《The Guy Named Harrison: Book One》11


"What is all this?"

He stood up as Wilson ran into his leg with a piece of tissue paper on his face. "It's my order of custom cleats from Nike."

There had to be at least 20 boxes of cleats in his living room. Wilson now succeeded in shaking the tissue paper off his head and ran through the mountains to meet her and the strange dog.

Harrison made his way over. As he was about to place a gentle kiss on her lips, she leaned down to pet Wilson who was now walking around Gary. Gary looked up at her as if to say, who's this? "Gary, this is Wilson."

Wilson, who was already bigger than Gary, jumped over him to get to Carrie. "Hi Wilson!"

He rolled on his stomach for a belly rub. And that's when Gary said enough. He walked right in front of Wilson and demanded he be pet instead. "Gary, you're something else."

She stood up and Harrison took the opportunity to then kiss her. After seeing Harrison with Jackson, she had to wonder how he'd be with a child of their own. Carrie had to push that thought away. It was too early to be thinking about marriage, let alone a child.

"Let me see your cleat collection."

Taking her hand, Harrison led her through the maze of boxes to where they sat down against the couch. "It's not a collection. More like inventory for this coming season."

"Why do you need so many cleats?"

Harrison grabbed the first box. "Most of these are custom made. Nike has a designer that makes these."

He opened the first box to reveal a pair of blue Nike cleats with the Panther claw marks next to their slogan 'Keep Pounding.'


Next was a pair of blue cleats that had a shine to them. The sole was black and the spikes were clear. He also pulled out a pair of midnight black cleats.

Carrie found another box he hadn't opened yet. It was another pair of light blue cleats with dark blue almost paint splatter.

"Why do you need so many cleats?"

"Sweetheart, this is just the beginning."

Carrie was blown away at how many pairs of new cleats he had. There were multiple backup pairs of the same cleats he'd already shown her. "You haven't even seen the custom ones yet."

"You aren't supposed to wear custom cleats in games right?"

"Not really. It's a violation of the NFL's uniform policy. There's some of these that I'm wearing in a game no matter what. They can fine me. I don't really care."

"But most of these are for pregame right?" She asked and he nodded.

Harrison slid over a few more boxes. The first pair of custom cleats she saw were camouflage. They were a combo of army green, tan, and dark brown. "These are for Salute to Service night."

The next two boxes contained Batman and the Joker cleats.

"Batman? Really?"

He defended himself. "Hey, you're not the one being endorsed to wear Nike cleats."

"You have an endorsement with Nike?"

"Yep. I can get whatever I want for free. Which brings me to ask, do you want anything? I can place another order."

Carrie considered. He could get her anything and everything Nike. Nike shoes, shirts, shorts, pants, underwear, socks, hats, bras.

"This is why you don't see me own anything Under Amour or Adidas or Reebok, or any other brand."

She loved the next pair of cleats. They were red, white, and blue for the United States.


"I might wear these for 9/11 or Veterans Day. I'm not sure yet."

As she was checking out the pair of patriot cleats, he opened another two boxes of Christmas cleats. One pair was red, green, and white, with a present on the laces while the cleats lit up. The second pair was of the Grinch stealing a Christmas tree.

"You got Grinch cleats?"

He smiled. "Yup. See, I told you that you would like some of these."

Harrison then showed her two pairs of breast cancer awareness cleats. The first pair she saw were uniform cleats allowed to be worn by players during games in October. The other pair which was pink and gold, probably wouldn't be legal.

"I'm wearing these no matter what," he told her, while holding up the pink and gold cleats. "They can fine me. And I'll protest it because I'm going to sign these and auction them off. The profit will go to cancer research."

Harrison continued. "There's a week where we're allowed to wear custom cleats for a cause," he said, pulling out a custom pair of Make-A-Wish cleats.

"I've had the opportunity to hang out with a few amazing kids that have went through a lot in their young lives through Make-A-Wish. And I'd love to continue doing that for these kids."

When Harrison handed her the shoe, Carrie didn't realize until she was holding it, that the names of all the kids he met were on the inside of both shoes.

She listened to him talk about what the organization meant to him, and the kids it helped. Carrie leaned over and kissed him. "It's amazing what you do for these kids."

There were two boxes left to be opened. Carrie took one and he took the other. She opened hers to see a pair of Star Wars: The Last Jedi custom cleats. The cleats were mostly white, and towards the bottom they turned into red. On the inside was The Last Jedi logo and the outside of the right cleat was General Leia in red from the new poster. On the outside of the left cleat was Luke Skywalker.

Harrison opened up his box and showed her the pair of galaxy patterned cleats with Darth Vader on one and Kylo Ren on the other.

"Big Star Wars fan huh?"

Harrison smiled like a little boy. "I love it. And I'm definitely going to wear The Last Jedi ones in the December 17th game against the Packers. We're also going to see it when it premieres."

"Okay hotshot," Carrie whispered, leaning in for another kiss.

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