《Malec one shot》How it all worked out


alec rushed to the cafe he works at after droping his sister at her A.A. meeting. he run into the cafe and was about to walk to the back room to put on his apron and uniform when his boss called him.

"yes?" alec asked

"your late again." his boss said with a disaproving scrowel

"i know. i just had to...." he started but was cut off by his boss

"i don't care where you had to be or what you had to do this is the fourth time this week lightwood" his boss said

"i know but..." alec started again

"don't intrupt me boy!" his boss shouted at him getting his face. alec looked down at his feet embaressed when half the people in the cafe turned there attention to them to see what was going on.

"you'll come here on time or you won't have a job to come to" his boss continued not paying mind to the eyes on them

"you understand me?" he asked when alec wouldn't answer

"y-yes" alec whispered

"i can't hear you boy, do you understand me?" his boss asked again.

magnus who was sitting at the window sit to enjoy his morning coffee before his driver picked him up couldn't take to see alec blushing and stuttering while the old man kept screaming at him and stood up and approched them.

"he is right next to you there is no need to yell" he said. alec looked up blushed and ducked his head so his blush wouldn't be visible to the gorgous man in a purple sute inturupting his scolding.

"its none of your buisness get your coffee and screw off" the man said glaring at magnus

"actually...." magnus started but alec cut him off


"its okay sir" he whispered weekly

" it is not okay he doesn't have the right to abuse or insult his workers. i could make a few phone calls right now and make staying in business very hard for you" magnus threatned

"you know what get out of my cafe" the man growled at magnus

"the both of you" he said turning towards alec.

"but sir...." alec tried

"don't sir me get out of my store YOUR FIRED!!" the man roared at him and disapeared into his office leaving behind a red faced alec and a pale looking magnus.

"i am so sorr-" magnus started

"save it " alec muttered brushing past him out of the cafe.

alec was in such a rush to get out of there that he had run straight into a little girl holding an icecream and when they stumbled down here icecream landed on his shirt. he helped the girl up and apologised to her parents before jogging down the street to his car. he curesed when he found it being towed.

"come on i'm here. i'm here" he said following his car but the the man in the truck gave him a help less look and kept driving away. with a groan alec sat on the pavement and run a hand through his hair.

"here" someone said softly from beside him. he looked up and saw the same man from the cafe holding out a handchife to him.

"your the man from the cafe. the one who got me fired" alec said glaring at him

"that wasn't my intention" the man said unbuttoning his sute button and sitting beside him.

"you still got me fired" alec stated in a deadpan tone

"i was trying to help. i couldn't help just watching him shout at you and seeing you just stand there looking like a helpless angel" the man said


" l-like a what?" alec asked surprised

"like a helpless angel" the man said with a soft smile alec blushed and looked away

"i'm magnus, magnus bane" the man said extending a hand which alec took and shacked

"alec lightwood" he mumbled

"is alec by any chance short for alexander?" magnus asked

"y-yeah. b-but no one calls me that" alec stuttered looking at there still joined hands

"well its nice to meet you alexander" magnus purred looking at him with a flirty smile.

"s-same" alec answered while flushing bright red

"so why were you late?" magnus asked after a few minutes

"my sister has a meeting on the other side of town" alec replied magnus just nodded deep in thought

"you know i have been looking for a P.A. for a long time now. if your intrested...." magnus trained off

"i .... i don't have any experiance. i'm just a waiter" alec answered weekly

"well i'm offering the job to you. that is if you want it" magnus said with a sigh. alec thought about it for a second before asking

"when do i start?" magnus looked at him and nodded

"right now" magnus said when his car stoped on the other side of the street from where they were sitting. a few minutes later they were in magnus's car driving to magnus's building. alec's brain was working hard tring to process every thing that happened in the last hour when something suddenly hit him. the second they reach magnus's office magnus was going to be his boss.

"magnus" alec called

"yes alexander" magnus asked looking up from his phone

"are you... i mean.... do you have.... are you ....s-single?" alec stuttered

"i don't have a girlfriend, or a boyfriend if thats what your asking" magnus said softly. alec couldn't help him self at that. he pulled magnus by his collar and kissed him. magnus immediatly kissed back. when they pulled apart a few minutes later alec flushe and looked away.

"i'm sorry. i just.... your really gorgous... and i .... i don't know. your probably not going to hier me now" alec muttered cursing at him self in the inside

"darling the job is still yours and i did not in any way mind the kiss" mangus said softly. alec looked at his through his lashes shyly

"really?" alec asked

"ofcoures" magnus repleid with a soft smile

"i'm sorry it won't happen again" alec said when the car pulled over infront of magnus's building.

"belive me darling it will" magnus said with a smirk before opening the door and getting out of the car and extending a hand to alec who took it and followed him out to a new chapter in his life.

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