《I'm A Krieger Harris》Chapter Nineteen


- Paige's POV - December 24th -

Mal and I awake to someone jumping on top of us. "Wake up lovebirds! It's Christmas Eve!" The unmistakable voice of Emily Sonnett yells. "Fuck off." I mumble and cuddle further into Mal. "Somebody's a grumpy little elf this morning aren't they?" Emily says and pokes the side of my nose causing me to smack her. "Sonnett leave us alone." Mal groans. "Cover your ears babe." I say. "They're covered." She says. "DANIELLE I KNOW YOU'RE HERE SO GET YOUR GIRL OFF ME AND MINE." I yell before shutting my mouth and putting my head back on Mal's chest.

"Em get off them." I hear my sister say when she enters the room. Sonnett slowly gets off of us. "Thanks sis." I mumble. "You're welcome." She says. "But Ash and Ali do want you up so I suggest you should." She says causing me to groan. "Okay." I mumble and they leave the room.

Mal and I get up and take a quick shower. Once out and I have on my clothes, I want a hoodie, but I want a Mal hoodie so I go to her suitcase and grab a Colorado one. She walks out of the bathroom and chuckles when she sees me sitting on my bed with the hood of the hoodie up. "What?" I ask. "You're just so cute." She says. "Am I now?" I ask. "Yes, you are." She says. "Well this hoodie is mine now." I say. "Okay." She laughs. "Don't Ash and Ali want us downstairs?" She asks. "Oh yeah." I say so I get up and grab her hand then we head downstairs and to the living room.

"Morning lovebirds." Mom says. "Can we please stop being called lovebirds?" I ask. "Yes you can.... Maige." (A/n - Edited - ) Mom says so then I sigh as I sit down with Mal. "Ash leave the poor girls alone." Mama says. "Okay." Mom says. "Whipped." I hear someone whisper then followed with a smack so I look to see Sonnett rubbing her arm.

"So, our plans for today, Paige, we go somewhere every year on Christmas Eve, which we sometimes are at camp so we can't, right?" Mama says. "Yeah... Where this year?" I ask. "Universal Studios. We haven't been in a super long time so Ali and I thought we could go today. Which Danielle and Sonnett can obviously join us." Mom says. "That's awesome!" I say as I get excited. "So, go get what you need." Mama says. Mal and I go back upstairs to my room so we can get shoes and everything.

"You're so cute when you're excited." She says. "Well it's a rare moment you're gonna see." I say as I put on some Timberland boots, then grab an old WNT beanie I have which goes with the colors of Mal's hoodie I have on. I grab my wallet which is my wristlet and my phone. I grab my small vlog camera with a few back up batteries before grabbing a GoPro and a chest strap thing so I can wear it while on the Rip Ride Rockit. Mal puts on some Nike runners then grabs the things she needs.

"Babe don't forget sunglasses so we're not mobbed." Mal says. "Oh right." I say then grab my aviators from my desk. "You ready?" I ask. "Yeah, let's go." Mal says then we walk back downstairs.


We take Danielle's SUV to Universal. Good thing that Danielle and Sonnett are out as a couple and Mal and I have been hinting at our relationship for the fans.

"Good Morning everyone! Merry Christmas Eve, and welcome to my Christmas Special of 2019! This morning it's not just me since it's a family day obviously, and it I kinda odd that I am in the legitamate backseat of a car. Thats because I'm with... Mal." I say and Mal moves over closer to me so she's in the frame and waves. "Mom and Mama right here." I say and they turn and wave to the camera. "Then Danielle and, well she won't be happy if we don't give her the right introduction. So, give it up everyone, for the one, the only, Emily "Saucy" Sonnett." I say and she turns around and waves with a smile. "Thank you so, so much for that, wonderful, amazing introduction Miss Paige." "Don't push it Sonnett." I say and everyone laughs as I turn the camera back around. "So, anyways. We're on our way to Universal Studios to spend the day there and it's gonna be so fun! We'll see you then." I say and put my hand over the lense to do a transition.

Much to my dismay, Mal payed for my ticket, which that was also to my mom's dismay but honestly we all just laughed it off because it was funny. We got express passes and the park to park tickets for all of us.

Now that we're going into the park, we're getting our things searched by security, which we pass then we enter the park. I then pull my camera out again and start recording.

"So we're now in the park. It's quite crowded but I mean it is an amusement park so... Anyways." I say. "Where do you guys wanna go first?" Mama asked. "Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit." Sonnett, Mal, Mom, and I said at the same time. "Okay then." Danielle says causing herself and Mama to chuckle. "We'll do that then." Mama says so we then walk to it. Once we get to the front of the line because of our passes, I stop my camera and turn on my GoPro after putting my camera with my backpack in a locker thing.

Mal and I are in the front, with Emco (Danielle and Sonnett's ship name), and Mom's behind them, with another couple we don't know behind them. We soon begin to move and as we're going up, Mal and I get super excited. Right before we dropped from the top, Emily yells "LET'S DOOOOO IIIIIT!" We cheer all through the ride and it's so fun. But he'll it's fast. We slow down for a second before another small drop and I forgot how kinda scary it is.

"HOLY SHIIIIIT!" I yell and Mal laughs.

Once the ride stops, we get off and grab our things from the lockers. Once we have them, I pull my vlog camera back out and continue to vlog.

After a few hours, it's noon so we get some lunch before heading to Diagon Alley.

"Okay everyone, we're on our way to get our robes. Diagon Alley is sooo cool! I say. I then decide I'm gonna do like a scenic thing on the way to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions.

Once we arrive, we get our robes. I pay for Mal's and Mal pays for mine. I'm in Gryfindor so I got the crest on my robes as she just got the Hogwarts crest. Mom and Mama even got robes, as did Emily and Danielle. Danielle and I grew up reading the books. Danielle would read them to me as she read them when I was little, so I was introduced to the Wizarding World at a very young age.


"Now it's time for wands. Let see which wands we're gonna get. I'm also going to be getting a wand for Sam since she's big on the series as well, and that's gonna be my Christmas gift to her once we go to camp again." I say to the camera.

Once we get to Olivander's, we actually pretty quickly get our wands.

I buy the Elder Wand, Mal gets Hermione's, which I get Hermione's for Sam, Danielle got Harry's, while Mom got Bellatrix Lestrange's, Mamá got Luna Lovegood's, and literally not surprisingly, Sonnett got Voldemort's.

We're walking out of the store and we're now standing outside so we can talk for a second, and I pull out the camera.

"Honestly, we can't be surprised that Sonnett got Voldemort's wand. She is sometimes like Voldemort. Evil." I say as I have the camera pointed at her. "How am I Voldemort. I may act evil but do I look like him? No." She says. "Eh. You can when your super tired and grumpy." Mal says. "Rude. Also I have a nose of you haven't noticed." She says causing us to all laugh. "I'm also not GREEN." She exclaims. "Oh don't we just love messing with you?" Mal says.

Once we were done teasing Sonnett, we headed to 'King's Cross to board the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.

(A/N - Sorry this isn't written good at all. I have literally no idea how to write this chapter lmao so I'm just doing it)

Alright, so it's been a long, fun, and cool day. Now we just got back home. We all have taken showers and put on pajamas, or well not even pajamas just comfortable clothes because literally none of us care what we sleep in as long as it's comfortable.

I'm sitting in front of the fireplace on the floor as we all just sit and talk together. Danielle sits in front of me and we start having our own little conversation.

"It's our first Christmas together in a long time." She says. "Yep." I say and take a drink of my coffee. "I need memories." Danielle says as she pulls out her phone. I smile and she takes a few pictures. A few minutes later, my phone pings.

daniellejayco - First Christmas in a decade with my little sis (at (Wattpad messes up whenever I put the at for some reason)) pkharris. I've missed being with you and I'm glad we're back together. Love you baba❤️

I read it with a smile. "Hold on, both Mal and Paige have their phones out smiling.... Are you two being nasty?" Sonnett says. "No." Both Mal and I say. "My sister texted me." Mal says. "I'm looking at something Danielle just posted." I say. "Mhm." Sonnett hums. "Here is my proof." Mal says and shows Sonnett her phone. "And here's mine." I say carefully getting up because of my cup of coffee, then walk over to her, showing her that I'm on Instagram. "Hmm you could've just witched off of it." "Babe stop annoying them." Danielle says. "Fine." Sonnett says and we all laugh.

"Alright, it's getting late everyone." Mom says so I look at the time on my phone.


"Yeah." We all kinda echo then I take the last drink of my coffee. It was decaf and I'm super sleepy so I should go to sleep quickly. We all get up and say goodnight to each other before heading to our rooms.

Mal and I do our night routines before we get in bed. I grab my normal camera which is a Canon EOS M50 Mirrorless Camera. Mine looks like this:

I keep like a tripod thingy on it, that way I can carry it easier. Anyways, I begin filming so I can make like a clip.

"It is now like almost midnight if not past, and it's time for bed. It was an exhausting day today but it was filled with family time so, we'll see you in the morning." I say and cut the filming before setting it on my bedside table and laying down. Mal walks out of the bathroom and gets in bed. I cuddle into her and put my head in the crook of her neck.

"Goodnight. Love you." She whispers. "Love you too." I mumble then I fall asleep.

I'm woken up by soft kisses on my head, causing me to stir a bit. "Morning." Mal says. "Morning." I say rubbing my eyes before I open them. I'm met with my beautiful, smiling girlfriend. "Merry Christmas." I say, returning a smile. "Merry Christmas, Paigey." She says and we sit up before sharing a small kiss. "I say we get up before someone barges in here." Mal says. "Yes that'd be great." I say and we both share a small laugh before getting up.

We both get dressed into black Nike Joggers, and a longsleeve, red shirt that says Merry Christmas on it. We decided we'd match. I grab my camera and we leave the room. We sneak down the hall to the guest room that Danielle and Sonnett are in. I quietly open the door and we walk in. I already started filming. I set the camera on the dresser in the room and it has a great angle of the bed.

"Three, two, one." I mouth to Mal and we jump onto the bed, mainly getting payback on Sonnett.

"IT CHRISTMAS SONNETT." Mal yells and she pushes me off the bed thinking I'm Mal. "Ow." I say as I hit the floor. "I'm not Mal Dasani." I say and laugh. She mumbles something as I stand back up. Danielle's literally still asleep. "Karma's a bitch." I say to Sonnett. "Saucy Sonny it's time to get up." Mal says. "I'm going back to sleep." She says. "No you're not. Come on." We hear another voice from the door. It's Mom. Sonnett groans causing us to laugh as Danielle is still asleep. I grab my camera off the dresser. "I'll get her you all." I say and everyone else leaves the room. "See ya in a few guys." I say to the camera and stop recording before setting it down and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"El." I say as I shake her shoulder slightly, no answer. "Danielle." I say, still no answer. "El?" I say. Wait is she even breathing? Yep she's breathing. I don't remember her being this deep of a sleeper. "Danielle." I say and shake her pretty hard. That got her to stir. "You good?" I ask. "Hm?" She hums as she sits up and stretches. "Are you good? You were in quite a deep sleep." I say. "Yeah I'm good. I was tired from yesterday." She says. "Oh, okay." I say. "Well it's time to get up." I say. "Okay, I'll be down in a few." She says. "Okay." I say and get up, grabbing my camera and walking towards the door. "Wait, Paige." She says, causing me to turn around. "Yeah?" I ask. "Merry Christmas." She says. I keep forgetting that we haven't been together this whole last decade. "Merry Christmas." I say with a small smile before leaving the room and heading downstairs.

The rest of the morning was spent opening gifts and just being with each other. It was great to have Danielle here for Christmas, especially with it being our first Christmas in a decade together. I finished the vlog, edited it, and uploaded it. Then we all spent the rest of the day watching movies and communicating.


A/N - Sorry this chapter took so long to update. Also, if you'd please go to my message board and read I think my latest post. I can't remember if I posted something else or not but if you'd please look at it.

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