《The Guy Named Harrison: Book One》24


Harrison simply looked at her and Luke. It was a long way down from the second deck of the yacht to join them in the water.

"Come on Harry! I'll throw the ball for you!"

Luke and Carrie where sitting on the same raft. To make his teammate jealous, he put his arm around Carrie. She added to the act by leaning against his chest.

His demeanor totally changed. "I'm coming!"

Carrie sat up and threw a perfect spiral to him on the way down which he easily caught. His head popped above the surface and he came swimming over. Tossing the football to Carrie, he dunked Luke in the warm ocean water, and took his place beside Carrie.

"Woah man."

He shot Luke a playful smile. When Luke got the hint to give them some more alone time, he leaned back and rested his head in her lap.

His eyes closed when he felt her fingers playing in his hair. He loved when she did that. Her small fingers felt so good running through his hair.

After a few minutes, she stopped. Carrie reached to the other side of the raft and pulled her beer out of the cup holder. She took a few more sips before resting her hands flat on his chest.

"Let's go play catch," she blurted out suddenly.

Harrison slowly got up and slid into the water, followed by Carrie. He found the football floating behind the raft and threw it to her. She caught it with one hand and threw it right back. It was another perfect spiral that would've drilled him right between the eyes if he didn't get his hands up in time.

"You can really throw the ball."

"I learned from the best."

"That's right, you certainly did."


They played catch for another few minutes before they both got tired of treading water. Grabbing their beers, they swam back to the boat to join the rest of the team in watching the sunset.


The last night before they would have to go home, they played left right center. Harrison sat on the opposite side of the table next to Cam while she sat across from him next to Luke.

She stole three dollars out of his wallet and pushed it back across the table. The pot would sure be big with about 20 people playing.

Carrie started the game with rolling a dot, R, and R. "Two please," Luke teased from her right side.

"Watch it Kuechly."

He smiled. "You never know Fisher. It might be coming right back at ya."

Indeed it did. Luke rolled two L's and sent two bucks right back her way. "Thanks Lukas."

"You're quite welcome Cherri."

Carrie was up to four bucks now after getting one from Greg to her left and two from Luke to her right. She rolled and got three dots. "Keeping them all Kuechly."

Harrison was faring well on the other side. He was accumulating quite the stash on the other side of the table. He gave Carrie a high five. "Keep it going sweetheart."

She rolled two dots and a C her next turn. Carrie put a dollar in the pot. It took her down to three. "Maybe the next three will go bye bye," Luke teased as he took another sip of beer.

"I will spill that beer all over you."

"I dare you."

Carrie was just about to hit the bottom of the beer bottle with her hand but Luke was saved by Christian pushing the dice his way. Luckily for her, he sent that dollar right down the line.


She only had to give up one to the pot again. As the game progressed, she and Luke had the big piles on their side, while Harrison and Cam had the big piles on the other.

Carrie had Luke open another bottle of beer as she rolled again. The two R's sent her two dollars to Luke. "Thanks Cherri."

He laughed when he received a glare in return. Luke took a sip of the beer he'd just opened for her, before handing it to her. "Get your own."

Then he stole the bottle out of her hand and drank some more. "Luke August Kuechly, I am so going to get you."

"Why? I'm your supplier. I keep sending these bills your way."



The other side of the table was out of money. It was Luke with one dollar left. He rolled the single die with a L. "Yes!"

All she had to do was roll a dot to win. Closing her eyes, Carrie rolled the die to have it land on a dot. "Yeah Carrie!"

That came from Harrison as he gave her a fist bump. Someone pushed the plate of cash her way. She counted five dollars and slid them over to Luke.

"For being my supplier."

"Add a few more and we can talk about next game."

Carrie placed two more bills on his pile. Then he held out his hand. "We have a deal Fisher."

They were just about to shake hands when she snatched the money back. "I'm keeping it Kuechly."

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