《Debut or Die/ If I fail to debut I'll get a killer disease》[Debut or Die Chapter 011]
Suddenly a light came out from the slot screen, the reel stopped and showed a silver colored title.
I had a good feeling because for the first time I saw the words "Great Success" in the window. Will it be an effective title? If possible, I hope it will help me improve my skills when I perform on stage...
Causes emotional agitation in listeners.
→ Activation range is 35%
How should I accept this characteristic that is probably more suitable for a man who likes to flirt?
Does this mean that it should at least attract public opinion on the Internet?
No, that's not the case, the description clearly stated that it will work on "listeners".
Let's think about it for a moment...
I managed to calm down. I think that's a pretty good feature.
Due to the nature of the show, survival show contestants often deliver words directly to viewers, such as when making a personal introduction or ranking announcement.
It was a nice feature because it would be more advantageous for the viewer to feel something instead of walking past me.
Also, the expression "listener" can mean that it works not only when you hear me speak, but also when you hear me sing.
In this case, it is definitely a great advantage, because it will be easy to create in the listening audience a feeling of immersion on stage.
Great, this is way better than having no feature at all to help me.
I quickly organized the situation and checked my status window.
I earned a point because I got the "First Experience" achievement when the show's theme song performance and teaser aired.
Probably by the time 3 more episodes of the show air, I'll have gotten the "Sing 500 Times" achievement. Since I practiced enough to level up, I got an extra point and it's time to distribute it.
Top priority is...
Take a better looking photo.
It's time to improve my visual appearance and raise it to level B. I manipulated my status window without hesitation.
"...I hope the number of mentions will increase from the next episode."
I thought casually, and even though it was early, I got ready for bed.
The shooting will start the next day in the early hours of the morning, so I'd better save my energy and stamina from now on.
Taking into account the order of activities of the program, tomorrow we may have to form teams or record a personal introduction video for the public.
-Welcome to "Idol Corporation - Reincorporated!" Dear contestants, did you have a good rest?
The boys still hadn't lost their spirits. I looked around the set and saw several contestants who energetically responded to the MC's question.
We were in the same auditorium where they showed us the main theme, but this time they had placed different stands on the stage. They were poles that held signs.
Seeing this, anyone who has watched the previous seasons might expect that the battle between teams will take place.
Apart from me, I could see that some of the participants were already paying attention to that, and were exchanging glances with each other. It wasn't clear if I could join them, but they didn't seem to have noticed my gaze.
Well, I'll keep trying until I find someone.
Come to think of it, I haven't gotten that close to the other contestants. I'd better focus on what the MC says.
-The stage they are preparing for from today is a team battle!
As expected, everyone reacted with shocked expressions...
Since it will be the first team matchup, I'm sure all of you have participants you'd like to team up with, right?
Hearing that, I'm sure the next thing he's going to say will start with a "but."
-Nevertheless! Idols should be able to show off their teamwork no matter who they meet. In this evaluation, you can't arbitrarily form a team!
In the first season of the program, the trainees were in charge of putting together their own choreographies and, although groups had been formed with unknown girls and they thought that the production had condemned them to distance themselves from their friends, this method made 5 participants stand out who knew handle the situation well and did a great job with their team.
-So how will they form their teams? First of all, choose a ball from this box!
-I am scared.
Whispered Lee SeJin, the Gold grade boy who was standing behind me.
He was the only one who spoke to me at this meeting organized by the production team, but it seems that he did it because he wanted to do a reaction cut.
I know that cameras rotate and focus at different angles, but I shouldn't ignore them.
I nodded my head sharply and followed the person in front of me to get a ball out of the box.
"Number 12".
I think we'll team up in numerical order or maybe by coincidence as there may also be other guys with the same number that I got.
-Who is the participant who drew ball number 1? Please raise your hand! Oh, it's Lee HongSoo!
A Silver grade participant awkwardly raised his hand. Then, the MC pointed to the stage with standing signboards in front of everyone.
-The participants will come out in numerical order and will choose the standing signboard they like the most!
The MC smiled and raised one of his arms to make a hand gesture for him.
-Please reveal the content!
After giving the order, words appeared on each of the posters. It was a cutting-edge method, but the content was more important than that.
Each signboard featured the names of different famous agencies.
-Here are the names of the agencies that are leading K-POP around the world! You can choose one of these agencies and form a line behind the chosen standing signboard, but only 14 people will be able to choose it!
The MC clasped his hands together.
-However, if the number of participants wanting to join is exceeded, the highest ranked person will be able to replace a lower ranked person, stepping in for him and kicking him off the team!
Wow, the rules are brutal.
Actually, the content was more important, so much so that Lee SeJin spoke to me again...
-If you choose the same agency as me, could you not replace me? I am very good at dancing.
-...You are gold.
I couldn't understand why someone with a high grade would insist that I don't replace him.
-Platinum grade can beat Gold!
-...But I'm not going to replace you.
-Oh that answer is so cool and refreshing.
It would be better to stop getting involved with him.
By the way, there were only five signboards with agency names. Doing the math, if each standing signboard could have fourteen people, then there would be seven participants who would have to stand in a corner, as they would be pushed not to join any of the teams.
I imagine the editors will insert interviews into the chapter.
NT: At the end of a stage, all the participants have an interview with the staff in which they are asked what they thought, how they thought or what they felt when X situation happened. This interview is recorded and some funny, sincere or dramatic moments are chosen to include them in the narration of the chapter so that the viewers see how the boys felt.
-So, let's start with Lee HongSoo, who got the number 1 ball!
The first contestant went to a famous male idol agency.
My number is 12, so I am ahead of many participants. Perhaps there was no need to replace anyone.
However, it will be quite difficult to confirm the team members in advance.
The quality of the setting and the direction of the edit will change depending on who the team members are for the first battle.
Also, I didn't know any of the eleven participants who were called before me. That means none of them managed to debut.
I had to think carefully.
-Next contestant, come forward!
After much deliberation, I decided where to go. I went to the standing billboard that has so far been the most chosen by the high-ranked participants.
Anyway, all the agencies had their own hit songs, and if they choose well between them, there will be no big problem with the selection of songs.
Therefore, the team members were more important than the agencies. The performance will look better if the members are very good, so let's calculate based on the 11 people in front of me.
"I will choose the agency that has the highest grade participants."
As I approached with the ball in my hand, two Gold grade participants awkwardly welcomed me.
Both had chosen the same agency. They just greeted me, but somehow they seemed to welcome me kindly. They must be very concerned about how the team will be formed.
-Oh, you will be the main vocalist!
I really appreciated being told that. Fortunately, both participants had greater strength in the dance.
The problem arose after that.
-Next contestant, come forward~! Oh, it's Lee Sejin!
The child actor also chose the same agency as me.
Lee Sejin, who got the 15th ball, walked over with a firm expression and stood behind the rack. The two Gold graders also tried to welcome him, but they failed and were misunderstood.
The boy turned around and stood behind me.
I heard him sigh. Well, he's right behind me.
So I'll have to say hello too. I turned and tilted my head and he nodded as well, but I noticed the uncomfortable expression on his face.
He may not be feeling well, but I don't think anyone is going to replace him. In fact, after him we were joined by a Bronze grade trainee, which is lower than Silver grade, so the chances of him being replaced became extremely low.
And after a while, more than 30 participants had already chosen their agencies. Seon AhHyun, who got the 33rd ball, walked over with a nervous expression.
Well, it would be great if he manages to get past the Gold grade from him; Furthermore, he is a very cooperative boy. I greeted him by gently waving my hand and AhHyun greeted me back with a strong wave as he changed his expression to a bright one.
It was a bit embarrassing.
The next impressive addition to the team was Platinum-ranked Ryu CheongWoo. He was a former national archery player and also one of the participants who debuted at the end of this program.
-I look forward to kind cooperation from him!
The smiling Ryu CheongWoo was the thirteenth member in line, so there was only one more member to go.
Unfortunately, the contestants who were ranked first and second in the rankings had chosen other signboards. The boy who ranked first chose an agency that had created a very famous boy idol group.
Since the agency he chose was very popular, practically the people who had chosen her first were replaced by other contestants who, like Cha YooJin (first place), were also high-ranking guys.
But there were so many contestants that they even replaced a young man with a Silver degree.
-I'm sorry.
The Silver contestant, who was replaced, nodded and approached the agency where I was standing in line. His expression was extremely miserable.
And that boy was Choi WonGil. After much criticism of his singing ability and attempts to argue, his mental health had weakened and he had lowered his ranking position.
Maybe it's just me, but I think he doesn't want to make eye contact with me.
-Ugh, if anyone else wants to join, he'll have to replace someone because we're already 14 members.
-Oh no, my God.
The two Gold graders who lined up in front of me muttered... Little by little, the members of this team began to worry.
And a young man appeared who got ball number 60 and did not hesitate to replace one of our team members.
-The contestant I'm going to replace is... Jeong HyunJung, a Bronze grader. I am so sorry!
Lee SeJin, the Gold grade boy, chose this agency.
SeJin bowed his head apologetically as he was the first to replace someone on my team. He caused an atmosphere of sadness, but relief because he was sorry for what he did and seemed kind.
-Oh, MoonDae~ Are you going to be the main vocal?
-It will be the one that is the most suitable for the song.
-Wow, that's cool~ I hope I'm the right guy~
If it wasn't for the fact that we were on camera, I would have punched him.
I looked at Lee SeJin without replying, he smiled and positioned himself in line after patting me on the back.
I felt very frustrated...
-Have you already chosen the agencies you wanted?
After several replacements, the agency elections were over. In the agency I chose, the only change that was made after Lee SeJin joined, was the integration of a Silver grade contestant replacing another Bronze grade.
As a result, these are the ranks of the participants:
Two Platinum grade participants, five Gold, five Silver and two Bronze.
Overall, it was a very good combination, although it would have been great if there were more Platinum grade members, but the members seemed to be subtly satisfied with it.
Of course, the election was not over yet.
-Now they will want to choose a great song!
Since we are fourteen people, there was no way for us to come together as one team, as it would be very difficult. The best thing would be to divide us into two groups of seven people.
I know there are people I'd rather avoid and others I'd like to work with.
I turned around and coincidentally met Ryu CheongWoo's eyes, to which he gave me a small nod. It seemed that he also planned to form a team with members of high rankings.
That's great. So let's pick the guys in a way that's as non-obvious as possible...
-But before choosing the song... Raise your hands all the participants who first chose the agencies they are in!
The participants who started the line just behind the stands raised their hands. Seeing them follow his order, the MC smiled and said:
-If you've already raised your hands, now press the button on the signboard!
-In the signboard?
-A button...? Oh, there's a square up there, that must be it.
The participants talked to each other, and each found a button at the top of the poster and pressed it. After doing so, the content displayed on the billboard flickered and changed.
-Are they lottery numbers?
On the poster screen you could see two lines with seven numbers each. The same thing happened with the poster of the agency in which it was.
-Can you see the numbers on the screen of your signs?
-I can see!
-Now buy a lottery ticket and pick those numbers! Hahaha, I was kidding. Those numbers will make your team!... Young people, do you remember the number of the ball you got?
-You are now represented by those numbers and will form your team in the order shown on the signboard screens! And you will have a battle against the other team from the same agency!
In an instant, the set was filled with noise.
-Uh, hey, what number am I...? I'm number five? Ugh...
-Wow, what the hell...?
-So we won't be together?
The situation in my poster was not so different either.
Once the Gold grader who was first in line pressed the button, he cheered and hugged the young Gold behind him. It seems that the two had chosen the same agency to be together. Then he turned to look at me and shouted excitedly
-Hyung! You're number 12~ We're on the same team!
-Wow, awesome! We have the main vocalist!
And immediately, someone joined the Gold grade boys who were hugging each other.
-Don't you think we make a good team?!
Lee SeJin, the Gold grader, spoke up. Right, his number was 62, so he was also part of my team.
I tried to see who else was on the team other than the three contestants who seemed to be making a ruckus on purpose. The missing numbers are 15, 33 and 37.
Number 33 is Seon AhHyun. That's very good. I turned to walk away from the three guys, their noise was making me feel so uncomfortable I was about to get mad at them.
-I will be under your care.
Seon AhHyun vigorously nodded her head. Alright, who are the other team members? I would like to have Ryu CheongWoo because he is Platinum grade and he also debuted, I think his number was 37...
No, number 37 was Choi WonGil. It was clear because he was standing looking in my direction while holding the ball that showed his number.
Ryu CheongWoo had gathered the other members of his team and they were about to begin their briefing.
And number 15...
Oh damn it. It was child actor Lee Sejin.
Just like WonGil, he was looking at the three noisy Gold graders with a gloomy expression who refused to communicate.
I'm tired. But surely this will be edited.
Anyway, I think the rating our team will get will be overwhelmingly good. Maybe that's why Seon AhHyun added in a cheerful voice.
-I-I think the te-team members are good.
Yes, I should also think positively.
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