《Mandela Catalogue /One Shots) GN (Book 2)》Mark x GN reader ( Slumber party time!)
(There's no warnings :D)
I feel that this is gonna be long-
Mark was in his house , Cesar decided to make a slumber party for him in his house. He was already a alternative that doesn't matter right?.
You were with Gabriel and Intruder in a park. Until Cesar go there running but he fall because of a rock.
Cesar: Guys i have something to tell you!-
Intruder: Ow- are you okay man?.
Y/N: What did you expect?
Intruder: Ok let me help you to stand up anyways-
Intruder help Cesar to stand up. Gabriel was just sleeping in a tree like a cat.
Cesar: Thanks Intruder..
Y/N: So.. what's do you need to tell us Cesar?.
Cesar: Would you like to go with me to Mark house for a slumber party?.
Y/N: Sure!
Intruder: I actually don't have anything else to do.. so okay.
Cesar: And Gabriel?.
Intruder: Nah he would accept anyways don't worry.
Cesar: Ok then let's go to my car i have to get my things actually.
Y/N: Can we go to mine to? I need my blankets-
Cesar: Sure! Just don't tell any of you of this to Mark Alright?.
Y/N: Okay!
Intruder: Don't worry you can trust the three right Gabriel?.
Gabriel: ...
Intruder: Gabriel?.
Intruder didn't notice that he was sleeping until he saw that he was in a tree.
Actually Intruder is like a son to Gabriel.
He is actually a good guy don't worry.
Intruder: Ignore him he is sleeping.
Y/N: But don't worry we are going anyways.
Cesar: Ok then let's go!-
Gabriel: Huh?.. Oh hello what did i lose-
He fall from the tree and almost broke a arm.
(Note: Don't be like Gabriel)
Gabriel: I'm okay don't worry guys-
Y/N: Do you need help?.
Gabriel: Just drag me to the car already..
Y/N: Okay Gabriel!
Cesar: Eh.. let's just go for Adam , Jonah and six.
Y/N: What about N?.
Cesar: Damn- i forgot..
You start dragging Gabriel toward the car and put him inside. Now time to go for Adam and Jonah.
Cesar open the doors of the car so you and the others can go too.
He knock the door and wait for Adam and Jonah to open the door. You were still dragging Gabriel. Intruder was just drinking some coffe that he steal from Mark house.
Cesar: Adam , Jonah open the door!
Adam and Jonah were inside playing some video games until they heard Cesar knocking the door.
They didn't have anything to do anyways so they won't decline the offer to make a slumber party for a friend.
Adam: Coming!
Adam: Jonah please open the door i'm trying to wear my shoes-!
Jonah: Okay Adam!
Jonah go downstairs and open the door. And give everyone a smile.
Jonah: Hello there! Please enter Adam is still trying to tie his shoes.
Cesar: Thanks Jonah but actually i prefer to tell you something to both of you.
Jonah: Oh Well if that's the case let me go for Adam then.
Cesar: Okay don't worry we are gonna wait for you and him.
Y/N: Wait Cesar but it's almost night and Mark should be already-
He cover your mouth so he can talk withouth a distraction.
Y/N: Dude.. get your disgusting hands away from my mouth plz-
Cesar: ^^.
Jonah: Adam?
Adam: Yeah? What do you need friend?
Jonah: Cesar want you to come to the door. He have something to tell us.
Adam: Oh well i finally tie my shoes so let's go.
Jonah: Nice then let's go.
Jonah and Adam go downstairs and go back to the door.
Adam: So what do you need Salad?.
Cesar: Don't call me Salad-
Cesar: Anyways.. i was going to say that we are planning-
Y/N: Actually that fits with you Cesar.
Cesar: Can you let me talk at least?.
Y/N: Ok Ok- sorry man-
Cesar: Thanks- and as i was saying we are planning a slumber party for Mark. Wanna come with us?.
Adam: Of course! We actually don't have any plans!
Jonah: Just let us grab our things in a bag-
Cesar: Okay we are gonna wait on the car.
Everyone was in the car waiting for Adam and Jonah to come. They came bag with some bags of money and clothes ofc.
Adam: Now you can drive Cesar.
Jonah: Wait but- MY BAGS!
Cesar step on the pedal but Jonah throw the bags by accident outside.
Jonah: *Aggresively sobbing*
Adam: It's okay Jonah-
It was already night. But Cesar had another idea. Mark always close the door when it start getting night because "Alternatives".
So it would be difficult to enter. But there was a window in the hallway of his house. There was tree really close to it.
Adam: Do you have any idea about how to enter Cesar?.
Cesar: Actually.. yes.
Intruder: And what is it?.
Cesar: Come with me.
You and the others follow Cesar behind Mark house.
Y/N: So.. what's the plan? I don't see it-
Cesar: It's simple! Do you guys see that tree.
Jonah: Eh.. yeah?
Cesar: Well we are gonna climb it and open the window.
Gabriel: I actually can fly but i can help some of you to go there.
Adam: Really?..
Gabriel: Of course!
Gabriel carry Adam and Jonah and put them in the tree. You try to climb with help of Intruder but you just keep falling with him.
Y/N: Almost just a bit..-
Intruder: I can't go more higher..
Y/N: Wait no please Intruder we can do it-!
You almost fall with Intruder until you feel that someone was carring you. It was Gabriel.
Gabriel: Need some help?.
Y/N: Oh thanks Gabriel! Can we please put us in the tree?.
Gabriel: Mhm.
Intruder: Thanks Dude-
He put you and Intruder in the tree. Cesar climb the tree withouth any problem. (His suit was a bit dirty only that.)
He clean his suit and open the window. Everyone enter and he go toward the door of his room and knock it.
Cesar: It's me Mar-Mark!
Cesar: I have a surprise for yo-you! I have some friend-friends!
Cesar: Open the door Mark it's me your dear friend!
He was already losing his patiente. He turn back to you and stared at you.
Y/N: Uh.. need something Cesar?
Cesar: Please keep this dear..
Y/N: Okay?.
Cesar turned back to the door and start hitting it and smacking it with his hands.
You just stared at him and step back.
Mark: Oh Jesus not again-
Mark: *Ok i think i should open the door or he would break it- nah.*
Jonah: I don't think that's a good idea Cesar-
Cesar just stared at Jonah smiling.
Jonah: Ok do whatever you want-
He kick the door and stared at Mark. He was eating some candies and.
Cesar: Hello Mark!
Mark: Hey my door!
Cesar: That doesn't matter Gabriel can repair that for you.
Gabriel: Why me?..
Y/N: Hello mark! Look we have a surprise.
Mark: Oh- so that's why you and the others are here?.
Adam: Of course! We wanted to make a slumber party with you.
Y/N: I have someone here actually.
Jonah: Huh? Who-
You grab your TV that you have in a really big box. It was six.
Six: Hello! Thanks for inviting me Y/N!
Y/N: No problem Six.
Adam: Wait what- how did that TV enter in that box.
Y/N: "Magic"
Mark: Ok then i guess i don't mind..
Adam: Okay then everyone let's change of clothes then.
You go to the bathroom to change and wear your pijama. Everyone has their own pijamas.
Adam just had a sweater and some shorts , Jonah was wearing a shirt and some pants.
Cesar a different suit and socks. Mark a jacket , pants and black socks.
Gabriel well.. he was just wearing the same clothes.
Six was still in his TV but he was wearing a shirt and some shorts.
You decided to go with Six downstairs and then to the Kitchen. He wanted to make some cupcakes and strawberry milk.
But Adam and Jonah decided to help too. (Jonah and Adam doesn't know how to make cupcakes)
Jonah: So what do you have in your mind Six?.
Six: Cupcakes and Strawberry Milk. Wanna help?.
Adam: Sure!
Y/N: I'm going to make the milk.
Six: Ok then let me help you.
Six: Adam and Jonah here is the recipe of how to make them.
Jonah: Don't worry we know how to make them!
Six: Okay.
You put the milk in the glass and Six the dust of strawberry. You start handling it until the milk was pink.
You and him make the same with the other ones.
Jonah and Adam were putting the liquid on the bowl of cupcakes. They choose the flavor and put the bowl with the cupcakes in the oven.
They would have to wait some minutes. But they forget to take the cupcakes off the oven making them burn.
Adam: Hey Jonah.. do you smell that?.
Jonah: *sniff* *sniff* Yeah..
Adam: Wait i think we forget something..
Jonah & Adam: THE CUPCAKES!
They go running toward the oven and there was smoke in the stove.
Adam take out the cupcakes and saw that they were already burned.
Adam: Damn- Six tell us to make them..
Jonah: Don't worry we still have time to make another ones-
Six and you come back for the other glass of milk until you smell that something was burning.
Y/N: Uh..
Six: What's wrong Y/N?.
Y/N: I feel like something is burning.
Six: Wait i think you are right-
Adam and Jonah were trying to make the cupcakes fast but they just spell all the dough of it in the floor and table.
Adam: What can go wrong now..
Jonah: Oh-
Six: At least you didn't buen the house on fire you two.
Y/N: You should tell us that you need help.
Mark was going downstairs because you and the other 3 were taking long.
Mark: Why are you taking long?.
Y/N: Well the cupcakes were burned-
Adam: It was a accident.
Mark: Actually Cesar and me wanted to ask if we can just order tacos-
Y/N: Oh-
Mark: Wait why is my floor and table-
Adam: It was a bit accident but don't worry we would clean later!
Jonah: But wait did you say tacos-
(Flash back of my other book of Mandela Catalogue x reader)
Jonah: 👀
: 👀
Jonah: *breath* AHHHHHHH!
End of flashback.
Jonah: Uh...
Y/N:. I actually don't mind but at least let's change our clothes-
Mark: Nah we are good like this actually Cesar is coming too , he have the money to pay.
Gabriel: We are gonna look ridicolous with this-
Y/N: Oh Gabriel is coming too?
Mark: Sure but he is gonna be in the ceiling of the car.
Gabriel: Thanks..
Cesar: Ok then let's go. I have the money here.
You and the others were in the car. Cesar was gonna drive.
Mark was sitting next to you and drinking a soda. Gabriel was in the ceiling feeling the fresh air. Adam and Jonah were in the ceiling too laying down just to see the sky.
Cesar was ordering the food and some sodas.
Gabriel never eat tacos so he was actually excited.
Cesar: Can i please have 6 tacos of bistek , 2 of cheese and the same number of sodas-
X: Sure go to the other window and they would give you your order.
Cesar: Thanks.
He go drive toward the other window and wait for the guy to give him the order.
Mark: How long is gonna take?.. I'm already hungry.
Y/N: Don't worry maybe they are still making the food.
X: Sorry for taking long here is your food.
Y/N: It's okay!
Cesar: Thanks anyways.
You give the guy a 👌so he won't be sad. Mark just stared at him angry but smiling.
Mark: Can i have ny soda..?
X: Sure. Here it is.
Mark: Thanks man.
Mark: 👀👈 + 👉👀 = You 💀
(If you don't understand i mean you seeing they/them and you will be death)
He said in signs so he can understand.
Cesar drive back to Mark house and put the car outside.
Everyone was in mark room eating their tacos.
Gabriel: Oh hello Peacher.
Peacher: "Hi!" (He actually can't talk in this-)
Gabriel: Want some of my taco?.
Peacher: "Mhm!"
Gabriel: Okay then here.
Gabriel give some of his taco to Peacher. He was happy.
Peacher give him a hug. Gabriel hug him back and smiled.
You were resting your head in Mark shoulder and eating the taco. He was a bit flustered because you were closer to him.
Y/N: Hey Mark do you still have soda?.
Mark: Yes- here is some.
Y/N: Thanks Mark I'm gonna pay you later.
(You didn't pay him back)
Mark: There's no need to pay me Y/N we are a couple after all. I can buy myself another soda.
Some hours passed. It was 1:00am.
Adam and Jonah were playing videogames with you and Mark.
Gabriel was with Peacher teaching him how to kill someone.
(Wii sports)
Adam and Jonah were playing tennis. But accidentally Jonah throw the control to Adam nose.
Jonah: Look Ada-!
Adam: Uh?.
Adam: OW-
Jonah: Are you okay i'm sorry Adam-!
Adam: Ow.. my nose dude-. At least is not bleeding.
Y/N: It's our time to play already?.
Jonah: Yep here have this.
Adam: Here please mark don't throw it to someone-
Mark: Don't worry i won't.
You were gonna sit in the floor until Jonah get closer to you.
Y/N: Need something Jonah?
Jonah: I actually recommend you something.
Y/N: What is it?
Jonah: Choose boxing and hit Mark mii when he is trying to move.
Y/N: Oh well thanks Jonah!
Jonah: No problem.
Y/N: Are you ready to lose Mark?.
Mark: I'm always ready to win dear.
Y/N: Let's see then.
You do what Jonah tell you and win the first round.
The second one and the third one.
Y/N: See?
Mark: Actually i have to admit you are good in this Game.
Y/N: Thanks for that compliment.
Intruder wasn't talking because he was sleep in the bed of Mark.
Adam: Hey! and if we play something?
Cesar: What game we are talking about?
Adam: War of pillows!
He throw one to Cesar face. You throw one to Mark too. Making him smile and throw one to you too.
Mark: Hey that's not fair!
Y/N: Oh did i win that easily-
Mark: I'm actually starting to like this.
Y/N: Because you are winning Mark?.
Mark: Actually yeah and because i'm with you.
Y/N: Awh.. that's sweet of you but i won't stop throwing you a pillow because of that.
You throw him a pillow but by accident you hit Intruder.
(He doesn't like when people wake him up)
Y/N: Damn- Sorry Intruder! I was trying to-
Intruder just throw a pillow to Adam face and cover himself with a blanket.
Adam: HEY! Why are you throwing me that?!
He didn't respond.
Jonah: Maybe it's a sign that you aren't good at this Game.
Adam go back with Jonah and start hitting him with the pillow. Jonah did the same until they fall of the bed.
Gabriel: Hey it's everything okay-
You throw a pillow to Gabriel face. He grab the pillow and his face was creepy.
Gabriel: Please don't do that again Y/N.. i'm asking nicely.
Y/N: Okay don't worry just don't throw me back the pillow-
Gabriel: Don't worry i wont.
Y/N: Thank god-
It was 3:00am now. Everyone was almost sleeping. Adam was in his phone and Jonah was still sleeping.
Intruder , Gabriel , Cesar , Six , Peacher were sleeping too. You were almost sleeping until you feel that someone was hugging you.
It was Mark. You covered your face in a blanket and turn the air conditioner on and fall asleep.
(Haha.. this is long-)
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