《showbiz // phan》A Little Note to Begin With


Hello and welcome to my new phanfic, "Showbiz".

Well, if you're a Muse stan like me (godilovethemsofuckingmuchyoudon'tunderstandtheyhonestlyruinedmylifeforthepastfiveyearsandi'mnotevencomplaining), you probably know this is the name of the first Muse album, and yes, this will basically be based on it. But not really. Actually, not.

I won't write an explanation now as to why I wrote this fic, but... yeah, it's quite sad actually lol. Wait, 'lol' is not appropriate here. Anyway.

Where was I?

Fanfiction, right.

The fic is usually fluffy, so, enjoy your ride on the rollercoaster of emotions. I hope you'll like it.

Just wanted to say that you'll have to expect some timeskips. It won't interrupt the flow of the story (at least not in my opinion), so don't worry. It's just that I wanted to focus the story on the important parts of the relationship (there's movies that do that. I think that way of telling a story has a name but I'm not sure). So there are no filler chapters or chapters in which the story doesn't develop a lot.

As you can already tell by the description, this is a Fashionista!Dan and Actor!Phil au, but I won't give anything else away because spoilerinos are pretty annoying tbh.

While writing I noticed that this was low key inspired by the movies Moulin Rouge and La La Land (beautiful movies you should check them out if you haven't already) so yeah be prepared.

Okay, I'll stop this unnecessary thing now. But oh, just one more thing, I'll update this daily! It'll only have eleven chapters and an epilogue so it won't take long for you to finish it. I already wrote this whole thing so no, I won't just stop updating this after a huge cliffhanger in the middle of the fic.

K bye now. Have fun reading. Obama out. I mean Liz. Goddammit, leave me alone.

ps: As of today it has been exactly three months since I went to see tatinof and met Dan and Phil, and also one of my favourite people, muabeniluap. God, how much I wish I could go back to that day. I miss Dan and Phil so much, you don't understand. The 27th of each month is honestly my ultimate post-concert-depression day lol. Serioulsy, though. I wanna go back. Ugh.

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