《The dark hiding in the light {KiriBakuKami}》Chapter 8


Midoriya POV

Something about kacchan seemed off. He looked like a deer starring at head lights... except he was the deer and the transfer student was the headlights. "Uraraca-san does something about kacchan seem off to you?" I asked her with a concerned look. "Yeah he looks like a deer on headlights"she answered "that's what I was thinking!"I said starting to ramble on again "Deku your rambling again" uraraca~san said waving her hand in front of my face "oh I'm sorry I was rambling wasn't I?"I asked rubbing the back of my neck feeling my face heat up a little

"it's okay deku!"she started "let's head back to class,based his on these results we're gonna have a new classmate" she said looking at the arena which had smashed and melted robots everywhere. uraraka started to walk back to class,with one glance back to were kacchan used to be sitting,i fallowed uraraca.

Kiri POV

That was awesome! I was zooming everywhere!and the dumb struck look on the hero's faces! That was the best thing I've seen in my life! Second to the charred Kuroshio,now that's what I call stand up comedy. I started walking out of the arena to were I was supposed to meet nezu,asiwa,and mic.

Deku POV

"Uraraca-San?"I asked "yeah deku" "I'm gonna go to the washroom I'll see you in class okay?" "Kk bye Deku!"she said and started skipping Down the hallway toward the classroom.I started walking down the hall way to the washroom but heard kacchan's deep beautiful voice talking to someone. I peeked my head around the corner to see kacchan standing in front of the transfer student, ...kirishima...I think his name was, whom was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. I couldn't hear barley anything. I watched as kacchan grabbed one of the transfer students hands and kissed it. What was that guy doing to kacchan! Does he have some sort of mind manipulation quark also?!I know kacchan wouldn't just kiss someone's hand like that! I calmed down and watched kacchan and the transfer student. I watched as the transfer student pecked kacchan's cheek,hugged him and walked off to find principle nezu.

Bakugou POV

I watched as kirishima walked away to find the dumb ass rat principal and started day dreaming only to be snapped out of my thoughts by hearing Deku sliding around the corner screaming the horrid nickname he gave me. "THE FUCK DO YOU WANT DEKU!" I screamed causing Deku to stop in his tracks and Kiri to fly back around the corner "Katsuki Bakugou stop yelling at your friends and be nice!"I heard Kiri yell. No matter how much it pissed me off to hear him call stupid Deku my friend I had no choice but to role my eyes obey him cause,I hate to admit it,he's stronger than I am. "What-fucking-ever." I said in a bored tone I watched as kirishima's face turn from a stern look to a smile before he walked back around the corner. I flipped shitty Deku off before walking past him toward the classroom.


Kirishima pov

"So can you mabey tell us why you have the same first and last name as the kid reported missing and is now suspected as a new villain or do we need to just arrest you right here?" The sleep deprived hero asked me in a threatening voice "wow dude chill thinking of my brother touka!" I said trying to defend myself "keep talking" asawa said. "As you may or may not know my parents drink and do drugs a lot, I moved out soon before touka ran off, I got a job somewhere so I had money to pay for an apartment,so I was living there, sense my parents drink and do drugs a lot they would get me and my brothers names mixed up a lot sometimes they would get so high they wouldn't even know where they were or what their own names were so that's why they probably reported me missing instead of touka, if they find touka now only night eye or the great gods know what they'll do to him so he's probably better off where he is know he may have ran to a different country for heck sake."I said a little shook up ( yes I know touka is from Tokyo ghoul just random cross over shit okay don't judge me!) "all right,let is converse then we will make our decision" I let out a huff of releaf

About ten minutes later they came up with their decision "you can start tomorrow but you still need to design your costume and hero name you also have a couple more tests tomorrow"

I heard nezu speak in his soft squeaky voice "I already have that covered sir" I said handing him a piece of paper with a sketch of my costume and hero name on it. Nezu looked shook sense i all ready had it but shrugged it off. I will have a uniform ready fore you as well as a gym uniform by tomorrow you can come in to get it when you get here just wear your casual clothing and you can change in the locker room in the morning. little two many details but what ever. "yes sir!" i said giving him a sharp smile (see what i did there) "your dismissed" I walked out of the room surprised by how stupid hero's can be at points they need smarts the most. I started to walk around the school looking at classroom after classroom memorizing halls and escape routes if needed.


Next thing I knew I was thrown against a wall and slid down onto my rear knees tucked by my chest. I looked up at my attacker to see green eyes, fluffy green hair and freckles. "Wait he's the kid that was with all might when me and bakugou were caught in the alley months ago!" I thought "what did you do to kacchan!?"he asked in a threatening voice

"Who?"I asked "bakugou!"he screamed at me

"Look I'm not looking for trouble on my first day so please let me get up

And we can forget this ever happ-

"ANDWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" I curled into a tight ball,memories flashing through my mind like some sort of PowerPoint. I peaked up at him,my body shaking,to see red lines all over his body. I watched him raise his fist getting ready to hit me as hard as possible. I curled into the tightest ball I could manage and instinctively turned on my hardening quark preparing for impact.

"Deku"said a husky familiar voice.

"K-kacchan it's not what it looks like."

"Fuck off"I heard the familiar male push away "Deku" and come over to me

He grabbed my arm and tried to pull it away.i frantically shook my head trying to hold onto myself. "Kirishima it's me your boyfriend..."Bakugou said gently

I turned off my quark and slowly let go of myself. About halfway uncurled I suddenly jumped into bakugou's lap, wrapped my legs around his waist, tucked my head into his chest. He slowly stood up careful not to drop me and stared at "deku" "if your trying to be a hero deku" he started snarling at him "you can't go around bullying you childhood friends boyfriends." I nuzzled my head farther into his chest.

"Kacchan I.."

"No... fuck off Deku and don't try to talk to me or kirishima again... EVER." Bakugou walked past the so called deku to a exit to the side of the school. He sat under one of the many cherry blossom trees and tried to put me down.I shook my head and sniffed signaling I was crying despite his damp blouse. "Bakugou I'm scared every time I go to a school something like that happens I'm afraid nothing is ever gonna change,that I can't escape the abuse my body has indured...I don't know what to do...I JUST FEEL LIKE GIVING UP... I can't take this anymore,I think I wanna die young,bakugou..."

Mama Mina POV

Midoriya was the last person to enter the class room. He looked depressed,like he cried earlier "what's wrong Deku?" Choco asked him worried

"Kacchan is mad at me...I don't think he wants to be my friend anymore..."

"What do you mean midoriya?" Iida asked flailing his arms around like normal

"I don't want to talk about it"

"You didn't come out to him did you?!"I asked semi yelling

"No far from it" he answered sitting down into his seat as sensei walked into the classroom. What ever midoriya did I'll pry it from bakugou

Bakugou POV

"I think I wanna die young,bakugou..."

I clutched onto kirishima squeezing his shoulders.

"You don't want to die young ei you have way to much to live for just hold on a little longer...for me...please"I pleaded

"I'll try.."he said meekly

He looked up at me with a small smile

"Wanna burn our names into the tree?"he asked with a smirk he lit his pinky with his blue fire like a lighter and wrote "Kiri" and looked at me with a toothy grin I took his wrist and burned "Baku" under Kiri and put a X between them. he smiled at me.

"Well you gotta get to class and I gotta get back to "work" so see you later" he said before walking off back around the school. I shoved my hands back into my pockets and walked back inside.



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