《Malec one shot》Gorgeous stranger


The knocking on the door was what woke magnus up. He had gone out with some friends the previous night and had gotten shit face drunk. That was why he moaned in pain the second he opened his eyes to be hit by the sunlight shining through his window. he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and then looked to the table near his bed and saw that it was 6 in the morning. he groaned and got up walking to his front door which was still being knocked. he opened the door yawning and froze. on the other side of the door was the most gorgoues guy he has ever seen.

"fuck you beautiful" he said he was half sleepy so he didn't have brain to mouth filter. and he only relised what he said when the stranger laughed a deep throaty laugh.

"why thank you" the man said in a deep voice.

magnus steped back and studied the stranger. he was wearing a black muscle shirt under the black leather jacket and black skiny jeans with black combat booths. the man had messy raven hair and pearcing blue eyes. magnus was left standing there gaping.

"done checking me out?" the man asked and a smirk formed on magnus's face

"not really but go on, how can i help you?" magnus asked

"well my friend lives across the hall from you and he asked me to come over today but it seems like he can't get off from work for at least another hour and i don't want to go home and come back so would you mind if i stay in here till he gets back?" the man asked magnus gave him a once over instead of answering

"i promise i won't be in your way or anything" the man added and magnus steped aside silently telling him that he could come in.


the man walked in and looked arround magnus's apartment before turning back towards him.

"your place is really nice, doesn't at all look like a bachlors pad" he commented

"how are you so sure i am a bachlor, i could have a boy friend or girl friend in my room for all you know" magnus said walking to the kitchen to make some coffee

"well given the first thing you said to me when you open the door and your continous inablility to keep your eyes from wondering i'd say you have no one here, and if you do i truly feel bad for them and envy them at the same time" the man said

"how so?" magnus asked looking into his eyes with a mischivious glint

"i feel bad for them cause taking what i have seen you have wondering eyes and i envy them because your really gorgouse and any one would be lucky to bag you" the man answered dropping his jacket on the couch and walking into the kitchen

"well what do you know? i feel insulted and flattered. so what do i call you gorgous man standing in the middle of my kitchen?" magnus asked

"that seems a tad long, just call me alexander" the man -alexander said

"then alexander it is. would you like some breakfast or some coffee?" magnus asked

"i'd like some breakfast if you don't mind. i don't do coffee i like sweet things" alexander answered

"i bet you do sweetness" magnus said and started making some choclet chip pancakes. once down he put them in a plate and gave them to alexander with a glass of apple juice.

"so what do you do,alexander?" magnus asked after they both sat on his small dinning table which he rarely uses


"right now i'm trying to open my own resturant. it has always been a dream of mine" alexander said and magnus noticed the way alexander's eyes shone as he spoke

"how about you?" he asked a second latere

"i'm an investor actually, i invest in buissness and relestate" magnus said as if its the simplest thing.

"so are you singel, taken or my personal favorite complicated?" magnus asked with a grin

"i'm singel" alexander answered chuckling

"good to know handsome" magnus said and walked back to the kitchen to clean his plate.

"hey i'm gonna take a shower you can watch tv till then" magnus said and disapeared into the bathroom.

alexander finished eating slowly then washed his plate. once done with that he turned on the tv and put it on his favorite show shadow hunters. arround the time the first episode was about to end he heard the bath room door open.

"jimon is my otp" magnus said from behind him

"yeah mine-" he cut him self off when he turned around to see magnus in nothing but a towel droplets of water running down his body "-too" he finished lamley as his throat went dry

"see something you like gorgoues?" magnus asked and alexander nodded dumbly

magnus made his way around the couch and stood infront of alexander he took his hand and helped him up. he then put both of alexander's arms around his neck and put his around the others hips.

"your really breath taking you know?" magnus whispered alexander leaned closed unconcously.

"if you want some thing love, your going to ask for it" magnus stated

"c-can...can you kiss me?" alexander asked soflt and just when alexander leaned in to kiss him alexander's phone rang breaking them out of there trance. alexander picked up his phone. a few minutes later he hanged up feeling disapointed

"jace's home. i gotta go" he said turning to magnus

"i'll see you around gorgoues" magnus said and kissed his cheek. they walked to the door and alexander opened the door to leave when magnus grabbed his hand.

"can i have your numebre?" he asked and gave his a note book and pen he grabbed from the near by table. alexander wrote his number down with a wide smile. once done he handed back the note book and left. magnus closed the door smiling bigger that the joker. he decided that maybe waking unnaturaly early was okay, just for today.

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Hello Deary's

So I wrote this one shot for a random couple I can up with for my shot book "aim and shoot" but I couldn't help but turn it to a malec shot. Tell me what you thing.

As always votes and comments are highly appreciated.

Also follow me 🙏 🙏 🙏

~lovell's out

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