《Malec one shot》Im scared


I ran and ran. I RUN. There was no going back now. A leader would never run. A SHADOW HUNTER would never run. We were very proud people. But I did. I run...

And where did I go? I went to the last place I expected any one to look for me. I rang the door bell.


"M-magnus.... Can I come in? " I asked and the door opened I made my way to his pent house. He stood at the thrush hold of his door with his arms crossed over his chest and with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay,Alexander? " he asked. I silently shacked my head and he helped me inside. After making me a cup of tea he sat beside me on the couch.

"Can you tell me what happened? " he asked in softly soothing tone.

"I run" I said and the tears I've been holding back with every thing I got fell. I felt his arm sneak around my shoulders and he pulled me closer.

"Why did you run,darling? " he asked. Not paying mind that a guy twice his size was crying into his neck.

"They... People were dying... Shadow hunters, warlocks, vampires, werewolfs" i sobbed

"They were all dying... I couldn't... I couldn't be a leader... I couldn't be a nephlime... We don't run we fight.. Be I run.... I'm worthless a discreas to my kind. I'll never be a good leader"

"Hey!" Magnus said in a warning tone. I looked up surprised

"Don't belittle your self. You know as well as I do that your born to be a leader. We all get scared darling. We just have to face our fears to get over them" magnus said firmly. I nodded. I knew he was right.


A few minutes later I had washed my face and was ready to go back to the institute. Magnus walked me to the door.

"Oh and Alexander.... " j turned around towards him

"If your eyed scared. Just remember the people who have your back. Your family, your friends, me" he said

"Y-you? " I asked surprise

"Yes me" he said moved closer and kissed my cheek.

"Don't forget you have to keep fighting but you don't have to fight alone" he said turned around and walked back to his apartment. Leaving me standing there with blushing cheeks and a strong resolution. I walked back to the institute thinking.... Time to fight.

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