive. "Go ahead, take it!" I encouraged her, bobbing my head in reassurance. I couldn't wait to get rid of her.
She nodded her head. After she had excused herself, she disappeared into a hallway.
"Excuse me, girls!" I said as soon as she's out of sight, and turned on my heel and made my way towards Clara Bell's group.
I grinned as I got closer, watching her back. My eyes narrowed at the man next to her. His shoulder is almost touching hers. He's too close, and I felt like I want to throttle him.
I stopped just behind her. Taking in her scent before I whispered. I almost lost myself. "What's my ice princess doing in this crowd?" I felt her stiffen. My chest almost touching her back as I hover over her head.
The strong urge to wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me almost emptied my willpower.
I wanted to drown myself into her glorious smell. Her addicting scent, a mixture of a fruit and her natural feminine scent.
Seeing her here, it made the party fun. Her presence brightened my mood.
As much as I remember, she hated parties. I wondered how did Claire convince her to come. She must have really value their friendship. If only she knew the kind of Claire Preira.
The guy next to her was oblivious of my presence. He inched closer to her which made my anger spiked up.
My hands snake possessively around her waist wedging myself in between them. Her soft body against mine made me hard.
I forced to keep my brain out of my aching loins.
I looked at the guy and gave him a curt nod. He just nodded his head at me, and he tried to act cool, but I could read intimidation all over his face.
There, now we are talking. I smirked with satisfaction.
"Mr. Demakis," he greeted before moving closer to his friend. I cocked a brow at him. When he looked away, I averted my gaze at Clara Bell.
She was listening animatedly with her new friends, but I could tell, she was trying to ignore my presence.
Pulling her closer to me, she whipped her head to me, and I kissed her cheek, causing her eyes to widen like the button of my coat.
After she had recovered, she narrowed her eyes at me, her lips pursed. "Get your hand off my waist right now, or I'm going to wash your arrogant face with champagne," she spat, lifting the flute and gave a glance at the glass in the air then back to me, with the sharpest glare.
I quickly released her just to avoid making any scene —she's from a royal and paparazzi's likes to make a false story about them— and lifted my hands, in silent surrender.
"Better!" she snapped, glaring hard at me. I caught the brunette waitress from the corner of my eyes approaching. I gave her a smile, and she stopped in front of me. I grabbed a beer, earning me her sweet, inviting smile.
Just as I turn my attention back to Clara Bell, I caught her snorted as she tore her eyes away from the waitress.
I smirked.
"Jealous, aren't we?" I teased unable to control the smugness in my tone, then took a sip of my beer.
"Really?" she seethed, cocking an eyebrow. I just shrugged my shoulders as I tucked my free hand in my pocket, and scanned the crowd. A few was dancing in the middle of the room. Some dances on where they stood while conversing.
"If you are looking for Claire, she's on the balcony. She's making an important call," I heard her said. I snapped my head to her, cocking my head to the side. I took another sip, just watching her intently.
She looked away. I wanted to tease her even more, but I can't spoil this moment. She's been hiding from me, and this opportunity doesn't come every day.
"Is it true you're dating someone?" I asked out of the blue.
I've mulled it over, wondered if she had been in a relationship before. She has been linked to some male models, but it was only for work, according to Claire.
She snapped her head in my direction, scowling at me. "Yes," she answered in a bored tone then she looked away, scanning the wild crowd.
I let out a soft chuckle after a moment. It seemed that the news brought discomfort to me, but I quickly squashed it down. Pulling my hand out of my pocket, I moved the beer with the other as I step closer to her, then loomed over her. "Who is he?" I gritted out, blinding possessiveness took over me.
She snapped her head to me and stepped back promptly when she realized how close are we.
Her cerulean eyes that look like the water in the ocean narrowed at me. It was sharp, but they looked still mesmerizing. It feels like I'm drowning in its depth.
It is hypnotizing.
Her gaze traveled down and lingered on my lips. I dared not to look down on hers because I can't promise to keep my hands to myself. I fought hard to keep my eyes on hers. I ignored the tightening in my loins.
I swallowed the urges, and I slammed it down the growing desire to swooped down her lips and kiss it hard. "Who is he, my ice princess?"I asked casually, my lips curled into a smirk.
Her eyes traveled back up and met mine. I grinned wolfishly. "Did you miss my kiss, my ice princess?" I teased, and her cheeks flushed. Her soft eyes suddenly morphing darker, sharper, as she stepped back again, silently killing me with her sharp stare.
"Of course not, Alex. What's so special with your kiss to be remembered?" she mocked as she let out a humorless chuckle.
I clenched my jaw as I stared at her squarely. I forced a smile, holding my temper at bay. "Really?" as I stepped forward.
"Oh, don't be too cocky, Alex. Believe me, I've kissed a lot of guys. I don't even remember yours," she snickered.
Whoever these guys are, I want to kill them as of this moment. My hand unconsciously balled into fists, my fingers around the bottle felt numb as it tightened.
I breathed in a sharp breath, then breathed it out, trying to calm my rising temper. Then downed the whole content of the beer as I stared at her coldly.
My eyes searched for any sincerity in her words.
Why do I have this feeling that she's making it all up? But still, the thought is making me all agitated and wired up.
"I know, you've never been kissed, Bell. I know when I've kissed one!" I smirked. The words were for me, as I tried to cool down the stinging realization.
She looked angry.
Her face muscles hardened as she glowered at me.
She opened her luscious mouth and was about to speak when she someone spoke.
It was Claire calling me, causing her to close her mouth as she averted her gaze away from me. I followed her gaze and saw Claire approaching us with a confident smile plastered on her face. Her eyes were trained on me.
She launched herself onto me, and my hands instinctively moved, curling it around her. I was caught unprepared.
I was stunned when her lips landed on mine. I pulled her away, my gaze darted to Clara Bell, but she was looking anywhere, but us, leisurely sipping her champagne.
Claire looped her hand on mine.
I stared at Clara Bell, searching for her eyes. Our eyes met briefly, and she turned it away.
At that moment, I wish it was her that I was holding.
She trained her eyes away, intentionally avoiding my gaze. When I followed her eyes, she was staring at my friend, Giovanni Piere Santorini.
My eyes snapped back to her, and I suddenly felt lost when I saw a smile broke out on her lips, then she made her way towards him. I just wished I could see that smile directed at me.
"I'll just go greet GP, Claire. I'll be back," I said and peeled myself off her and strode hastily towards GP, catching up with her.
As I got closer, GP already saw her approaching. "Hey, Clara Bell!" he called out, flashing her a seductive smile. My hands clenched and unclenched. "Is that you?" GP playfully teased causing her to chuckle.
My anger flared up.
"Giovanni Piere Santorini!" I said out loud. He snapped his head towards me, then he grinned wolfishly.
His attempt to hug Clara Bell long forgotten and I smirked. I met Clara's daggering eyes, crossing her hands over her chest as she watched me and GP shared a brief friendly hug.
"What's up? Long time no see, bro!" I said as I patted his shoulder softly, then threw my hand over his shoulders.
He let out a soft chuckle. "I know. Work," he simply responded. He looked at her. Clara Bell was standing awkwardly watching us with a dark scowl directed at me.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Clara Bell," GP pulled away and walked over to her, then gave her a hug. I watched them with a grim face as I walked closer, then stood on her side.
"Did you guys came here together?" GP asked. I'm not surprised he doesn't know anything about Claire and I. He doesn't read the magazines, nor the media had seen him yet. He's a caveman, and he doesn't go around partying that's why I was surprised to know that he was here. And I'm glad Lucas brought him.
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