《Bnha gay oneshots》Bakudeku/Todokiri


No one's pov

Todoroki knew about Kirishima's crush on Bakugou. They would often talk about it while hanging out together. Todoroki would often give Kirishima good advice on the matter. But one day, something happened that broke Kiri's heart and soul right then and there.

He walked into class, his usual cheery, sunny self and was making his way over to Bakugou to say good morning like usual but he saw something he wasn't prepared for. There was Midoriya, leaning over and kissing Bakugou and Bakugou. Kissing. Back.

He felt like collapsing on his knees and crying his eyes out but he was manly and not weak so he dealt with the aching pain in his heart and put on a fake smile, walking over to his crush. "Hey Bakugou!" He said (fake) smiling. "Hey shitty hair". That hurt Kiri more than it ever had before. "Soooo~ what's up with you and Midoriya?" He managed to say, covering up his negative emotions. "We started dating cause the nerd liked me and I liked him back no big deal" he said with slight venom in his words. "Mind your own business shitty hair". Damn. That pushed Kiri over the edge. He smiled back chuckling dryly and with tears threatening to spill from his eyes, he turned and ran out the door to the bathroom. He bumped into Todoroki as he left the classroom but didn't have time to stop. He slammed the bathroom stall door shut and started breathing heavily, crying rivers from his eyes and sobbing into his knees as he slid down the wall. Todoroki walked into the bathroom after following Kiri, worriedly. He heard the poor boy sobbing in the stall and knocked on the door. However Kirishima couldn't hear him knocking and continued breathing heavily. Todoroki decided to freeze the door and break it down. He held the crying boy close saying comforting words. "It's ok. You're safe, I'm here now. Focus on my breathing". After a bit of time, kiri managed to calm down and his breathing returned to normal. The tears just kept coming though. "You want to tell me what brought this on?" Todoroki asked.


"I-I saw B-b-bakugou and -M-Midoriya kiss in the c-classroom and when I asked h-he said they were

d-d-dating" Kiri said between sobs and hiccups. Todoroki just sat him on his lap and rubbed his back comforting him until he felt a weight on his chest after realising he fell asleep with his face in Todoroki's shoulder.

Later on, Todoroki went to get food for him and Kiri who refused to come out his room and as he entered the kitchen area, he saw Midoriya and Bakugou making out. Bakugou looked over to see who came in and when he did,Todoroki gave him a dirty look, grabbing the food and walking out.

After Kiri and Todoroki are their food, they decided to watch a film together. They ended up curled up with Kiri curled up in Todoroki's arms and Kiri's head on his chest. They both slept soundly through the night and woke up to the sun shining through the slightly open curtains. They looked at each other only just realising the position they were in.

Blushing, Kiri rushed to get up and Todoroki lifted himself up on his elbows only for their lips the accidentally collide in the fumbling duo's movements. They were startled by it at first but they never pulled back. After a few seconds, Todoroki cupped Kiri's face and continued to kiss him. Kirishima kissed back after getting lost in the moment. They broke away to breathe after a few minutes after just stared at each other. One with love in his eyes for the red head and the other with happiness instead of the sadness shown in them the previous day. "I love you Kiri" Todoroki whispered softly. "Kirishima just looked at him and said "I love you too,Shoto" he smiled brightly. The two spent the rest of the day in the common room cuddling on the sofa and talking with the rest of the bakusquad and dekusquad.

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